General Star Wars News


Well-Known Member
You suggested that the early reviews are biased for the freebies… quite the conspiracy theory without any proof

People point to The Last Jedi as an example of critics being favorably biased for the perks… as the critics snd audience scores differ significantly…personally as someone who sees most movies no matter the genre… I get it…. I thought The Last Jedi was a good stand alone Sy/Fy fantasy film but s lousy Star Movie

Critics don’t come from a place of a Star Wars fan that imagines the intricacies of every Star Wars character in their free time… but from a place to give thier honest unbiased opinion at how they felt watching a particular film… in which they watch more of then most
So you're going back to a different earlier post, now I understand what you are asking/hinting at.


Reviewer reviews property of a franchise that has struggled and gives good reviews.

Reviewer reviews property of a franchise that has struggled and gives bad reviews.

Which is Disney likely to invite back for the future? This isn’t hard


Well-Known Member
Disney fandom needs to stop telling Star Wars fandom what to like.
Do you really think that's what's happening?

Firstly, those are not two different groups--there's a huge overlap between Star Wars fans and Disney fans (even on this site).
Secondly, Star Wars fans are the WORST at trying to gatekeeper who's a "real" fan and what's "real" Star Wars.


Well-Known Member
You don’t believe early access is given by studios with consideration when they just dropped $180,000,000?
I don’t necessarily think that is true…I am not a fan as I don’t usually agree with his takes… but Chris Gore is usually one of those critics invited for both Star Wars and Marvel early screenings and he is very much apart of that whole rage against Disney brigade
That’s a theory…for sure
As far the last Jedi goes…I thought the reviews were much more fair/reflective

The one that was totally in the tank was the Farce awakens. It was in the “interests of the industry”. Read Em all and not a single one was honest.
I remember when the Force Awakens was first released everyone was excited as it reminded them what they loved about Star Wars… it was not until the sheen wore off that people complained that it was a copy of A New Hope… The biggest mistake I thought when I saw it opening night is they should of had a reunion of Luke, Leia, and Han in a scene together… but then they killed off Han and destroyed any chances of that happening


Well-Known Member
So you're going back to a different earlier post, now I understand what you are asking/hinting at.


Reviewer reviews property of a franchise that has struggled and gives good reviews.

Reviewer reviews property of a franchise that has struggled and gives bad reviews.

Which is Disney likely to invite back for the future? This isn’t hard
That is probably an incentive for several reviewers, yes. So does that mean we should not trust ANY reviews?
Don't you think that most of us follow reviewers that we've come to trust? I don't think any of us fans are just googling "Star Wars The Acolyte reviews" and forming our opinions based on the first results.

Most of the people I follow on Star Wars stuff are proud that they're not invited to Disney's annual Star Wars Celebration.


Premium Member
I remember when the Force Awakens was first released everyone was excited as it reminded them what they loved about Star Wars… it was not until the sheen wore off that people complained that it was a copy of A New Hope… The biggest mistake I thought when I saw it opening night is they should of had a reunion of Luke, Leia, and Han in a scene together… but then they killed off Han and destroyed any chances of that happening

None…ZERO…of the critics used the one word that fit: reboot.

It absolutely was.

Disney punched a hole in the ship right there. That wasn’t the right call. And the main reason it collapsed on itself after.

I feel I might have said this: they just don’t understand the franchise or the fanbase.

Here we are…a decade later.


Well-Known Member
I think we might be overthinking the Bo Katan thing…

It’s just because it seems clear filoni is the primary…maybe only…story writer now
Did you watch season 3? They're clearly playing up the idea that there are different Mandalorian clans/houses/factions. Some are true believers in the "religious" aspect, some are more "spiritual, not religious" (Bo-Katan) in their approach. That's why they focused on Bo-Katan.


Premium Member
Did you watch season 3? They're clearly playing up the idea that there are different Mandalorian clans/houses/factions. Some are true believers in the "religious" aspect, some are more "spiritual, not religious" (Bo-Katan) in their approach. That's why they focused on Bo-Katan.
…and she’s a filoni clone wars character

Season 3 was…ok…but had an awful resolution that kinda went shark jumping

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Star Wars fans are the WORST at trying to gatekeeper who's a "real" fan and what's "real" Star Wars.
There's a contingent of every fandom that gate keeps. I have never found the majority of star wars fans to be gate keepers. Everywhere I have ever been, from conventions to comic-con to talking with people at the parks.... and every other interaction I've had with star wars fans has been great. The problem is people put too much stock in what people say on the Internet. The star wars fans as a whole are extremely welcoming. The only place I get hate for being underwhelmed by the sequel trilogy is on this site. And the funny part is a lot of it boils down to them defending Disney. The whole toxic fans narrative is a joke. Watch a celebration, comic-con... and see the response the actors who were so hated on get. I'm so glad that jake Lloyds mom came out and put all the nonsense to rest. Again, there is, and always will be, loud morons on the internet. I've seen it with EVERY pop culture franchise I know. But I think it's unfair to lump the entire fan base as gate keepers.


Well-Known Member
There's a contingent of every fandom that gate keeps. I have never found the majority of star wars fans to be gate keepers. Everywhere I have ever been, from conventions to comic-con to talking with people at the parks.... and every other interaction I've had with star wars fans has been great. The problem is people put too much stock in what people say on the Internet. The star wars fans as a whole are extremely welcoming. The only place I get hate for being underwhelmed by the sequel trilogy is on this site. And the funny part is a lot of it boils down to them defending Disney. The whole toxic fans narrative is a joke. Watch a celebration, comic-con... and see the response the actors who were so hated on get. I'm so glad that jake Lloyds mom came out and put all the nonsense to rest. Again, there is, and always will be, loud morons on the internet. I've seen it with EVERY pop culture franchise I know. But I think it's unfair to lump the entire fan base as gate keepers.
I guess my experience is different than yours, but yes, I'm mainly referring to fans online vs. in the parks or at conventions (I've only been to two). When I say "Star Wars fans are the WORST," I don't mean "a bigger percentage of the fan base than other fandoms are toxic," I mean, "of those who are super gatekeepy, they are worse than those in other fandoms I have experience with."

I can't ignore the influence of the online fandom. These videos have millions and millions of views, and I hear their influence echoed in these boards here. I don't think the toxic fandom/Fandom Menace is a joke. I won't post a list of all the actors, directors, or producers who report receiving death threats. But I've lost count how many times I've seen OT/PT/ST arguments always seem to turn into personal attacks and airing of societal grievances. I hold them largely responsible for the state of the franchise today. Regardless of how people like the films/series, I think people don't want to be part of the hostile fandom.


Premium Member
There's a contingent of every fandom that gate keeps. I have never found the majority of star wars fans to be gate keepers. Everywhere I have ever been, from conventions to comic-con to talking with people at the parks.... and every other interaction I've had with star wars fans has been great. The problem is people put too much stock in what people say on the Internet. The star wars fans as a whole are extremely welcoming. The only place I get hate for being underwhelmed by the sequel trilogy is on this site. And the funny part is a lot of it boils down to them defending Disney. The whole toxic fans narrative is a joke. Watch a celebration, comic-con... and see the response the actors who were so hated on get. I'm so glad that jake Lloyds mom came out and put all the nonsense to rest. Again, there is, and always will be, loud morons on the internet. I've seen it with EVERY pop culture franchise I know. But I think it's unfair to lump the entire fan base as gate keepers.
This 👆🏻
I guess my experience is different than yours, but yes, I'm mainly referring to fans online vs. in the parks or at conventions (I've only been to two). When I say "Star Wars fans are the WORST," I don't mean "a bigger percentage of the fan base than other fandoms are toxic," I mean, "of those who are super gatekeepy, they are worse than those in other fandoms I have experience with."

I can't ignore the influence of the online fandom. These videos have millions and millions of views, and I hear their influence echoed in these boards here. I don't think the toxic fandom/Fandom Menace is a joke. I won't post a list of all the actors, directors, or producers who report receiving death threats. But I've lost count how many times I've seen OT/PT/ST arguments always seem to turn into personal attacks and airing of societal grievances. I hold them largely responsible for the state of the franchise today. Regardless of how people like the films/series, I think people don't want to be part of the hostile fandom.

I think the problem with perception of Star Wars fans is twofold:

1. The world existed before internet explorer and Twitter…so the mindset of Star Wars fans was different.

2. Pursuant to #1…Star Wars is very unique. It was really the first “Hollywood big” that had long term staying power. But it can’t be fully put into words. Kinda had to live it. And that is a mindset.

Even the “haters” will never stop loving it. Like a lot of divorced people.

I mean…potter has been the next best example probably….marvel is a tad different…kids shows are very different.

Not really like Star Wars. I mean…what movies have a widely recognized period called “the dark ages”?


Well-Known Member
This 👆🏻

I think the problem with perception of Star Wars fans is twofold:

1. The world existed before internet explorer and Twitter…so the mindset of Star Wars fans was different.
Of course it did. You think you're the only old-timer around here? You're a longtime fan, but subsequent generations of fans (mostly through YouTube and Reddit) have completely changed the game. I imagine you've seen some of the hate-filled videos out there.
2. Pursuant to #1…Star Wars is very unique. It was really the first “Hollywood big” that had long term staying power. But it can’t be fully put into words. Kinda had to live it. And that is a mindset.
My good friend is in the 501st Legion. He spent his free time visiting kids in hospitals dressed as a Stormtrooper. He was bullied out of that by YouTubers who encouraged people to threaten his family. I'm saying that sort of thing was rare before the internet, but now it's become much more common. When it was just personal conversations, it was different.
Even the “haters” will never stop loving it. Like a lot of divorced people.
I mean, I'm unsure what it is that many of the "haters" actually love about Star Wars. Because so many of them talk about how they loathe Kathleen Kennedy, turned on George Lucas, rejected the PT/ST, many don't even like the remastered OT films...
I mean…potter has been the next best example probably….marvel is a tad different…kids shows are very different.

Not really like Star Wars. I mean…what movies have a widely recognized period called “the dark ages”?
I mean, we're on a Disney fan site. We know dark times, don't we?


Premium Member
Of course it did. You think you're the only old-timer around here? You're a longtime fan, but subsequent generations of fans (mostly through YouTube and Reddit) have completely changed the game. I imagine you've seen some of the hate-filled videos out there.
Doesn’t address what I was saying
My good friend is in the 501st Legion. He spent his free time visiting kids in hospitals dressed as a Stormtrooper. He was bullied out of that by YouTubers who encouraged people to threaten his family. I'm saying that sort of thing was rare before the internet, but now it's become much more common. When it was just personal conversations, it was different.
well that’s more toxic than old school Star Wars fans. You think 40-60 year olds are doing online threats in huge numbers?

…my son…

I mean, I'm unsure what it is that many of the "haters" actually love about Star Wars. Because so many of them talk about how they loathe Kathleen Kennedy, turned on George Lucas, rejected the PT/ST, many don't even like the remastered OT films...
The quality. You can be told the same thing 100 times and I bet the question is still coming back?

I mean, we're on a Disney fan site. We know dark times, don't we?
It’s the Dark Age…and I assume you know what I’m talking about?

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