Frozen Ever After opening day


Premium Member
Original Poster
I got off the ride about 30 minutes ago and there were no issues at all that I could see. If you can overlook the fact that it doesn't belong in World Showcase, or for those who don't really care about that, it's pretty well done.
What is the wait like outside now?


Well-Known Member
In what way is this ride not an e ticket? Amazing queue, great use of AA's and screens, everything about this ride is a success. If you want to argue location that's one thing, with me personally doesn't bother me, but I do understand why for some its a big issue.

It's short in length, small in scale, well-done for a dark ride that's not based on a worldwide hit. Disney should overdeliver and surpass expectations, not just barely get up to that line.


Well-Known Member
I have seen videos of Sven just blinking, and videos of him moving his head and neck around... I assume that is what he is meant to do.

He was blinking and moving his head for us first thing in the morning. It looked great and I hope others were able to see it


Well-Known Member
If I was with family or a group of friends and we decided to make it an event full of chatting, eating in line, and just enjoying all the hype...yeah, I'd wait in line for 5 hours for a ride I really wanted to experience.
Are you a WDW you live down there? I guess I might be able to see that but even then it seems like it's more about "having" to ride it on the first day of operation. I mean, it is going to be there for awhile. I'm a Disneylander and when Racers opened up, we had similar waits. I really wanted to ride it, but no way Jose. My time was more valuable. But to each his own.

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