Future Imagineer's Brainstorm Sessions


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I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVVEEEE THIS IDEA!!!!!! only problem is that, wouldn't it be kind of odd to have both Pixar Animation land as well as Walt Disney Animation land? I think it'd be better if we made one HUGE Disney Studios Land where we could include you Pirates stunt show, the hyperion studio recreation, Oz Great and Powerful Dark Ride, and a Tron bike coaster.
I still prefer the idea of the two separated, it shows the two eras of animation and the two inspirations who lead them. I don't think Tron even deserves a ride.


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I don't think a dark ride would fit in this space, and once again look at the last post for what I think of what should happen to Animation Courtyard
This is true, but I did say knock down One Man's Dream so I could just expand the building slightly.


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For Disney Jr could be where part of my idea of a Disney Studios could go.

One Man's Dream I hope will go in Main Street ;). I love the idea of Mickey shorts land (heck I even thought of a land extremely similar with plane crazy coaster in black and white) but i don't think theres enough space, it'd just be all cramped up in the tiny current Mickey Avenue. And if you're going with my idea of Disney Studios, you'd need that space for the Tron attraction or the Oz.
I appreciate th input, but I had a stroke of inspiration before and know what needs to go there. An Oswald attraction! Not sure what but something to do with him! And I think the cramped feel is what I want form Mickey Avenue, as dumb as that sounds. If you watch the old shorts, everything is all messy and cramped! I think it would be cool if Plane Crazy passed right over the boat, or the swings!


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Totly agree… I thought the paranormal activity movies were terrible! How about Friday the 13th or nightmare on elm street? That would sure scare the crap out of people!
But the problem is they are too scary, it would never be allowed! Paranormal Activity is just some doors movie and furniture shaking, family friendly but very eerie.


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Ok I'm gonna go ahead and do Pixar, Backlot, Streets of America, Star Wars, Echo Lake and Muppets! I will take your criticism into account! And please, have a shot at this too guys!


Well-Known Member
Here is my idea:

1. Take out the hat

2. Update TGMR with pretty much the same films @WED99 listed with the exception of Paranormal Activity + Flowers and Trees

3. Lucas Land taking over Echo Lake
- Indiana Jones EMV Ride
- An Indiana Jones Diner
- Indiana Jones Interactive Adventure Game similar to the upcoming pirates game in Adventureland.
- New Star Tours Exterior themed to a space port
- Mos Eisley Cantina
- Indoor Autopia but themed to Star Wars vehicles flying
- New firework show + character meet and greets nightly themed to Endor. Think of it as you in this video with the characters celebrating. This would be when Fantasmic! is not playing to help take off the load.

4. Pixar Place Expansion into Backlot (I will post map later)
- Monsters Inc. Suspended Door Coaster (d-ticket like SDMT though it kills me to say this).
- A Bug's Life Playset.
- Enhanced Toy Story queue like Dumbo where you get a pager and there are many different animatronic toys interacting with guests like a food court where you roam around (Etch-A-Sketch drawing what guests ask, Pricklepants doing acting lessons, Wheezy singing a song, green aliens saying your name).
- Café Ratatouille quick service (Remy's restaurant that he gets at the end of the film NOT Gusteau's)
- Up Spinner themed to furniture
- Correctly done Pizza Planet restaurant
- Pixar Pals Meet and Greet Center which would be updated with new movies like Princess Fairytale Hall

5. Muppet Courtyard replacing the front part of Streets of America
- Gut MuppetVision 3D for Muppets Live! which is like the laugh floor
- Muppet character dining restaurant replacing Pizza Planet
- Muppet Whatnot Workshop replacing one of the shops
- Muppet Paint 'n Play Theater replacing Stage 1 Company Store where you have to re-paint the theater like Goofy's Paint n Play House in Asia.
- Muppet Emporium

6. Disney Studios
- Replacing One Man's Dream and the Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow is @wed99's Pirate show idea
- Brand new Hyperion studio facade and humongous re-imagining of "The Wonderful World of Disney Animation" like @WED99 said.
- In place of Disney Jr. and the backstage space is a Tron Coaster
- Also in backstage space is Oz dark ride
- And through this backstage space connects Disney Studios to Sunset Boulevard (it would be where the Fairfax quick service restaurants are) so that the park isn't a dead-end anymore.

Criticism? I will post a diagram/park map of before and after very soon


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm gonna go ahead and do Pixar, Backlot, Streets of America, Star Wars, Echo Lake and Muppets! I will take your criticism into account! And please, have a shot at this too guys!
p.s. i used two of your ideas (the pirates show and new disney animation exhibit). so feel free to use many of my ideas if you'd like lol


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm gonna go ahead and do Pixar, Backlot, Streets of America, Star Wars, Echo Lake and Muppets! I will take your criticism into account! And please, have a shot at this too guys!
So here goes my new DHS:
Take out the bah!
Update the gmr with the following scenes for it:
-the dark knight (batman w/ joker)
-updated Mary poppins
-star wars (maybe stop in it, replaces gangster)
-Indiana jones (maybe stop, replaces western)
-nightmare on elm street
-toy story
-Forrest gump
-shawshank redemption
-wizard of oz (updated)
-new finale which is I think was originally planned for it, but I'm not sure. It is having all the AA's from te ride bow as a farewell! Also, there will never be a replacement guide, so the hijacking is gone.
Rest later!


Well-Known Member
I think Paranormal Activity did a really good job at what it tried to do, scare people. Plus it would be epic in a ride! Flowers and Trees was the first colour animated short ever, it really changed things. What was your reason for not wanting it?
i felt too much animation in the ride some reason. i am an animation junkie yet i feel there's too much lol


Well-Known Member
Echo Lake
-Aie and sd buildings torn down and updated indoors Jedi show w/ yoda AA
-Mos Einley Cantina where 50's cafe is
-speeder bike coaster where stunt show is
-new star tours facade
-other shops, quick service, etc.
Streets of America
-gut the WHOLE land!!
-make half of area muppet mini land with updated 3d show, great muppet movie ride, gonzo pizza shop, etc.
-other half is a marvel land (my dream), with an avengers Kuka arm super e ticket thrill ride, Spider-Man simulator like you are flying with him, etc.
Pixar Place
-backlot is gutted
-mi coaster next to TSMM
-a bugs life water coaster
-walle dark ride
-incredibles ride idea that I read somewhere about getting your own powers and defeat syndrome (it was someone else's idea, it's not mine!)
Mickey Avenue
-same as @WED99 's idea
Animation Courtyard
-gut and make a live action land
-tron coaster
-oz dark ride
-national treasure emv where you go with gates and steal the declaration or something
Sunset Boulevard
-Chang batb to some other musical that is a disney movie that takes place in the 30's
-retheme rnrc to a gangster theme
That's all!


Well-Known Member
Here is the map! By the way, I gutted the Oz ride, Indy interactive game (there's a playground instead), and I also gutted Beauty and The Beast for a shortened version of "Newsies" cause if I'm not mistaken that is a show that takes place in the 1920s-1930s.

Also, since movies are always an updating industry I left half of the backlot open for expansion behind Pixar Place. During Halloween this area would be used for a Burton horror nights and extra convention space for Star Wars Weekends until DHS needs an expansion


Well-Known Member
Also, sorry for changing my mind one last time: The Monsters, Inc. Coaster would be scrapped for the Ratatouille LPS dark ride from Paris, it would go in the same place on the map. I realized I had 2 new thrill rides in Pixar Place where the height restriction should go down in and I had only 1 family ride (UP Spinner), so Im getting rid of the Monsters coaster for the Ratatouille dark ride.

EDIT: In my newest plan, Wall-E should go into Epcot instead of Pixar Place so Monsters, Inc. Coaster is back


Well-Known Member
Echo Lake
-Aie and sd buildings torn down and updated indoors Jedi show w/ yoda AA

-incredibles ride idea that I read somewhere about getting your own powers and defeat syndrome (it was someone else's idea, it's not mine!)
does the jedi academy really need both those buildings? I think it just needs the Sounds Dangerous but not both

what type of ride is that incredibles ride?


Well-Known Member
@Turtle I like the ideas you have, especially the Star Wars ideas and the Pixar ideas! Although I think that you could maybe add some updating of sunset boulevard.


Well-Known Member
does the jedi academy really need both those buildings? I think it just needs the Sounds Dangerous but not both

what type of ride is that incredibles ride?
I don't know! Maybe you could have a m & g in one of the buildings! Also, the incredibles ride unread about is that it's like an emv/Spider-Man vehicle and you are given a superpower and a superhero name before you get on, then you wave your hands around and stuff to defeat enemies with your powers! By the way, I now remember it was @ctxak98 's idea!


Well-Known Member
I don't know! Maybe you could have a m & g in one of the buildings! Also, the incredibles ride unread about is that it's like an emv/Spider-Man vehicle and you are given a superpower and a superhero name before you get on, then you wave your hands around and stuff to defeat enemies with your powers! By the way, I now remember it was @ctxak98 's idea!
that sounds cool!


Well-Known Member
Ok I dont have a lot of things to change but here are my MAJOR needs for this park:

-The entrance is beautiful so I DO NOT want it changed. The 30's and 40's feel is great! DO NOT CHANGE TOT. Although the idea of making rockn rollercoaster fit to 50's rock would fit much better! good Idea @WED99

-The GMR I think is a classic in My opinion and nothing should be gutted BUT if some scenes did I would say these. Gut half of gangster and half of western. Half of the mummy section(keep hijacked- I know im one of those people) Gut Tarzan, Make Fantasia REAL AA mickey, cut second scene of wizard of oz, and cut some of ALIEN....THEN add avatar, star wars, gone with the wind, Frankenstein, and some Charlie Chaplan scene. I love the old feel of it and all the AA's in the ride. and the final video is fantastic. I could use a longer film though!

-Move One Mans Dream to Sunset Boulevard! and with that building and Little Mermaid have a Imagineering ride. Where they take you behind the scenes on how they make certain ride effects and Film effects( sort of a Backlot/ blue sky cellar all in one). Play House Disney becomes a Disney Princess mash up production.

-Monsters inc coaster next to TSM and backlot tour replaced with INcredibles ride and Up attraction( I want unique attractions so rat and cars are out for my ideas

- Love the muppets so another small attraction and a new film for the 3d portion and Its all set. Oh and swedish chefs kitchen to replace Pizza Planet and Moving Pizza Planet to somewhere the backlot once was.

-THIS IS A CRAZY DREAM!!! but make the new york that is left into Gangster Dick tracey attraction. could be very cool and exciting

-Star Wars clonse ship mission ride. Star Tours left alone but the ENdor theme brought back to gift shop, and cantina moved somewhere else. I love sci-fi theatre so I dont want it to change. I like little random things here and there. And a indy ride replacing stunt show.

thats about it though folks


Well-Known Member
I don't know! Maybe you could have a m & g in one of the buildings! Also, the incredibles ride unread about is that it's like an emv/Spider-Man vehicle and you are given a superpower and a superhero name before you get on, then you wave your hands around and stuff to defeat enemies with your powers! By the way, I now remember it was @ctxak98 's idea!
OH THANKS! I thought it was a cool Idea. NOT FULLY DEVELOPED, but getting there.


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Ok so....

Pixar Place- This is the new size of it.

Everything in it now will remain. The following will be new additions:
-In the very top left corner is Monstropolis. This is home to Monstropolis Boulevard, a street that lets guests get up close and personal with the life of the Monsters in their closet. Every shop can be entered, Cars drive down the street, Monsters will look out their windows and say hi. This is not a theme park shopping district with a fancy facade, everything here is 100% Monster (even the merchandise)! At the end of the boulevard is Monster Incorporated, a massive building home to the famous company! Guests can explore each floor and find many fun monster related gags, or even enter through doors into different regions! They can then grab a cab and ride into downtown Monstropolis and discover even more!
-Under that is Incredibles Island, and yes it is an island. Guests will board one of those pod transporting things and be taken to the "Supers of America HQ". Here they will learn that they themselves are supers, they just have never actually used their powers. It is legal now so the SoA are here to help you remember. Guests can test their powers at many different interactive stations. These include flash freezing an entire room, a speed test, lifting a car etc.
-Right in the bottom left hand corner is Radiator Springs. Now I hate the idea of a Cars Land clone, so i decided to mix it up a bit. Guests will walk up the road onto the top of a mountain (covered in rock work of course). On their way up they will encounter all the citizens of Radiator Springs! Once they reach the top they will be standing in front of the Wheel Well Motel, the entrance for the new big E-Ticket, but first! If they look off to the left, they will see down on the ground, far away from the mountain is Radiator Springs! Now guests can only go here on the ride, so what they see is not actually full size. It's a very small forced perspective town to make guests think they are really high up. Inside the wheel well motel is Radiator Springs Racers, to keep the east coast fans happy ;)
-The the right of Radiator Springs in the area Pearl Harbour currently sits on, will be a different type of area. Since Pixar is continuously growing the demand for new movies in the area will never stop. To avoid needing to expand in 5 years, this area is going to change each year. It will be based on a Pixar film from that year. It will have space for one d-ticket and some environmental theming.
-Studio Catering Co. will be replaced with Remy's Kitchen, a quick service restaurant with fast but good quality food.
-Honey I Shrunk The Kid's Playset will be altered slightly to become A Bug's Life Playset.

I can't be bothered doing Streets of America or Muppets today, sorry guys.

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