George K to Replace Meg Crofton as WDW head in early 2013


Well-Known Member
I also perceive this notion to kinda be ingrained in WDI as well, when you have Eric Jacobson involved in 3 of the parks ... and everything is kinda the same ... then you go to AK ... it has a different feel - yes its run down, but it doesn't feel as though it has given into ADD children and OCD parents ... yet!
But it is not just Walt Disney Imagineering, it is even the fans themselves! Look at the ideas that get tossed around sites such as this one. So much of it is tossing in popular brands because they have an aesthetic that could be slightly tweaked to what exists. So much is making excuses because "the kids won't notice" or "the kids will love it." In many ways, Disney fans get what they deserve, because they openly proclaim to not want serious, meaningful, artistic content in the Disney theme park and resort experience and viciously deny that it ever actually existed at Disneyland or Walt Disney World. It's why something like the Value Resorts is called "themed" when its just a bunch of slightly related decor slapped onto generic walls. They don't want a different, new, exciting experience that resonates with anything besides their pre-existing love for Disney®.


Well-Known Member
But it is not just Walt Disney Imagineering, it is even the fans themselves! Look at the ideas that get tossed around sites such as this one. So much of it is tossing in popular brands because they have an aesthetic that could be slightly tweaked to what exists. So much is making excuses because "the kids won't notice" or "the kids will love it." In many ways, Disney fans get what they deserve, because they openly proclaim to not want serious, meaningful, artistic content in the Disney theme park and resort experience and viciously deny that it ever actually existed at Disneyland or Walt Disney World. It's why something like the Value Resorts is called "themed" when its just a bunch of slightly related decor slapped onto generic walls. They don't want a different, new, exciting experience that resonates with anything besides their pre-existing love for Disney®.

But that's the problem: true creative art does not happen when you ask the masses. Great novels are not written by surveying people first what they want to read. And that's what Disney seems to start to forget: that they are in the business of being creative, that's why I expect them to create things that I cannot dream of.

If you had asked me before my first visit to Epcot whether I would think that I would enjoy the American Adventure I would have said it sounds like the most boring thing - I watched it mainly out of curiosity about Disney and the American viewpoint on American history (being from Europe myself) and now it is one of my favourite attractions.


Well-Known Member
But that's the problem: true creative art does not happen when you ask the masses. Great novels are not written by surveying people first what they want to read. And that's what Disney seems to start to forget: that they are in the business of being creative, that's why I expect them to create things that I cannot dream of.

If you had asked me before my first visit to Epcot whether I would think that I would enjoy the American Adventure I would have said it sounds like the most boring thing - I watched it mainly out of curiosity about Disney and the American viewpoint on American history (being from Europe myself) and now it is one of my favourite attractions.
You are absolutely right. People saying "I want more of Brand X" is a function of linguistics and semiotics, not true creativity. Brand X is being used as a symbol to signify the intangible qualities that people desire, not a literal desire to only get more of the same.

That said, I think there is something more happening with theme park fans. They reject the value of theme entertainment as a creative medium. Do film fans dismiss the shortcomings of a good film as not being worth discussing because its just a movie and most people won't notice? Literature fans? To far too many fans, the escapism has become a comforting shelter of predictability, you plans it out months in advance but never give it any real thought or attention beyond sucking in as much comforting simulacra as possible.


Well-Known Member
But it is not just Walt Disney Imagineering, it is even the fans themselves! Look at the ideas that get tossed around sites such as this one. So much of it is tossing in popular brands because they have an aesthetic that could be slightly tweaked to what exists. So much is making excuses because "the kids won't notice" or "the kids will love it." In many ways, Disney fans get what they deserve, because they openly proclaim to not want serious, meaningful, artistic content in the Disney theme park and resort experience and viciously deny that it ever actually existed at Disneyland or Walt Disney World. It's why something like the Value Resorts is called "themed" when its just a bunch of slightly related decor slapped onto generic walls. They don't want a different, new, exciting experience that resonates with anything besides their pre-existing love for Disney®.

Yes that is quite true as well ... there was someone saying the fairies should invade AK is just so bleh ... remember when Disney used to create new IP just for the parks ... yep I want more of NEW THEME PARK IP than that of more of Princess's, Pixar, furries and fairies ... I bet we get a post from the malcontents telling me how we are wrong and they should use more of the Brand. But for myself the Brand is on life support it needs new ideas, new IP, new technology, etc.

Linking this back to Mister George K ... hope to god he brings some new thinking to WDW/TDO.


Well-Known Member
When you're having it for 20 nights, which likely will become 30 or more, it does. ... The thing is this has always been traditionally a one weekend deal at DL. But this will allow for dining packages and even tickets. But a bit more tradition dies.

I believe George was leading EPCOT when the CP (nope, just realized it was his predecessor Greg Emmer) moved from the MK to EPCOT with dining packages etc.

I am sure most folks here have no idea the CP was ever held at MK, yet it was from 1971 to 1993 or 94.
If something is popular I don't really have a problem with expanding it to a larger venue. Of the things to complain about, this isn't anywhere near the top of my list. Even in the Hyperion Theater itself, it needs a lobby, a better facade, escalators and most importantly a solution for the flying carpet scene.


Well-Known Member
I also perceive this notion to kinda be ingrained in WDI as well, when you have Eric Jacobson involved in 3 of the parks ... and everything is kinda the same ... then you go to AK ... it has a different feel - yes its run down, but it doesn't feel as though it has given into ADD children and OCD parents ... yet!
It is insane to have one Creative Executive in charge of development for 3 parks. Each park should have it's own overiding vision which means a different portfolio leader for each park and Kathy Mangum's job supervising each . Don't know about MK and DHS but Trevor Bryant should be put in charge of the Epcot portfolio. As for Jacobson, He is Fitzgeralds protoge who designed the BAH so having one park let alone 3 on his watch is not a good thing. As it stands right now it's just Jacobson with 3 parks and Rohde with 1 reporting to Mangum.


Well-Known Member
But it is not just Walt Disney Imagineering, it is even the fans themselves! Look at the ideas that get tossed around sites such as this one. So much of it is tossing in popular brands because they have an aesthetic that could be slightly tweaked to what exists. So much is making excuses because "the kids won't notice" or "the kids will love it." In many ways, Disney fans get what they deserve, because they openly proclaim to not want serious, meaningful, artistic content in the Disney theme park and resort experience and viciously deny that it ever actually existed at Disneyland or Walt Disney World.
The Haunted Mansion Disaster Queue is the perfect poster child for this mentality.


Well-Known Member
I bet we get a post from the malcontents telling me how we are wrong and they should use more of the Brand. .
Also if you believe the chief malcontents username He/She is ironically a fan of a non-existing IP based attraction. Though of course we remember what happened when they tried to make that attractions IP into a Movie though I would prefer we forget about.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I also perceive this notion to kinda be ingrained in WDI as well, when you have Eric Jacobson involved in 3 of the parks ... and everything is kinda the same ... then you go to AK ... it has a different feel - yes its run down, but it doesn't feel as though it has given into ADD children and OCD parents ... yet!

I look at DAK as the only WDW park that is still basically sticking to its mission statement. The other three parks are all a mess. MK's lands have no purpose as toons and the Disney BRAND is stuffed down everyone's throats. EPCOT's FW is a total and utter mess. And TPFKaTD-MGMS seems to be a park where you toss anything that has something to do with entertainment and hope it sticks.

DAK is still about all animals, real, extinct or imaginary ... and that carries through the entire place. If Pandora gets builts, then you can toss that out the window too. But right now, DAK is true to itself.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
But that's the problem: true creative art does not happen when you ask the masses. Great novels are not written by surveying people first what they want to read. And that's what Disney seems to start to forget: that they are in the business of being creative, that's why I expect them to create things that I cannot dream of.

If you had asked me before my first visit to Epcot whether I would think that I would enjoy the American Adventure I would have said it sounds like the most boring thing - I watched it mainly out of curiosity about Disney and the American viewpoint on American history (being from Europe myself) and now it is one of my favourite attractions.

I think Disney has forgotten it's a dream factory that is supposed to create. I think Bob Iger doesn't have the confidence or the vision to create or innovate, so he he acquires (Pixar, Marvel, Lucas etc).

Disney has also forgotten that all the great things, the visionary things, the company has done would never have happened if they went out and asked focus groups or simply people what they wanted. Disney became the great company it did because it gave people things they never knew they wanted, things they never dreamed possible.

That's all changed. The company that gave us EPCOT Center in 1982 now gives us 'New Fantasyland' in 2012. The company that gave us the Contemporary Resort in 1971 gives us the Art of Animation Hotel in 2012.

They have no faith whatsoever in their ability to create or innovate ... and you better believe that it shows.

Funny, but I don't see UNI kissing up to Mommy Bloggers and trying to create BRAND ADVOCATES in the Twitverse etc.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Anyone notice the good folks at are taking credit for this story? Or at least saying @KevinYee was on Facebook, which was not the case.

I wonder when Al Lutz will weigh in, considering how close to Georgie he's become.

disney fan 13

Well-Known Member
Anyone notice the good folks at are taking credit for this story? Or at least saying @KevinYee was on Facebook, which was not the case.

I wonder when Al Lutz will weigh in, considering how close to Georgie he's become.

Miceage takes credit for a lot of things that they shouldn't, since outside of California they have very few sources so they steal it from other sites. (Like here and OU.)


Well-Known Member
Anyone notice the good folks at are taking credit for this story? Or at least saying @KevinYee was on Facebook, which was not the case.

I wonder when Al Lutz will weigh in, considering how close to Georgie he's become.

To set the record straight, on Facebook I merely said I was reading rumors of George replacing Meg (rumors that I had seen here on these forums). Wasn't trying to claim any credit, and I had no idea until this morning that someone on MiceChat's forums quoted my Facebook post as a source for this news. I'll correct it over there, too.


Well-Known Member
Anyone notice the good folks at are taking credit for this story? Or at least saying @KevinYee was on Facebook, which was not the case.

I wonder when Al Lutz will weigh in, considering how close to Georgie he's become.
When I called out their new Wdw lifestyler photographer for stealing a photo in his first column I got a beat down from the mods & was told I'm the reason we can't have nice things. And one things I do agree with Corless on is their park hopper guys can't write an article to save their lives. Still not sure why you need them, to me it dilutes Kevin's content & insight.


Well-Known Member
I look at DAK as the only WDW park that is still basically sticking to its mission statement. The other three parks are all a mess. MK's lands have no purpose as toons and the Disney BRAND is stuffed down everyone's throats. EPCOT's FW is a total and utter mess. And TPFKaTD-MGMS seems to be a park where you toss anything that has something to do with entertainment and hope it sticks.

DAK is still about all animals, real, extinct or imaginary ... and that carries through the entire place. If Pandora gets builts, then you can toss that out the window too. But right now, DAK is true to itself.

I agree... but Pandora kinda fits being they are imaginary creatures would fit in the mission statement of course Dragons and Unicorns would be a better fit. I agree about DAK now if they could only get out the preachy MAN IS THE DEMON sermon...


Well-Known Member
I've sorta let this cat (no, not calling Georgie any feline names) out of the bag, so might as well give y'all something to talk about (other than Kevin Yee's excellent column this week).

Current DLR Prez George Kalogridis, who was spotted touring Florida Governor Rick 'Voldemort' Scott around the New Fantasyland Media Party a few weeks back will be taking over as head of WDW in early 2013 and replacing fan punching bag (punchline?) Meg Crofton as top exec of WDW Co.

This seems like good news to me. I met George in '97. He seemed very interested in CM opinions and asked a lot of questions of how things were working and if we needed anything to make things better.

If he can get things back to the same customer service and general maintenence status as in '97 I'd be very happy.


Premium Member
all too common.. people read something on a forum/site and then say "i've heard" - and people take that to mean they are the source of the info.. instead of the person simply repeating what they've read elsewhere. If people simply say "I've read on other sites" or even say which.. the confusion would be gone.

Echo chamber commence..


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
To set the record straight, on Facebook I merely said I was reading rumors of George replacing Meg (rumors that I had seen here on these forums). Wasn't trying to claim any credit, and I had no idea until this morning that someone on MiceChat's forums quoted my Facebook post as a source for this news. I'll correct it over there, too.

Thanks @KevinYee. And I was 99% sure you had nothing to do with it. It just rankled me when my weekly Micechat email appeared in my in box and they were touting it as if you had broken the story. At the risk of tooting my own horn (and, as guys, we'd all do it if we could!), no one paid any attention to the DLR Prez being at an event he should have had no business being at -- and then was seen showing the place off to Florida Governor Rick ' Scott. The only way that happens is if the man talking up the Governor is about to have a very important job in Florida ... and this time, Georgie ain't returning from Anaheim in disgrace to become VP of DD.

I wonder why your pal Al has been so damn silent on the matter, other than ego perhaps.

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