General Star Wars News

Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
Like any Star Wars film or show, some people will like it and some won't.

Some people need to learn that they might not like everything, others will have an opposite view either way, and lose this notion that somehow every Star Wars show can be broadly appealing to all.

The Phantom Menace just had a successful re-release. Fans took their kids because they loved it as a kid. And yet, it was the most hated Star Wars movie at the time. Hey, maybe it wasn't the unmitigated disaster some people definitively believe.

The Force Awakens was loved for being familiar Star Wars "comfort food". It was also hated for being unoriginal.

The Last Jedi was loved for doing something new. It was also hated.

And so it goes.


Well-Known Member
It’s not like I’m not giving Disney SW a chance but it’s getting to the point that if you disagree with them you’re labeled a “hater?
Hmmm… that feels similar to saying every critic who gave a Star Wars film /TV Series a favorable review is bought and paid for


Well-Known Member
And here we go…the smokescreen machine just happened to roll out in the last 24 hours

Just the ones KK gave the green light on.

At least she hasn't ruined Mara Jade yet.


Well-Known Member
Blaming fans for bad product has become unfortunately become as big of a part of Star Wars legacy as the lightsaber at this point

Care to back that BS up? Let’s see it

Or are we already in denial mode?
I could easily back it up with every review that has been posted.

That was easy. Just took about 10 seconds. I could probably keep going.

Now your turn.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I understand this criticism. Do you think Bo Katan isn't a good character? Do you think every episode should only focus on Mando?
Who was the central character of the first two seasons, then up until where I am in the watching now?

Is it called the Mandolorian or is it called The Mandolorians?

I thought it was a good story. Just a glimpse into what Obi Wan was going through/doing during his exile. I found it to be told in a very Starwarsy sort of way, but apparently that's not what people are looking for anymore.
I’m personally looking forward to the lightsaber fight so we’ll see.


Premium Member
It’s odd.

Fans have no input or involement in the production of a SW movie or show yet somehow it’s the fans who are at fault?

Truly bizarre way to look at it.

Hollywood Hubris

George couldn’t handle it…because he replaced the entire team with McCallum and all computer guys

And Disney just doesn’t get it. At all. Which has been stated in interviews by damn near EVERYONE who knows the backstory.

But since I’m such a “hater”…I’m still gonna avoid the sugarcoated framed reviews rolling out now AND the toxic vitriol from the geek dens and watch this new story for what it is?
But it doesn’t look great.

I highly recommend Icons: Star Wars that’s available on peacock and prime. An excellent doc series.


Premium Member
I’m personally looking forward to the lightsaber fight so we’ll see.
Honestly…obiwan might be my favorite series other than mando season 2??

It’s grown on me. Mcgreggor got a lot of flak for mailing in the bad dialogue on the prequels…but I thought he put alot of heart into this.
It’s not perfect…the main side plot is just silly…but the dynamic between two more mature actors comfortable in their skins and the IP shows.

I would be ok with Chow doing more material


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
If "critical industry acclaim" was such a market force, why did the Star Wars Hotel fail ? Why did the X film not make a profit ? The customers "just don't get it", isn't valid criticism, sometimes its a failure to provide a product that they really want to consume be it a weak or non-existent story, disagreeable content, bad editing, or poor acting. Very similar to a baker than makes fish-flavored loaves of bread. You might have a niche consumer crowd that may enjoy the product, but it wont find mass appeal to capture a significant portion of the market.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I think a "hater" is someone who's super grumpy about all modern/Disney Star Wars, who pre-judges it as bad before they see it, then "hate-watches" it nitpicking for things to support their unfounded dislike of it.
I find it's pretty easy to spot the people hating on star wars just because they dislike Disney. I've been labeled a hater on this site because I dared give criticism to Andor and Ashoka even though I supported them and was giving my opinion on how they could have reached a larger audience.
Some people need to learn that they might not like everything, others will have an opposite view either way, and lose this notion that somehow every Star Wars show can be broadly appealing to all.
Totally agree. And it works both ways. Not everything will appeal to everyone, so no one should be expected to like and support everything.


Premium Member
Like any Star Wars film or show, some people will like it and some won't.

Some people need to learn that they might not like everything, others will have an opposite view either way, and lose this notion that somehow every Star Wars show can be broadly appealing to all.

The Phantom Menace just had a successful re-release. Fans took their kids because they loved it as a kid. And yet, it was the most hated Star Wars movie at the time. Hey, maybe it wasn't the unmitigated disaster some people definitively believe.

The Force Awakens was loved for being familiar Star Wars "comfort food". It was also hated for being unoriginal.

The Last Jedi was loved for doing something new. It was also hated.

And so it goes.
The problem is a Hollywood based conglomerate is charged with getting as much of the majorities of the potential audience to consume product they can…not the smaller outlier audience.

They are pretty obvious not succeeding here.

“How do you know that?”

Because we just saw it for 15 with marvel.
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Premium Member
I could easily back it up with every review that has been posted.

That was easy. Just took about 10 seconds. I could probably keep going.

Now your turn.

Now look up the reviews published a week before the marvels…

One born every minute, PT

Let’s just see how it is? I’m hoping to be surprised.


Well-Known Member
Who said exactly that?

In other words I’m not sure I follow.
You suggested that the early reviews are biased for the freebies… quite the conspiracy theory without any proof

People point to The Last Jedi as an example of critics being favorably biased for the perks… as the critics snd audience scores differ significantly…personally as someone who sees most movies no matter the genre… I get it…. I thought The Last Jedi was a good stand alone Sy/Fy fantasy film but s lousy Star Movie

Critics don’t come from a place of a Star Wars fan that imagines the intricacies of every Star Wars character in their free time… but from a place to give thier honest unbiased opinion at how they felt watching a particular film… in which they watch more of then most


Premium Member
I find it's pretty easy to spot the people hating on star wars just because they dislike Disney. I've been labeled a hater on this site because I dared give criticism to Andor and Ashoka even though I supported them and was giving my opinion on how they could have reached a larger audience.
You are the best Star Wars commentator on this forum

And it’s not because we usually agree. It’s because you understand the ethos and want good product…which also means you have to identify what does not meet that standard.


Premium Member
You suggested that the early reviews are biased for the freebies… quite the conspiracy theory without any proof

People point to The Last Jedi as an example of critics being favorably biased for the perks… as the critics snd audience scores differ significantly…personally as someone who sees most movies no matter the genre… I get it…. I thought The Last Jedi was a good stand alone Sy/Fy fantasy film but s lousy Star Movie

Critics don’t come from a place of a Star Wars fan that imagines the intricacies of every Star Wars character in their free time… but from a place to give thier honest unbiased opinion at how they felt watching a particular film… in which they watch more of then most
You don’t believe early access is given by studios with consideration when they just dropped $180,000,000?

That’s a theory…for sure
As far the last Jedi goes…I thought the reviews were much more fair/reflective

The one that was totally in the tank was the Farce awakens. It was in the “interests of the industry”. Read Em all and not a single one was honest.


Well-Known Member
Who was the central character of the first two seasons, then up until where I am in the watching now?

Is it called the Mandolorian or is it called The Mandolorians?
I think the temporary focus on Bo-Katan was good for Mando's story arc. I didn't see it as "the season is losing its way," but rather, as an exploration of the network of complex relationships Mando operates in. Specifically, it helped show how Din Djarin's approach to being a Mandalorian differs from how others approach it. He is THE Mandalorian, but he's not the only Mandalorian.
I’m personally looking forward to the lightsaber fight so we’ll see.
I didn't want to mention it to avoid spoilers for you, but YES!

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