Get Rid Of Fastpass!!!!!


New Member
coasterphil said:
Fastpass is what creates all the long lines on days with moderate crowd levels. The lines would probably only be 20-30min long, but because the line constantly comes to a complete stop thanks to FP it ends up being 60min. I personally take advantage of the system, but I think the lines overall would be so much better without out, except for the really busy days when you need it to get on anything without waiting over an hour.

I agree, maybe the system should be used as a crowd control device. I do use fastpass, but I do think it makes the standby lines longer than they were. I also think it makes the parks seem more crowded with all these people walking around instead of being in line. There is also the people who ride multiple times as opposed to only once or twice a trip prior to fastpass. I think the 120 Minute wait times prior to fastpass on rides like Space Mountain or Splash, were a badge of honor!! It made you appreciate the ride that much more when you got on it. It seperated the men from the boys!(no disrespect to all the fine ladies and girls out there!) For all the west coast people on here,how many can remember both lines going all the way around the Matterhorn and meeting in the back on a hot July 4th Day! AHHH Memories!

I don't see it going anywhere, but Matt O at DLR has taken FP from a couple of rides as a test to see what happens to the crowds. FP just feeds the instant gratification society we live in! But if you use it, so will I :wave:

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I love fastpass!!!! Without fastpass, I wouldn't be able to ride some of my favourite rides like Peter Pan, Test Track, Space Mountain, ect. just because of the line being too long.


Well-Known Member
t_zeke77 said:
I Really Wish That They Get Tid Of Fastpass!!!! I Feel That The Theme Park Experience Would Be Sooo Much Better With Out Fastpass. You Gain On One Ride And Then You Wait In The Standby Line On The Other(doesnt It Make You Really Mad When You See The Fastpass People Getting On While You Stand In Line Without Moving!!!) I Like Equal Chance Equal Opportunity And The Lines Always Moved Quickly!!!

No way dude, I hate long lines, why wait on a line for an hour or more and only get to go on a few rides a day. Yeah I get jealous when people zoom past me cause they have fast pass. But I am gonna do the same to them later in the day. if you dont like it dont use it. But you would be a fool not to use it.


Well-Known Member
Thank goodness for fast pass!!! :sohappy:

My God back in the stone ages [mid 90s ;) ] I would wait around an hour and a hald for Tower of Terror. Now I don't!

Last year for President's Day I already had my trip planned out as flexible as possible. I immediatly fast passed Space Mountain [which already had a 45 minute wait at 9:30 in the morning]. While I waited for Space Mountain I had walk ons for Small World, Haunted Mansion, Hall of Presidents, and Snow White.

It helps me greatly. Yes something may come up and you have to work around it, but when your waiting for your fast pass to be activated take the time to walk around and take photos or videos or enjoy the surroundings. That's what we did at Epcot when waiting for a ride.


Active Member
Fastpass is a great system and works well most of the time. I agree that when crowds are light it does create more of a line for things. Also, I think there needs to be a better way of letting the stand-by folks on the ride, because sometimes I've been at the beginning of the stand-by waiting to get on the ride and the CM keeps you waiting, even though there aren't any FP people waiting but running up or there aren't any FP people and it is as if they are waiting for them.

So if you don't like to plan while on vacation, how is it that you get to the airport, eat or do anything in general.

What concerns me about those scooters that everyone rents is that too many people don't know how to operate them which makes them downright dangerous. This past December, my friend I was with had her foot run over by some woman in the Emporium because she didn't know how to operate it, thank god she finally hit the wall by the cash register, who knows how far she would have kept going otherwise and that there was not some little kid in her path. It is unfortunate that there are probably some unscrupulous folks out there who probably do rent one so they can get to the head of the lines. I feel very badly for folks who really need to use them, it's definitely no fun and I know they wish they didn't have to use them, but it is the only way for them to get around.


New Member
DisneyFreak529 said:
Get ride of fast pass? Are you crazy!!!!! I love Fastpass!!
When I am waiting in line I don't hate the fastpass people because I
will be doing the same thing they are on another ride.

Your just jealous you never had one before!!!!!

My God, you live in Latham??? I'm in Loudonville! :wave:


Well-Known Member
without fastpass I surely couldn't have done all the attractions I did ...

within 4 days I could do almost all attractions (2-3 missed) of all parks .. and even had time for shows ..

so fastpass was an abolute must for me :king:


Park History nut
Premium Member
When we have 2 weeks to do all of Central Floridas attractions on a holiday we have saved years for, Fastpass is a boon.

I say `Keep fast pass`


Well-Known Member
Fastpass is great, especially on NYE. I can't even imagine how miserable NYE would be without fastpass, what 4 hours for TT, then 3.5 for M:S. thats a good chunk of the day gone waiting for two rides! Then Soarin, which will no doubt have a long wait, LWTL, HISTA, etc... With fastpass, I can walk around, jump on the rides with shorter lines, then walk onto another ride. The system is fantastic. To get rid of Fastpass would be insane, it works great, and (as many others have already said) helps you to get more done in the day.
i just wanted to say we love the fastpass system it has always helped us in planning what and how we "attack" the parks, to maximize out time and experience...
as to the scooter issue, i wanted to bring into focus another spin on it. my wife is a little what you would call plump........but certainly not FAT or grossely overweight, however due to her health condition (chrone's disease) she gets tired very quickly, she can walk etc, but we always rent one of those scooters at WDW mainly for her to get from ride to ride to ride, especially at Epcot since it is so big. BUT i must stress we always ALWAYS stand in line just like everyone else and wait our turn. we use the scooter basically for her since she cannot walk for great distances or times. the forst year we went (2002) we did not rent one and it wwas so miserable for her she got 23 blisters on her feet due to her medications she was taking. now to look at my wife you would never know she had a disability, ou might just say well because she is a little heavy shes being lazy and renting a scooter, which simply isnt the case.............i just am saying this to say it does bother me when people abuse the system and cheat by pretending to be disabled just to get special treatment, but there ARE those out there like my wife who has a disability that isnt readily recognizable or evident.

just my humble take on it :wave:


Active Member
I too wish they would get rid of Fastpass- i think it has somewhat ruined the theme park experience. Everything has to be a rush's really too bad.


Well-Known Member
You guys are totally missing the point that unless its a pretty busy day, FP makes the lines longer. Instead of being able to get into a 25 minute line and then maybe get back in again to reride it, you get a fastpass ride it once and then are forced to either use another FP or wait 50-60 minutes to ride again. Ever since it was added my family has gotten fewer re-rides on those attractions.

Dj Corona

Active Member
I think the Fastpass can be annoying at times, especially when a line is only 15 minutes or less to begin with, and then groups of Fastpassers come through with the attitude of "Look at us ha ha, we're going straight to front of the line while you have to wait, because we're special":rolleyes: and then the line gets about 10 minutes longer because of it. However, there's enough to do between all the parks, (and with EMH ) that you shouldn't be standing in lines all day to begin with. I am however a big fan of the single rider lines. Whoever came up with that, feel free to give yourself a self high-five if you read this!


Active Member
coasterphil said:
You guys are totally missing the point that unless its a pretty busy day, FP makes the lines longer. Instead of being able to get into a 25 minute line and then maybe get back in again to reride it, you get a fastpass ride it once and then are forced to either use another FP or wait 50-60 minutes to ride again. Ever since it was added my family has gotten fewer re-rides on those attractions.

Exactly. Unless you go regularily and can miss attractons because you know you can ride it next time, most people end up waiting twice as long in un-themed, slow, standby lines while they wait for their FP. The time they save is spent waiting longer for another attraction.


Active Member
basas said:
Exactly. Unless you go regularily and can miss attractons because you know you can ride it next time, most people end up waiting twice as long in un-themed, slow, standby lines while they wait for their FP. The time they save is spent waiting longer for another attraction.
In a 10 hour day you can get at a minimum 5 FP, more likely 6-7. So thats 6 rides with 10 minute lines. Count the ride length you have 2 hours for 6 rides. That still leaves you 8 hours to go on everything else. If you were smart and chose the slow loading, really long line rides for your FP, the longest line you will wait in is 30-45 minutes. That would be another 10-16 rides. So with FP you were able to go on 16-22 rides. If you waited in lines for the top attractions(1-2 hours) you might only get in 6-10 rides. The key is choosing the right rides for FP. Look at the ride time board to give you an idea on what lines are longer.

Something I haven't seen mentioned is FP is great for people with kids. Much better for us to wait less than 10 minutes than to try and keep my kid occupied for 60 minutes. Good luck with that one.


New Member
jmaxwell007 said:
not sure, but when kharma catches up with you and you have to rent a scooter to get around, you can fill us in on the experience.

dont get me wrong, everyone has felt that way one time or another, just keep it unspoken, you really dont know what kind of life that handicapped person leads and or how long it may take them to get from attraction to attraction. just be thankful you are there and try to be in their shoes.......... or on their scooter. :D

I think he meant the people who were not actually handicapped but used the lines anyways. In his defense, I agree. It makes me angry when I see people who are just overweight, no other health problems, just scootering around the parks because they'd be too tired without it, AND getting treated like they were actually handicapped. I have no problem with people who are actually physically unable to walk getting wisked through... but people who take advantage of it are not good in my books.

ON the topic of the thread- I adore FP and wish it to stay around forever and ever and ever. It saves me much time in line, and EVERYONE can get one.

And next time maybe you should try not using caps so much- its confusing to read! :wave:


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