Girls in princess dresses at parks

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I just wanted to say that I dig where Rora (the original poster) was coming from. Sure, there are plenty of kids who are so into Disney, or the princesses, they want to live that fantasy as much as possible. I have one niece in particular who is just starting to grow out of that. But there ARE parents who live through their children, and want nothing more than for their children to get attention. If their kids get attention, then somehow, they belive, THEY'VE done something right. They are all somehow, more special, and the attention of strangers somehow proves this.

The problem is, sometimes those types of parents don't care what warrants the attention. I mean, look at parents who pushes acting, or singing, or athletics on their children. If the child is at least into it, and the child is also developing a talent or skill that warrants attention, that's one thing. Some parents don't care WHY people notice their kids, however, and it results in a lot of showy "look at me" behaviour that I can only hope and pray most kids grow out of, lest we turn into a nation of Paris Hilton-to-bes.

Now if we're talking about kids who enjoy playing dress-up, and who might even freak out if they're not allowed to go to Disney as a princess, I agree with most of the people here. Bring extra clothes if they get uncomfortable, don't allow the kids to act like snots if they have a tendency to do so, and let them enjoy themselves. Few if any of us have the means to spend unlimited time at WDW, so anything the reduces grief and enhances fun while you're there, more power to ya. But it wouldn't hurt the parent of any "princess" to ask himself or herself, why does your child enjoy dressing up? Is it just harmless fantasy and child's play? Or are you, perhaps, endorsing or leading the kid into this behaviour? If it is in any way the latter, think about if that's a good thing or not.


New Member
should-be-BELLE said:
Aww the girls in dresses are adorable! I would wear a dress if they had one in my size! By the way, I'm 17 and my friends and I (we're going April 06) already have bought crowns, wands, and purses of our favorite princesses to wear in all the parks! :lol:

What do you mean wait? I have a Snow White dress. I was even tempted to bring it with me a few years back for the MNSHP but changed my mind because no else would dress up with me :lol:


Well-Known Member
This is why I've always wanted sons, if I ever have kids at all, lol. As a girl, sure I had Barbies, and Polly Pockets, and the Little Tykes dollhouse and all...but I was never into the whole princess thing. I mean, it was ok when I was little...but I was always EXTREMELY picky about what I wore, even as a very young child. If it was itchy, I wouldn't wear it; and I've always hated wearing dresses! Mom bought me an Ariel t-shirt once at WDW, but that was about as close as I got to wearing princess gear. Course, I was 8 on my first trip to Disney, so who knows if I would have wanted that stuff if I had gone when I was 4. But by the time I first went to Disney, I was into Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Catwoman and that kind of thing...I was always a tomboy. If I had daughters who were into the princess thing, I'd cringe.
So, if I had kids and took them to WDW, and they wanted to wear that stuff, I guess I'd be ok with it. I'd have to agree that that's probably one of the lesser battles a parent would have to fight with their children. I dunno...just depends on the situation, I guess.


Active Member
As a father, with a 5 year old daughter, I get to enjoy the best of both worlds.

She loves to wear her Princess outfits to the parks. It doesn't matter if its 90 degrees out or a torrential downpoar, she really enjoys wearing her Princess dresses and running around.

That said, she's one of the few princesses in line for "Dinosaur" or "Star Tours" or "Haunted Mansion". She knows more about dinosaurs than I ever forgot and loves to play "Zombie Princess" while waiting in line.

I guess the point is that it's easy to stereotype the parents who let their children dress up but, really, what it comes down to is that as long as our daughter is having fun (and not hurting anyone else), we allow her to just be a kid at WDW.


New Member
I think it's cute, but it looks really uncomfortable to me. I always thought it was a tripping hazard to wear them around the parks like getting on and off of rides.

But, I can understand the battles that some parents must go through. What the heck? It's vacation, right? I don't have kids yet, but I guess I'll play that by ear.
I personally think it's rather cute when girls dress up as their their favorite princesses, as long as it's of their own choosing. I don't think it's good for parents to force it on the kids. And the idea for bringing a change of clothes is a very good idea.

I adore dressing up, and would certainly do it at any chance I got, even in the parks. Afterall, you're never too old to imagine (Just Disney says there is an age limit to dressing up in the parks)



If I may add, if the girls in the princess dresses are so hot and uncomfortable then why do they always have the biggest smiles on their faces?

Geez let a kid be a kid for as long as they can. :animwink:

When my wife and I took our daughter to WDW she wore a princess dress for her breakfast with Cinderella. It was a once in a lifetime experience for her since we live so far away. We all are going to cherish those pictures for the rest of our lives. She had a T-shirt and shorts underneath so when she was done wearing it we just took her dress off and put it in a locker.

A little planning = fun for your kids & good parenting.
Sailor Mouse said:
I adore dressing up, and would certainly do it at any chance I got, even in the parks. Afterall, you're never too old to imagine (Just Disney says there is an age limit to dressing up in the parks)


i agree!

I'm Belle! That's in the shop right after Voyage of the Little Mermaid)


New Member
I have to share this story with you. We were in Epcot and a little girl was dressed like Belle. She went up to Belle to get her autograph and a picture with her. We offered to take a picture of mom with Belle and her little girl. As they were getting in position for the picture, the little girl turned to Belle, threw up her dress and said "I am even wearing your underwear". I broke out laughing so hard I had to walk away. My wife was videotaping it for the family and the look on Belle's face was priceless. The little girl was as poised as a princesses. I am sure that video will come back to haunt her someday. My daugter ended up getting the picture, but waited till Belle recomposed herself.


Active Member
daveemtdave said:
I have to share this story with you. We were in Epcot and a little girl was dressed like Belle. She went up to Belle to get her autograph and a picture with her. We offered to take a picture of mom with Belle and her little girl. As they were getting in position for the picture, the little girl turned to Belle, threw up her dress and said "I am even wearing your underwear". I broke out laughing so hard I had to walk away. My wife was videotaping it for the family and the look on Belle's face was priceless. The little girl was as poised as a princesses. I am sure that video will come back to haunt her someday. My daugter ended up getting the picture, but waited till Belle recomposed herself.

I would send that video to America's Funniest Videos if I had it on tape. That would be a definite winner! That is one of the funniest things I have heard and would have loved to be there to hear her say that. :lol:


Active Member
My little sister wore a snow white costume last time in Epcot when she and my mom went to the princess breakfast.

She walked around in it all day and REFUSED to take it off.

It was really cute.


Well-Known Member
daveemtdave said:
As they were getting in position for the picture, the little girl turned to Belle, threw up her dress and said "I am even wearing your underwear". I broke out laughing so hard I had to walk away. My wife was videotaping it for the family and the look on Belle's face was priceless. The little girl was as poised as a princesses.

HA! that's really funny. i do love how carefree some kids are....i definitely would have liked to have witnessed that :lol:


New Member
My mom dressing me up in Princess costumes when I was a little girl is one of the fondest memories I have of Disney. My mom actually had tailor made dresses for us (Snow White, Alice, Minnie Mouse, etc...), but trust me... I wanted to wear them!!! I also wore dress shoes with my outfits, but thats because I wouldn't have it any other way... I actually used to refuse wearing my dress with tennis shoes!

But my mom, always the careful and protective mother that she is, used to carry around turtlenecks for my sister and I, and when it got cold ( because California gets really cold :rolleyes: ), she used to make us wear them, even though we hated them!


New Member
I too would dress up if I could!!!
I have even entertained the idea of getting the biggest kid size and wearing it over my t-shirt and jeans anyway! I wonder if they'd let me do that. . .

Side note:, my personal favorite. I wrote him an email once. Ha.

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