Gas Prices, Or Alarmist Kevin Yee strikes again


Well-Known Member

His doomsday is up to $250 a barrel from just $160 not to long ago.

His writing must be going the way of his number crunching as he is really searching for ideas.

Don't let him get near a Bloomberg TV camera.... Oil prices tend to shoot up as soon as someone starts to predict gloom.... no matter what the facts are.


Active Member
please, with all the money disney already charges,they shouldnt be cutting back on anything, wdw is the #1 vacation destination in the world, they bring in more money than some small cities, and now they want to cut back even more on things just to keep the suit's pockets happy? It is ridiculous, wdw should have no excuse for cutting back anything, with all the money that is made at the parks everyday... price increases for disney arent because of the economy, it has a part to play in it, but price increases and cut backs are made to keep the people in the higher up disney offices and the suits earning the same salary they've been earning.. you can bet your bottom that those select few in the highest of disney salaried positions are going to still reap many benefits even if it means letting the parks fall into disrepair.. and they'll let that happen before they start coming home with smaller checks


Well-Known Member
Could you even IMAGINE what the crowds and crush would be like if every single resort guest had to use the TTC to get to EPCOT? The lines would be beyond belief. Completely unthinkable.

Doing this, Disney would have to put out an order for more Monorail trains and expand their round house. Its the only way, I think, it could handle that kind of capacity increase at the TTC.

Or else a queue time sign will be needed at the start of the monorail ramps.


Well-Known Member
please, with all the money disney already charges,they shouldnt be cutting back on anything, wdw is the #1 vacation destination in the world, they bring in more money than some small cities, and now they want to cut back even more on things just to keep the suit's pockets happy? It is ridiculous, wdw should have no excuse for cutting back anything, with all the money that is made at the parks everyday... price increases for disney arent because of the economy, it has a part to play in it, but price increases and cut backs are made to keep the people in the higher up disney offices and the suits earning the same salary they've been earning.. you can bet your bottom that those select few in the highest of disney salaried positions are going to still reap many benefits even if it means letting the parks fall into disrepair.. and they'll let that happen before they start coming home with smaller checks

Its not about the executive pay or their compensation, its all about the shareholder value of the company. Disney has benefitted from the growth of the parks the last several years. And its true that the parks give the company some stability when other parts of the Disney empire are not doing so well. The Mouse can't depend on a blockbuster like Pirates to help the bottom line every year.
If the parks become less profitable or not turning a profit, shareholders will hold Disney's feet to the fire. Its been done in the past.


Well-Known Member
'Nuff said.

Uh, yeah, seroiusly LOL. I thought I was reading one of my own posts there for a second. ;)

(Just a style tip, when you say " 'nuff said" it's usually preceded by a very short posting, not an essay LOL.)

As to the topic, I think you miss the point of why many of us do not care for Yee or Hilly. It's not simply the negativity, I don't know if you noticed but this isn't really one of those Happy Go Lucky Disney boards a lot of the time. Pointing out the negatives is important.

The problem you will find many of us have with both of them is simply the experience of watching them year after year make the same mistakes - Hill and the fact he has almost never finished an article series he has started, even some from 5+ years ago, or Yee and his constant attempts at being an academic which just comes across as popmous and doesn't hold up to any sort of examination.

Negativity is really associated with Yee more than Hilly, as ol' Hilly boy does pander to the mouse at times (and I use the term pander because that's how sickly sweet it is when he does do it). The constant droan of it from Yee is one of the reasons he is disliked (I'd say 95% of what he writes is negative, at least until I stopped reading him regularly), but that is hardly the only factor - it's also his shameless self-promotion, his ego (most bloggers don't come to websites to respond to criticism of themselves, they know better), and the list goes on and on.

Like many, when I first discovered Hilly, I thought, "Wow! This is the site I have been looking for!" and I read some of the (very) old articles back when he had a few interesting stories to tell (though I never quite cared for his folksy writing style per se, he can tell a good story occasionally).

Once he exhausted those, however, he started writing decent ideas, like the Muppet article, or the Star Tours article, or any number of series he began but many years later has never finished. Instead, the only content to his site (which is really a trickle from him anymore) is just designed to drive some traffic, and literally EVERY SINGLE project the man has ever started has just failed to materialize and he moves on to the next failed idea. Man is full of good ideas, he just sucks at implementing them. And we are talking over MANY years, every single one.

When Yee came on the scene I was excited. His initial brand of more high-brow articles was a stark contrast to Hilly's folksy nature. I thought, finally, someone who can really talk about Disney with some measure of academic notion. Then, after the first few, it was clear he is what I refer to as a psuedo-academic, someone that knows a few big words and can make any phrase sound imperssive (Waste Specialist > Sanitation Worker > Garbage Man) but when you examine both the arguments and the overall content you see where he largely is full of it and just trying to drive traffic to his blog so he can sell more of his "books", most of which any one of us could have written reading Disney websites without ever even stepping foot at Disney. Good for him for doing it, but all this "controversy" is simply designed to draw people to part with their money by fooling you into thinking he's an expert...on anything.

This is all a far cry from simply not liking that they both can be negative. It's just after years of experience with these guys (though I don't read either of them regularly any more, my only exposure comes when they post some new retarded thing and someone posts about it to these boards) you come to learn that if you throw enough dung on the wall, a little of it will stick, but it's all still just a pile of steaming self-promoting crap.

'nuff said, ROFL. /wink



New Member
Minority opinion here, but I like Kevin Yee. I took his tour of the MK last December and found it fascinating. I can say that he loves Disney and is very passionate about the Mouse.

I'm sure Disney has considered scenarios such as closing the parks for a day. Not that they'll do it, but businesses conduct feasibility studies on every aspect of their operations looking for contingencies to any situation that may arise. And it's silly to think that Disney hasn't considered the possibility of a terrorist attack. I know someone in management at WDW and they told me that there are barriers in place to prevent trucks loaded with explosives from driving into backstage areas.

Kevin's current article is an interesting look at transportation possibilities given gases prices. It's funny that people hate him and yet they keep reading him. I enjoy his articles because they do make you think about things in a different way, and I see them more as "what if" rather than what actually may come to pass.


Well-Known Member
AEfx -

First, I know you're just saying it nicely, but with me saying, 'Nuff' said', it isn't for style. That's just my way, like most people's, of saying 'that's my 2 cents'. Thing is, I've been ed about this type of reaction to articles for a LONG while now, and I vented right then and there. That's what I meant by Nuff said: I was sick and tired of hearing all this, and wanted to put my 2 cents in and finally make some people wake up to what's going on. Drives me nuts. That, and believe me, I don't use computer terms like LOL and IDK and all that on here, especially on a forum. Even to me, an 18 year old teen, it's annoying. As a writer by hobby, let me tell you, it's letting the English language deteriorate by lessening the impact our vocabulary has and is dumbing down our own language. I use it only in online chatting as it's much easier at times to express our emotions that way or if you don't feel like putting down the whole expression or word.

Second: About Jim Hill not finishing his series. I don't understand where that comes from. There are quite a few series he's done recently and in the 3-4 years I've been to the site, and he's finished those series (at least the ones I've read). Yes, his writing and grammar get me annoyed as well, but eh, who cares, nobody's perfect. That, and I don't see how he has any ideas per ce....his articles are mostly about the inner rumblings within the company and/or past events, such as rides that never happned like the whole of Muppet Studios, but, evidently and obviously, not his own idea.

Thirdly: Did Yee ever proclaim himself as an expert? No. He's just like one of us, a fan, with obviously a lot more inside info (so we're told). Thing is, like with the media, should we ever believe everything we're told in terms of stuff like this? Like we say, 'with a grain of salt'. I'm not that naive to think what everyone says on these forums is true. Granted, some are truly outrageous stuff you can say offhand are stupid or untrue, but some sound way too good to be true, and I only ever believe them fully if I've heard them from my Dad (who's been working with the company 21 years, so he knows how things go and can tell what's phony and what isn't; he's the one who told me the rumor/idea of a mountain going into AK 2 years before EE was ever announced, before rumors ever started to swirl here), or by seeing lots of others around the different websites out there, or, of course, official confirmation. That, and who says a writer can't put links to sell the books he's written if he does other writings like blog entries or stuff like this? Only seems fair for his own loyal audience, or, for those wanting more knowledge about the topic he wrote, and just to make money from them that way. I've never seen any of his articles that say, "Hey, if you want to see the ending of this article, buy my book and you'll find out!" Sure, there have been a few entries in which he details his books or does entries entirely devoted to them. What else can you do for marketing by speaking to your own audience or those who would be interested in it? Again, I don't see how he's entirely negative. He offers the cold, solid facts, and facts speak for themselves. At the same time, on the topic of his gas effects column, then, essentially, how can you NOT be pessimistic about what the future holds in terms of financial issues, no ending in sight? How can you say it's all negative when reporting about the parks, their bad upkeeping, their bad service, etc, when it's something that is ever increasing to alarming rates? It's simply put as this: "What chance does the city/cities (or anything) have if the good people do nothing?" You have a voice and your voice should rightfully heard if you don't agree on something.

It shows how people are being much more onesided, opinionated, and believe everything they hear when they read or see it. Annnd this whole mess is all bout articles and people that declare, "What if's" and real stories from the inside, nothing to be taken too seriously when it comes to concepts and statements like these, as it can be construed in any way (by putting bias opinion in it usually), yet still presented in a truthful manner in it's original form. Thankfully, this is only some out of the majority, but even then, it's still scary to see what not only we as Disney fans, but society as a whole, have become.

Happy now? ;)


Well-Known Member
I enjoy micechat (and enjoy Al's articles a great deal as well as some of the other columnists), but Kevin's writing has gotten awful. He fancies himself as WDW's version of Al Lutz, unfortunately he has neither the contacts or the knowledge that Al does. Between this article (which is beyond ridiculous) and his articles about the Cruise Line which were the worst things I've ever read, I've written him off as credible as well. Micechat takes a hit on their credibility by being associated with him. I know he's good friends with Al and Dusty, but they really should cut him loose or tell him to just go back to writing the type of articles he started writing a few years ago.

When he first started on Micechat they were just basic informational articles. Many of the members started complaining because they wanted articles with the kind of insight that Al's articles had and to hold WDW's feet to the water and to make change. The problem is, he can't be the Al Lutz of WDW, he just doesn't have the infrastructure in place to do so. At this point in time Jim Hill is more credible and I can't believe I ever put someone in front of him.

The sad thing is that there are a lot of people on some of these message boards with the inside connections it would take to really do a great weekly article on WDW. Its a shame we don't get those.

Giraffe Lounge

Original Poster
Oy we go again.

Once again, I don't know why lots of people have dissed both Jim Hill and Kevin Yee.

I haven't said anything about Jim Hill, but Yee is shocked at sea life in the ocean and has a self-aggrandizing, grating writing style. Is that enough of a reason?

Thing is, I keep seeing more and more how everyone has this opinion on how everything when it comes to the company, us, the fans, want to only hear HAPPY and GOOD and POSITIVE news about the company and the world.

Non sequitur much?


Well-Known Member
I haven't said anything about Jim Hill, but Yee is shocked at sea life in the ocean and has a self-aggrandizing, grating writing style. Is that enough of a reason?

Non sequitur much?

1) Is that fact or opinion?

2) If you kept on reading, precisely in the next few sentences, you would see why I said that.

On a side note, I love Delirium, haha. :wave:


New Member
You can parse it any way you want. This is from his latest article:

"In my last article (about possible contingency plans for high oil prices at Walt Disney World [WDW]), the primary discussion was about the notion of closing one park a week, possibly as soon as early 2009. That option remains on the table."

Not much wording about "consultants" and "considerations" is there? I am not saying you are wrong MousDad, I am just saying it is hard to deny Kevin Yee's intention is to imply the parks WILL CLOSE one day a week if the economy calls for it. To me that is kind of alarmist, that's all I am saying.

Actually, for the record, I was wrong. I got my stories mixed up. The outside recommendation was for selling of the parks if oil hit $160. The discussion regarding closing 2 parks 1 day a week was reported to be an internal one.

I wasn't sniping at you. Yee might have his facts wrong, or he might be out and out lying. My point was that I think it was pretty clear from the articles that he attributed both of those potential scenarios to what he heard from sources, and not to his own personal opinion. That's all I was trying to clarify.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Might as well throw in my 2 cents.

Jim Hill: I usually enjoy him. Over the years, he has had quite a few great articles. He obviously either has some decent connections, or works hard at gathering information. His back catalogue is a lovely treasure trove for Disney fans, full of little gems.
He does have his off-days and flaws though...

Kevin Yee: At best, he is a great critical follower of WDW. His 'Declining by Degree' series is top notch.
At worst, he bites off more than he can chew. As witness his current series on structural high oil prices. He is on to a serious and relevant subject for the industry and WDW, but his treatment of the subject leaves a lot to be desired.

Just why both are derided to the extent they are, I don't understand.


New Member
Might as well throw in my 2 cents.

Jim Hill: I usually enjoy him. Over the years, he has had quite a few great articles. He obviously either has some decent connections, or works hard at gathering information. His back catalogue is a lovely treasure trove for Disney fans, full of little gems.
He does have his off-days and flaws though...

Kevin Yee: At best, he is a great critical follower of WDW. His 'Declining by Degree' series is top notch.
At worst, he bites off more than he can chew. As witness his current series on structural high oil prices. He is on to a serious and relevant subject for the industry and WDW, but his treatment of the subject leaves a lot to be desired.

Just why both are derided to the extent they are, I don't understand.

I'd say your $.02 is worth about $175.99 on the wdwmagic-common-sense exchange rate.


Well-Known Member
I think we've beat the Monorail expansion costs to death. But I like what he said about the PeopleMover. Has somebody run the numbers on that? I would LOVE to hop on a PM at OKW and go to Epcot or Downtown. If that happened, I'm afraid my folks would just ride it all day! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Might as well throw in my 2 cents.

Jim Hill: I usually enjoy him. Over the years, he has had quite a few great articles. He obviously either has some decent connections, or works hard at gathering information. His back catalogue is a lovely treasure trove for Disney fans, full of little gems.
He does have his off-days and flaws though...

Kevin Yee: At best, he is a great critical follower of WDW. His 'Declining by Degree' series is top notch.
At worst, he bites off more than he can chew. As witness his current series on structural high oil prices. He is on to a serious and relevant subject for the industry and WDW, but his treatment of the subject leaves a lot to be desired.

Just why both are derided to the extent they are, I don't understand.

Well said! :sohappy:


AEfx -
As a writer by hobby, let me tell you, it's letting the English language deteriorate by lessening the impact our vocabulary has and is dumbing down our own language.

I'm sincerely sorry, but I hope you find the irony in that sentence.

I actually enjoy reading Kevin Yee's most recent essays. We've been in contact recently and he has allowed me to proof read his future articles. I've been blessed.

I'd like to break news on wdwmagic that Kevin's next article will be about his extensive insider information that a third party consultant has recommended moving the state of Florida to a more economically feasible location (Dubai!) in early 2009.. That article will be followed up with another disclosing his rampant purchasing of oil futures to finance his family's move to Dubai.

My friends, I assure you the sky is definitely falling.


Well-Known Member
Actually, for the record, I was wrong. I got my stories mixed up. The outside recommendation was for selling of the parks if oil hit $160. The discussion regarding closing 2 parks 1 day a week was reported to be an internal one.

I wasn't sniping at you. Yee might have his facts wrong, or he might be out and out lying. My point was that I think it was pretty clear from the articles that he attributed both of those potential scenarios to what he heard from sources, and not to his own personal opinion. That's all I was trying to clarify.

Duly noted, and thank you.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to jump in here and confirm that indeed, both of these recent articles sprang from things passed on to me -- things that are being discussed at upper levels. I consider it entirely possible that these possible scenarios (closing a park, cutting bus service) were passed on to see if the public accepted the ideas, or freaked out. A trial balloon, as it were.

When the discussion focuses on *me* it probably doesn't give Disney the feedback it wants, since the idea is being discounted and not discussed. Though I suppose that's a version of feedback in and of itself for Disney, since it points out that most people consider the idea ludicrous.

Once again, for the record, I do not write articles simply to stir people up, nor is the point simply to sell books. Some of the articles fold in news stories (like these contingency plans), though admittedly those types of articles are a minority. Most of the articles are observational in nature.

And all of the articles involve my opinion at some level. As always, I recognize that my opinion is not (and should not be) considered monolithic or absolute. I invite dissent, argumentation, and the parsing of details. I am a dialogic thinker by nature and gain quite a bit from back and forth on newsgroups, discussion boards, and email communications.

I do, of course, prefer that dissent take on a constructive tone. If my facts are wrong, I appreciate hearing which ones. If my opinion seems unwarranted, it's optimal if I can hear the exact reasons why. If my tone is inappropriate, it's urgent that I hear how I can adjust it (exactly which wording should be adjusted?)

All writers need feedback to improve, and I am no exception.

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