The whole attraction deserves a major refurbishment that features updated Audio-Animatronics.
Load Scene - Hollywood Soundstage - KEEP
Scene 1 - Footlight Parade - REPLACE with tribute to silents films, especially Laurel and Hardy & Charlie Chaplin.
Scene 2 - Singin' in the Rain - KEEP
Scene 3 - Mary Poppins - KEEP
Scene 4 - Public Enemy/Underworld/Gangster Tribute - KEEP
Scene 5 - Western Tribute - KEEP
Scene 6 - Alien - REPLACE with an either Star Wars or an updated Sci-Fi thriller
Scene 7 - Indiana Jones - KEEP
Scene 8 - Ancient Mummy Tomb - KEEP
Scene 9 - Horror/Monster Tribute - KEEP
Scene 10 - Tarzan - REPLACE with Wily Wonka with Gene Wilder singing Pure Imagination in the Chocolate Room
Scene 11 - Casablanca - KEEP
Scene 12 - Fantasia - REPLACE with either Titanic "King of the World" scene or Lion King "Circle of Life/Raising Simba Up" scene
Scene 13a - Wizard of Oz - KEEP
Scene 13b - Wizard of Oz - KEEP
Movie Montage Scene - UPDATE (Wikipedia has the list of films from the final montage:
-Three Men & A Baby
-Trading Places
ADD or REPLACE with a scene from:
-Lord of the Rings
-Toy Story
-Dark Knight
-Jurassic Park
-Harry Potter
Also update/add/replace notable actors/actresses segment of the montage with updated stars along with some of the existing footage.
That's my 2 cents.
It would bring the attraction into the current decade while still remaining very true to opening day.