Well-Known Member
A fully automated system comes and goes on its own. Wheelchair bound users must board in this timeframe without assistance. As it is now, wheelchair guests using the Walt Disney World Monorail System require assistance from a Cast Member who must place down a ramp which allows them to board.
It is an elevation change, not a gap. It is not an insurmountable problem, as the M-VI monorails do not have this elevation change, but I doubt it is an issue Disney wants to pay to modify. I assume this is why the driver position is being kept. It seems that Disney currently tries to pack wheelchairs into as few cars as possible, which means they require more time to load and unload, plus the time required to set up the ramps. I do not think a fully automated system would be bad, just do not see it likely that Disney wants to pay for all of the required upgrades.
all they would need to do is pour some concrete to raise the platform level at a few of the gates and have signs that say "Guests using Wheelchairs and ECVs please use cars 3,4, or 5" or something of the likes. It's only a few inches difference. Some engineers could figure it out quickly and easily I'm sure.