General Audiences


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Whatever, Bri, you know I cheered for them this week. I wanted them to beat the Chargers. But I don't want them to beat my Colts! :lol:

It's always more fun to cheer for the underdogs. I'm there with ya sistah.
(BTW...who's the underdog this week? Oh yeah...Patriots's ok...they knocked out the #1 seed in their stadium...but we'll still be the underdog...Bruschi and the boys like it that way.)

Ya know, I was talking about this with Jenn the other would be bad for the NFL if the Patriots won.

People get sick of the same teams winning over and over again. The Yankees going on the stretch of wins along with the strike really dropped the appeal of MLB down and pushed the NFL up to the top spot (or at least very close). Sure, the "home-run race" lifting things back up for MLB but it's still nowhere near where it was.

The same will happen if the Patriots keep winning. The whole "Dynasty" thing was great...but if they win again...they're just beating a dead horse... Much like baseball...the only people that will get enjoyment out of it...are the fans of the home team. Now, me being a fan of the home-team...I want nothing more than the rest of the people to hate the NFL for a year. :lol:

I'm still waiting to hear back from Jenn on our little wager. (Jill, you can get in on this action too)

The wager is:

Patriots @ Colts.

Loser must:

1. Change WDWMagic avatar. (Signature explanation is acceptable) (Must keep until the SuperBowl)
2. Myspace wallpaper must be plastered with winning team's logo. (Must keep until the SuperBowl)
3. Loser must have picture of him/her in very public place wearing an AFC Championship T-shirt which the winner will buy. (easier to buy in the hometown). (Ahem...Jill, you may have to help her out with this if, for some unforeseen reason, the Brady Bunch can't pull it off).

*awaits to hear from Jenn & Jill*

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Say it with me...


*clap, clap, clap, clap, clap*



Well-Known Member
Im good..
Kinda sad about My Saints..but they did great this year..sooo..I cannot be too upset. are I am one HAPPY girl..:)

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Oh, I could really do with a huge hug right now, but luckily Peyton doing so well has made things a little better for me...

I wish Bri were around though. The Pats did AWESOME, but I'm sososososososososososososososo excited about the Colts!

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Aww..Are you okay my love?

I have a medical issue that I've been wrestling with recently. It's honestly what's been keeping me off of here. I don't want to alarm people or have fake meanie heads know something so personal about me. Kind of a slippery slope.

I'm happier when I talk with you though. So thanks for helping me!


Well-Known Member
AWW..sweetie..Email me or PM me or call me if you need to talk....
Im glad I can make you happy though..:)

I hope you get it taken care of soon.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
So would you 2 be willing to kidnap me and then take care of me? I'll babysit for free and even buy Michael a bootlegged copy of Casino Royale before it comes out! My birthday is next month and that would be a killer present if you 2 could fix me. ;)


Well-Known Member
So would you 2 be willing to kidnap me and then take care of me? I'll babysit for free and even buy Michael a bootlegged copy of Casino Royale before it comes out! My birthday is next month and that would be a killer present if you 2 could fix me. ;)
Yes of course we will........

I will wait on you hand and foot...
It would be my pleasure..:):kiss:

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Yes of course we will........

I will wait on you hand and foot...
It would be my pleasure..:):kiss:

Awww, you don't have to go THAT far to wait on me hand and foot. Perhaps you can just make sure that I get fed and don't waste away to nothing. (Although, losing weight has been a highlight of this whole ordeal :lol: )


Well-Known Member
This really is an offer we can't refuse!:lol:
Yes it is....:)
Awww, you don't have to go THAT far to wait on me hand and foot. Perhaps you can just make sure that I get fed and don't waste away to nothing. (Although, losing weight has been a highlight of this whole ordeal :lol: )
I will feed you some good New Orleans food and fatten you up..:)

Not the greatest way to lose weight though...

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
:lol: Let's not go that far! Just make sure that I don't go over or under a size 8ish, kay? Any smaller than that and I look gross (luckily).

My birthday is always during Mardi Gras, so maybe we can have some "good times"? :drevil:

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