frustratingly vague MK rumor...


Well-Known Member
I agree that a ride in the same vein as HM or PotC would be great - guess we just have to wait and see - keep the info coming, rumors and all!


Well-Known Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
Why so much anger towards J.K. Rowling?? The woman is a creative genious and Harry Potter is how she makes her money. At least recognize that even if you don't care for Harry Potter that many people do and that is what matters.
Well said!


Well-Known Member
marni1971 said:
Could a mountain be the size of Chick a Pin hill and not dwarf the castle??
Even a 200 foot mountain in this area wouldn't dwarf the castle (the castle is what? 189 feet?). Since it is behind the castle, from any perspective on Main Street, it would seem shorter. No mountain Disney would build would dwarf the castle.

As for Harry Potter--I have no problem with her. I love the movies and the books and am really looking forward to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, I just do not feel an HP attraction belongs at wdw, ESPECIALLY the Magic Kingdom.


Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
I also don't believe that it will be the Matterhorn because in one of those Travel Channel specials I think I remember them saying something about how there was only going to be one Matterhorn ever. Any body else remember that, or is that just me?
Yeah, I remember that too, which is probably why Disney is building an attraction similar to that, but not the same, in WDW. Expedition:Everest.


Well-Known Member
Well, if it were up to me I'd bring ALICE and PINOCCHIO over to WDW where they belong, in souped up versions, of course.

I don't think that's going to happen, but it's clear that Fantasyland needs something . It truly pales compared to the Fantasyland at DL.

I'm not really bothered by the height restriction detail either - for one because the tykes already have things like Dumbo, Alladin's Carpets, Barnstormer, and the Mad Hatter (which may be for everyone but just isn't my cup 'o tea, so to speak). I also think it's good for kids to have things to look forward to - one of the biggest events of my early childhood was finally being able to ride Space Mountain. If it's got height restrictions, it surely will have Baby Swap as well, so everyone will get to enjoy.

The MK hasn't had a signifigant attraction in my eyes since Splash Mountain. As neat as Pooh, Buzz, and Philharmagic are, they just aren't the grand Disney attractions I think about when I get excited about going.

There are lots of things I can see going in there - and as long as it's indoors and features a moving vehicle I really don't care - I just don't want any more crap carny rides or yet another film/stage show. It's a shame that I am worrying about such things - but after Dino-Rama, I wouldn't put it past them to put a "scrambler" carny ride painted with Disney characters in along with "Mulan ROCKS!".



Well-Known Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
Why so much anger towards J.K. Rowling?? The woman is a creative genious and Harry Potter is how she makes her money. At least recognize that even if you don't care for Harry Potter that many people do and that is what matters.

It's not anger specificly about Rowling. She is like Madonna in many respects - you may or may not like what she does, but you cannot deny their business acumen nor their cultural signifigance.

That said, I think you will find many people are simply burnt-out on Potter-maddness, which doesn't have an end in sight where people obsess about books that haven't even been written yet. Couple this with the fact that Harry Potter is NOT a Disney property, and you will understand why some people are so opposed to the idea of Harry Potter attractions.

Yes, things like Indiana Jones and Star Wars, as well as many things in, say the GMR at MGM, are not Disney properties, but they are not in Fantasyland, or, at WDW, even in the MK. The only reason those rides were put in at DL was because there was simply no place else for them to go - while Indy can fit comfortably where it is, anyone who's seen a Star Wars film can tell you that they take place "A long time ago...", not in "Tomorrow".

You will notice that these properties that did make it to WDW were at MGM, not the MK. A Harry Potter attraction would be woefully out of place at the Magic Kingdom - Fantasyland is the only place it would remotely fit in thematically, but when juxtaposed with the other Fantasyland rides would just be...wrong. Snow White, Peter Pan, Pooh, and...Harry Potter? Just doesn't make any sense. Treasured Disney classics alongside a live-action non-Disney franchise? Undoubtedly it would be based on the live-action films, and thus if by some miracle Disney ever does get ahold of the rights to build an attraction, it would fit only at MGM.



New Member
How about Disney go multilevel since there are no utilidoors under the lagoon area.

Underground- E-ride along same lines as POTC and HM
Mid level- D-ticket dark rides like Alice and Pinnochio.
Top- Storybookland

It could be done. And Disney has done this to a lesser extent with Alice and Toad at Disneyland as well as Subs and Autopia at Disneyland.


Well-Known Member
Harry Potter is FANTASY not just a movie franchise! Remember, it can also be said that Winnie the Pooh is not Disney! Lets end the Harry Potter argument right here so the thread does not get out of hand!


Well-Known Member
Almost all of the attractions in Fantasyland are based on motion pictures... :lookaroun

But yes, exactly right, for an HP attraction to be succesfully built in Disney-MGM Studios, the rights from WB would have to be obtained to use elements from the films... so it fits in the park...

And, 20k was based on a live-action film... albeit a Disney one...


New Member
just the whole harry potter thing just a rumor, or something someone on the boards brought up as something cool that could be put there, or actually something that disney is considering?


Well-Known Member
Former member brought up the idea....

I think it would work better at MGM...

Fantasy Land should have eyther original ideas, or a Disney film for an attraction...

IASW: Original idea back at worlds fair...

Pooh: Disney made the film, and sequals...

Harry potter: Warner brother movie, not for this park....

(I would like to have a major referbishment of fantasyland with the 2 D-ticket rides But i would accept an E ticket with a referbishment of Fantsy Land...., to have the european idea, but not completely like Dl's... have it also an original touch... To keep the parks different still)

Is their any hope for a refgerbishment of Fantasy land to add an eruropean overlay on the buildings instead of the Mideaval fair...


Well-Known Member
Figment1986 said:
Former member brought up the idea....

I think it would work better at MGM...

Fantasy Land should have eyther original ideas, or a Disney film for an attraction...

IASW: Original idea back at worlds fair...

Pooh: Disney made the film, and sequals...

Harry potter: Warner brother movie, not for this park....

(I would like to have a major referbishment of fantasyland with the 2 D-ticket rides But i would accept an E ticket with a referbishment of Fantsy Land...., to have the european idea, but not completely like Dl's... have it also an original touch... To keep the parks different still)

Is their any hope for a refgerbishment of Fantasy land to add an eruropean overlay on the buildings instead of the Mideaval fair...
The only problem that presents is that such a rehab would call for the entire land closing...for a couple years...I'm not sure that would please many people. I wouldn't count on it--if it were going to happen any time soon, they would be doing it now with "it's a small world" closed. I prefer that Disneyland's Fantasyland keep original rides that wdw doesn't have, and an original theme. It's okay for DL to have somethings that are just better than at WDW (e.g. Adventureland, New Orleans Square versus Liberty Square, Critter Country--where Splash belongs...Georgian bayou in Frontierland? and Fantasyland...oh, and Main Street). WDW beats DL in so many areas, let's keep these benefits DL has over WDW :)


Well-Known Member
Just been watching Alice In Wonderland on The Disney Channel. You could make some spectacular scenes from that movie in a ride.

For example, you are in a regular room with a tiny door at the end. Then the whole room gets bigger (which would give the impression of you getting smaller, similar to the freefall efect in Spiderman), and you go through the now corretly sized door. Also, you go into a room where you meet the Cheshire Cat, and then the whole room "undraws itself" until you are in darkness (using a mixture of techniques from ToT and Animators Palette). Using the Pooh's Honey Hunt technology, you could send a few vechicles round a "maze" (with shorter hedges, so you can see the other vehicles), with a random route each time, and some close encounters with the Queen of Hearts.


Well-Known Member
Figment1986 said:
Fantasy Land should have eyther original ideas, or a Disney film for an attraction...

Exactly my point, which a couple Potter-heads seem to have missed. :)

That is DISNEY Fantasyland. If it a HP attraction belongs anywhere, it's MGM, because it is not a Disney film property. Period.

Not that this whole discussion isn't silly 'cause it just ain't gonna happen - but that's another thread. :)

I really like the ALICE suggestion above - the Disneyland version is really cool (especially the part with the Cheshire Cat), and using Spidey-style simulators would be stellar - but I just don't see that happening for such an old franchise. It would be my choice, however. I'd even be happy with a direct DL clone...I really am a big fan of Fantasyland Dark Rides, and there has always been a hole in the MK for me there.



Well-Known Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
Harry Potter is FANTASY not just a movie franchise! Remember, it can also be said that Winnie the Pooh is not Disney!

Winnie the pooh currently IS Disney. The original stories were made by A A Milne, but Disney has owned the rights for quite some time (like since the 60's I think).

Harry Potter is not owned by Disney, was not made by Disney, and in my opinion does not belong in Disney. I'm not a fan of Harry Potter, but I can respect those that are. I just don't think a non-Disney live action movie should be in fantasyland in the Magic Kingdom. Fantasy or not, Harry Potter just doesn't fit in with rides like small world, dumbo, peter pan, snow white, or pooh. If by some long shot they do build it, it should go into the studios as many have already mentioned. Just my 2 cents, not trying to spark an argument.


Active Member
I, too, would love to see an E-ride along the lines of HM or POTC, but something tells me a height requirement might negate anything of this nature.

Whatever the case, you'd think that if it is something remarkably technologically advanced, they'd have to announce it within the next year or so to be done for 2008, no?
(I'm not too skilled in the ways of imagineering, though, so please excuse my ignorance.)

Thanks for the scoop, Scoop. :wave:


Well-Known Member
DarkMeasures said:
How about Disney go multilevel since there are no utilidoors under the lagoon area.

Underground- E-ride along same lines as POTC and HM
Mid level- D-ticket dark rides like Alice and Pinnochio.
Top- Storybookland

It could be done. And Disney has done this to a lesser extent with Alice and Toad at Disneyland as well as Subs and Autopia at Disneyland.
Actually, there are. So its not possible. Either way, you havent throught the idea through - Where are you going to put the infastructure and the foundation for such an endeavor? Remember, the water table is pretty close to the surface in Florida.


Well-Known Member
Legacy said:
Okay... height restriction... water effects... Fantasyland...

Bald Mountain maybe?

Well, I personally, hope you are right. That would be a wonderful addition to the MK mountain range.


Well-Known Member
Stupid question, is bald mountain the villains coaster?

If so, then I agree and hope bald mountain gets built. I love the villains and I have since I was a kid. It was weird, they were always among my favorites because their evil plans were always so stupid! :lol:

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