No, it's moved beyond Armchair Imagineering into Armchair Imagineering Unquestionably Accepted For Fact.
Like, when Screamscape posted an Emporium window display of alien Stitch and said "Aha, see, actual concept/construction proof, they ARE building Stitch's Great Escape!", months before the idea occurred to Disney--When we have to actually
alter company reality because it doesn't quite connect with the imaginary scenarios we've built for ourselves trying to "outthink" them, that' into really weird areas.
I'd call it "lying", but technically, who are we lying to, ourselves? And if so, why do we so dearly love to hear it, if we're afraid of it so?
(And to the poster we all know who says he "heard" it was a fact but is still forthcoming with tangible proof--
Well, it would be to your benefit to start putting some cards on the table, because while your rumors may be worth considering, at the moment, in legal terms, they're still technically considered "Hearsay".
And while I haven't been to law school beyond watching a few episodes of Law & Order, do you know what the value of Hearsay evidence is as the burden of proof in a trial?...
The jury is usually instructed by the judge not to consider it as part of the evidence.
The advantage they have, however, is that they only have to be instructed
once. Would that our forum could be so blessed.)