Get Rid Of Fastpass!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok don't everyone slam me...because we love fast pass and use it on a regular basis. it was esp. helpful on the most recent trip over the Christmas holiday. HOWEVER...and theres always a however...some rides like Winnie the Pooh, was not originally a FP ride. Now that it is during the busy season FP's go quickly and the stand by line gets to be nearly 2 hours long. I am keeping my fingers crossed with the added rides on EMH this will help out those rides. ( I wouldn't use a FP or wait 2hrs for Pooh if I knew I could do it later w/ a minimal wait time during the EMH). I'd rather take the kids for a swim during the heat of the day and go back at night to enjoy the EMH.

side note if we get into a stand by line I am too busy watching my own kids and keeping them entertained to worry about the fastpassers going by. Sometimes we do the standby if we have a fp that isnt good for an hour or two...might as well ride!


New Member
If it wasn't for fast pass I might not have ever ridded Peter Pan. On my trips in 1990 and 2000 we skiped peter pan because by teh time we got there the lien was almost 3 hours long. With Fast pass we were able to ride. It can take a day or 2 to really figure out teh best way to use the system but I wouldn't change it for anything! :p


Active Member
t_zeke77 said:
I Really Wish That They Get Tid Of Fastpass!!!! I Feel That The Theme Park Experience Would Be Sooo Much Better With Out Fastpass. You Gain On One Ride And Then You Wait In The Standby Line On The Other(doesnt It Make You Really Mad When You See The Fastpass People Getting On While You Stand In Line Without Moving!!!) I Like Equal Chance Equal Opportunity And The Lines Always Moved Quickly!!!

I think fastpass is great! I have no problem when that line moves faster. That's the point.


Well-Known Member
Fast pass is great. I just wish they used it on more rides or group them together say....1 FP for Pooh,IASW and Peter Pan :)


Active Member
Fastpass doesn't make me mad. It's the so called handicapped people that get to get right on the ride. Don't get me wrong. I do feel for the majority of handicapped people, but why can't they wait just like everybody else? The biggest thing is when people take advantage of it. I have seen on many occasions (at all parks like 6 Flags and Universal) where overweight people skip the line just because they rented a scooter. I have even heard them bragging about how much nicer it is "today" because they rented the scooter. So one day they can wait in line but the next day they can't. Come on!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
FP is good if you have one
FP is ignored if you dont have one

while sitting in standby for 75 minutes or so, play a game, take time to reflect positively on your vacation, try and memorize what color shirt people are wearing infront of you and compare when you are in the next 75 min. wait, pick you butt (good photo opp for me), sing a song, etc etc.......

what you dont see here is that your wait time would be exactly the same if FP didnt exist.............. those who have FP and are returning would have been infront of you in line from when they got there FP, therefor making your wait time the same.

there is nothing lazy about not liking FP, just misinfromed of the bigger picture


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
psuchad said:
The biggest thing is when people take advantage of it.
i understand that it is frustrating when people cheat the system.......... but they will be dealt with in the long run when the have to answer to their actions.

psuchad said:
Fastpass doesn't make me mad. It's the so called handicapped people that get to get right on the ride. Don't get me wrong. I do feel for the majority of handicapped people, but why can't they wait just like everybody else?
not sure, but when kharma catches up with you and you have to rent a scooter to get around, you can fill us in on the experience.

dont get me wrong, everyone has felt that way one time or another, just keep it unspoken, you really dont know what kind of life that handicapped person leads and or how long it may take them to get from attraction to attraction. just be thankful you are there and try to be in their shoes.......... or on their scooter. :D

Sharon L

New Member
Fastpass is a great system. It was designed to spread out crowds for certain attractions throughout the day, rather than everyone trying to get on first thing in the morning. If you don't like Fastpass, don't use it. It doesn't give anyone an advantage since everyone can use it. I don't feel frustrated or mad when I see people moving through the Fastpass line while I am standing in standby, since it was my choice to get in the standby line.

As for handicapped people skipping lines, I might be mistaken, but I believe they wait in line like everyone else. I think sometimes it just looks like they are skipping ahead because wheelchairs have to go through a different line on some attractions. I know I have waited behind people on scooters or in wheelchairs many times.


Active Member
have you ever used fastpass? because if you haven't don't slam it until you have tried it! it's great, you get a fastpass and then walk around the park, get a drink or catch a show and then go back to the ride. i got a fast pass once in AK and the time on it was 10 mins from the time i got it and the stand by queue was like 35 mins! it made me laugh to see all the people stood in the queue for ages and i just walked straight on the ride. i dont even mind the looks i get when i walk through the fastpass line coz i know i have more time to do things that i want instead of spending all day standing in lines!


Active Member
jmaxwell007 said:
not sure, but when kharma catches up with you and you have to rent a scooter to get around, you can fill us in on the experience.

I said "Don't get me wrong. I do feel for the majority of handicapped people..." and from your comment you did. I understand that wheelchairs and scooters don't fit in all the lines. I understand that some people have conditions that prevent them from standing for long times or being exposed to heat. I am not talking about those people.

Put it this way. A good example that I use is somebody that goes to the mall and parks in a handicapped space. They then walk around the mall for hours shopping. If they could walk miles in a mall, why couldn't they park 50 yards from the entrance like everybody else? And don't tell me that this doesn't happen.<o ="">:p></o>:p>

Sharon L said:
As for handicapped people skipping lines, I might be mistaken, but I believe they wait in line like everyone else. I think sometimes it just looks like they are skipping ahead because wheelchairs have to go through a different line on some attractions. I know I have waited behind people on scooters or in wheelchairs many times.

I am refuring to any park. Not just a Disney park.


Well-Known Member
Fast Pass is brilliant - we usually get to WDW during the peak Easter Holidays and by using FP it enables us to utilise our time at the parks more productively.
If you don't like FP - fine - don't knock it and don't use it - just join the back of the line and we'll meet up again in 90 minutes when you finish :lol:
t_zeke77 said:
I Really Wish That They Get Tid Of Fastpass!!!! I Feel That The Theme Park Experience Would Be Sooo Much Better With Out Fastpass. You Gain On One Ride And Then You Wait In The Standby Line On The Other(doesnt It Make You Really Mad When You See The Fastpass People Getting On While You Stand In Line Without Moving!!!) I Like Equal Chance Equal Opportunity And The Lines Always Moved Quickly!!!

Uhh, if I am able to use fastpass, then YOU are able to use fastpass. I like using fastpass, get it for the rides with long waits, then go on other rides that arent as bad. I don't get mad at people using fast pass, cuz thats usually me. :p


New Member
t_zeke77 said:

Here's the thing, what kind of vacation are you going to get by standing in line every place you go? There are so many activities to do in the areas where a fast pass attractions are located. Instead of waiting for Space Mountain for an hour, you can pull a pass, take a relaxing ride on TTA maybe catch Buzz Lightyear and then walk up to the car on Space Mountain and jump right on. It saves time, therefore creates a way for you to maximize your vacation potential. This isn't planning or laziness, it's common sense and it's a brilliant way to relax on your vacation.

Of course if your idea of vacation is standing in line, the Fast Pass was not designed for you.


Active Member
DisneyJill said:
Yes, but on the flipside, it also makes me really happy when I'm the one moving in the FastPass line :animwink:

LOL! That is true. When you are a non fast pass holder you mutter under your breath "Well thats just not fair, look at how many are getting on." But when you ARE a fast pass holder you look at all those people and think 'FASTPASS RULES!!" It's funny.


Active Member
Love Fastpass, helps if you grab one then wait in line, if the times are right you can just circle around and get back on. Over at DL we tried to go non-fastpass my wife and I once and waited 3 1/2 hours for Indy. We've never done that again.....


Well-Known Member
Fastpass is what creates all the long lines on days with moderate crowd levels. The lines would probably only be 20-30min long, but because the line constantly comes to a complete stop thanks to FP it ends up being 60min. I personally take advantage of the system, but I think the lines overall would be so much better without out, except for the really busy days when you need it to get on anything without waiting over an hour.


Why can't we look at FP as just another facility, just like a shop? It's there if you want to use it, but if you don't, then just stay away from it. I don't really understand the comment about being frustrated about people with FP's passing quicker - that's what it is there for, to make things move quicker. Everybody in the park has equal right to use the system, so if you choose not to, why criticise those who do?

The system may not be perfect with attractions like Test Track that ends up with a huge FP wait time, but overall the system must be beneficial to guest flow. Organisations like Disney spend millions researching such things and looking at guest flow and wait times, and I am sure that if FP did not have a positive effect on the running of the park, it wouldn't be there.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I often see people giving glares as I waltz past them in the stand by Q, perhaps it is a bit off to wave the FPs as I go past.

But then again I have sussed that 40mins spent doing something in the park is more productive than 40 mins stood in line.

I just cant fathom this, "fast pass is an hour stand bye 40 mins its better to wait" theory. Still the more people that have it the more ride time for me.

Jack B'Stard :animwink:

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