Girls in princess dresses at parks


Well-Known Member
daveemtdave said:
Ok, I will go the opposite route. I am a parent of two girls and both HATE dressing up. Never liked it. I do believe parents have a lot to say on this matter; how else would the child have the outfit. Last time I check most four year olds clothes are bought by mom and dad or some kind hearted relative.
I just gotta agree with this - there is no way that my two daughters would have dressed up in the princess dresses at that age either - their choice not mine. At that age it IS the parents who purchase the clothes and usually dress the child. At the end of the day - the child may wish to dress up while meeting their favouite princess, but having done that I'm afraid that the clothing just isn't practical for a day around the parks


New Member
As a mother of two girls, you can set rules, but at the end of the day you have to choose your battles. Dressing up like a princess turns out to be minor in the end. The first year I didn't plan to well with my then 2 year old. But she got over it quickly at that age. When turning 3, I packed the one Halloween outfit and she wore it several times that trip, thus getting more of the value out of it than just one Halloween. At four, I got smart and shopped at Walmart for the cheaper outfits and she was a smash hit and enjoyed the attention.

I stand firm on the accessories. Still wear tennis shoes or sandles and the tiara, wand, gloves, etc are only used for the Halloween party. In the end they make their own choices when they get too hot. I always take an extra set of clothes and of course, after the first two rides, she quickly changed. Sometimes you just have to let them make their own harmless mistakes and support their learning. Now my youngest really isn't into Princesses, so time will tell if she copies her sister or not. Her choice. I don't push, but am also not going to listen to screaming, whiny children on and expensive vacation over a cheap dress that will make them happy.

Choosing battles, that is what it turns out to be. You can really find some nice cheaper outfits at Walmart, or substitute some cheaper night gowns that are almost like dresses. Now brushing their teeth morning, noon and night...that is the battle I choose to pick :animwink:


Active Member
tigsmom said:
When you are a mom get back to me. :lol:

Little girls love Princesses and that is why the outfits are so popular. If my 10 y/o could still fit into one she would wear it all the time. Kids don't care if it hot or cold, sunny or raining, they will fight to wear what they want and if its WDW and they have a princess dress handy (along with all the accesories) then that is what they will wear.

Again Tigsmom you are right on the money. :sohappy: It's WDW for pete's sake, the original poster should lighten up a little. I learned very quickly as a father of 2 that if everthing is covered up, you're set to go. My little one has dressed now as Jasmine and Mulan. It made her day when the characters made her feel like a princess and commented on the way she was dressed.

I even think the grown-ups that wear all the silly hats are OK! Who's forcing them?


New Member
Original Poster
"It's WDW for pete's sake, the original poster should lighten up a little."

Um, I believe I started the post saying that I wasn't being critical. It was just a question I've always wondered about. I'm sure we all know parents who try to live out their unfufilled childhood through their children. I've never spent the day at the parks with a little girl dressed up like that to know about them getting all that extra attention and everything. I can definitely see why they would want to. My friend is in her 30s and was tickled pink by the attention she got for the "it's my birthday" button. Bravo to the parents who are on the ball and bring clothes for them to change into if they so choose. I want to be a mom like you one day when I grow up :)


New Member
We are making reservations for Cinderella's breakfast for our 1st full day. Our 5 year old wants to wear her Cinderella so she and Cinderella can be twins. We plan on packing shorts and a tshirt in our backpack that day so she can change....


Well-Known Member
My oldest two have outgrown wearing their princess dresses. :cry: But the two younger ones still wear them. :) I will let them wear whatever accessories they want, except shoes. WDW is hard enough on soft, small feet without adding uncomfortable shoes. They don't seem to mind them as far as being too hot or uncomfortable. Sometimes they are a bit itchy inside, but we figure that out at home, and then put a tank top underneath to fix that problem. :)


My four year old askes to wear hers to the bank, grocery, or to the local park. When she knows we will be meeting other princess (not to mention going to the castle) she begs to be dressed up too.



Well-Known Member
Ringo8n24 said:
My daughter would wear her princess dresses 24 hours a day if she could. I have always read to let them choose their outfits as much as they can so that they can develop their own style when they are older. As for a child wearing it and it is 90 degrees outside, I agree with the others who say you have to be a parent of daughter who loves the princess dresses to understand. It literally breaks her heart when we tell her she cannot wear it. It gets tough, so if she wants to wear it at WDW...I feel what a great place to express her love of the princess. :)

thank you...perfectly the mother of 2 girls...3 years apart, all the princess dresses and other chracters costumes can be handed down and have been..and yes we always bring a change of clothes any way regardless if they are in costume or know how kids are ....but yes the rules are a little different in disney...we are on vaction...between bedtimes being off schedule and eating differently than at me if my daughters want to wear a princess outfit go ahead..knock yourself out... we are in disney....if they want to change , the clothes are in the biggie..


Well-Known Member
i think that princess dresses are more than appropriate at is so nice to see the look on a little girl's face when her princess of choice notices the matching outfit. :) very cute indeed! i really enjoy seeing that :D

now...wearing a princess dress and all the accessories to the grocery store or to the mall? that to me is a bit of a stretch.

(slight off topic...i had a kid come into Pottery Barn wearing a Spiderman costume, mask and everything...found it a bit odd)


New Member
CM's are so fun when the girls dress, too... my daughter wore a Minnie-esque dress w/ her mouse ears and the CM's kept saying things like, "Hi, Minnie... we weren't expecting you today!" and "Hello Minnie... how's Mickey?", etc. She LOVED the attention. :^) Happy kids are what WDW is all about!



New Member
I have no problem with the little ones dressing up in Disney as the princesses = especially if they are going to the special dinners. I know my girls would have killed us had we done that to them. I know this for a fact because I just asked them. My point was, if there was no dress - the girls would have just as good a time. Someone bought the dress and gave it to them - whether it be a Halloween costume or bought from the Disney store itself.

I know some friends of ours bought their little one a Belle outfit - COMPLETE - Belle outfit down in Disney. Spent over $200.00 for one outfit. I guess I am a CHEAP PARENT because there is no way in heck I would spend that much on one outfit. My girls prom dresses didn't even come close to that. She wore it to our local Halloween party and when she didn't win for best costume, she started screaming and crying. Her mom came up to me (I was the judge) and said - 'you know how much that outfit cost me and she looks just like Belle' = the mom was upset so the child got upset. She didn't win because out of 25 children in that age bracket, there were others who were cuter or more creapy - take your choice.


New Member
Its common to see the daughter of the owner of the restaurant that I work at to come to work with mom dressed as belle, cindy, tink, snow or sleeping beauty. And it's not her mom dressing her up. Isabella is certainly in control of the wardrobe choices at six. She also works as the offical kid hostess to all children eating there, and when no kids are around she will talk to any adult. Just don't call her princess. :goodnevil :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I guess my daughter is different- she loves to "dress up" but hates the princess costumes (she claims they are scratchy) so she just wears "normal" clothes at Disney. The one costume she would wear though is her Jessie costume (from Toy Story 2) She loves that outfit, but I can't get her to wear a princess dress for the life of me so I don't even try anymore.


Well-Known Member
Just agreeing with what some people were saying here. Alot of the times that the little girls are dressed up, it's because at some point during the day they are going to a Princess Meal. Be it at Cinderella's Royal Table(MK), Restaurant Akershus(Epcot), or the "My Disney Girl Perfectly Princess Tea Party"(Grand Floridian). Others just want to immerse themselves in the magic of Disney and wear the outfit of their favorite princess, especially if there is a chance that the princess might be around for pictures. Some parents will bring a change of clothes, just in case, but usually the girl will wear the costume for the duration of the day. Personally, I think it's adorable. My daughter doesn't like wearing costumes unless its Halloween, so she never wanted to wear her princess costume to the parks, but if she did I would have been okay with it. Much like the Cast Members, I will say hello to the little ones dressed up sometimes and call them by the princess' name. Their faces just light up when someone does that and it makes the day seem even more special to them.


Except for the Halloween Party, my daughter never wears any of her princess dresses to the parks. We don't even make it an option. Instead I'll buy her a few new T-shirts with her favorite characters before we leave and let her carry one of her princess dolls with her. She loves to dress up at home and I fully encourage that.

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