As a mother of two girls, you can set rules, but at the end of the day you have to choose your battles. Dressing up like a princess turns out to be minor in the end. The first year I didn't plan to well with my then 2 year old. But she got over it quickly at that age. When turning 3, I packed the one Halloween outfit and she wore it several times that trip, thus getting more of the value out of it than just one Halloween. At four, I got smart and shopped at Walmart for the cheaper outfits and she was a smash hit and enjoyed the attention.
I stand firm on the accessories. Still wear tennis shoes or sandles and the tiara, wand, gloves, etc are only used for the Halloween party. In the end they make their own choices when they get too hot. I always take an extra set of clothes and of course, after the first two rides, she quickly changed. Sometimes you just have to let them make their own harmless mistakes and support their learning. Now my youngest really isn't into Princesses, so time will tell if she copies her sister or not. Her choice. I don't push, but am also not going to listen to screaming, whiny children on and expensive vacation over a cheap dress that will make them happy.
Choosing battles, that is what it turns out to be. You can really find some nice cheaper outfits at Walmart, or substitute some cheaper night gowns that are almost like dresses. Now brushing their teeth morning, noon and night...that is the battle I choose to pick :animwink: