Gas Prices, Or Alarmist Kevin Yee strikes again

Giraffe Lounge

Original Poster

Let's start by debunking his premise...

"With costs around $5/gallon, that’s a cool $4.4 million per year, just to power the busses."

So if attendance at the Magic Kingdom is north of 17 million people a year, that means a DOUBLING of fuel costs could be offset by a 25 cent increase in the ticket price of MK alone.

As for the rest of the article, I give up, the guys an idiot. Listing "a terrorist attach at WDW" as a shock tactic seems pretty low but I can't get over his "false answer" style of writing...

'Well how about _insert worst idea ever here_?'
'Well no, that wouldn't work, here's why...'


New Member
I totally agree that Kevin just moans, moans and moans some more. He pulls this stuff out of his bum I swear!

I dont think he has any news to write about becuase he has zero contacts and only posts these stories so he has something to post and plug his awfully written books.


New Member

His doomsday is up to $250 a barrel from just $160 not to long ago.

His writing must be going the way of his number crunching as he is really searching for ideas.


Well-Known Member
Sigh, I don't know what to say anymore. Some of it my be true to a certain extent, but Mr. Yee seems to feel that painting the worse case scenario is a requirement in all of his articles. He has to be one of the most pessimistic people in the world to write articles filled with so much doom and gloom. :rolleyes:

Just Plain Mark

New Member
I read Yee's articles, and at least find something vaguely informative but not necessarily accurate, but the last several on the topic of gas prices have not been very enjoyable or informative. Also, some of his recent articles have not applied economic principles correctly.


Well-Known Member
I don't generally agree with how we tend to bash others so often around here, but I must say this Kevin Yee stuff is just stupid. Isn't he the one who also said they might start closing the parks one day a week if oil hits such-and-such $ per barrel? I mean, any business might do anything, who knows? Of course they have contingency plans for crisis situations whether it is high gas prices, terrorist attacks, a record breaking hurricane or whatever. Any well-run multi-million dollar business would have such plans. You just hope you never have to use them. This "what-if?" stuff is just so silly.

You know what, Kevin? If they close DHS on Mondays I will just go on Tuesday. And if gas prices hit $10 per gallon then you can bet they will do what they have to do to survive as a business. Goodness knows if the price of gas gets that high I will have alot more problems to deal with than worrying about WDW, as much as I love it.

Kevin, get a life.


New Member
I don't generally agree with how we tend to bash others so often around here, but I must say this Kevin Yee stuff is just stupid. Isn't he the one who also said they might start closing the parks one day a week if oil hits such-and-such $ per barrel? I mean, any business might do anything, who knows? Of course they have contingency plans for crisis situations whether it is high gas prices, terrorist attacks, a record breaking hurricane or whatever. Any well-run multi-million dollar business would have such plans. You just hope you never have to use them. This "what-if?" stuff is just so silly.

Not exactly accurate. Kevin Yee did not say that Disney might/should close 2 parks 1 day a week if oil hit $160 a barrel. He reported that a 3rd party consultant advised Disney that they should consider closing the 2 parks one day a week if oil hit $160 per barrel. Big difference there.


Well-Known Member
Not exactly accurate. Kevin Yee did not say that Disney might/should close 2 parks 1 day a week if oil hit $160 a barrel. He reported that a 3rd party consultant advised Disney that they should consider closing the 2 parks one day a week if oil hit $160 per barrel. Big difference there.

You can parse it any way you want. This is from his latest article:

"In my last article (about possible contingency plans for high oil prices at Walt Disney World [WDW]), the primary discussion was about the notion of closing one park a week, possibly as soon as early 2009. That option remains on the table."

Not much wording about "consultants" and "considerations" is there? I am not saying you are wrong MousDad, I am just saying it is hard to deny Kevin Yee's intention is to imply the parks WILL CLOSE one day a week if the economy calls for it. To me that is kind of alarmist, that's all I am saying.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member

I don't know why we post his articles in the board anymore...They are the same "alarming" whinefests one after the other...Can we ban him?:lol:

Sigh, I don't know what to say anymore. Some of it my be true to a certain extent, but Mr. Yee seems to feel that painting the worse case scenario is a requirement in all of his articles. He has to be one of the most pessimistic people in the world to write articles filed with so much doom and gloom. :rolleyes:



I must admit he is very negative however I did enjoy the page 2 explanation of using the TTC as the go between for MK and Epcot.

By going back to the TTC as a hub for resorts to connect to MK and EPCOT you would get a cost savings. Lower amounts of busses needed or improving service by taking those same busses and increaseing routes to AK, DHS, DD, TL and BB.

THAT idea to me has merit. The TTC is really just an afterthought at the moment. Take some of the Fuel out of the equation by using the ferry and monorail. And while expansion of the monorail to the other resorts would be cool it is not economically feasable at this time. Still if you have these more fuel efficient options in place they should be utilized more.

This is one plan I think they SHOULD implement ASAP.



Active Member
Could you even IMAGINE what the crowds and crush would be like if every single resort guest had to use the TTC to get to EPCOT? The lines would be beyond belief. Completely unthinkable.


Well-Known Member
*YAWN* Another Yee panic article, getting worse than Jim Hill....

Kevin told me at Mousefest last year that he enjoys doing this - just to attract readers and stirring up the buzz.....

and sending everything thru the TTC - how much fuel do those ferry boats use???


Well-Known Member
Could you even IMAGINE what the crowds and crush would be like if every single resort guest had to use the TTC to get to EPCOT? The lines would be beyond belief. Completely unthinkable.

Some of the resorts are closer to EPCOT than they are to TTC, so there wouldn't be any costs savings. Do resorts with monorails also have bus service to MK and EPCOT? If so, they could probably eliminate those buses. That would save money.


Well-Known Member
Not much wording about "consultants" and "considerations" is there? I am not saying you are wrong MousDad, I am just saying it is hard to deny Kevin Yee's intention is to imply the parks WILL CLOSE one day a week if the economy calls for it. To me that is kind of alarmist, that's all I am saying.


And how about the lead on the main page directing you to the article?

Sorry, We're Closed
Kevin hears rising costs and decreased bookings at WDW may lead to closed parks in the off season,

"Kevin hears..." my LOL. Kevin has no paint chips to cry about this week, so he's trying to sound alarms per usual and make up psudo-academic arguments that won't fool anyone with more than a grade-school level understanding of the situations.

His credibility in the Disney community is about as high as a bus driver on their first week on the job.


hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Some of the resorts are closer to EPCOT than they are to TTC, so there wouldn't be any costs savings. Do resorts with monorails also have bus service to MK and EPCOT? If so, they could probably eliminate those buses. That would save money.

Thank You! I guess Kevin failed to realize that most resorts on property are closer to Epcot than they are the TTC. :hammer:

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Kevin Yee is not an economist, nor a tourist industry expert.

Nevertheless, structurally high oil prices will have repercussions for WDW. Long-distance tourism will change. And Lee's articles are a fine and relevant attempt at pointing out some obstacles on the course for WDW.


Well-Known Member
Oy we go again.

Once again, I don't know why lots of people have dissed both Jim Hill and Kevin Yee. To lots, they offer negative points about the company and the parks, and ONLY negative points. Thing is, I keep seeing more and more how everyone has this opinion on how everything when it comes to the company, us, the fans, want to only hear HAPPY and GOOD and POSITIVE news about the company and the world. I know we live in a world that is very based on escapist trappings right now due to the world's events (ie, how superhero movies all of a sudden became popular), but COME ON. There's something called, good AND bad. Positive AND negative. And especially with this, action AND reaction. Nothing's never too bad, or too good; it is what you make it to be. However, one must live in bliss to think that only good prevails. There's a lil something called reality. Everyone have their days living on one or the other, and then there's days where everyone has both at the same time. Am I saying it's bad to be an optimist? Heck no there's nothing wrong to be an optimist. Same goes for pessimist, even though that's a lil more annoying than the former. Simply put,
no one can go with their lives thinking everything will end up happy doody every single time, and the same factors here. Yes, we love the parks to death and hate to hear anything bad about them, but truth is, it is a fantasy that is part of the real world, and the real world has been encroaching in for several years now, removing more and more of the fantasy. It is a fact that we have to live with, and if you don't think that, then that's your issue. Believe whatever you want to believe.

I think it's very ironic in how I've seen a LOT of people diss his 'Declining by Degrees' features. I myself, I love them. Why? Cause it FINALLY shows how one major Disney fan website has listed all the defects and triffles us fans have on the decaying conditions of our beloved parks; not to exploit them, but to make them knowledgeable to both the general public (the fans mainly) and then, what counts the most, the execs themselves. Seriously folks, I remember what happened I believe a year back, in which he reported it via his DoD article listing, and a few weeks later, improvements were made. Yee said himself in the very beginning: this was not to say bad things, this was to exploit bad things; it was to make knowledgeable to the fans and to the execs as to how the parks were being kept. The pure irony I see in this is in how lots of us (including me) were PO'ed about how SSE went into the major fiasco it had, how the quality of the rehab was bad, and yet we're all dumping negatives on this one guy when he addresses them himself with no one else. Isn't this the same exact thing right here? Something that addresses the fan's concerns and something that isn't up to par with how Disney quality is.

Am I totally defending Yee? No. Are there some aspects that Yee approached on and it sounded really stupid and or illogical? Yes, particulary about the parks closing one day a week (a multimedia company like Disney will NEVER waste a day without making money, no matter how many people go in; if TL and BB stay open in the winter with a limit of 45 people being in the park, then so can the parks themselves); having everyone come to the TTC will be havoc, and also the fact of how the whole feeling of going to a park will be messed up if you go on a bus, yada yada yada is just plain stupid, cause just being there makes me (and probably all of you) happy. However, to quote a work from Arthur Miller, "Attention must be paid." The economy IS melting down as we speak folks. How come many people think everything is fine or not think we are not in a recession? Beats me. Either they got nice high paying jobs that speak for themselves or a real solid financial foundation for themselves. Cause seriously...rising prices for everything, food, gas, regular stuff, and having a paycheck that doesn't rise with it...yeahhh, I don't see how it balances out. Am I saying the economy is melting down just because of the economy itself? Is it what they call 'the infinite snake'? Definitely not. Everything is becoming a chain reaction, but let's just say, to avoid all political stuff, that it is a combination of everything.

All in all, Yee and Jim Hill are giving you the bitter herbs of reality that we must all confront in our day to day lives. Whether or not you want to acknowledge it, is a whole different issue. Your choice. Like I said, I don't believe in a few of Yee's radical theories, like the closing of the parks and what not, but to that and everything else, I leave this quote: "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

'Nuff said.

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