Funny things people say at WDW


Cosmic Rays yesterday at lunch
Guest: Can I get the double cheese burger with cheese?
CMs reply: Uhh yeeess. :veryconfu with this look on her face

EPCOT but not anymore
Eisners paycheck comes on top


Well-Known Member
A conversation between a group of girls and the two cast members at the tip board....

GIRL 1: What is this and how much does it cost? (points to the tip board)
ME: This is the tip board. It tells you what's going on in the park today.
GIRL 1: What do you offer here?
ME: We have all of the attractions with their current wait times posted here, and on this side are the show times....
GIRL 1: I see, you don't want to help me. (stomps away)
GIRL 2: What time is the safari?
TONY: It's continuous untill 7:00. When one leaves the next one starts.
GIRL 2: No! I said what time is the safari!!!


New Member
I heard that when the movie "The Truth About Cats And Dogs." came out, some parents actually took their kids, assuming it was a Disney, or Disney-ish, kind of movie. Uh... aren't you supposed to find out something about the plot of a movie you are thinking of taking kids too before you take them? "The Truth About Cats And Dogs." was not violent or explicit, but it was definetly NOT a movie for small kids!


I used to work in a travel agents and one of my colleagues who had recently started went on a training course, which included all things Disney. (so jealous but she did bring me back a Daisy Duck T-Shirt, so bless her for that!)
She's a bit dippy at the best of times but it was when she told me that they were split into teams which were named after the characters and that her friend was on "Snitch's" team, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!!

Also, kinda relating to this, when I went to Alton Towers in a big group we split up right at the start and a group of us went in the queue for Air. (For those who don't know, at the time when this was new, the marketing was all to do with the ride giving you the sensation of flying as it is a floorless coaster that tilts so you begin facing the floor)

Anyway, us girls looked at the ridiculous queue and went to ride Nemesis instead. When we found the boys later on and asked them about it, aparently as the ride tilts you into position, blue lights come and and a voice whispers " fly". However the first guy to explain us to it was full of enthusiam and recalled his initial fear as the ride said "prepare to die"


Active Member
Rockin Roller said:
One time I was on Splash Mountain and there was a girl about 16 years old sitting behind me and she was alone. so the whole time she kept bugging me asking when the big drop was and everytime she asked I said its this drop when it was actually one of the smaller dips. Finally we get to the top of the big drop and she knew then that this was the drop. So I say sarcastically at the top you can get off here if you dont want to go down the drop. She stands about half way up and then we dropped. The picture was her falling into her seat scared to death. It wasnt what she said but what she did that was funny
OMG! She could have really been hurt! While I admit its mildly funny she actually thought she could get off how would you have felt if she would have been hurt or killed? Not flaming you but I know I would have been horrified!


New Member
See, I was walking past some family, and the girl (who had to have been 17 or 18) was like, looking at her EPCOT map, and we were IN EPCOT, so it's not that she had the wrong map, haha, but she was looking on her map and was like "They said Everest was open. I don't even see it on the map" and I thought she was kidding, but her mom was like "Here, lemme see..." and she took the map, and was looking at it really hard, and said "I'm sorry, hunny, maybe the map hasn't been updated. Come on, we'll find it." And my mom started laughing before I did. Like, these weren't uneducated people. They are definetely- ugh, I dunno, but it was dumb, and it cracked me and my mom up so bad

Astronaut Jones

New Member
Several years back as AK was first being opened we were in the park in the Africa wing. Some woman looked near irrate, turned to her husband and complained "this place looks like trash, the sidewalk is all chewed up. You'd think Disney would be able to keep things maintained, this place is supposed to be new."


New Member
HAHAHAHA ASTRONAUT JONES! I would have LOVED to see that woman say it! I would have loved it so much, I would have video taped it, recorded it with my phone, put it on the internet, made it my ringtone, and share it with friends! That's great. :)

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I guess people who think they can stand on splash mountain is kinda common.
My wife and I went on Splash at E-night and we started talking to the couple behind us. About half way through the ride the guy asks me "what part do you stand up at?" I said you dont stand on this ride. He tells "us my friend said we need to stand when we go down the big drop." I then said you stand, you probably die, he just sorta looked at me funny. when the ride was over we got off and he said "man Im glad we talked to you, I was all set to stand up." My wife and I couldnt believe someone would think this was OK.:veryconfu

When Disney still did the "rope drop" and everyone would run to their favorite ride, We waited to head to Adventure land. When the rope droped and everyone ran to Splash and thunder, this family said quick heres the tree house as we passed it.:confused:


Well-Known Member

I don't think I've seen this posted yet, and I'm kind of surprised. I'm a Disney Freak, hopefully going into the WDWCP spring 2007 :).

Anyway, story: Me and my friends were hanging out in our dorm when we put in the first potc. We're watching it for a while when my friend turns to me and goes, "Why is the ride so different from the movie? Wouldn't they want to make the ride as close to the movie?" So I asked, "Aly, which one do you think came first?". Aly, "The movie of course!"

At that point I just sat down and shook my head.


New Member
I've so enjoyed reading these... they definitely take me back to daily encounters with guests who left their common sense at home while on vacation!

At the main gate of any park guests consider you the "keeper of all knowledge regarding that park." Here are a few of the questions I got on a daily basis at Epcot.

"How do I get to Disney World?" (meaning MK)

"Can I take the monorail to Sea World?" (or Universal... or any other destination besides MK)

"Will I get my money back if it rains?"

"Do the rides come with the park admission?"

"Where do I buy a FastPass?"

"How do I get to the buses?" (um, walk.)

And on the rarer occasion I had guests:
- ask to leave something with me so they wouldn't have to carry it through the park
- get angry because they couldn't use their tickets with no remaining days left on them since they'd purchased the tickets with "no expiration" they felt they were entitled to unlimited days in the park... :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
One day at Epcot, me and my family were waiting in the lineup at the future world entance to get into the park, and we see a little girl up on her dad's shoulders pointing at Spaceship Earth saying "Daddy, daddy, can we go on the big ball ride!". No offence to her because she was only about 4 years old and that was probably her first time at the park, but it was pretty funny to us, being WDW freaks and all....


New Member
I love these. i remember once while in epcot a guy is like "whats this round thing...and wheres space mountain." Me:"wrong park." Him: "oh..then where is spaceship earth?" I got so agravated.. its like read a map! But as soon as he turned away i laughed.:D


i don't think i've shared this one before:

we were leaving mission space, going down the corridor at the side to the exit where there were two little old ladies stopped by a fire exit door.

as we passed i looked outside the door to see a car park and one of the ladies said to her friend "go back in, i don't think this is right"

the second lady insisted "but we ARE the flight crew!"

(looking at the door obviously intended for use by cast members only, the door said "flight crew only"!)

bless! i'm surprised they went on it actually so i think she deserves to be flight crew if she wants to be!


New Member
Even though im 18, when family comes to Disney, i like to get pictures and autographs with and of the characters. You'd be surprised at the names guests have given some of these characters
Brer Rabbit- Snuggle Bunny
Launchpad- Quacky McLaunch
Prince John- The Lion King
White Rabbit- Rabbit
Rabbit- Yellow Rabbit
Govenor Radcliffe- That Guy
Gepetto- Doc
Darkwing Duck- Super Donald
Baloo- from the Jungle "BEARS"
Chip and Dale- the mice
Gideon- Bert from Sesame Street!!???????!!!!!!!!!!!?????

Rides and other:
Bus to MK facing Space Mountain: Is that space Mountain?
No thats Splash Mountain!
Couple on Monorail talking to me: Does this stop at the airport?
Everyone,Everywhere: Lets go on soarin"G"


New Member
"What are chili cheese fries?"
People asked me that almost everyday at Pecos Bill's. And everytime I had to say very seriously, "They're fries covered in chili and cheese".
And I giggled everytime someone ordered a cheeseburger with no cheese. And all the people who brought back their burgers saying that they were upside down, Disney always puts the cheese on the bottom bun, not the top so you can put your own toppings on, you have no idea how many people think that the cheese has to be on top.


New Member
this is not really disney but i always get asked this at disney..

"are your tattoos real" i wanna say, no i paint them on every day idiot!

and i always get "oh thats that movie, nightmare on elm street right?" i wish florida wasnt so hot so i could wear a sweatshirt so people didnt ask such dumb questions all of the time. i cant go anywhere without people either giving me dirty looks (like you're any better than me!), ask stupid questions, or just talk to me about it. i know i know im just bitter i cant get through a day without people stopping me haha

also EPCOT stands for Every Person Comes out Trashed
at least during the food and wine festival!


Active Member
Someone asked me where SSE was.
This last trip I was this family was asking a CM were the LMA was. And the funny thing is that we were in AK. Then they asked where was the Tommarrowland Speedway was. Then the CM said that was in MK. Then he said they were in the wrong Kingdom.

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