Get Rid Of Fastpass!!!!!


New Member
Sorry if I did confuse you with someone else Pix. My Bad. :wave:
I just am with others who don't think fastpass works to everyone's best time frame. So in other words good luck with it. It works mostly in off season I have to say but then again that is because no one is there. :sohappy:


Active Member
AEfx said:
It's a pretty open secret, but FP's, although they may say, "3:05 to 4:05", are generally accepted any time AFTER the first time on the ticket. So, if it says 3:05, you could use it any time after 3:05 that day (say, 8:00 if you wanted).

Bear in mind that is not offical policy (though I've been told CM's are instructed that it is "unoffical" policy), but I've never seen anyone turned away who had a FP valid that day.

During slow times of the year it's not as necessary - but a nice treat on rides like TT or the Safari.

In short, FP gives you a reservation ticket for a time window later that day. On FP enabled attractions there are two entrances - one for "stand-by" and one for "FP". There is a CM at the FP entrance who checks your ticket and lets you enter.

Some of these lines criss-cross with the stand-by line, hence the mentions in this thread about the "stare" you sometimes get.

FP really is a great thing, and just about everyone seems to enjoy it. People seem to learn the lesson quickly - once they are in a stand-by line and see people using FP, they find out what it is and think it's the best thing since sliced bread.

If you just want to wander around randomly doing stuff, it's not the ideal situation. However, it's really not that hard to get a ticket and come back in a few hours for most of us. Especially since it's not really a "window" in practice, but a start-time.

That said, I usually travel during the off-season as well, and I only use it a couple of times a day at most. Like, for ToT or RnR at MGM, or TT at Epcot. Just the real biggies. On many of the other attractions they shut them off at certain times of the year when they aren't needed.

Well thank you so much for all the additional information. Im sure some day when my daughter is older I will not have the luxury to visit the parks off season and will have to use the fast pass system. :wave:


Active Member
t_zeke77 said:
I Really Wish That They Get Tid Of Fastpass!!!! I Feel That The Theme Park Experience Would Be Sooo Much Better With Out Fastpass. You Gain On One Ride And Then You Wait In The Standby Line On The Other(doesnt It Make You Really Mad When You See The Fastpass People Getting On While You Stand In Line Without Moving!!!) I Like Equal Chance Equal Opportunity And The Lines Always Moved Quickly!!!

if you don't like fast pass then go in the off season. we went last september and never had to use it once.


Active Member
FP is no different then making reservations for a restuarant. Its purpose is to spread people throughout the park and equalize when people ride. At a restuarant you show up for your reservation, then get seated within 10 minutes. Otherwise you end up with everyone wanting to eat at 6PM at Red Lobster and the wait is an hour.

This is what FP is for. It wants to distribute the riding of Space Mountain throughout the day, instead of everyone wanting to ride it in the first 3 hours, leading to 2-3 hour waits.

Lets say a ride does 1000 people per hour.

With no FP 1000 people get into line, your number 1001, so you have to wait 1 hour.

With FP 500 people have a FP to come back during a one hour period. 500 people wait in line. Thus you are number 501 in line. Thus 30 minute wait for that first hour.

Lets say the 500 people are returning during the time period you are waiting. So 500 FP return, plus the 500 in line, makes you 1001. Back to your 1 hour wait. Same wait for you, but 500 people were able to reserve a time to come back and have a wait less than 30 minutes.

Even better is when FP go unused. Lets say only 80% of the people came back to use FP. Now we have 500 in line, plus 400 for FP. Guess what, your number 901. Now you only have a 54 minute wait.

Even better is that during your 54 minute wait, you have a FP for another ride. You finish your wait, your ride, then you use your FP(after first getting another FP for something else). So now you were able to do 2 rides in 75 minutes.

If you are a member of TGM or read some recent trip reports from Easter week, people using FP properly that week never waited more than 30 minutes for any ride. With a little thought and strategy, everyone can use FP to make their day more enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
Well, as I said before we do use fastpasses. BUT I think the one reason things get jammed up is that there is always a "rush" to use the fastpass. Many people will go to the FP entrance prior to their board fastpass is 1:05 to 1:55 (just an example)...people will show up at 12:55 and stand around and then at 1:05 you have a whole mob of people ready to board. This really jams things up. BUT I also agree that on many rides they are not needed and do create "fake" long lines...but this is because we have become a nation of instant gratification....we are like little girl on Willie Wonka...we want it all and we want it NOW! ;)

btw at Christmas the area near HM was a nightmare prior to, during and after the parades!
t_zeke77 said:
I Really Wish That They Get Tid Of Fastpass!!!! I Feel That The Theme Park Experience Would Be Sooo Much Better With Out Fastpass. You Gain On One Ride And Then You Wait In The Standby Line On The Other(doesnt It Make You Really Mad When You See The Fastpass People Getting On While You Stand In Line Without Moving!!!) I Like Equal Chance Equal Opportunity And The Lines Always Moved Quickly!!!

Are you Retarded? Fast Pass is the greatest thing ever.... You must me the only one that doesnt like it....:mad:
maybe your one of those people that thinks it costs money.


New Member
I'm curious as to how many people who like FP, can remember the parks before FP was around. I feel it causes longer waits. Yes it does let you wait in 2 lines at the same time, but maybe you could have done both rides in the same amount of time or shorter if there was no FP. We all assume the lines would be longer without FP, but on many days the parks do not seem as busy as the waits require.

I was a DL addict until our move to the east, but I also feel the shorter hours at the MK than DL also make the lines longer. We used to wait until the second parade at night to hit SM, Space M or the Matterhorn. DL was open until Midnight or 1AM frequently. You could get 2 or three rides in with the park separted by the parade route. With the MK closing usually right after Wishes, it is hard to get the late night time in with the parks thinned out.Heck, its just hard to get out!! :mad:


New Member

t_zeke77 said:
I Really Wish That They Get Tid Of Fastpass!!!! I Feel That The Theme Park Experience Would Be Sooo Much Better With Out Fastpass. You Gain On One Ride And Then You Wait In The Standby Line On The Other(doesnt It Make You Really Mad When You See The Fastpass People Getting On While You Stand In Line Without Moving!!!) I Like Equal Chance Equal Opportunity And The Lines Always Moved Quickly!!!

OMG, you don't like fastpass! That's just plain freaky! :eek: :eek:


Active Member
Does anyone here remember the Space Mountain Que Pre-Fastpass???
All I have to say is OUT OF CONTROL! It was very rare that I would wait less than an hour anytime of the day before say 10:00pm

Hooray for school, hooray for Fast Pass!



Active Member
psuchad said:
Fastpass doesn't make me mad. It's the so called handicapped people that get to get right on the ride. Don't get me wrong. I do feel for the majority of handicapped people, but why can't they wait just like everybody else? The biggest thing is when people take advantage of it. I have seen on many occasions (at all parks like 6 Flags and Universal) where overweight people skip the line just because they rented a scooter. I have even heard them bragging about how much nicer it is "today" because they rented the scooter. So one day they can wait in line but the next day they can't. Come on!
I just have to respond to this...
I know that you mention people with weight problems in your post, and I'm sure there are some who do take advantage of the system, but I would just like to remind everyone that not every disability is visible. Three of our children have special needs. They seem just like every other kid when you see them, but they all have unique issues that they must deal with. I have one child in the autistic spectrum, one with behavioral issues, and another who needs a feeding tube. We are one of those families that gets a special pass to use the fastpass entrance on most rides. Is it fair? Are we taking advantage of the system? Some might think so. But to anyone who would like to trade, I will gladly wait in the standby line with my family while they have to go back to the hotel for a tube feed, or leave the park because their child has gone into a self injurious fit, or because their son can't take the close contact with so many other people. I would gladly live the rest of my life knowing that my children don't have to deal with these issues for the rest of their lives and wait a few extra minutes, heck a few extra hours, in line. The only reason we are able to visit WDW at all is because of the understanding and special assistance that they provide.
So next time you see someone using that line, or parking in a handicapped spot even though they appear to be perfectly normal, please don't jump to any conclusions, their life may be more difficult than you know.

(I now step down off of my soap box)


I like the title of your post. Maybe we should get rid of you :) I think you should take advantage of the fastpass and figure out how to work it then you will have a different opinion. Its a great system that too many tourists are too dumb to figure out (and we benefit)


Active Member
PeterPan1031 said:
Are you Retarded? Fast Pass is the greatest thing ever.... You must me the only one that doesnt like it....:mad:
maybe your one of those people that thinks it costs money. HAHA

Talk about a little un-called for. Yes, i don't like Fastpass. I liked it better when there were fast-moving queues where you would slowly enter an enviornment as you advanced through the queue. Waits do always seem shorter when you're constantly moving you know. There are many other reasons why i dislike the system but many have been brought up in this thread. And for the fact, i know many others who do not like Fastpass either. Now, while FP is now a part of WDW, i will use it to my advantage (mostly to avoid the horrid experience FP makes for standby lines). So don't call me/us 'un-educated'/'retarded' because we don't like it. I see pros and cons to both sides, but IMO, the cons of FP outweigh the pros.


New Member
shakes20 said:
I just have to respond to this...
I know that you mention people with weight problems in your post, and I'm sure there are some who do take advantage of the system, but I would just like to remind everyone that not every disability is visible. Three of our children have special needs. They seem just like every other kid when you see them, but they all have unique issues that they must deal with. I have one child in the autistic spectrum, one with behavioral issues, and another who needs a feeding tube. We are one of those families that gets a special pass to use the fastpass entrance on most rides. Is it fair? Are we taking advantage of the system? Some might think so. But to anyone who would like to trade, I will gladly wait in the standby line with my family while they have to go back to the hotel for a tube feed, or leave the park because their child has gone into a self injurious fit, or because their son can't take the close contact with so many other people. I would gladly live the rest of my life knowing that my children don't have to deal with these issues for the rest of their lives and wait a few extra minutes, heck a few extra hours, in line. The only reason we are able to visit WDW at all is because of the understanding and special assistance that they provide.
So next time you see someone using that line, or parking in a handicapped spot even though they appear to be perfectly normal, please don't jump to any conclusions, their life may be more difficult than you know.

(I now step down off of my soap box)

Very well said!(applause)



Are you nuts! Take advantage of it and use it! It's free and cuts back on time standing in line!

I love fastpasses, and other theme parks do the same thing now too!!:slurp:


New Member
Christina said:
I think he meant the people who were not actually handicapped but used the lines anyways. In his defense, I agree. It makes me angry when I see people who are just overweight, no other health problems, just scootering around the parks because they'd be too tired without it, AND getting treated like they were actually handicapped. I have no problem with people who are actually physically unable to walk getting wisked through... but people who take advantage of it are not good in my books.

Since we are on the soap box concerning fast pass and disabilities...

Are you aware of the cost to rent one of those scooters? It's something like $30 + $10 deposit a day. Do you really think that a person would just throw out that amount of cash in order to be "lazy"? Overweight people have a disability, they are handicapped. Many of them cannot walk for long periods of time, most suffer from high blood pressure and the simple act of walking will skyrocket that issue making them dizzy. You even said it yourself that they would be too tired to walk around the parks without the scooter and you don't think that's a handicap??? If a person tires from the simple act of walking, they will tire just as easily from the simple act of standing.

Are you further aware that overweight people have the choice to walk right on through the handicapped line because it saves them from the embarressment of not fitting through a turnstile? This is a Disney policy. Would you rather them be subjected to people starring at them or even laughing at them because they have difficulty getting through? What kind of person wants that? Could you imagine how horrible it would be if you were that overweight person struggling with the turnstile and have to endure whispers of "how is she going to fit on the ride? hehehehe".

Those people on scooters may have a medical condition that dictates that they can't participate in the physical activities that it requires to see the parks on foot. These people may not be able to stand for long periods either. The point is, you don't know why they have to cut in front of you in line. Some attitudes regarding these people need to change.


New Member
tzeke, i feel somewhat embarrased to have you in my hometown (pittsburgh). i'm not going to sit here and say that fastpass is perfect, because it is not. with a low to moderate crowd in the park, it makes stand-by a little bit of a problem. but that is all you're saying. you are not making a good argument because you aren't mentioning the good it does for people during peak seasons. since you haven't pointed out any goods about fastpass, i consider your argument to be that of a child. (sorry if i was harsh)

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
My first experience with fast pass was the second year it was started. We wanted to ride the safari at AK and standby was 40 min. fast pass return was a few hours. Lunch time was in about an hour so we thought, lets do standby. And about 2hrs & 45 min. later we got on the ride. They said fast pass backed up and those people had priority. The point is fast pass hurt stand by. If you don’t have a fast pass then you can forget about riding. We know how to use it to our advantage now, but I think they at least need to make some big changes. I remember the lines before fast pass and they were not near as bad as standby with fast pass. Just my opinion.

I just have to respond to this...
I know that you mention people with weight problems in your post, and I'm sure there are some who do take advantage of the system, but I would just like to remind everyone that not every disability is visible. Three of our children have special needs. They seem just like every other kid when you see them, but they all have unique issues that they must deal with. I have one child in the autistic spectrum, one with behavioral issues, and another who needs a feeding tube. We are one of those families that gets a special pass to use the fastpass entrance on most rides. Is it fair? Are we taking advantage of the system? Some might think so. But to anyone who would like to trade, I will gladly wait in the standby line with my family while they have to go back to the hotel for a tube feed, or leave the park because their child has gone into a self injurious fit, or because their son can't take the close contact with so many other people. I would gladly live the rest of my life knowing that my children don't have to deal with these issues for the rest of their lives and wait a few extra minutes, heck a few extra hours, in line. The only reason we are able to visit WDW at all is because of the understanding and special assistance that they provide.
So next time you see someone using that line, or parking in a handicapped spot even though they appear to be perfectly normal, please don't jump to any conclusions, their life may be more difficult than you know.

i agree with you!!!


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Another suggestion - go during slow times of the year, then you won't have to worry about FastPass. :wave:

There have been many times where we got a FP for a particular ride, got in the Standby line, because the wait was short, and then got in the FP line!

Also, if you wish to get rid of FP, you could suggest some kind of alternative. That way, people will see that you're serious about a topic, instead of just venting because you had a bad experience one time.

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