Gas Prices, Or Alarmist Kevin Yee strikes again


Well-Known Member
When the discussion focuses on *me* it probably doesn't give Disney the feedback it wants, since the idea is being discounted and not discussed. Though I suppose that's a version of feedback in and of itself for Disney, since it points out that most people consider the idea ludicrous.

The problem Kevin, is that quite often you move past just reporting these issues to attempting to make yourself appear to be the expert on fixing these issues when in fact you don't know enough about those areas to really be an expert. My biggest point have been both of your critiques of the cruise line. You came across as a know it all who didn't have his facts straight.

You're having the same problem here. If these are discussions being had in the backrooms of Disney then fine, share them with us. The problem comes when you start showing how Disney doesn't know anything and you could do it better which is how these types of articles come across.

I guess I think you're biting off more than you're truly able to chew. Report the news to us, but unless you really are an expert on the area, leave that to the experts. Disney is by far the leader in the US in doing transportation correctly. They move a city around in as good a fashion as could truly be done. Sure they could theme the buses a bit more, or add some more entertainment while on them, but their efficiency with moving people is not rivaled. There's a reason the govt comes calling to Disney often in these areas when they're looking for experts.

I really enjoyed your articles back when you first started writing about WDW and what all was happening. You were a good reporter of the issues. Its only when you've moved into an editorial role that your writing has really dropped off and I find myself rolling my eyes far more often reading your articles than applauding them.


Well-Known Member
Potter and Aquatica were in development a very long time before oil began this meteoric rise, I think. Manta and Rip, Ride, Rockit are of course more recent, but even they came before oil broke through resistence levels around $100/barrel, and it's since moved a full 30% higher. Unless I'm remembering the timeline wrong of when oil moved, but I think it happened pretty rapidly.

A further consideration may be that Universal and Busch don't have internal mandates to increase profit 20% per quarter. Or if they do, I don't know about it (and would be fascinated myself to see how they weather the storm if they do).

But, isn't it also true that Disney usually has things in development long before it is ever publicly announced. The shareholder reports hardly ever touch on items of improvement or renovation, unless they are already public knowledge. It would be hard to believe that Disney has nothing that is close to its implementation/execution phase, which may cost the company more $$ to put on hold rather than execute on time.

Take the Haunted Mansion for example. The public only got the heads up on its pending closing for a retro/refurb a couple months before the work began.


Well-Known Member
And it's silly to think that Disney hasn't considered the possibility of a terrorist attack. I know someone in management at WDW and they told me that there are barriers in place to prevent trucks loaded with explosives from driving into backstage areas.
Actually, I believe Disney World was a target, which is why it received temporary flight restriction status.


Well-Known Member
Orlando Airport buses

I remember reading an article a while back that said that the buses at the Orlando airport were using bio-diesel or some other alternative fuel. Is WDW looking into this?:shrug:

Thank you.


Active Member
Most writers don't feel the need to run around to websites "defending" themselves, as they are smart enough to know that it just looks kind of, well, defensive LOL. As a writer you quickly learn to develop a thicker skin and learn to detach yourself from the criticism you put yourself out there for by declaring yourself someone who's writing is relevant in a certain field.

They know that it's a fruitless battle, because they aren't going to change anyone's minds of the quality or content of their writing. Most writers would be confident enough to let their articles stand on their own.

I'm just really curious here. Are you Patric M. Verrone. I have to assume you are if you are capable of saying you know the way most writers react to a given situation. However, if you are not Patric M. verrone or someone who has been in his position, I respectfully suggest you only have an opinion. That is an opinion that has no more merrit than any other person's does in this forum. I enjoyed the fact that Kevin Yee came here to clarify some of his positions.

I'm equally curious about your writting style. Could you direct me towards some of it? Who will be publishing your book, and what will the title be? I am truly interested.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Yankspy said:
I called him "Mr. Yee" because I do not know him. I was being proper.
I appreciate your proper and polite posting style. I do not believe the internet should be a playground for rudeness and inappropriate commentary.
I am disappointed at some of the disgraceful behaviour in this thread.


Well-Known Member
I have to assume you are if you are capable of saying you know the way most writers react to a given situation.

I did not say how "most writers would react to a certain situation". I was discussing as to what is generally considered the behavior of any artist, which is not to get involved in public critical debates about yourself. It's just not good form, as if you are confident enough in your art it's not necessary to "explain" yourself.

I'm equally curious about your writting style. Could you direct me towards some of it? Who will be publishing your book, and what will the title be? I am truly interested.

I guess you will just have to suffice with judging me by my board postings, as I do not give out my full real name on public message boards, just like most intelligent folk. As my writing has nothing to do with Walt Disney World, there is no reason for me to share it. You will find that there are people around here who like me, and you will find those here that don't care for me so much, but the one thing I have never been criticized for is my writing ability. So I think my postings are a good enough example for any purposes you may have. :)

Before you criticize me for mentioning that I am a writer, please note that it was in direct response to a poster who attacked me for being part of the "downfall of English language" because I used "LOL" on a message board, and at the same time threw out his "credential" as a "writer by hobby". Now, normally I wouldn't (and don't condone in general) people that throw their profession out there as somehow validating their point, but since this specific poster chose to lecture me on writing, my profession, at the same time mentioning that he was a hobbiest in said field, I thought it was relevant to point out.

This is completely separate from the topic at hand, as my being a writer has nothing to do with my opinion on Yee. The sole exception may be that I do hold people who also are writers to a high standard, much like a waitress going out to dinner and being waited on herself would be more inclined to have higher standards for service than someone who did not participate in the industry.

Thanks for your interest,



Well-Known Member
I don't understand why everybody is so "agitated" at Kevin Yee's article. Is it that nobody believes Disney would actually do any of this, or that we're afraid they will?

Regardless of whether Kevin pulled this out of his rear or it actually has some legitimacy, I think we all need to remember that Disney is a business, and it's goal is to make money for its shareholders. If they're not concerned about fuel prices and the effect on travel and bookings, they're fools! History would tell me otherwise. When everything slowed down after 9/11 and there was a severe drop in travel, they closed parts of some resorts and scaled back hours in the parks. I would imagine they're watching the current situation VERY closely to try and determine IF they need to do anything, and if so, they probably have multiple plans ready to go.

As for some of the ideas supposedly being considered, I think a central hub for busses makes a lot of sense, from an economical standpoint, but I would miss the direct busses and really dread the time required to get around. Also, IF things get really bad, I could see them closing one park a day if nothing else just one day a week, closing a park and rotating thru the 4 on a weekly basis. Who knows what will happen, and what they'll do. But, rest assured, they will do what they deem necessary to avoid waste and try to preserve whatever profit they can.



Well-Known Member
I had no problem with him reporting either of the contingency issues. My problem began when he started trying to be a transportation expert.


Active Member
I had no problem with him reporting either of the contingency issues. My problem began when he started trying to be a transportation expert.

I missed that part in his article. :)

The way I read it, he was someone who combined a nugget of info with a dollop of reasoned speculation -just like countless bloggers do every single day about every subject under the sun. I saw no claim of credentials about being a transportation expert. Perhaps you applied that in your reading.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Well you cant say its not getting the attention the author was craving.

And it is the t'intenet, where opinion and fact are passed as bed fellows.


The Kevin Yee Theory.

The thing that most offends me about all the speculative Kevin Yee articles, is that they are essentially fiction. Ideas and thoughts he created based upon popular headlines at the time..

Lets expose the lies.
September 2007..... A flurry of national news articles discussing "peak oil". Kevin Yee, an outside of the berm man compared to Al Lutz, feels the need to pull some new eyes to the website so he fabricates a story using the days headlines.... Examples? Examples...
And here is the Christian Science Monitor article that started it all..

Fast foward June 2008
Kevin yee posts an insider information based expose on buses and oil
following a media blitz the week before regarding school and public transit bus cutbacks... Check out google news and type in either "public bus oil" or "school bus oil" for a thousand plus articles on essentially the same topic Kevin has extensive backroom Disney knowledge of. Then Kevin decides to include a major point about how the ticket and transportation center becomes a hotel hub to MK and Epcot in effort to save money, but forgets to look at a map before making up this immediately debunked story.. But yeah..

So, I move to florida, work at a middle of the road day job, have aspirations of greatness, live under the shadow of a person I inspire to be ( Lutz). I spend my waking hours trying to take the news of the day and give a disney spin to it as to come off as a well connected and respected insider and academic.. Then Disney drops a bombshell like the close of pleasure island and he hasn't even touched upon it in his "rumor rundown" which has been constantly updated over the past year.

Kevin, I enjoy your reviews, your photos, your declinging be decrees, but how does a liar sleep at night?


New Member
The Kevin Yee Theory.

The thing that most offends me about all the speculative Kevin Yee articles, is that they are essentially fiction. Ideas and thoughts he created based upon popular headlines at the time..

Lets expose the lies.
September 2007..... A flurry of national news articles discussing "peak oil". Kevin Yee, an outside of the berm man compared to Al Lutz, feels the need to pull some new eyes to the website so he fabricates a story using the days headlines.... Examples? Examples...
And here is the Christian Science Monitor article that started it all..


The reason Kevin is writing about oil is the same reason everyone else is writing and talking about it - because the price is going through the roof. A good columnist writes about current headlines, not topics that are irrelevant to the day.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
. A good columnist writes about current headlines, not topics that are irrelevant to the day.

Ohhhh, I thought a good columnist in a niche market would write articles pertinent to that market, leaving the general fuel prices impact holidays stories to main stream media, where it is every bulletin.

Perhaps hes run out of insider stories to make up or embellish?


New Member
Ohhhh, I thought a good columnist in a niche market would write articles pertinent to that market, leaving the general fuel prices impact holidays stories to main stream media, where it is every bulletin.

Perhaps hes run out of insider stories to make up or embellish?

The rising price of oil is pertinent to WDW guests. Potential changes to the WDW transportation system are also relevant. If Kevin Yee knew of possible changes that would affect WDW guests and failed to write about them he would not be a good columnist and would lose his readership.

I want to know how food and oil prices, security concerns, airline surcharges, environmental initiatives, federal elections, etc. may affect my next Disney visit, even knowing that the information is speculative and can change on a whim. Otherwise I would just read Disney press releases and not Mice Age - A Different Look at Disney.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
The rising price of oil is pertinent to WDW guests. Potential changes to the WDW transportation system are also relevant. If Kevin Yee knew of possible changes that would affect WDW guests and failed to write about them he would not be a good columnist and would lose his readership.

I want to know how food and oil prices, security concerns, airline surcharges, environmental initiatives, federal elections, etc. may affect my next Disney visit, even knowing that the information is speculative and can change on a whim. Otherwise I would just read Disney press releases and not Mice Age - A Different Look at Disney.

Ok, I get it your a fan. However I think Id prefer my news on security, the economy and the environment to come from something a bit better placed than a fan with a key board and blog.
However as a dedicated advocate of Mr Yee perhaps you have been made aware of certain factors about said areas that in a macro environment affect only WDW visitors. But to be honest I thought food, fuel and security were national and international issues.

As for being a good columnist to survive. I refer my honourable friend to an answer I gave a moment ago, if he is so wonderful people can make their way to his site and read his articles there. No need to link or regurgitate to this site after all there are plenty of people who can hypothesise in a far more entertaining and less self gratifying style than the simply wonderful Mr Yee.

IMHO of course.


New Member
...However as a dedicated advocate of Mr Yee perhaps you have been made aware of certain factors about said areas that in a macro environment affect only WDW visitors. But to be honest I thought food, fuel and security were national and international issues...

I'm sorry, but I genuinely have no idea what you mean. Perhaps a third party will intervene and explain it to me because I'm obviously missing the logic (which wouldn't be the first time). Of course food, fuel and security are international issues. Who said that they weren't? Thus they have an affect on visits to Disney, which is why a columnist dedicated to all things Disney writes about them. Am I missing something here? Have I entered the Twilight Zone? Factors that only affect WDW visitors? What does this mean? How can rising oil prices only affect WDW visitors? That makes no sense. Again, I'm sorry, but I don't understand the meaning of your post.

Also, I wouldn't consider myself a fan. I read lots of Disney bloggers/columnists to see what is in peoples' minds. I just don't get bent out of shape over what they write.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
, I'm sorry, but I don't understand the meaning of your post.

Also, I wouldn't consider myself a fan. I read lots of Disney bloggers/columnists to see what is in peoples' minds. I just don't get bent out of shape over what they write.

Im implying that IMHO, Mr Yee is writing about fuel issues because he has run out of speculative things to write about relating to how WDW is going to take shape and that he appears to be no better if not poorer informed regarding future developments than posters on this site.

I expanded in my second post to say ,that in matters relating to security etc, I would rather believe information and opinion from a source who specialises in that area for information on which to base decisions. I fail to see the difference between the much derided Jim Hill and Yee. If I wish to read about their take on rumours I visit their sites.
Repeating speculation, written stylistically as fact, on other sites is how stories that are utter bollox grow legs. Its also how disinformation is a good defence.
Any clearer?

And lastly while you claim you are unwilling to "get bent out of shape" over Kevin Yee's stories it would appear that this is not a state you extend to opinion based posts on a bulletin board.


New Member
...And lastly while you claim you are unwilling to "get bent out of shape" over Kevin Yee's stories it would appear that this is not a state you extend to opinion based posts on a bulletin board.

I'm not bent out of shape, I'm just not sure what you mean and I'm trying hard to understand. As another poster indicated, I also don't get what peoples' objections are to Kevin Yee's columns. Take this sentence for instance:

"I expanded in my second post to say ,that in matters relating to security etc, I would rather believe information and opinion from a source who specialises in that area for information on which to base decisions."

Are you saying that you don't want to make decisions based on what's written in a blog? Well, of course you wouldn't. I mean, who would? That's not what they're there for. And you seem worried that Kevin Yee might be believed and that his stories might "grow legs?" (Hey, welcome to free speech!) The fact that many posters here deride him will hopefully lay your fears to rest. I like what NX2I85 said a few posts back.

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