Gas Prices, Or Alarmist Kevin Yee strikes again

Frank Stallone

New Member
Kevin Yee just likes hearing the sound of his own voice (or text). Unfortunately for him his voice and text is just a bunch of useless blabbering that belongs where it's found-on yet another blog that isn't taken seriously


Active Member
I have mixed views on Yee's articles. Too many of them lately are negative, but when you have no new rides to talk about and don't want to get into too many rumors, what can you write on? And when taking about fuel, it's realistic to assume ticket prices and/or other cost saving changes might be coming.

The only thing I would comment on that article is how he failed to mention Hydrogen Fuel Cell buses, as an alternative to gas or even the bio-fuel suggestion he quickly passed over. Those buses while not too common yet are way past the trial stages, many cities now have Hydrogen buses in place. London has like five of them, with ten more coming by 2010. The Summer Olympics will have a fleet of Hydrogen buses for transportation. Hey even my small city plans to have one or two Hydrogen buses by 2010/11. So if they can do it Disney can too. The only thing stoping them is having a Hydrogen fuel station, but if that's not a problem for a small city, it shouldn't be a problem for WDW.


New Member
Well you apparently two posts ago (76) :shrug:
You wrote that columnists in a niche market should pen articles pertinent to that market. I suggested that the topics under discussion are pertinent to me, a WDW fan, as they could affect future visits. That's a far cry from basing decisions on the opinions of a single blogger, or even several bloggers. I hope no one takes them that seriously. I enjoy reading these articles even if I don't put much stock in them just as I enjoy reading the rumor board knowing most of what I read is probably false. It's the people that get so bent out of shape over what these bloggers write that baffles me.

But you have given me a scant clue by indicating a fear that what a blogger/columnist like Kevin Yee writes might "grow legs." Are people seriously worried that Disney bean counters might read his column and employ his suggestions? That's one reason I can think of that people are so agitated by his writings. The hostility (calling him a liar) must have some roots. I'm just trying to figure out what it is. Curious by nature I guess.


Well-Known Member
As another poster indicated, I also don't get what peoples' objections are to Kevin Yee's columns.

Then you have missed an awful lot of this thread. :)

Look, a few people around here do like him (very few regulars though), the majority don't because of our long-time experience with what he has to say.

Either you like him, or you don't. No one is going to change anyone else's mind on this one, I have a feeling - but I have to disagree with the fact that I think people have expressed their objections to him quite fully. You may not agree with them, but I think myself and a few other posters have been crystal clear in explaining exactly why we feel the way that we do.



Well-Known Member
Guys, I have a confession to make. I've made a huge mistake here.

Instead of replying here, tomm4004 has taken it upon himself to PM me and inform me of my egregious error.

I misspelled THREE WORDS in this thread.

I am so ashamed, I cannot live with myself. I had three typos on a message board while talking about the writing of someone who puts his writing up on a webpage as "journalism", and boy don't I look like a fool because I spelled three words wrong.

WDWMagic, I am so terribly sorry. I just don't know what to say, every single word I have ever said on this message board must be totally null and void because of these errors.

I have failed life.




Well-Known Member
Guys, I have a confession to make. I've made a huge mistake here.

Instead of replying here, tomm4004 has taken it upon himself to PM me and inform me of my egregious error.

I misspelled THREE WORDS in this thread.

I am so ashamed, I cannot live with myself. I had three typos on a message board while talking about the writing of someone who puts his writing up on a webpage as "journalism", and boy don't I look like a fool because I spelled three words wrong.

WDWMagic, I am so terribly sorry. I just don't know what to say, every single word I have ever said on this message board must be totally null and void because of these errors.

I have failed life.



You my friend are banished from WDWMagic forever!!!! :drevil:
Oh the humility you must feel for the lack of use of spell check on a forum where "you" is sometimes spelled "u".Or even "are" is spelled "r" such as R U ready for the Holidays?


Active Member
I am should think that I large Company like disney must have a special arrangement with the oil and gas company for a sweetheart deal of discount on oil and gas like other major company. The price they paid for is not the price per barrel we are paying at the pump.

When Disney came to my company that I work for water filtration filters. They brought a number of cartridges at a very discounted price as compare to what we charge to other company like MacDonald.
I would think any increase in oil prices will not have any effect on any of the major theme parks for years to come. So any blogger who post otherwise do not think thru about what they are saying.

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