Funny things "tourist" say


Active Member
Riding in the TRON monorail:

Man: "What kind of company is Tron and why would they want to sponsor a monorail. F1 would give them more exposure."
Going by the Walt Disney World Speedway

Woman: "I wonder what that is over there?"
Older Woman: "I don't know, honey do you know?"
Older Man: "It's a race track, trucks and Indycar used to race there."
->(Here I was thinking this is a knowledgeable family, then suddenly....)<-
Woman: "Oh, so that's where Tomorrowland is! I heard those carts don't go that fast but kids love them!"
Older Man: "Yep."
Animal Kingdom

Man to small child: "Don't worry, we'll ride the Jungle Cruise next, I know you like giraffe's, maybe you'll see one on it."


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of the story I heard where a couple asked to "speak to a manager" because a CM at Hollywood Studios told them "we don't have the King Kong ride here".
Some of these are pretty idiotic, but alot of them are honest mistakes. I think we forget sometimes that we are disneyholics and know every inch of the parks. Normal people just visiting do not, and especially for someone visiting their first time im sure its overwhelming no matter how much research you do.


New Member
Scene: Guest standing in front of entrance to "The Great Movie Ride"
Typical Tourist to CM: "Is this a ride?"

I'd have to strongly resist the urge to look at the sign and read it aloud before responding.

I work at a store's Home Theater department, and when someone walks over and asks me if this is the TV department...I tend to pause and look around at the TVs for a moment before saying yes. Haha.


Well-Known Member
Saw someone walk up to CRT at 5:00 and ask how long the wait was without a reservation. The expression on the cast member's face was priceless - she resisted the urge to say 6 months and politely explained there were no tables available.

While we were waiting for our ressie at Le Celier, the same thing happened and the woman at the podium who was NOT very Disney friendly AT ALL gave a nasty look and flipped through her book and said, "I have February 10th available?" We were there in August.

Cubs Brian

Active Member
Way back when I was a CM i would get asked " what time is the 7:00 parade". One I just heard today, I told someone that I work with that we were going to Disney World in ten days. He replied that in April he will be going to Epcot for a week. I said "don't you mean Disney World?", He replies "No we went there last year":shrug::brick:


Well-Known Member
Animal Kingdom

Man to small child: "Don't worry, we'll ride the Jungle Cruise next, I know you like giraffe's, maybe you'll see one on it."

I have to say that I am guilty of this from time to time..:lookaroun For me it has nothing to do with the fact that I don't know the difference between Kilimanjaro Safari and Jungle Cruise, because I promise - I do, but rather because I watched a Disney Special that detailed how the Imagineers wanted to take Walt's original concept for Jungle Cruise and make it a reality by using live animals in the ride. So somewhere in my Disney brain the wires sometimes get crossed.


Active Member
While we were waiting for our ressie at Le Celier, the same thing happened and the woman at the podium who was NOT very Disney friendly AT ALL gave a nasty look and flipped through her book and said, "I have February 10th available?" We were there in August.
Although you are correct and that was not very "Disney like" of them, I have to say, that's freaking hilarious! I love this thread! My WDW itch is getting worse...I need to call DVC member services and make ressies for a weekend getaway ASAP, :lol: !


Well-Known Member
While we were waiting for our ressie at Le Celier, the same thing happened and the woman at the podium who was NOT very Disney friendly AT ALL gave a nasty look and flipped through her book and said, "I have February 10th available?" We were there in August.

I would have been laughing so hard. But in all honesty, if you were new to the world, how would you know Le Cellier was one of the most popular places to eat on property?

I wish I could remember some from my last trip. I'll have to keep an ear out next time I go.


Well-Known Member
When I used to work at the Disney Store, I once had a lady get very irrate with me because I would not let her return a couple of items from Walt Disney World. She had all of the branded merchandise and original receipt from Six Flags Over Georgia...


Active Member
I got a lot of silly questions when I was a CM in Fantasyland, like, "Where's that ET ride?" ... "Can I get to Universal on the monorail?" ... "How much does Fastpass cost?" ... and one of my favorites, at the entrance of small world, "Is this a roller coaster?"... but still, just the usual uninformed tourist stuff. By the way, my answer to that last question, "No, but it can still be frightening!" (just kidding!)

But the craziest thing I ever heard (and I've told this story before, so sorry if you've heard it already) was as I was walking around Epcot.
A group of middle aged adults was standing around Innoventions plaza, looking like they were deciding what to do. As I walked by, one of the men said, "I can't believe they tore down that beautiful castle and put up that stupid ball." I actually looked back around, thinking maybe he was kidding, and ready to laugh with them... but he didn't laugh, and neither did anyone else he was with. I kept walking- quickly - before I burst out laughing. There's still a small part of my brain that chooses to believe he was joking, because I don't want to think that anyone could be that clueless.


Well-Known Member
I would have been laughing so hard. But in all honesty, if you were new to the world, how would you know Le Cellier was one of the most popular places to eat on property?

I wish I could remember some from my last trip. I'll have to keep an ear out next time I go.

While this is certainly true, it's pretty much in all the guidebooks, as is the CRT info - so for me I find it baffling that people will shell out serious cash for a vacation and not research where they are going!


Active Member
Magic Kingdom's Plaza Restaurant:

->(I had been waiting for nearly thirty minutes and it was fifteen minutes pass my reservation)<-

A young man begins to attempt to walk into the building.

CM : "Sir, excuse me, but do you have a reservation?"
Man: "A what?"
CM: "A reservation to dine with us here at the Plaza Restaurant?"
Man: "You mean I have to make a reservation for everything?"
CM: "Most sit-down services require a reservation, however we have qui....(interrupted)
Man: "I payed good money to come to this place and I'll be darned* (*PG term) if I'm told where I can eat in this place."

Some more arguing went on between the two as the CM was trying to explain that they were booked and the man needed to make a reservation. The man could not grasp the concept or distinguish between the difference of reserving a visit to the park and reserving a place to eat.

Hollywood Studio's Tower of Terror:

Boy Child: "I've rode this ride like a gazillion times!"
Girl Child: "Is it scary?"
Boy Child: "Nah, those screams from the building is to scare people away. All you do is sit in little buggy's and view different things. At the end are hitch-hiking ghosts."

->(They where in the surprise of their young lives)<-

The Grand Floridian:

Man: "This used to be Walt's house."

->(He was dead serious too)<-


Well-Known Member
Magic Kingdom's Plaza Restaurant:

->(I had been waiting for nearly thirty minutes and it was fifteen minutes pass my reservation)<-

A young man begins to attempt to walk into the building.

CM : "Sir, excuse me, but do you have a reservation?"
Man: "A what?"
CM: "A reservation to dine with us here at the Plaza Restaurant?"
Man: "You mean I have to make a reservation for everything?"
CM: "Most sit-down services require a reservation, however we have qui....(interrupted)
Man: "I payed good money to come to this place and I'll be darned* (*PG term) if I'm told where I can eat in this place."

Some more arguing went on between the two as the CM was trying to explain that they were booked and the man needed to make a reservation. The man could not grasp the concept or distinguish between the difference of reserving a visit to the park and reserving a place to eat.

Hollywood Studio's Tower of Terror:

Boy Child: "I've rode this ride like a gazillion times!"
Girl Child: "Is it scary?"
Boy Child: "Nah, those screams from the building is to scare people away. All you do is sit in little buggy's and view different things. At the end are hitch-hiking ghosts."

->(They where in the surprise of their young lives)<-

The Grand Floridian:

Man: "This used to be Walt's house."

->(He was dead serious too)<-



Active Member
While this is certainly true, it's pretty much in all the guidebooks, as is the CRT info - so for me I find it baffling that people will shell out serious cash for a vacation and not research where they are going!
So true. I ALWAYS find it baffling when people don't research the place before going. It happens so much too. Think of everything people are missing out on! The first time I went to WDW, I was in high school and went with my family. It was before Animal Kingdom was open and we didn't see much of the other 3 parks, so in '99 when I started planning my honeymoon, I still didn't know much even though I had been there. I read 2 WDW books, cover to cover (some parts multiple times) and knew as much as I could about each park, it's attractions, restaurants, all the resorts, everything. I have to say, that started my WDW addiction, but of course, it also made all the years of traveling there so much more enjoyable! Some people like traveling by the seat of their pants, but WDW is just too wonderful to not take the time to learn and appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Hollywood Studio's Tower of Terror:

Boy Child: "I've rode this ride like a gazillion times!"
Girl Child: "Is it scary?"
Boy Child: "Nah, those screams from the building is to scare people away. All you do is sit in little buggy's and view different things. At the end are hitch-hiking ghosts."

->(They where in the surprise of their young lives)<-

Oh - to be a fly on the wall when that elevator fell!! :lol:

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