Funny things people say at WDW

Dj Corona said:
E.very P.ocketbook C.omes O.ut T.hinner is another one i've heard.

I've seen and heard a lot of funny and bizzare stuff at WDW,(you gotta admit people-watching at "The World" is an attraction all to itself!).True story from last year, here goes....It's Frontierland at night - EMH. A woman is pushing her small daughter along in one of the SUV-sized rent-a-strollers. Now, this woman is pushing the thing like she's got places to go, people to see...haulin' butt, when the rest of her party stops, and yells for her attention. The woman stops the stroller so fast, the child gets shot out of it like a cannon. Or least she would've, except one of her feet catches the bottom lip of the stroller and, you guessed it, SPLAT! The kid's almost out cold,on the ground, no idea what just hit her, the mother's totally oblivious to it, until she goes to start pushing the stroller again, almost running the girl over until she sees her on the ground.
She goes over, yokes her daughter up while yelling, "What did I tell many times do I have to tell you stay in the stroller!!" This woman works herself into such a frenzy, she's shaking and just whaling away on her kid with the classic line, "See, see what your making me do? Because you never listen, now i have to do this, and now your embarassing me in public!! See what you've done! Why do you always have to embarass us in public like this?! When will you learn?"
For some reason, still to this day whenever I see or hear parents yelling at children, it's the first thing that pops in my head.

I have this sad feeling that kid is going to be very messed up someday.:cry:
DisneyBride94 said:
Too funny....but I must ask, and this has been bugging me for some time now.... WHat is the name of the little female mouse that is so chummy with Cinderella? (I think she is a doormouse or something?) Please do tell me what her name is. :) )

According to Cinderella's dollhouse (a game for the PC) the girl mouse in pink/purple who likes Jaq is Mary....yes, i know how obessive this sounds:p


disneygrl89 said:
According to Cinderella's dollhouse (a game for the PC) the girl mouse in pink/purple who likes Jaq is Mary....yes, i know how obessive this sounds:p

I have autogrpahs from when I was a kid and one mouse was called Susie and I thought the other one was Petra, but someone above said Perla (this will be the same one, whichever name is right!)


New Member

not out of the ordinary right? well...

Some lady tugging on two of her children while walking up Main Street a 10:18 p.m. when the park closes at 10:00 p.m. (prior to the invention of EMH or E-ticket) while 50 million (obviously a slight over-exageration) people are walking towards her and to the exit after Wishes... the park was closed and thousands upon thousands of people rush to the exit...

on the same night (I was there with my senior class); we get out of MK, surrounded by gillions of people... I'm in a pack of like... 10 of my buddies... and some lady in front of us with a stroller just locks the stroller right in the middle of the walkway and grabs her kids and go... me and my one buddy get stuck cuz people are swarming and she actually LOCKED the stroller... devastating

also same night... I'm buying my mom a gift at a store right before wishes starts, and some big woman comes over and stands next to me in line... then as we get closer, she drops an elbow and scoots in front of me... then goes to pay... before I could say anything, the other cashier says "next... yes ma'am I can help you here" and he looks right past me... and helps the lady behind me... and she just looks at me, then walks up to him... I was like "what am I, invisibile?!?!"

THEN we heard the lady with her infamous "THERE SHOULD BE A LINE FOR PEOPLE TRYING TO GET INTO THE PARK" which really has become one of those great inside jokes... if you were there you woulda lost it... it just didnt make sense... and to see her face... she was angry


New Member
"This one time" at MGM, my family and i just finished riding ToT and met my grandma back on the bench where we left her, (to intense for her). She points out that she has been watching a muslum man involved in his daily prayer ritual. this is before RRC is built so the path that would normally take you there is just a ally to get you backstage. so the man is in this ally praying away when out pops meeko and the genie from the backstage. we thought nothing of it untill the 2 characters started waving their hands in front of the mans face and trying to mess with him. so man continues w/ no acknowledgement of the 2. their antics are put to rest when the cast member they are with pulls them away to do the meet and greet. it was the funniest thing ever. so this is just a funny thing the CMs in costume did that made the day a little funnier for me and my Fam!


Well-Known Member
I don't like it when someone says something incorrectly and people on here say they are un-educated/ignorant/dumb/stupid...etc, just because they don't know the exact right name for something doesn't make them dumb, just not as prepared as others.

That being said, I have a a few stories of people who said things to me or I overheard that I noticed...they aren't dumb or stupid or anything negative, just have different knowledge or points of view.

The first one is that when I told a friend and co-worker I was going to Disney this summer, his response was, "Why don't you just go to Cedar Point instead?"

A different time, I was telling another co-worker I was going to Disney World on vacation, he said, "Oh yeah, I guess they have lots of other stuff there, like Epcot and Universal and Sea World, you guys will have a good time."

And lastly, while in line for a ride, Peter Pan I think, a man who is with his wife and small daughter says, "You know, I guess I can see how people might come here for more than one day."

...none of them were dumb, but I just wanted to share.


New Member
musketeer said:
And lastly, while in line for a ride, Peter Pan I think, a man who is with his wife and small daughter says, "You know, I guess I can see how people might come here for more than one day."

:lol: :lol: :lol: hahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha:lol: :lol: :lol:

thats fantastic

You win... no there wasn't a contest, but you win... only because... not the statement that he was saying it... but the fact that, its pretty clear he was there for just one day and said "how people MIGHT come here for more than one day" hahahahahahahhaha


Well-Known Member
this happened to me as well...

Let me say that as a man of almost 50, I have seen some strange things at WDW.. and this business about waiting in line really corks me..

I have had it were , I have my money or my credit card IN MY HAND,, and have just ONE ITEM.. and some woman, will either cut in front of me, or again get waited on from behind me, like I was not even standing there.. It makes you feel stupid, insignifigant, out of place.. and like YOUR MONEY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH..

and in my travels, women are not afraid to be RUDE..

Guys have a certain BAR attitude or manners when in a strange place.. a guy bumps you and he is immediately apologytic..

Women, especially alone, can be something else...

Like there is no one to see me being rude,, who cares.. No one knows me here.. .

by the way I can always tell you who is going to tip you and WHO WON'T..

if a person is wearing a $200 sweater, forget it..

if a person is wearing stars and bars and ripped pants forget it..

its the middle of the road guy, who used to work for tips, is the one who will make your day..


Well-Known Member
what you can't see all four PARKS IN ONE DAY...

Are you telling me that there might be more to see in all four parks, that you could possibly see in one day..

Shocked, I say, I am shocked..

I thought for sure that you could just do one park by say 11 in the morning, the next by 2, the third by 6:30 and take some time out for supper, and of course see the last park by closing time..

shouldn't you just be able to walk off one ride and then right on another all day long? If not they should limit the crowds so that WE can DO THAT.. JUST FOR US..

HMMMM..... how discourtious of Disney to set it up this way..


Well-Known Member
bjlc57 said:
Are you telling me that there might be more to see in all four parks, that you could possibly see in one day..

Shocked, I say, I am shocked..

I thought for sure that you could just do one park by say 11 in the morning, the next by 2, the third by 6:30 and take some time out for supper, and of course see the last park by closing time..

shouldn't you just be able to walk off one ride and then right on another all day long? If not they should limit the crowds so that WE can DO THAT.. JUST FOR US..

HMMMM..... how discourtious of Disney to set it up this way..

I'm not entirely sure what they thought. It is very possible that they still weren't even aware that there were other parks when they said they can understand why people spend more than one day there. They may have been only referring to the Magic Kingdom.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
One thing that really irks me are parents that say to their misbehaving kids "If you don't behave, we'll never come here again!"

Hello! You parents need a reality check. Its not a crime if your kids misbehave a little. A time out or denial of ice cream is more appropriate, but traumatizing your kids into rediculously harsh punishments will not make your visit to WDW any more fun.


Well-Known Member
disneygrl89 said:
According to Cinderella's dollhouse (a game for the PC) the girl mouse in pink/purple who likes Jaq is Mary....yes, i know how obessive this sounds:p

In the parks, Suzy wears the green dress; Pearla wears the Purple. However, the mouse in the game could be a different one!

Two of my favorite "dumb Guest" questions have involved teenage girls.

First, at the Magic Kingdom:

Them: Um, where's Test Track?

Me: At Epcot.

Them (all girls make a face of disgust): Um, isn't that, like, educational or something?

Me: Parts of it are, but it's mostly a great place to learn about the magic of the real world... (at this point, I launch into a mini-primer on Epcot, mentioning Soarin, Illuminations, and more) ...and if you want to ride Test Track, you have to go there.

Them: Oh. How do we get there?

*I tell them and they leave the MK IMMEDIATELY to go ride Test Track!*


Second Story (again, at the MK):

Teenage girls: Where are the rides?

Me: They're throughout the lands here... (I hand them a map and point out some of our E-tickets)

Them: Oh, okay, because we went to Epcot earlier today, and we couldn't find anything! There were just a bunch of buildings everywhere, so we left.

Me: The rides are in those buildings.

*They stare at me, then go to Splash Mountain.*


At Epcot:
Where's Fast Track? Where's Space Mountain? Where's Mission to Mars? Where's the dinosaur ride? Where are the roller coasters? Why can't I buy more than one beer at a time? Where are the rides? I spent all this money and now it's raining.

:lol: But believe it or not, I love interacting with Guests when I'm out in the parks!


New Member
800Miles2Magic said:
My favorite quote EVER and it is bound to offend someone...

On my honeymoon in 2002, we were having breakfast at Chef Mickey's, next to us was a family of four and the kids were just out of control. They were yelling, screaming, bothering everyone around us ect, ect.. Now I know, its Disney and kids get excited; but, you could tell these were just bad kids. After about 20 minutes of this the mother says to the children.....
"Stop it now or Daddy will kill Mickey Mouse."

Problem solved, been laughing ever since.

No offense here! I thought this was hilarious. I guess whatever works.:lol:


New Member
When I was in dak today, a boy pointed to expedition everest and asked his father if that was "aerospace". The father then told the son that that was "exhibition everest" and that "aerospace" was located in epcot.


New Member
A while back my brother and I were at the China Pavilion and caught the end of a kids tumbling act. As the crowd was dispersing after the show, my bro noticed a handful of very excited little children with their grandfather going on about how great the act was...

"Wow! Those Chinese kids were really cool, weren't they grampa?"
"Yes they were. You know what else they are?"
"Whats that?"


A while back my brother and I were at the China Pavilion and caught the end of a kids tumbling act. As the crowd was dispersing after the show, my bro noticed a handful of very excited little children with their grandfather going on about how great the act was...

"Wow! Those Chinese kids were really cool, weren't they grampa?"
"Yes they were. You know what else they are?"
"Whats that?"

These have all been great and hilarious stories, but this, by far, has been my favorite! :lol:


New Member
A while back my brother and I were at the China Pavilion and caught the end of a kids tumbling act. As the crowd was dispersing after the show, my bro noticed a handful of very excited little children with their grandfather going on about how great the act was...

"Wow! Those Chinese kids were really cool, weren't they grampa?"
"Yes they were. You know what else they are?"
"Whats that?"

man JediDisney i keep posting right after you! anyways, AHHAHAHAH ohhh man that is quite hilarious.


Well-Known Member
E.very P.ocketbook C.omes O.ut T.hinner is another one i've heard.

I've seen and heard a lot of funny and bizzare stuff at WDW,(you gotta admit people-watching at "The World" is an attraction all to itself!).True story from last year, here goes....It's Frontierland at night - EMH. A woman is pushing her small daughter along in one of the SUV-sized rent-a-strollers. Now, this woman is pushing the thing like she's got places to go, people to see...haulin' butt, when the rest of her party stops, and yells for her attention. The woman stops the stroller so fast, the child gets shot out of it like a cannon. Or least she would've, except one of her feet catches the bottom lip of the stroller and, you guessed it, SPLAT! The kid's almost out cold,on the ground, no idea what just hit her, the mother's totally oblivious to it, until she goes to start pushing the stroller again, almost running the girl over until she sees her on the ground.
She goes over, yokes her daughter up while yelling, "What did I tell many times do I have to tell you stay in the stroller!!" This woman works herself into such a frenzy, she's shaking and just whaling away on her kid with the classic line, "See, see what your making me do? Because you never listen, now i have to do this, and now your embarassing me in public!! See what you've done! Why do you always have to embarass us in public like this?! When will you learn?"
For some reason, still to this day whenever I see or hear parents yelling at children, it's the first thing that pops in my head.

One thing I saw that was similar to this involved a woman and her daughter leaving The Land Pavillion late one evening at Epcot. As anyone who's been to The Land Pavillion knows, the ground is sloped considerably up towards the building due to the bi-level design of the building.

My friends and I were walking up to the pavillion to try to get one more ride in on Soarin' when I saw this little girl and her mother exit the building. The little girl immediately took off running at full speed, and the mother said or did nothing to stop her. The girl got going so fast down the hill that her little legs couldn't keep up with the speed, and she fell pretty hard. When she fell, she slid a few feet on the pavement and landed almost right at my feet. I knelt down to check to see if she was okay since the mother was still a good 100 yards away at this point. The girl was obviously crying, but it didn't appear that she had any serious injuries. My brother and cousin went to summon the CM from the front of the pavillion for assistance. When the mother saw that the girl had fallen, she came running. Then, instead of calmly comforting the girl and thanking us for checking to see if she was okay, the mother went into hysterics and was crying and yelling and screaming stuff like "Oh, are you okay?" "Oh my gosh I was so scared," and stuff like that. This obviously made the girl even more upset.

Finally when the CM from the pavillion arrived at the scene, we left and headed for the pavillion. What got me was that the lady never even looked at us at all. She also never said anything to stop the girl from running and then seemed to be surprised when the girl got hurt.

Not really a funny story, but it goes with the quote above.


New Member
How about stupid things CMs say?

I was ordering my meal. The CM asked what I would like to drink. I said, "I'll take a medium coke please", to which she responded "what size?"

I think it's more that they act on habit after the same conversation thousands of times, so she is used to people not saying the size, and thus automatically says "what size" after each order.

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