Fun Fan get together for EPCOT's 25th on Oct 1st


Well-Known Member
I flit about here and there....this weekend i am in town for the annual US Queen Convention. Queen, as in the rock group! I have been a great admirer of this Bands' work for many years...and often make a effort to attend the yearly Conventions they have in the midwestern US.
I wasn't even drinking anything and that made me do a "spit take"!


Oh Meyla Weyla
I flit about here and there....this weekend i am in town for the annual US Queen Convention. Queen, as in the rock group! I have been a great admirer of this Bands' work for many years...and often make a effort to attend the yearly Conventions they have in the midwestern US.

It has been a great weekend so far, though my flights getting here were all messed up and in total chaos. I missed my conncecting flight to get here, and had to sit around in PHL for 6 HOURS waiting to see if they could squeeze me on the last flight to DTW. was....well, "H - E Double-hockey stick!"

Hopefully i will be getting home much easier today when i return home......fingers criossed!

Ahh, memories of Buffy convention with DD in Detroit... good times. Where is it being held? We were at the Marriott Ypsilanti at Eagle Crest. I love conventions! Have fun!


Well-Known Member
Reviving a previous discussion... I did some fiddling around on LuLu and figured out that if we were to do a NICE souvenir-type book thingy, here's what it'd break down to...

200 pages (all-color for photos and such)
Hard Bound
Casewrap cover (meaning the entire cover is an image, rather than library-style cloth binding).
About $47 each. :eek:

That's pretty darn steep, but I personally am willing to fork out the cash for a quality souvenir book from the day.

Luckily, Lulu will print one or a zillion, so even if only two of us want it, it's still doable.

What do y'all think?

(I'm already designing the cover. :lookaroun)


Active Member
Reviving a previous discussion... I did some fiddling around on LuLu and figured out that if we were to do a NICE souvenir-type book thingy, here's what it'd break down to...

200 pages (all-color for photos and such)
Hard Bound
Casewrap cover (meaning the entire cover is an image, rather than library-style cloth binding).
About $47 each. :eek:

That's pretty darn steep, but I personally am willing to fork out the cash for a quality souvenir book from the day.

Luckily, Lulu will print one or a zillion, so even if only two of us want it, it's still doable.

What do y'all think?

(I'm already designing the cover. :lookaroun)

If you want to be in charge of it (and no profits will go towards anyone other than Lulu [or the group]), than go for it. If you can give me a sample to look at (digitally, cover and an example page, using some sort of picture), I can give the idea a greenlight quite fast. I know I will buy one after the event, so I'm sure others would do the same.


Well-Known Member
If you want to be in charge of it (and no profits will go towards anyone other than Lulu [or the group]), than go for it. If you can give me a sample to look at (digitally, cover and an example page, using some sort of picture), I can give the idea a greenlight quite fast. I know I will buy one after the event, so I'm sure others would do the same.
The cover is in progress, and I haven't come up wiht a sample page yet. Give me a bit.


Well-Known Member
Ok -- here's an EXTREMELY PRELIMINARY version of the cover. It is still incomplete. Keep in mind that it is "backwards." The side on the left is the BACK cover. the side on the right (currently blank gray) will be the front cover once I get a photo and such. I also still need to add in a spine. And note that the outermost edges of the design will be folded over, so the text and such is set away from there.


  • coverbetasamp.jpg
    122.8 KB · Views: 66


Active Member
I absolutely love it brkgnews! Even the sample looks fantastic. You have the go-ahead from me! Just keep me updated with your progress (and if you need any of my photos from my upcoming visits to the park, please let me know)! I wish you luck with this fantastic project, and I know you will do wonders! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the confidence. I'm going to basically get the shell ready, but the vast majority of the work will come after the event itself. I'll be soliciting a ton of photos from everybody who was there. I think it will be a better souvenir if we have a ton of pictures of our folks during the day, rather than just generic imagery that you can get from any guidebook.


Well-Known Member
I really like that "souvenir." It is going to be a lot of work, I sure hope you are prepared! I always take a ton of pictures every time I go - I would be glad to donate. What format would you want so folks know? Actual pics or digital images?


Active Member
brkgnews, that cover design is great! I especially like the subtleness/simplicity of the front cover. It'd be a good chance that I'd get a book and even try to contribute w/ pics.


Well-Known Member
Digital is a given -- especially since I need to do all this in photoshop and then pdf it for LuLu. I may even have some of y'all who are going to be sending in tons of photos to aftually snail mail me a CD just for simplicity's sake, since downloading all those pix will be moider.


Well-Known Member
Digital is a given -- especially since I need to do all this in photoshop and then pdf it for LuLu. I may even have some of y'all who are going to be sending in tons of photos to aftually snail mail me a CD just for simplicity's sake, since downloading all those pix will be moider.

Yeah - that's what I was getting at...:lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
It would be nice to have pictures of all the attendees, sort of a "we were there" proof. I certainly would sign a consent for that one :)

Since I'm quite a shutterbug, I would certainly contribute the pictures that I'll be taking for the book. Is there any issue of exclusivity and copyright? I mean, I would also like to upload some of the pictures that I'll be taking for my trip reports on here and in my blog.



That photobook is a great idea. $47 isn't too bad, considering I'd easily spend that for prints after the trip anyway. I love the cover so far, good work! I will happily send along all my shots, and I'm sure I'll take loads. Sending a CD will be no problem. (Although in my case It would be several CDs - could I send a DVD-ROM instead?)


Active Member
I've was out a lot of last week and this weekend so I'm just catching up with this thread. Over 400 now! AWESOME!

Brkgnews - I love the idea of the album, and I love the cover so far. I would love to get one of these after the event!


Well-Known Member
DVD-ROM would be fine, too.

As for copyright, I intend to include verbiage that basically says that all photos are "copyright their original owners, used with permission." That way everyone can still do what they want to with their pictures -- they are basically allowing us to use them for the book. I hope to include a small credit on each photo saying who took it. But at the very minimum I will put notation at the end of the book saying who contributed photos.

So... how would you like each page set up? Obviously photos are the primary element. But - do we want captions, or just the photos?

Oh yeah -- about the "release" -- hrmmmm.... wonder about that. I wonder if we're good to go with the fact that people essentially agree to photography due to the "public place" nature of the event? Isn't there essentially a photography agreement built into your ticket purchase? Also, isn't this essentially a "documentary?"

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