Oy vey....here we go again.
Once again, I don't know why lots of people have dissed both Jim Hill and Kevin Yee. To lots, they offer negative points about the company and the parks, and ONLY negative points. Thing is, I keep seeing more and more how everyone has this opinion on how everything when it comes to the company, us, the fans, want to only hear HAPPY and GOOD and POSITIVE news about the company and the world. I know we live in a world that is very based on escapist trappings right now due to the world's events (ie, how superhero movies all of a sudden became popular), but COME ON. There's something called, good AND bad. Positive AND negative. And especially with this, action AND reaction. Nothing's never too bad, or too good; it is what you make it to be. However, one must live in bliss to think that only good prevails. There's a lil something called reality. Everyone have their days living on one or the other, and then there's days where everyone has both at the same time. Am I saying it's bad to be an optimist? Heck no there's nothing wrong to be an optimist. Same goes for pessimist, even though that's a lil more annoying than the former. Simply put,
no one can go with their lives thinking everything will end up happy doody every single time, and the same factors here. Yes, we love the parks to death and hate to hear anything bad about them, but truth is, it is a fantasy that is part of the real world, and the real world has been encroaching in for several years now, removing more and more of the fantasy. It is a fact that we have to live with, and if you don't think that, then that's your issue. Believe whatever you want to believe.
I think it's very ironic in how I've seen a LOT of people diss his 'Declining by Degrees' features. I myself, I love them. Why? Cause it FINALLY shows how one major Disney fan website has listed all the defects and triffles us fans have on the decaying conditions of our beloved parks; not to exploit them, but to make them knowledgeable to both the general public (the fans mainly) and then, what counts the most, the execs themselves. Seriously folks, I remember what happened I believe a year back, in which he reported it via his DoD article listing, and a few weeks later, improvements were made. Yee said himself in the very beginning: this was not to say bad things, this was to exploit bad things; it was to make knowledgeable to the fans and to the execs as to how the parks were being kept. The pure irony I see in this is in how lots of us (including me) were PO'ed about how SSE went into the major fiasco it had, how the quality of the rehab was bad, and yet we're all dumping negatives on this one guy when he addresses them himself with no one else. Isn't this the same exact thing right here? Something that addresses the fan's concerns and something that isn't up to par with how Disney quality is.
Am I totally defending Yee? No. Are there some aspects that Yee approached on and it sounded really stupid and or illogical? Yes, particulary about the parks closing one day a week (a multimedia company like Disney will NEVER waste a day without making money, no matter how many people go in; if TL and BB stay open in the winter with a limit of 45 people being in the park, then so can the parks themselves); having everyone come to the TTC will be havoc, and also the fact of how the whole feeling of going to a park will be messed up if you go on a bus, yada yada yada is just plain stupid, cause just being there makes me (and probably all of you) happy. However, to quote a work from Arthur Miller, "Attention must be paid." The economy IS melting down as we speak folks. How come many people think everything is fine or not think we are not in a recession? Beats me. Either they got nice high paying jobs that speak for themselves or a real solid financial foundation for themselves. Cause seriously...rising prices for everything, food, gas, regular stuff, and having a paycheck that doesn't rise with it...yeahhh, I don't see how it balances out. Am I saying the economy is melting down just because of the economy itself? Is it what they call 'the infinite snake'? Definitely not. Everything is becoming a chain reaction, but let's just say, to avoid all political stuff, that it is a combination of everything.
All in all, Yee and Jim Hill are giving you the bitter herbs of reality that we must all confront in our day to day lives. Whether or not you want to acknowledge it, is a whole different issue. Your choice. Like I said, I don't believe in a few of Yee's radical theories, like the closing of the parks and what not, but to that and everything else, I leave this quote: "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
'Nuff said.