Travel Junkie
Well-Known Member
I just watched the videos on youtube of the event and the offerings and thought "that all looks really nice."...then came on here and see everyone destroying it, as usual. I think everything looks fine for something that is going to be there for a few months and is the quality I would expect from Disney.
Amazing some people can't accept the fact that Disney is a business and is going to do what they have to do to make money. Universal would do the same thing if they had such a popular movie, hence why they are building clones of Harry Potter Land (minus Dragons) in Japan and California right now...and how they are milking potter for every cent they can by making people buy a park hopper to see the whole thing.
Extreme amount of over reaction here, if you don't like then here's an idea: don't go and let the hundreds of thousands of people that enjoy it, enjoy it.
Does anyone remember the Donald's Birthday event back in the 80s? You know, back before Disney was ruined, and the quality was great etc etc...this event is way better than that and that lasted for months also. It's sad that some people fixate their lives on scrutinizing everything Disney does and trying to justify to themselves that it's bad.
Please point out where anyone on this thread that is saying Disney is not allowed to run a business and make money. The criticism stems from the quality in executing the idea. I simply expect a higher quality product from a premium brand like Disney. As a fan of Disney for a long time I have watched endless material about them taking pride and focusing on quality. I have come to expect that and when they do not meet those standards I will surely point that out. To suggest that people who disagree with you should shut up and let the rest enjoy it on a message board designed to promote discussion, is ridiculous. A few anonymous alternative points of view should in no way influence your enjoyment of the event.
The idea is a good one, really a no brainer. Disney usually has seasonal promotions. The execution in my view is below my expectation of Disney quality and to me is an example of a larger problem at WDW. The recent history of WDW is to take the easy way out, to do the least amount possible. That is not the legacy of the Disney company.