Lol, if you wonder about Disney being behind that article, don't say so around here. You'll be told that you wear tin foil hats and are stupid, lol.
It may be a total coincidence that right before Disney had to clear the excess people from their FP lines to make way for FPP, there was a big brouhaha over "rich people" taking advantage of GACs so they could get on IASW immediately while everyone else waited two and half hours. I knew that story was BS immediately. I also knew they were using "rich people" to get most of America to say, "Yeah! Bad!" and be totally on the side of stopping the abuse. I couldn't figure out why, though.
But I didn't think much more about it until Disney suddenly decided, after all this time, to DO SOMETHING about the abuse. That surprised me. As I realized they were rolling out this FPP thing, i thought, "That could be my Why from back when." It all clicked and made sense. To me, anyway.
That's what I think happened. I could be so wrong! The timing could be a coincidence and there could be some other reason that BS article was written. But that's my take.
Now I'll be called stupid and told I wear a tin foil hat.
That could be true, too.