Great Movie Ride to Close?


Well-Known Member
Casablanca is a classic. It was included for many reasons but obviously for Bogart. Considered one of the finest actors of the Golden Age and even today. Actually, if you want your heart broken check out Petrified Forest. Bogie, Bette Davis, and Leslie Howard at their finest. Yeah, if you see my earlier post, my grandma was right. Leslie Howard is a dream.

You would just have to look up Busby Berkeley because of his prolific work and what he did for that time. Actually, the extremely disciplined people he worked with and what he was able to do choreographing large numbers of people. I heard Judy Garland worked extremely hard with him. He was no nonsense and then some. Have you seen the Great Muppet Caper? True, a bit Esther Williams too and other influences, but check out Miss Piggy's number with Charles Grodin. It ties in with Busby Berkeley. James Cagney was also in Footlight. He is also represented in the ride with The Public Enemy.

The Searchers, John Wayne, and Westerns are cross-generational. Western in general is a big part of our history, and a big part of the movies over decades and decades. But even to get another perspective/facet. Check out the Quiet Man. John Wayne was amazing.


Well-Known Member
Casablanca is a classic. It was included for many reasons but obviously for Bogart.

Might I add that one of the most famous movies quotes ever is from Casablanca (even though the quote is a little mangled): "Play it again, Sam". Bogart actually said "Play it, Sam". And please, let's not forget the incomparable Ingrid Bergman and one of the greatest, Claude Rains. Can you tell I love that movie?


Well-Known Member
How long has it been that the movie montage at the end has been revised? The most recent movie that I can recall is the first Narnia movie -- which was what, 2005? Sure, there might be an issue with including Marvel films, but how hard is it to replace a couple of new clips now and then? It should be updated at least every other year, but that's the current state of TDO for you.

What's really shocking is that they haven't even thrown in a Frozen clip into the mix!


Premium Member
How long has it been that the movie montage at the end has been revised? The most recent movie that I can recall is the first Narnia movie -- which was what, 2005? Sure, there might be an issue with including Marvel films, but how hard is it to replace a couple of new clips now and then? It should be updated at least every other year, but that's the current state of TDO for you.

What's really shocking is that they haven't even thrown in a Frozen clip into the mix!

If this list on Wikipedia is correct, then yes ,The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe from 2005 is the latest movie.


Well-Known Member
Scrap the hat. Feature the original facade as just that or possibly place a small shop/attraction in the queue area. Add an attraction entrance on the opposite side of the building. Repurpose the building with new e-ticket either themed to SW or Pixar.

Call it a potter swatter and laugh all the way to the bank.

Uh, No. Just No.

No sorry I've just never heard of any of those three. I'm in the U.K maybe they're not as popular over here.

If you seriously have never heard of Casablanca, you need (a) to get out of the cave more, and (b) pay a visit to and download the movie. Immediately if not sooner.

The BAH should be relocated to Pop Century Resort.

Pop Century is already guilty of "crimes against fiberglass" with its tacky oversized icon theming (I use the word 'theme' loosely) and 'Do the Funky Chicken' lettering. There is no need to compound the crime with that hat.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
If you seriously have never heard of Casablanca, you need (a) to get out of the cave more, and (b) pay a visit to and download the movie. Immediately if not sooner.

I've heard of Casablanca. Haven't watched it. Don't have a desire to either.. Or any of the movies in GMR for that matter. Except Indiana Jones.. Which I don't personally care for that movie series either. But I'm "that" generation, so I don't have a say in what goes. o-o


Well-Known Member
Might I add that one of the most famous movies quotes ever is from Casablanca (even though the quote is a little mangled): "Play it again, Sam". Bogart actually said "Play it, Sam". And please, let's not forget the incomparable Ingrid Bergman and one of the greatest, Claude Rains. Can you tell I love that movie?

You beat me to it. I was going to include the quote, but I didn't. I was also going to put, "Here's looking at you, kid."

But I love Claude Rains. He is brilliant in everything he did.


Well-Known Member
I've heard of Casablanca. Haven't watched it. Don't have a desire to either.. Or any of the movies in GMR for that matter. Except Indiana Jones.. Which I don't personally care for that movie series either. But I'm "that" generation, so I don't have a say in what goes. o-o
The Public Enemy
The Searchers
Mary Poppins
The Wizard of Oz

You really should make an effort to see some of those, especially the last four. No excuse for someone of "that" generation, either.

And you haven't seen Raiders either.... ugh. And no, you don't really get a say in what's a classic movie or not. I'm not old myself (almost 19), but I recognize that not all great films are from the last 10-15 years. Some even date back to the 1920s or earlier. GMR shows film history from its beginnings to the present - it's not meant to be the latest hits. It points out films that stand the test of time - hence, why Raiders, Wizard of Oz, Casablanca, Fantasia and Mary Poppins will always be on there. They're all classics at this point.


Well-Known Member
I love the GMR. I just think it's misunderstood as being outdated, kind of like CoP. It's meant to represent old Hollywood, classic Hollywood.
Yes, by all means update the technology and perhaps add a 'new', 'classic' movie into the mix, but as others have said, it's the soul of the park. You remove GMR, you might as well shut down the park.


Well-Known Member
The Public Enemy
The Searchers
Mary Poppins
The Wizard of Oz

You really should make an effort to see some of those, especially the last four. No excuse for someone of "that" generation, either.

And you haven't seen Raiders either.... ugh. And no, you don't really get a say in what's a classic movie or not. I'm not old myself (almost 19), but I recognize that not all great films are from the last 10-15 years. Some even date back to the 1920s or earlier. GMR shows film history from its beginnings to the present - it's not meant to be the latest hits. It points out films that stand the test of time - hence, why Raiders, Wizard of Oz, Casablanca, Fantasia and Mary Poppins will always be on there. They're all classics at this point.

You are being too kind in your reply. First, congrats on exploring the 100+ years of film that occurred and discovering that stuff happened before you were born. Many your age don't. Second, I feel sorry for the person you are trying to get to expand their horizons. I was in my late teens when I discovered old movies and music. Glad I did. There was some amazing stuff out there and it's when I really started to appreciate Disney. Thanks again for trying and congrats on opening up your mind to new/old things. Just wanted to say that.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Had this conversation before, but Ill mention it again. I can be considered part of "that" generation, but GMR developed my love of movies. Without GMR, I wouldnt have discovered the true classics like Casablanca or The Public Enemy.
Because of GMR I actually watched The Public Enemy when I saw it was on TV while flipping through the guide. I watched it beginning to end but it didn't really do anything for me, don't know why. At least I gave it a chance.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
The Public Enemy
The Searchers
Mary Poppins
The Wizard of Oz

You really should make an effort to see some of those, especially the last four. No excuse for someone of "that" generation, either.

And you haven't seen Raiders either.... ugh. And no, you don't really get a say in what's a classic movie or not. I'm not old myself (almost 19), but I recognize that not all great films are from the last 10-15 years. Some even date back to the 1920s or earlier. GMR shows film history from its beginnings to the present - it's not meant to be the latest hits. It points out films that stand the test of time - hence, why Raiders, Wizard of Oz, Casablanca, Fantasia and Mary Poppins will always be on there. They're all classics at this point.

Now I've seen Mary Poppins and The Wizard of Oz. And I said I've seen Indiana Jones.. I've never been able to sit through the entire Fantasia, it was pretty boring to me. Same with Alien.

Everything else though, mehh.. I've never even heard of those top two. Never seen Singing in the Rain or the original Tarzan, never seen Casablanca.. They just don't look that interesting to me. Sorry. d:

And I just asked all my friends which if these they've seen and my responses were.. "I saw Mary Poppins when I was like 5 I think..." and "OOOO!!! I've seen the Wizard of Oz! James Franco was amazing!" xP

My favorite response was.. "Raiders sounds familiar.."
Me: "It's Indiana Jones."
Them: "Why didn't you just say that?"


Well-Known Member
Now I've seen Mary Poppins and The Wizard of Oz. And I said I've seen Indiana Jones.. I've never been able to sit through the entire Fantasia, it was pretty boring to me. Same with Alien.

Everything else though, mehh.. I've never even heard of those top two. Never seen Singing in the Rain or the original Tarzan, never seen Casablanca.. They just don't look that interesting to me. Sorry. d:

And I just asked all my friends which if these they've seen and my responses were.. "I saw Mary Poppins when I was like 5 I think..." and "OOOO!!! I've seen the Wizard of Oz! James Franco was amazing!" xP

My favorite response was.. "Raiders sounds familiar.."
Me: "It's Indiana Jones."
Them: "Why didn't you just say that?"

Older movies are usually long because they're based on the lengths of live plays (Casablanca), Broadway musicals (Singin' in the Rain), epics (Alien), or live symphonies (Fantasia). People had longer attention spans back then, too. Plus they read more and didn't mind waiting for a plot to be established.

Break the movies up over a day or two. You'll be glad you watched them. There's a reason the best modern movie makers study the classics: they were made before Wall Street controlled Hollywood, and the quality of writing and visual creativity are still unsurpassed. Special effects, on the other hand, are much better now.

EDIT: For example, modern horror movies use graphic gore for scares. Classics used camera angles, high contrast black and white (or color), and music to create dread, and rarely showed much gore—and are widely considered more effective.
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