Dj Corona said:E.very P.ocketbook C.omes O.ut T.hinner is another one i've heard.
I've seen and heard a lot of funny and bizzare stuff at WDW,(you gotta admit people-watching at "The World" is an attraction all to itself!).True story from last year, here goes....It's Frontierland at night - EMH. A woman is pushing her small daughter along in one of the SUV-sized rent-a-strollers. Now, this woman is pushing the thing like she's got places to go, people to see...haulin' butt, when the rest of her party stops, and yells for her attention. The woman stops the stroller so fast, the child gets shot out of it like a cannon. Or least she would've, except one of her feet catches the bottom lip of the stroller and, you guessed it, SPLAT! The kid's almost out cold,on the ground, no idea what just hit her, the mother's totally oblivious to it, until she goes to start pushing the stroller again, almost running the girl over until she sees her on the ground.
She goes over, yokes her daughter up while yelling, "What did I tell you...how many times do I have to tell you stay in the stroller!!" This woman works herself into such a frenzy, she's shaking and just whaling away on her kid with the classic line, "See, see what your making me do? Because you never listen, now i have to do this, and now your embarassing me in public!! See what you've done! Why do you always have to embarass us in public like this?! When will you learn?"
For some reason, still to this day whenever I see or hear parents yelling at children, it's the first thing that pops in my head.
I have this sad feeling that kid is going to be very messed up someday.