Get Rid Of Fastpass!!!!!


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coasterphil said:
Fastpass is what creates all the long lines on days with moderate crowd levels. The lines would probably only be 20-30min long, but because the line constantly comes to a complete stop thanks to FP it ends up being 60min. I personally take advantage of the system, but I think the lines overall would be so much better without out, except for the really busy days when you need it to get on anything without waiting over an hour.
thank you !! you hit the nail on the head. without fastpass the lines would be contstantly moving. now with fastpass, the lines stop for really long period of times!!

Ralph Wiggum

Account Suspended
there are good points and bad to the FP's. Disneyland is running tests, as is UO with the Express passes during peak times. waiting in line at a theme park used to be part of the experience, you look at the overall park and balance people eating, watching a show or parade, playing games, shopping, walking to attractions, etc. the rest are waiting in line. people wanting to ride space mountain now get to ride only 1 side depending on if they are standby or not. so a 50 minute standby with a 10 minute or less FP is ridiculous. I can see the need on certain attractions, others are wasting our time by having it. we use it, but we have the luxury of visiting the parks every weekend, so it's not a factor for us. Tower of Terror needs a single rider line, not a FP line. FP's for Philharmagic are ridiculous as well. just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
t_zeke77 said:
thank you !! you hit the nail on the head. without fastpass the lines would be contstantly moving. now with fastpass, the lines stop for really long period of times!!

Then why not just get a fastpass?? :confused: :veryconfu :confused:


Well-Known Member
t_zeke77 said:
fastpass what makes the lines sooooo slow:brick:

That doesn't answer my question. Why don't you just get a fastpass if you don't want to stay in a sooooo slow line?? :brick:


Well-Known Member
coasterphil said:
He would rather ride something as he walks past it and have the oppurtunity to re-ride it without a significant wait.

So he wants WDW to get rid of fastpass just because he doesn't want to wait for long periods? Here's a tip for him: hit the parks at the time they open. A lot less time waiting, and a lot more chances to reride. I speak from experience.


Well-Known Member
i think that waiting in line is inevitable when going to a theme park, especially one as popular as WDW. the invention of FastPass was to cut the wait time, not erase it completely. granted, if people get a FastPass for a line that only 10-15 min. i find that silly. but....FastPass has certianly come in handy when a standby wait for Test Track or Space Mtn. was 60 min or more.

i love FastPass and all its time-saving glory :D

also, why would you want to zip through a line (At least the first time through) with such excellent themeing, like ToT? they do the queue lines all nice and pretty for a reason.


Well-Known Member
Slade said:
So he wants WDW to get rid of fastpass just because he doesn't want to wait for long periods? Here's a tip for him: hit the parks at the time they open. A lot less time waiting, and a lot more chances to reride. I speak from experience.



Well-Known Member
coasterphil said:
You guys are totally missing the point that unless its a pretty busy day, FP makes the lines longer. Instead of being able to get into a 25 minute line and then maybe get back in again to reride it, you get a fastpass ride it once and then are forced to either use another FP or wait 50-60 minutes to ride again. Ever since it was added my family has gotten fewer re-rides on those attractions.

Your point is well-taken, as I also am a fan of re-rides. Some days I'd rather ride Splash six times in a row instead of visiting six other attractions.

However, I think it's only fair to note that the purpose of Fast Pass is to allow people to see more attractions, not to re-ride the same ones.

It was a response to complaints that people weren't getting to see the major attractions on busy days.

It's a trade off. That's why I love EMH's at night and things like MNSSHP, where I can ride Splash Mountain over and over until I get tired running the queue. ;)



Active Member
t_zeke77 said:
You are not lazy at all. I will admit that the last time I was at the parks there was no such thing as fast pass, so I will not shoot it down yet without trying it. I will say that I totally agree that when I am at the parks I am there to relax and dont want to think about having to rush to the other end of the park to make it in time for my fast pass expires. That would be stressful to me. I will admit that I always travel to WDW during the off season and there are never any big lines to talk about so I have never had a need for the system. It may sound silly, but from what I have read it seems to me that fast pass is a legal slip of paper that makes it OK to cut in line in front of other people who have waited properly? :)


Well-Known Member
ThreeCircles said:
Fast Pass going no where?

While I don't think it will totally go away, I do forsee some changes ahead for the system.

Matt Ouimet, the current head of the Disneyland Resort who came from Disney Cruise Line, is making changes to the Disneyland Fast Pass system.

That's true, but it has little to do with FP at WDW.

Matt has no jurisdiction outside of Disneyland, and surprisingly WDW and DL are run much differently, and independently, from each other. That's why all the bad maintainance and other issues that have plagued Disneyland in the past 10 years or so has not been reflected at WDW, which has remained relatively stable.

Besides that, FP at Disneyland and FP at WDW are two very different beasts. I'm sure someone who's visited Disneyland more than I can give the details (or was there a MiceAge/MousePlanet article on it not too far back I recall??), but the gist is that unlike at WDW where FP is used rather judiciously (with only a few rides, like "The Land", that really don't need it) Disneyland had them all over. Again, I'm sure someone can speak better to it - but wasn't there even one at things like Autopia?

During the dark years over at DL they just threw FP in everything, which led to the extreme that some people here would like you to believe happens at WDW. It's not that bad here - yes, standby is longer on many rides. But, the convenience and availability of FP far outweighs that for many of us because it allows you to see more of the parks in less time.

I don't think we'll see any great changes in FP at WDW anytime soon. Disneyland is having a much needed repair of it's FP system, but they are products of two entirely different managment philosphies.

FP is great - it does force you to think a few hours ahead of time but for most of us that's a welcome trade-off. It's really spoiled me - I simply will not wait more than 10-15 minutes in line for anything at WDW, yet every trip I get on every single attraction I want during my visit, many multiple times (like that one Halloween I did HM 13 times in a row :) ). It can be done with very little planning, just a little backtracking.

An ounce of planning is worth tons of standing in hot, crowded lines. ;)



Well-Known Member
RedBaron said:
I will say that I totally agree that when I am at the parks I am there to relax and dont want to think about having to rush to the other end of the park to make it in time for my fast pass expires.

It's a pretty open secret, but FP's, although they may say, "3:05 to 4:05", are generally accepted any time AFTER the first time on the ticket. So, if it says 3:05, you could use it any time after 3:05 that day (say, 8:00 if you wanted).

Bear in mind that is not offical policy (though I've been told CM's are instructed that it is "unoffical" policy), but I've never seen anyone turned away who had a FP valid that day.

RedBaron said:
I will admit that I always travel to WDW during the off season and there are never any big lines to talk about so I have never had a need for the system. It may sound silly, but from what I have read it seems to me that fast pass is a legal slip of paper that makes it OK to cut in line in front of other people who have waited properly? :)

During slow times of the year it's not as necessary - but a nice treat on rides like TT or the Safari.

In short, FP gives you a reservation ticket for a time window later that day. On FP enabled attractions there are two entrances - one for "stand-by" and one for "FP". There is a CM at the FP entrance who checks your ticket and lets you enter.

Some of these lines criss-cross with the stand-by line, hence the mentions in this thread about the "stare" you sometimes get.

FP really is a great thing, and just about everyone seems to enjoy it. People seem to learn the lesson quickly - once they are in a stand-by line and see people using FP, they find out what it is and think it's the best thing since sliced bread.

If you just want to wander around randomly doing stuff, it's not the ideal situation. However, it's really not that hard to get a ticket and come back in a few hours for most of us. Especially since it's not really a "window" in practice, but a start-time.

That said, I usually travel during the off-season as well, and I only use it a couple of times a day at most. Like, for ToT or RnR at MGM, or TT at Epcot. Just the real biggies. On many of the other attractions they shut them off at certain times of the year when they aren't needed.



New Member
psuchad said:
Fastpass doesn't make me mad. It's the so called handicapped people that get to get right on the ride. Don't get me wrong. I do feel for the majority of handicapped people, but why can't they wait just like everybody else?

People with disabilities wait all the time. They wait for hours in the doctor's office. They wait for their dialysis. They wait 45 minutes in a bus stop in the freezing rain for the bus with the wheelchair lift. They wait in the pharmacy line. They wait for the salesperson to assist them in the department store dressing room. They wait for Dial a Ride.

When it comes down to it, perhaps you can wait 30 seconds longer to ride a theme park ride?


Account Suspended
t_zeke77 said:
(doesnt It Make You Really Mad When You See The Fastpass People Getting On While You Stand In Line Without Moving!!!)

Nope. Because I know when I get off the ride that I am standing in line for. My next ride is a Fast Pass one and I'll be passing everyone in line.

t_zeke77 said:
I Like Equal Chance Equal Opportunity And The Lines Always Moved Quickly!!!

Everyone has an equal chance to use Fast Pass.

Pix E. Dust

New Member
dobiedadorf said:
People with disabilities wait all the time. They wait for hours in the doctor's office. They wait for their dialysis. They wait 45 minutes in a bus stop in the freezing rain for the bus with the wheelchair lift. They wait in the pharmacy line. They wait for the salesperson to assist them in the department store dressing room. They wait for Dial a Ride.

When it comes down to it, perhaps you can wait 30 seconds longer to ride a theme park ride?

Actually they wait at WDW too!! I don't know why people think they have front of the line access. They may not be able to wait in the line but they definitely wait out their time in the shade. Trust me. I know from experience.


New Member
I still say your just jealous you never had it!!! Fast pass is awsome! Your not waiting that much longer. Even if you are waiting it's not that big of a deal because your waiting also somewere eles with your fast pass. So some rides you wait and some rides you skip over. It's worth the extra money and the idea is very smart!! They should of thought of it years and years ago.


New Member
I am with ya Pix on this one get rid of Fastpass they are getting to be annoying and not time saving.

People say they save loads of time. For whom the people who got them that's who!!!! The people on the regular line aka stand by have to suffer so they could let the fastpass people merge in front of you on line. That's the only reason the Stand By line is so long. I mean sometimes so many fastpass people return the line is longer than if you were to wait in stand by. One time I tested this out last summer during busy time during the day on Mission: Space, Test Track, HM and RNRC.

Mission: Space Observation was this Stand By said 60 minutes and then there was the fastpass people you stop for. The first day I went on Mission by fastpass and waited 30 minutes!!!! Then I went stand by that said 60 on in 20. What's the difference of 10 minutes fastpass is supose to save you loads more.

Test Track now because this ride breaks down and stops every so often still. When does either way of this ride work. Even with fastpass when the ride is down it's down so you and the stand by line are both waiting 60-75 minutes either way. The only line that works here is single riders.

HM please don't get me started who decided to put a fastpass here anyway. So idiot person at Disney that's who!!!! What's next the Tikki Room :lol: . This was a ridiculous spot for this fastpass in the first place. There isn't enough room for two line here in the first place. This in and of itself makes the standby line go all the way back down towards CBJ. Which during parade time what are you going to do about the people waiting for HM :veryconfu ? Personally the reason why this ride has a long line now is because of Fastpass. If you go on this ride when the fastpass distrubution things are broke or in the morning when they aren't on yet you walk right on the ride. You use to do that on this ride before fastpass.

RNRC another ride where the 2 lines need to merge and stop in a small amount of space. RNRC was better off before fastpass. This ride has 2 wait lines any way. what's the fastpass doing for you here cutting the first line for you great well you still have to wait inside before the ride cue and inside before the preshow area. Either way i wait 10-30 minutes for this ride with or without a fastpass.

Pix E. Dust

New Member
WDWhumanmap said:
I am with ya Pix on this one get rid of Fastpass they are getting to be annoying and not time saving.

:veryconfu You are definitely confusing me with someone else. I think FP is a good idea and I plan to utilize it on my upcoming trip.

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