Girl Hospitalised After Riding TOT!!!


Well-Known Member
Tinkerbell08 said:
omg... so that means its open and always will be! Its ot gettni closed down or anything!?!¬
They would not close a ride just because someone got sick on it. Nothing went wrong with the ride; the girl obviously had a pre-existing condition that was aggravated by the ride. This could have happened anywhere.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
tigsmom said:
This is true. Thats what the neighbors told the media.

My daughter had a heart condition when she was born. It was corrected when she was three. She is "healed" or "cured" and if (God forbid) something like this should happen, it would not be considered a pre existing condition because it no longer exists.

Does that make sense?
It would depend on your point of view. I could see a lawyer from Disney arguing the point that it would be considered a preexisting condition while a lawyer suing Disney would argue the opposite. I can kind of see both points but would tend to agree with you.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
First off...My prayers are with the girl and her family. It is a very good sign that she has made it this far, and I hope for a speedy recovery.

Secondly...As with Mission:Space, it is almost apparent the ride played little to no part in the accident. Disney would shut down any ride in this situation because it is a very good PR move to let the FL inspectors come in and check it out. Even when both sides know they aren't going to find anything wrong. Remember, Disney is not at all obligated to report this to the state.


New Member
Our thoughts and Prayers go out to this family. With that being said and being that there have been 2 sad situations, we have to stop and put this into perspective.

1: This is PEAK SEASON for Disney World and well that mean that the # of people attending the parks is drastically higher than say OFF SEASON. Therefore, there will be more chances for a "Situation" or "Problem" to occur.
We have to remember that Millions of people have ridden on these rides prior to the sad events the have happened lately. Just because something sad, and unfortunate happened, does NOT mean that Disney did anything wrong.
People are quick to say so, but it's not like the ride vehicle trapped a person between another ride vehicle. It's not like they got thrown off a ride vehicle.
Let's also think of the Boys who play football, day in and day out. They all appear to be in great health and then one day SADLY one collapses on the field and dies. Was it the school's fault-most likely not. Was it the football's fault-NO. Until there is an autopsy(and let's hope this little girl won't need one for 90 years or so) and more times than none, there ended up being an underlying illness that the family was unaware of.

2: None of us or Disney wants to see ANYONE hurt or killed. We want everyone to experience and have the WONDERFUL MEMORIES that we have and continue to go back time and time again to make more. If there was any indication of INTENT I think that they would have jumped all over Disney by now. Unfortunately, sad things do happen and you have all heard of the sad superstition of things happening in 3's. Let's hope it doesn't happen, but this is the busy season for them.

3: The media tends to quickly grab and emphasize the BAD that happens. Being Disney is as HUGE as it is, they are a Target when things sad happen.
You WON'T hear them reporting of all the Wonderful times, foods and memories people encounter there on a day to day basis. What fun is that in Reporting. It's like a wreck, people slow down to see what happened. WHY? We don't know, we just do. So when something BAD happens at Disney they want to GRAB everyone's attention and simple using that one little word, makes people stop in the tracks to hear what happened: DISNEY!

We just hope and Pray that this little girl is ok. And someday will return to have many Magical Memories of Disney and not think of the sad injury she had while visiting.

Just our .02 cents.


New Member
tigsmom said:
This is true. Thats what the neighbors told the media.

My daughter had a heart condition when she was born. It was corrected when she was three. She is "healed" or "cured" and if (God forbid) something like this should happen, it would not be considered a pre existing condition because it no longer exists.

Does that make sense?
What about the chance of a ride aggravating an old condition/injury? I mean, I know you actually have experience with this because of your child so who am I to say, but maybe some people who have gotten over certain things are still a little more succeptable (spelling?) than others?

I was born with a heart murmur that has since pretty much disappeared, but who knows if someday it might start to bother me again or something... I hope I'm making sense...

I can definately see your point of view though since it wouldn't be a "current" condition, but I think that a lawyer would make the point that the person was in a delicate position having had that condition even in the past. A situation like that is no one's fault really... how can you know if something like that will happen, you know? I also, wouldn't consider something like your daughter's situation a pre-existing condition...

Good to hear your little one is OK though!! :)


New Member
Often times children are not diagnosed through physical examination to include malfunctions, typically of the heart. These problems are overlooked because they are not only rare but are fairly difficult to detect if the M.D. isn't specifically looking for it. Often times, to locate a heart problem, the patient must wear a heart moniter for a period of 24-48 hours in order to find something. This is why so many athletes fall dead during competitive games. All athletic programs require a physical for the athlete prior to participation and these kids usually get a clean bill of health.

Both children who have recently had unfortunate events on the Disney property likely fall into this catagory.

Whoa?! I feel so bad for the poor girl and her family and I also feel bad for Disney. M:S now this !? Its like someones trying to sabatose (excuse the spelling) the rides. :drevil: This is bad pubublicity for Disney athough these accidents could be pre-existing conditions.....I dont know, my mom wont let me on this ride again.... Its creepy...

William 12 :cry:


New Member
DisneyInsider said:
Secondly...As with Mission:Space, it is almost apparent the ride played little to no part in the accident. Disney would shut down any ride in this situation because it is a very good PR move to let the FL inspectors come in and check it out. Even when both sides know they aren't going to find anything wrong. Remember, Disney is not at all obligated to report this to the state.
If the ride aggrevated a pre existing condition, then your still saying the ride played little to no part in the accident? Interesting.
I'm not blaming the ride here but if it triggered something pre existing, then it did play a part. Otherwise, why on Earth post warnings about riders having pre existing conditions should not ride? :confused:


New Member
I hope for the girl's speedy recovery!

Can anyone tell me about the other incident that the orginial news report says? I know about the kid dying on Mission Space, but what's this other one about a old woman dying on Pirates? Can someone fill me in on what happened?


New Member
Not meaning to downplay this incident, because it really is unfortunate for the girl and her family, especially due to the fact that they are so far from home, but chances are this story would not have been picked up by any major new agencies, had it not happened on the heals of the Mission: Space incident.


Well-Known Member
Stormhammer22 said:
I hope for the girl's speedy recovery!

Can anyone tell me about the other incident that the orginial news report says? I know about the kid dying on Mission Space, but what's this other one about a old woman dying on Pirates? Can someone fill me in on what happened?
Nothing happened. A 77 year old women died. The doctors said her death was not unexpected. The fact is things happen, and will happen anywhere. However when things happen at Disney it is suddenly a news story even if it should not be.


New Member
Stormhammer22 said:
I hope for the girl's speedy recovery!

Can anyone tell me about the other incident that the orginial news report says? I know about the kid dying on Mission Space, but what's this other one about a old woman dying on Pirates? Can someone fill me in on what happened?

From what I remember the woman had a stroke, after riding PotC. It wasn't her first stroke. I doubt that the ride itself played any part in her latest one. She could just of easily had it in the Hall of Presidents. Granted, she may have over-exerted herself that day.


New Member
just posted on comcast...

Disney World Reopens 'Tower of Terror'

By TRAVIS REED, Associated Press Writer

<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>document.write(getElapsed("20050713T153800Z"));</SCRIPT>3 hours ago<NOSCRIPT>UPDATED -1 HOURS -11 MINUTES AGO</NOSCRIPT>

ORLANDO, Fla. - Disney World on Wednesday reopened a thrill ride that was closed when a 16-year-old British girl almost died of cardiac arrest after riding it.

Disney had invited an official from the state Bureau of Fair Rides and Exhibitions to monitor a Tuesday night inspection of the "Twilight Zone Tower of Terror," which the park doesn't typically do.

Florida's major theme parks are not directly regulated by the state, and instead have their own inspectors.

Leanne Deacon, of Kibworth, England, remained in critical condition Wednesday after suffering cardiac arrest Tuesday minutes after exiting the attraction, which depicts a haunted elevator ride that plunges more than 100 feet.

Deacon's illness came a month after a 4-year-old Pennsylvania boy, Daudi Bamuwamye, died after riding another Disney World attraction, Epcot's "Mission: Space." That ride is so intense that it has motion sickness bags and several riders have been treated for chest pain. An elderly, diabetic woman also died in February after riding the Magic Kingdom's "Pirates of the Caribbean," but the medical examiner said her death "was not unexpected."

Officials didn't release precise details of what happened to Deacon, but police said she felt nauseous and dizzy after leaving the Tower of Terror.

She thought she'd quickly recover, but park workers who noticed her called in an emergency crew anyway. Before she got to the hospital her condition deteriorated so rapidly that her heart stopped beating and she had to be resuscitated, Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Solomons said. A witness who called 911 said Deacon was shaking badly.

On the Tower of Terror, decorated as a haunted hotel, riders are placed in an elevator that shoots up 13 stories and then plummets back twice. Disney warns riders that they should be "in good health and free from high blood pressure, heart, back or neck problems, motion sickness, or other conditions that could be aggravated by this adventure." Pregnant women are advised not to ride.


Since it hasn't been mentioned yet... kudos to the CM(s) that decided to call for emergency services even after the girl herself said she didn't need them. They probably saved her life.


Well-Known Member
Fran98765 said:
Since it hasn't been mentioned yet... kudos to the CM(s) that decided to call for emergency services even after the girl herself said she didn't need them. They probably saved her life.
Thanks for reminding us about this Fran!! Thumbs up for the CMs who were all over this!! Belle

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