Giving out your "not gonna be used" FastPasses


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Im sure a lot of you have had the opportunity to give someone your fastpasses you would not be useing for one reason or another. What was your favorite moment? For us we had 4 fastpasses to RRC for 9pm but our son was feeling under weather and we thought it best to go back to room. I started scoping around for group of 3 or 4 but wanted to give it to a family not all adults or teens etc. We hit jackpot. There was a family of 4 )mom/dad/2 little kids looked to be around 6o or 7) and they were just balling away( not screaming or I would of looked elsewhere) but just soooo sad that their mom/dad wouldn't wait in the 90 min line. And the parents were trying to convince them to go on another ride. I had my wife go up to the mom and said excuse me we have these 4 tix we would not be able to use etc and would they like to use them? The kids started jumping and smiling and the mom just gave such a sincere thank you. we watched as they all headed to FP line holding hands and smiling away...LOVED IT!.....Oh and son ended up being fine once we got him back to room and cooled off.


Well-Known Member
Everytime we've tried to give them to someone they had no idea what they were or how they worked.

Now we just pitch 'em in the trash on the way out.


Well-Known Member
Love doing this. Now my daughter and I debate who gets to give them away each time.

I have encountered many people who have no idea what they are!


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We had four FP's to splash mountain.... we had a long day and had already been on twice earlier in the day. We were headed over to BTM and saw a family of four (mom, dad, and two sons - probably 7 and 9) and the que was 90 minutes. The kids were clearly upset that the line was so long! We handed them to their mom and the kids just brightened up and dad was so thankful for us.


Well-Known Member
We has our fasspass with one use left that we has gotten on our DVC tour. We ran out of time to use all four passes so on our way back to our room to we ran across a faimly of, dad and 2 kids in strollers. I stopped them and asked if they were headed to a park (these could be used at any park and any ride) and that we had these 4 fast pass for anything at any park and would they like them. They were very excited and thanked me more than once!!!! I love the feeling of making someone day like that.


New Member
Whenever I offer some, they either say no thanks or they dont know what it is, so now we just keep them for souvineers. But, in May when we went to Disney (we are a family of four), we got offered 4 fastpasses for Soarin', and four fastpasses for Splash Mountain, and gladly said yes :)


Well-Known Member
I have been both a giver and a receiver of FP. Although it was WONDERFUL to receive them, nothing beats making someones day when you randomly give them away. :)


New Member
We were at the studios during the year of a million dreams and got dream fastpasses ( 1 pass for each fastpass attraction for anytime that day) Our son was ready to leave so we found a family of three to give them to. Our son still talks about making someones trip better and tries to help someone every trip.


New Member
We love doing this as well...our ultimate experience was during the year of a million dreams. Earlier in our week, we had been given fastpasses by a CM who said he was sprinkling pixie dust to unexpecting families and we were lucky to be at the right place, right time. Towards the end of our vacation week, we decided to "sprinkle" some pixie dust of our own when we had the opportunity to give away our Soarin' fastpasses. My DH had gotten fastpasses earlier in the day but as it got closer to our time, we were all tired (we had been up early b/c of EMH and this was much later in the day) & we didn't feel like waiting any longer. Because we had been lucky enough to ride Soarin' quite a bit during the week, we all decided to give them away and we let the kids choose a family. They came across a family of 4, it was their first time in Disney and they didn't realize the wait this particular ride had. The kids were so dissapointed (borderline ready to cry) when the parents told them they would have to come back another day to try & just as they were getting ready to leave, I went up to them & handed our fastpasses. I explained what they were and told them to enjoy. The mom had tears in her eyes & the father, I think, he was just shocked. They were all so thankful and as we walked away, I heard the father say something about how there were still good people in this world...I have to admit, we all felt pretty darn good - my kids still talk about that moment! :)


Well-Known Member
I would love to be able to get like 500 FP's that are good for any ride and just be at the parks passing them out all day to families.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I would love to be able to get like 500 FP's that are good for any ride and just be at the parks passing them out all day to families.:sohappy:

It would be interesting to say the least.

I think the last time we tried two of the people thought we were selling something and ran away.

If nothing else it would give you a chance to brush up on your foreign language skills.


For those of you who can't find someone to take them (or are too shy to give them to a stranger), I suggest leaving them on top of a fastpass machine instead of throwing them out. I found unused fastpasses for Space Mountain on top of a fastpass machine for BTMR that someone else had left, and it really made my day.


Well-Known Member
For those of you who can't find someone to take them (or are too shy to give them to a stranger), I suggest leaving them on top of a fastpass machine instead of throwing them out. I found unused fastpasses for Space Mountain on top of a fastpass machine for BTMR that someone else had left, and it really made my day.

That's a good idea. Or if the ride has sold out of FP for the day and you're near the ride, look for people who are coming over to get FP. We gave away 2 for Space Mountain last month as we had just ridden it and wanted to go see MSEP. If we only have 1 extra, which sometimes happens, we keep them for our photo albums.


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We have been on both ends of the spectrum ourselves. The last time we gave them out to someone, we gave TSMM-since we couldn't make it due to a sleepy one and a half year old-to a family who was riding for the first time and standing in line. There was no reason we gave it to them other than we heard them debating on skipping it all together since the line was always to long and fastpasses were never available. So we handed them over. Loved the reaction we made missing the ride all right. After all I know we will be back.
On the last day of my trip in June we got Soarin FP's.. Unfortunately it was pushing close to the ME bus time so on the way out I gave the pair of FP's to a nice couple who basically hugged me for giving them the tickets..


Well-Known Member
I can't recall a time when I've given away fastpasses, I don't think I have, and never really try to. Usually I try and keep them and use them later or for another day/trip or something, but I have received plenty of fastpasses from strangers though.
I can't recall a time when I've given away fastpasses, I don't think I have, and never really try to. Usually I try and keep them and use them later or for another day/trip or something, but I have received plenty of fastpasses from strangers though.
Just curious, how are you able to use them on another day/trip?


Well-Known Member
We've both received and given away fastpasses. The best one we received was for Space Mountain. A family had dinner reservations that they were leaving the park for and happened to stop us near Space Mountain and offered them to us. We were most grateful because at the time there was quite a long line for the ride so it saved us a boring wait. We always give away any fastpasses that we have if we are leaving the park and have some left. I think the best one we gave away was for Thunder Mountain on a day when it was packed. But before we leave WDW for good I always bring some unused ones home to add to my wall display.

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