Funniest thing ever seen at WDW????


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Ok -Most popular Resort Destination in the world.

Millions of people come and go and some do funny things or funny things happen to people-lets hear some of them.

I'll start....

Last year drove into the Casting Center Building to take a peek. As my family was driving away we noticed a female CM walking on the sidewalk heading towards DTD. Some guys walked past her and must have flirted since after they walked by she got this real "yeah momma knows shes hot" look on her face and turned around to check them out-well she kept walking turned around checking them out when BAM!!!! she walked right into a light pole.

I thought I was going to crash my car I was laughing sooo hard.

Dont flame me-YES she was ok-just a little embaressed.:D


New Member
one of the funniest things I ever saw as back in '02. We were eating at the Garden Grill in the land, and Chip came over to say hi to my cousins and I. He was acting very strange.. shaking and every thing. We gave him a high fiver and then he left. He walked down a little flight of stares and.. BAM! He fell. I know, if you were a CM it would not be funny. But i was only 13, and it was hysteircal.


Active Member
It may not be the funniest thing to ever happen at WDW but it was the funniest thing that happened on our last trip...

We were on the lazy river at BB and this younger teen boy jumped up onto a float and onto his stomach. What he didn't realize was that his trunks fell down when he jumped up and he was mooning the world. What made it funnier was that he floated downstream for a good 5 minutes before he realized it. Everone behind him (pun intened!) had a great laugh!


Well-Known Member
The funniest thing we ever saw at WDW was a high school marching band at EPCOT. The majorette made a sharp left turn down one of the walkways, but only half the band followed her. The other half kept on marching straight ahead, much to the consternation of the band director! :ROFLOL:


The funniest thing I've seen (outside of my own friends being silly) was on my last trip waiting in line for Mickey's Philharmagic.

The cast member was saying that there were hidden mickeys in the paint on the wall and told us to look for them, and the lady in front of me starts telling her kids not to even bother looking for the hidden mickeys because they were those magic pictures where you had to cross your eyes and squint funny to see the 3D thing come out. She was dead serious and her daughter kept trying to explain to her that the mickeys were just in the paint, but she wouldn't hear it. She kept going on and on about how she'd never been able to do those magic pictures and refused to even look at the wall. :lol:


Well-Known Member
The funniest thing we ever saw at WDW was a high school marching band at EPCOT. The majorette made a sharp left turn down one of the walkways, but only half the band followed her. The other half kept on marching straight ahead, much to the consternation of the band director! :ROFLOL:

The funniest thing I've seen (outside of my own friends being silly) was on my last trip waiting in line for Mickey's Philharmagic.

The cast member was saying that there were hidden mickeys in the paint on the wall and told us to look for them, and the lady in front of me starts telling her kids not to even bother looking for the hidden mickeys because they were those magic pictures where you had to cross your eyes and squint funny to see the 3D thing come out. She was dead serious and her daughter kept trying to explain to her that the mickeys were just in the paint, but she wouldn't hear it. She kept going on and on about how she'd never been able to do those magic pictures and refused to even look at the wall. :lol:



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My son and I had just arrived at MK on our first day in the World. The characters were out in their full glory. We're waiting in line to get a kiss from Minnie, get to the front, waiting patiently, when ... wardrobe malfuntion! Minnie's white panties fell down! Minnie very abashedly put her hands to face, covering her cheeks, all embarassed. Two of her handlers each picked up one side of her panties to hold them up while she made her fast exit, promising to come back. My son, 4 at the time, asked me if that's what "getting your panties in a bunch" meant :ROFLOL:


Active Member
1. And I don't want to be offensive. A full Japanese Family dressed in full Traditional Kimono sets. They looked cool but those wooden sandals with sock killed me.

2. It was my friends Birthday and on Chef Mikey's at one point Donald starts to storm to us because one of the guys wasn't playing too.


Well-Known Member
1. And I don't want to be offensive. A full Japanese Family dressed in full Traditional Kimono sets. They looked cool but those wooden sandals with sock killed me.

I wouldn't consider another culture's dress to be humorous, although I'm sure they probably get a real kick out of some of the get-ups they see over here.


Well-Known Member
One thing I can never forget was during my 2005 trip I was entering MK and saw about 5-7 college guys..all big and tough...turn to adolesant kids....and skip down main street. Enough Said....


Mulan was out for a meet and greet one day and a very excited lady screamed to her kids at the top of her lungs, "Look, it's Moulin Rouge"!

cold caller

New Member
last months trip was a little embarrasing, before i was went in to the park, i look around. Then, i Bumped into a CM.I Said my sorrys. then a couple of minutes later, i got bump into another CM.I seid my sorrys. 2 minutes later, I bump my head and body to a tree. and i still have the headache to prove it.And my family was laughting.I Laughed alittle bit

Moral:watch were your going


Active Member
I've done the bumping thing before but I was on here one time and someone said they saw a rat crawl out of this girls hair apparently...I thought that was a good one but kind of unsanitary...:ROFLOL:


New Member
During my trip to Epcot for new years 2000 I went to use the restroom just before Illuminations,there was a bit of a line for the mens and a huge line for the womens restroom well anyhow as I was coming out 3 fairly intoxicated girls that looked to probably be right at 21 cut all the guys waiting and walked right into the mens stalls,as I was walking away I heard a whole bunch of guys cheering and laughing :lookaroun:zipit::ROFLOL:


New Member
I think this was the funniest thing I ever saw at WDW. DW and I were walking and we both stopped in our tracks when we heard snoring. We looked around to see where it was coming from, and these boys were sound asleep, snoring away! Too funny.



New Member
I was working the greeter position at Kilimanjaro. They told us to "keep the magic" and tell everyone the giant baobob tree and the tree of life were real....... this guy comes up to me and asks about the tree of life. My story was as follows.

" The tree of life was here to begin with. The park itself was built around the tree and the animals started to appear, naturally on the trunk of the tree."

His response:
"Dang! We've been mud boggin' around here for years and I ain't never seen that tree before! I cain't believe we missed it!"

haha hahahaha hah ahaha ah ahhahahahahahhahahaha

True story, Kinda like when everyone asks what time the 3 o'clock parade is.....hah hahahahahahahhahha
You mean they're not real... :cry:

Next you're going to tell me the Hydrolators wern't real.


Some people!

So, when was that 3 o'clock parade again? :lookaroun


New Member
Mulan was out for a meet and greet one day and a very excited lady screamed to her kids at the top of her lungs, "Look, it's Moulin Rouge"!

Reminds me of when I was working at AK, I heard a lady walking past the Stitch meet + greet say, "Oh look, Pikachu!"

A few days later, a guest stopped me by the sign for the first aid centre on Discovery Island and asked me where he could get Band Aids. I showed him where to go, and he pointed to a statue of a wild animal with it's mouth open next to the sign and said, "Oh, I thought you pulled the Band Aids out of this". I had to walk away so they couldn't see me laughing!:eek:


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Reminds me of when I was working at AK, I heard a lady walking past the Stitch meet + greet say, "Oh look, Pikachu!"

A few days later, a guest stopped me by the sign for the first aid centre on Discovery Island and asked me where he could get Band Aids. I showed him where to go, and he pointed to a statue of a wild animal with it's mouth open next to the sign and said, "Oh, I thought you pulled the Band Aids out of this". I had to walk away so they couldn't see me laughing!:eek:

Pikachu's Great Escape :lookaroun

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