If this is something acceptable to say, then I think it's time I take a break from these boards.
Want to talk about entitled...yeah, there are a ton of entitled people here, but it's not those like myself who have disabled family members - REALLY disabled people, like a child who CANNOT WALK and will NEVER WALK ONE STEP in her ENTIRE LIFE...
It's posts like this that literally make me sick.
"That their vacation is more special than everyone else's"...
EVERY SINGLE STEP YOU TAKE IN LIFE is special, and you people are CHEERING because you saw someone abuse it one day, got your underwear all in a knot, and now can pretend that anything is actually going to change for your wait times.
"You can thank those who abused the old system for the change" - my God, do you hear yourself? So a handicapped kid who has to struggle every time they need to use the bathroom in public should just chalk that up to...what?
There is a PERVERSE satisfaction in this thread that truly makes me sick. I mean, one person above who I can't even bring myself to quote said "They call it a disability for a reason".
That people who supposedly believe in Disney Magic think it's okay to say things like this, and that this board tolerates it - is enough to make me want to literally throw up.
I wold love to see if any of you people hiding behind a keyboard hating on kids with disabilities who struggle every moment of their lives cheering about this would say this to my nieces face. "Sorry, you are disabled - it's called a "dis-ability" for a reason."
None of the cowards who are saying this stuff could live one day in her life without losing it. Simply couldn't handle it. So big freaking deal that Disney made it a little easier for her (and, yet again, 99% of the people posting do not know how it actually worked, you actually wait longer at some attractions, it basically evened out).
Steve - some of the stuff in this thread is so sickening, I just don't see how this is a topic that can be discussed here. When you have people openly gloating about people with disabilities who now have a much more convoluted system to navigate when just going to the bathroom for them can be a logistical nightmare, there just is no middle ground for discussion - it's truly the sickest display I have ever seen, and I have to fight very hard not to wish every single one of them gets disabled and cannot walk and has to struggle through every inch of life - then we could see just how compassionate they really are and expect people to be.
What's funny is that my niece would be the first person to try to help them learn how to live in a wheelchair - because she's that kind of good person. Every single person who has "cheered" this should be ashamed of themselves - because even if you think it's right, gloating over it and telling disabled people where they can go and what they should and should not be entitled to is so crass and vulgar and downright disgusting.