George's Epic WDW predictions

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
churros aren't five bucks -- don't get the first point wrong in your big opus -- you look the fool!
They're five bucks now! George the Amazing Scientist saw the larger trends behind the daily reality!



Resident Curmudgeon
The reason people think that Disney is declining is because of the stupid friggin internet. Anytime a single small thing is less than perfect - it is posted all over the internet for everyone to see and read.

I've been going to the parks for nearly 25 years. They are better now than ever before. Thanks to Michael Eisner, Disney World has become a total vacation destination unlike anywhere else.

Another problem is people for some reason have all become nearsighted. They are so focused on up close things like a piece of chipped paint that they fail to see the enormous, mind-blowing, beautiful things that surround them in the distance. And if they encounter one cast member who is having a bad day, they become oblivious to the thousands of other cast members who are working hard and creating magic.

But the bottom line is, I could care less if you all enjoy WDW or not. To me it is unique, magical, and indescribable. And I feel privileged to be able to enjoy such a place, and I'm not gonna let the negativity of others ruin my experience.

The internet is a part of the issue, But the internet is like a giant archive so all the dirt which TWDC wants hidden and in the past would have been swept under the rug is now on view front and center.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
This is a rather loaded topic, because it will bring out people who have not been to the parks in years yet make erroneous claims even though they have absolutely no clue as to anything.

Plus, you cannot make any claim towards Disney World without a comparison to the lack of quality at the Universal parks as well. People want to make ridiculous claims about poor ride maintenance need look no further than Universal Studios and IoA as prime examples, and in some cases more so than WDW.

People need to actually go to the parks instead of jumping on the proverbial internet bandwagon with ignorance.

Is Disney slipping in quality? Honestly, if you look hard enough you will find anything your personal opinion can comprehend to what you perceive it to be, but if you're looking, your missing the point of whats supposed to be a vacation. If you don't know what a vacation is, I suggest you use the internet wisely to find the definition.

Jimmy Thick- A WDW or Uni/amusement park vacation should be above such silly designations because in case you're getting it handed to you, you're PAYING for it.


Active Member
Yes the quality is slipping as a whole. There's some very bad casting and very bad management snipping those thorns off.
I feel that years gone by there would be 1 or 2 bad CMs a trip with every other one you encountered going above and beyond (Disney basics) now it's turned; there's mediocre CMs, more terrible ones and then the great are the few and far between.

I always see the argument of people have these crazy expectations of Disney and I'm sorry but that is Disney's fault. These celebrations didn't come from nowhere but it was their USP. We will give you the happiest or most magical day ever. We will recover your bad situation. Dropped your popcorn? Here's another! Cheesy smile! :)

Now it's standards are well standard. And that is why quality has slipped because people want to argue and justify why that slipping is ok.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
Plus, you cannot make any claim towards Disney World without a comparison to the lack of quality at the Universal parks as well. People want to make ridiculous claims about poor ride maintenance need look no further than Universal Studios and IoA as prime examples, and in some cases more so than WDW.

Is getting one thread deleted not enough for you, Jimmy? Honestly, we have enough Disney vs Uni threads on this forum already. You don't need to turn this into another one.


Well-Known Member
Quality is slipping everywhere (not just Disney) It's the result of MBAs trying to squeeze blood from a stone so stocks go up another 1/4 of a point at the expense of the guest. People that are short sighted and don't have a vision of the future. Scratch that - their vision of the future is incredibly short-sighted and it involves boosting earnings temporarily to get a bonus and job hop to the next place claiming the wonderful job they did at the place prior. Kind of like a locust or some other disease that sucks all the worth and resources. The management simply says BOHICA* and the customer just smiles and says "more pixie dust".

*BOHICA: Bend Over Here It Comes Again


Well-Known Member
I think Disney still takes so much pride in it's attractions and grounds. However, I think that the current climate means they have to prioritise certain things because of boring profit business stuff, so things like (referring back to a thread) certain things are prioritised meaning some attractions/ aspects of the park can't be refurbed.

I personally have never seen a problem with standards. Yes, we have had the odd grumpy cast member, yes a few things haven't been working on each trip, but honestly, i've never had a massive problem that's bugged me. I think a lot of people (Get ready for the snotty replies) become spoilt and don't realise it.

The only thing that p!$$3s me off, is the ticket prices and parking. They can't justify that amount and are starting to alienate people.
My family and I just returned from WDW this past Friday night. It was not one of our most fun trips. The quality of customer service has really fallen through the roof. One of the people that commented said if you go looking for the magic, you'll get the magic. Well, we always go looking for the magic but it's just not there this year. The new Fast Pass Plus system really is one of the worst things that Disney has ever tried to implement. Not only can you only have 3 fast passes per day and in only one park, so what is the use for having the park hopper option now? None! The lines that you didn't have fast passes for were sometimes 90-120 minutes. Nothing there is worth waiting that long, especially when you have ridden them in the past. Everything was slowed down because of the fast passes. The new coffee in the resorts, Jeffrey's, was the worst coffee I've ever tasted, overly strong and burnt, and all the people in the food court at Caribbean Beach, were complaining about it so when I approached the manager of the food court, all she said was Sorry you didn't like it. She really acted like she didn't care. Just the overall attitude of the cast members was just not like the past. All the above caused us not to change to a annual pass for next year and we've decided to not go again for a while. Really miss the magic. These are just a couple of things we experienced that was a negative to our trip.
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Well-Known Member
The new Fast Pass Plus system really is one of the worst things that Disney has ever tried to implement. Not only can you only have 3 fast passes per day and in only one park, so what is the use for having the park hopper option now? None!

Well, if they strand you in a park for an entire day it is more time they have you captive for you to get bored so you will be able to shop in the stores and spend even more of the college fund on chinese and malaysian trinkets. Quite ingenious really...:bored:

Very interesting that anytime a decline in guest experience is mentioned Jimmy heads right for the Uni card even on non-Uni threads. I have never stayed at Uni or been there and even I can see the decline at the world...I wish I didn't, but I do:oops:


Well-Known Member
On the subject of CMs: Disney is in the business of selling happiness and magic, but the reality is that life is tough for a lot of people right now. It's VERY hard to find people who can be unfailingly polite, sensitive and positive under pressure these days, especially if you don't pay or train them properly. As a society, Americans increasingly see service positions as low status occupations, which makes them undesirable. That in turn makes it hard to attract and keep quality staff and also makes guests more likely to abuse them.

I haven't been to WDW in some years so this is just an educated guess, but I suspect that there are quite a lot of people working in the "happiest place on earth" who aren't happy themselves, don't know how to create happiness in others and who don't feel they're being paid enough to cater to the enormous crowds of people who expect to be made happy every day. In a perfect world, Disney would understand that well-trained, well-compensated CMs are the proverbial keys to the kingdom, but that's a hard sell at a board meeting where the people in charge don't have any connection to worker OR guest, and are only interested in profit margin.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
On the subject of CMs: Disney is in the business of selling happiness and magic, but the reality is that life is tough for a lot of people right now... In a perfect world, Disney would understand that well-trained, well-compensated CMs are the proverbial keys to the kingdom, but that's a hard sell at a board meeting where the people in charge don't have any connection to worker OR guest, and are only interested in profit margin.

If they're not treated right and can't be proud of their product, there's really no reason for CM's to be happy. There are some exceptions, but they're growing rarer with each passing fiscal quarter.


Well-Known Member
If they're not treated right and can't be proud of their product, there's really no reason for CM's to be happy. There are some exceptions, but they're growing rarer with each passing fiscal quarter.

Exactly. It also doesn't help that the ones who ARE happy or who are really good at making people happy are watching their colleagues phone it in and make the same money. That's very demoralizing. There are some people in the world who just really like people and enjoy making every day a great day for every person they meet, but such folks are few and far between. Everyone else is working for a paycheck and wishing it was time for their lunch break.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. It also doesn't help that the ones who ARE happy or who are really good at making people happy are watching their colleagues phone it in and make the same money. That's very demoralizing. There are some people in the world who just really like people and enjoy making every day a great day for every person they meet, but such folks are few and far between. Everyone else is working for a paycheck and wishing it was time for their lunch break.

It's probably hard for CM's right now. Imagine what their review process is. If there's no system setup to reward CMs that go above and beyond then you might as well do the bare minimum. As long as you your job and customers don't scream at your manager you get paid the same as if you make every customer smile.

Mid-level management would rather keep the profits if it even gets to that section in the org-chart. At the end of the day the C-- lvl people want to appease stock holders and the stockholders don't want to hear about pay raises. Unemployment numbers / supply-demand / training required to do the job doesn't dictate a competitive salary so CMs just don't care.

Can't say that I blame them or begrudge them for it. They are just like you or I, except they get crapped on by honey boo-boo and helicopter parents 365 days a year thinking their special snowflake should have FOTL access and get everything they want

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
You will not find quality like Disney's anywhere else...that is why competitors study Disney...trying to be better...
True, but that doesn't mean Disneys quality can't be slipping. I personally don't buy into the "look at Uni or Six flags..." argument as Disney set its own standard to live up to. I've been going to Disney for over 30yrs, and I can say the quality in resent years has slipped in my eyes. If my expectations are too high, then too bad for me I guess but Disney set those expectations for me.


Well-Known Member
My family and I just returned from WDW this past Friday night. It was not one of our most fun trips. The quality of customer service has really fallen through the roof. One of the people that commented said if you go looking for the magic, you'll get the magic. Well, we always go looking for the magic but it's just not there this year. The new Fast Pass Plus system really is one of the worst things that Disney has ever tried to implement. Not only can you only have 3 fast passes per day and in only one park, so what is the use for having the park hopper option now? None! The lines that you didn't have fast passes for were sometimes 90-120 minutes. Nothing there is worth waiting that long, especially when you have ridden them in the past. Everything was slowed down because of the fast passes. The new coffee in the resorts, Jeffrey's, was the worst coffee I've ever tasted, overly strong and burnt, and all the people in the food court at Caribbean Beach, were complaining about it so when I approached the manager of the food court, all she said was Sorry you didn't like it. She really acted like she didn't care. Just the overall attitude of the cast members was just not like the past. All the above caused us not to change to a annual pass for next year and we've decided to not go again for a while. Really miss the magic. These are just a couple of things we experienced that was a negative to our trip.

I had to chuckle as I read this post, only because my wife and I just returned from a trip this past Sunday and it was one of our most fun trips. I happen to love FP+. We have been so many times (17 years in a row) that we know what we like and what we don't like. And what we don't like is getting to the parks at rope drop. Because of that, she had never done TSM. Using FP+, she was able to do it and she LOVED it. I also liked it because I use Touring Plans, and was able to plan out days where were able to do so much more than were able to do in the past. And I still used my Park Hopper. Since I still had a KTTW card I was able to double dip, but honestly I didn't use it that much.

My whole point is, as others have said, if you want to find misery, you can find it. If you want to find magic, you'll find that too. We had to share part of our trip with the Pop Warner cheerleaders at CBR. 98% of them were wonderful. We did bump into the 2% who had no business being there, but we didn't let it ruin our trip. What we chose to see in these groups was the celebration of their achievements in getting to WDW. These girls raised tens of thousands of dollars in short time just so they could perform once for 2.5 minutes. It was great to see these little platoons of identically dressed cheerleaders going around the resort. It was fun watching some of the girls practice their arm routines while riding the bus to the parks. We wanted to find the magic.

That said, MMF was right - Joffrey's coffee is not much better than the Nescafe stuff. As for the other quality issues, I think on the whole Disney tries to put out the same quality product that they always have. Yes they have made some questionable if not downright dumb decisions. But, there are also people who go to WDW who will not be happy no matter what. I am sure we have all seen message board posts where someone's vacation was RUINED by them not getting one towel animal in their room. Overall, though - this is the same high quality place in 2013 as it was when we first went in 1992 and then 1997, and then every December since 1998.

I have already booked my 2014 trip using the bounce back. I for one will probably never stop going. But that's me.


President of Progress City
I had to chuckle as I read this post, only because my wife and I just returned from a trip this past Sunday and it was one of our most fun trips. I happen to love FP+. We have been so many times (17 years in a row) that we know what we like and what we don't like. And what we don't like is getting to the parks at rope drop. Because of that, she had never done TSM. Using FP+, she was able to do it and she LOVED it. I also liked it because I use Touring Plans, and was able to plan out days where were able to do so much more than were able to do in the past. And I still used my Park Hopper. Since I still had a KTTW card I was able to double dip, but honestly I didn't use it that much.

My whole point is, as others have said, if you want to find misery, you can find it. If you want to find magic, you'll find that too. We had to share part of our trip with the Pop Warner cheerleaders at CBR. 98% of them were wonderful. We did bump into the 2% who had no business being there, but we didn't let it ruin our trip. What we chose to see in these groups was the celebration of their achievements in getting to WDW. These girls raised tens of thousands of dollars in short time just so they could perform once for 2.5 minutes. It was great to see these little platoons of identically dressed cheerleaders going around the resort. It was fun watching some of the girls practice their arm routines while riding the bus to the parks. We wanted to find the magic.

That said, MMF was right - Joffrey's coffee is not much better than the Nescafe stuff. As for the other quality issues, I think on the whole Disney tries to put out the same quality product that they always have. Yes they have made some questionable if not downright dumb decisions. But, there are also people who go to WDW who will not be happy no matter what. I am sure we have all seen message board posts where someone's vacation was RUINED by them not getting one towel animal in their room. Overall, though - this is the same high quality place in 2013 as it was when we first went in 1992 and then 1997, and then every December since 1998.

I have already booked my 2014 trip using the bounce back. I for one will probably never stop going. But that's me.

I would second this. I just got back from my 15th Trip to the world and this was possibly one of the the best trips I have ever had. Every staff member was wonderful and the magic was still there if you want to find it.

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