Girl Hospitalised After Riding TOT!!!


New Member
tigsmom said:
She did not have a bad heart. She had a cerebral bleed. That caused her heart to stop. You do not know if & when something like that will happen.

Yes, but it is a possibilty that she had a brain condition. I mean for all we know she could have hit her head on a wall, causing swelling or somthing and when she rode TOT it put too much stress on it. But either way lets wait and hopefully everything will work out.
Fran98765 said:
Since it hasn't been mentioned yet... kudos to the CM(s) that decided to call for emergency services even after the girl herself said she didn't need them. They probably saved her life.

wannabeBelle said:
Thanks for reminding us about this Fran!! Thumbs up for the CMs who were all over this!! Belle

:sohappy: The Cast members should be commended, they did save this girl's life. (And not to mention saving Disney from the horrable press that would have fallowed)


New Member
Fran98765 said:
Since it hasn't been mentioned yet... kudos to the CM(s) that decided to call for emergency services even after the girl herself said she didn't need them. They probably saved her life.

every day you appreciate the cms a little more.


Well-Known Member
Fran98765 said:
Since it hasn't been mentioned yet... kudos to the CM(s) that decided to call for emergency services even after the girl herself said she didn't need them. They probably saved her life.

I totally agree!!!! They did save her life! Thank goodness they know what to look for and reacted quickly! Way to go!!!!! We are all thankful for their care!


Well-Known Member
Stormhammer22 said:
I hope for the girl's speedy recovery!

Can anyone tell me about the other incident that the orginial news report says? I know about the kid dying on Mission Space, but what's this other one about a old woman dying on Pirates? Can someone fill me in on what happened?

The woman, who had multiple things wrong with her, was non compliant... she did not take her meds or follow her doctor's orders. This put her in poor health and more susceptible to a stroke or heart attack.


Well-Known Member
TiggerBW said:
I totally agree!!!! They did save her life! Thank goodness they know what to look for and reacted quickly! Way to go!!!!! We are all thankful for their care!

And that they went with their gut feeling and called for help even though the mom didn't think it necessary at the time.


Well-Known Member
winterparkbaby said:
My thoughts go out to her family. Was there ever any official word on the little boy in regards to the mission space accident??? ie existing conditions???
There has not yet been any further information other than that there was no trauma.


New Member
Here's the latest.

Disney reopens Tower of Terror after girl's collapse
By Jerry W. Jackson and Willoughby Mariano
Sentinel Staff Writers

July 13, 2005, 2:59 PM EDT

Walt Disney World reopened the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror ride at Disney-MGM Studios this morning, one day after a British teenager suffered cardiac arrest following a visit to the attraction.

Disney said engineers and ride system experts completed an inspection overnight, under monitoring by an inspector from the Florida Department of Agriculture Bureau of Fair Rides Inspection and found it to be operating properly.

In addition, Disney said in a statement, the Orange County Sheriff's Office also reviewed the incident and found no indication of a ride malfunction.

The teenager, Leanne Deacon, 16, remains in critical condition at Florida Hospital Orlando this afternoon. According to an Orange Sheriff's Office report, the girl had visited the park six times in the past week with her mother, June, 54, who reported they rode the Tower of Terror "many times" with no problem.

Leanne Deacon exited the thrill ride at 9:50 a.m. Tuesday, shaking and light-headed, and soon lost consciousness. By the time she arrived in an ambulance at Florida Hospital Celebration Health, her heart had stopped beating and she had to be revived, Orange County Sheriff's spokesman Jim Solomons said. The sheriff's report says a CAT scan showed the girl had blood on her brain and required emergency surgery. She was later transferred to the Orlando hospital. The report quotes June Deacon as saying her daughter "is very active, athletic, jogs regularly, and is in great health, so this has been a shock to her." But, according to the report, she also told investigators the girl "had been complaining of headaches and leg cramps for several days."

The family declined requests for an interview through a Florida Hospital Orlando spokeswoman. She said she could release no other details about Leanne's condition or her treatment.

The thrill ride is among the most popular at Disney MGM-Studios and by 10 a.m. today the wait time was up to 60 minutes, longer than any other ride at the park, according to a poster-board at the park listing wait times.

Disney employees said the one-hour wait is fairly typical for this time of year for the ride, which simulates a runaway hotel elevator, shooting to the top of the tower and plunging down a shaft up to 13 stories.

Most people standing in line or just exiting the ride said they had not heard about the British teen's trip to the hospital after riding the attraction. But most said they had no real fears about the ride and considered the traffic and Central Florida's midsummer heat to be greater concerns.

"It's awesome. I would ride it again," said Derenda Davilla, a chaperone for a Lubbock, Texas, church group. Davilla had heard about Tuesday's incident.

"It's not too scary. It's a fun ride," said Nick Watts, 41, another chaperone. The group of 13 included teens from 13 to 18 years old.

Officials with the state Bureau of Fair Rides Inspection said they sent two of their top managers to Disney to oversee Disney's inspection of the ride after the teen's trip to the hospital was reported as required to the agency. The officials were identified as Isadore "Izzy" Rommes, chief of the Tallahassee-based inspection agency, and his top investigator, Allan Harrison.

Disney invited the state inspectors to check out the ride, even though the park is not required to do so by Florida law, said agency spokesman Terry McElroy. State inspectors have examined the ride in the past, McElroy said, and records filed with the agency show that it has had fewer reported incidents requiring hospital checkups than Mission: Space, at Epcot.

McElroy said Rommes and Harrison worked alongside Disney engineers from late Tuesday night until nearly 4 a.m. today checking out the ride and found no problems.

"Disney said it was operating normally and our folks concurred. We were satisfied with the safety procedures and the mechanical soundness of the ride," McElroy said.

"We observed their testing of the equipment, backwards and forwards, numerous times. One of our guys said they didn't get back to the hotel room until about 4 a.m., so they spent quite a bit of time looking things over."
Copyright © 2005, Orlando Sentinel |


New Member
you all are sick people, beanboon and hakunamatata. I don't think that any of this is funny!! You need to take a look at the situation, and thank God that it didn't happen to you or your family. My thoughts are with this British family!


Well-Known Member
ditzeechick02 said:
you all are sick people, beanboon and hakunamatata. I don't think that any of this is funny!! You need to take a look at the situation, and thank God that it didn't happen to you or your family. My thoughts are with this British family!

don't judge.....


Well-Known Member
I feel sorry for the girl and I hope she is well. It's getting to the point where WDW is going to have to take every guest by the hand and ask if they have problems. It seems the warning signs aren't sufficient.


New Member
Tinkerbell08 said:
i heard about it this morning TOT is my fave ride. will it be open in 8 or 11 days...... im going 2 wdw in 8days n i love that ride. i hope the girl is ok. :cry:
It is already open! My boyfriend (wdwscottieboy) went on it today. He actually said there was like no wait, and I'm wondering if it has to do with the recent events that occured yesterday! It's a shame. I remember though when I was there in May, after I got off of the ride, I felt really sick feeling. It was not the first time I had been on it. But I got myself worked up a lot right before I got on it, and I feel that is the reason for my nausousness (Sp) lol and my headache! I went on it later that day and I was fine!


New Member
While I feel horrible about this situation, I can't help wonder why the family took her on if they knew she had problems.

I was assaulted a couple of years ago and now suffer from severe migraine headaches caused by movement. I konw that I will probably never make it onto M:S because I have issues with movement and spinning. I still haven't ridden a rollercoaster, which is one of my FAVE things to do out of fear of re-injuring my head. My doc actually thinks I am being overly cautious.

I guess my point is that there are different levels that people will listen to doctors and take their advice. Oh--and on Saturday I am going to do RnRc for the first time since May 03! I can't me some rollercoasters!


Active Member
13 pages?

come on people!

i respect all your opininions, but your all saying basicly the same thing

don't let this thread go the way of the mission space threads


New Member
Connor002 said:
13 pages?

come on people!

i respect all your opininions, but your all saying basicly the same thing

don't let this thread go the way of the mission space threads
set it to the max number of posts and its only five:) .


Well-Known Member
Teen went on ride many times
The British girl enjoyed Tower of Terror repeatedly before suffering cardiac arrest.

By Willoughby Mariano and Jerry W. Jackson | Sentinel Staff Writer
Posted July 14, 2005


A souvenir snapshot from the Tower of Terror provided by Disney shows 16-year-old Leanne Deacon seeming to have fun.

No one saw it coming. Over and over again, Leanne Deacon rode the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror thrill ride without a hitch. The British teen had visited Disney-MGM Studios six times in a week.

Before Leanne, 16, suffered cardiac arrest Tuesday -- minutes after exiting the popular attraction -- Leanne's only recent health complaints were headaches and leg cramps, according to details released in an Orange County sheriff's report Wednesday.

Leanne remained in critical condition at Florida Hospital Orlando on Wednesday, a day after doctors discovered blood on her brain and performed emergency surgery.

Meanwhile, Tower of Terror passed safety inspections, visitors resumed standing in the attraction's hourlong lines, and riders screamed their way up and down its steep climbs and drops. Disney said engineers and ride-system experts worked through early Wednesday morning to complete an inspection monitored by the Florida Department of Agriculture Bureau of Fair Rides Inspection.

While the sheriff's report notes that Leanne's car had a technical problem, investigators found the ride operated properly. State and Disney officials agree.

The attraction simulates five minutes in a hotel elevator gone amok. Giant 21-passenger cars shoot to the top of the tower -- Walt Disney World's second-tallest point -- and plunge and jerk down to earth.

Tuesday's incident took place less than a month after a Pennsylvania boy, Daudi Bamuwamye, 4, collapsed on Epcot's Mission: Space ride June 13 and later died. Inspections showed no signs of ride malfunction, and officials await a medical examiner's report on the cause of death.

Moments before falling ill, Leanne smiled, as revealed in a souvenir snapshot taken by a Tower of Terror camera and released by the Sheriff's Office. At 9:49 a.m. Tuesday, as the ride took its final plunge, Leanne's eyes closed and her mouth grinned wide.

Leanne exited at 9:50 a.m., shaking and lightheaded. She drifted in and out of consciousness and her arm fell limp, the report states.

By the time she arrived in an ambulance at Florida Hospital Celebration Health, her heart had stopped beating. Emergency workers had to revive her, Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Solomons said.

A CT scan showed the teen had bleeding in her brain and required emergency surgery, the report states. She was later transferred to the Orlando hospital.

Leanne's sudden illness shocked her mother, June Deacon, 54, who rode Tower of Terror with her daughter Tuesday morning, according to the sheriff's report.

Leanne Deacon "is very active, athletic, jogs regularly, and is in great health," June Deacon told investigators. The girl "had been complaining of headaches and leg cramps for several days," the report states.

Leanne's family declined requests for an interview through Florida Hospital spokeswoman Samantha O'Lenick. The spokeswoman said she was not authorized to release further information about the teen's health.

No one was in the Tower of Terror car when a computer recorded a technical glitch. The glitch concerned the speed of the car while it moves horizontally, not as it travels through the vertical shaft, Disney spokeswoman Kim Prunty said.

The readings were "totally irrelevant" to the incident, Prunty said. A Disney maintenance employee told investigators in a sworn statement that the glitch was "in no way a safety concern or could in no way cause injury," according to the sheriff's report.

Disney invited the state inspectors to check out the ride, even though the park is not required to do so by Florida law, agency spokesman Terry McElroy said.

Isadore "Izzy" Rommes, chief of the Tallahassee-based inspection agency, and his top investigator, Allan Harrison, worked alongside Disney engineers from Tuesday until nearly 4 a.m. Wednesday.

"We observed their testing of the equipment, backwards and forwards, numerous times," McElroy said.

State inspectors have examined the ride in the past, McElroy said. Reports show Tower of Terror has fewer reported incidents requiring hospital checkups than Mission: Space.

Ken Martin, an independent ride-safety consultant in Virginia, said he thinks the latest incident at Disney reinforces the need for national "standards of operation" that apply to all parks large and small, and the need for outside investigations.

"There are just too many little things happening" with thrill rides nationwide, Martin said.

Tower of Terror is among the most popular rides at Disney-MGM Studios. By 10 a.m. Wednesday, the wait time was the park's longest. Most visitors to Tower of Terror hadn't heard about the British teen's sudden trip to the hospital.

Derenda Davila, a chaperone for a Lubbock, Texas, church group, said the news didn't worry her.

"It's awesome. I would ride it again," Davila said of the ride.

"It's not too scary," said Nick Watts, another chaperone.

Willoughby Mariano can be reached


or 407-420-5171. Jerry W. Jackson

can be reached at 407-420-5721



Account Suspended
Madison said:
Often, this is no different than when someone faints in the grocery store, or feels unwell at school, or leaves work early -- but, somehow, because it's happened at an amusement or theme park, it's juicy news.

Theme parks and amusement parks cater to our desire to push the limits of our abilities, often by creating a simple illusion of danger. People eat this stuff up in the news because that illusion is so much greater when someone falls victim to its danger. The reality is that many, if not most, realize that these accidents are little more than coincidences.

I agree with you, with mission space and tower of terror the people didnt die because of the ride, they just happened to be on the ride at that unfortunate time. It had nothing to do with the ride. This kind of thing happens at Universal Studios, 6 flags and tons of other parks ALL THE TIME.

I feel so bad for this girl and that little boy (M:S).


Well-Known Member
disneylands said:
I agree with you, with mission space and tower of terror the people didnt die because of the ride, they just happened to be on the ride at that unfortunate time.

The TOT girl did not die.....

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