I've been reading Al Lutz since the late 1990's, at his various websites. His sources go back to before George K. was in Anaheim for the first time in 2000-01, and there were some truly great scoops by Lutz in the interim years alone of 2003-09 when George K. was nowhere near California. (Lutz scooped.... 50th plans, Disneyland cleanup of '04-'05, Submarine drama, Pirates Lair, DCA Makeover: what it consisted of and the dates it would be announced and then opened, Characters going in Small World, even some trashy celebrity dish back then like Lindsay Lohan being drunk and high during her 18th birthday visit, etc., etc., etc.)
Several of those Lutz scoops were vehemently denied online by various "insiders" and "experts", the Pirates Lair and Small World characters scoops by Lutz were the most memorable examples. But then a few months went by and Disney actually announced they were doing the stuff Lutz said they were going to, and the "insiders" fell silent.
The most recent example of that type of thing is Lutz saying Tokyo Disneyland is seriously considering replacing their Rivers of America section of Frontierland with a full Cars Land clone. That one came out of nowhere. Some insiders deny that to the end of their bandwidth, but we'll have to see what gets announced later in 2013.