Friendship Grows with Magic Friends


Well-Known Member
I never paid for my gas either. Except when I drove to and from Florida during winter and spring breaks this year.

My best friend is the only one I know who has to pay for her own.
I just found out, so now I'm driving us everywhere.

Lucky people. I have to pay for mine.:(

I should be going...We're leaving the house at 6am. :dazzle::cry:
Good night, Connor.
Don't miss me too much. :kiss:
To everyone:
I'll miss you all....I love you so much!! :kiss::kiss:
Talk to y'all Tuesday!
Steph and Jo- I can't wait to finally meet up with you girls on Sunday! :sohappy::D

I can't wait!!

Just a quick hello from Flagstaff. We're having a fantastic time. Floated down the Colorado River yesterday - totallly awesome!!!
Got to go, but I'll talk to you all next week. :kiss:

Sounds awsome!


Well-Known Member
I have to go to the Dentist in about an hour, and I don't want to go!! I have to get 2 cavities filled, and I think there may be a problem with my wisdom teeth!:cry::cry:


Active Member
Joe -

My thoughts on the whole engagement thing:

I just don't understand why she wouldn't want to get engaged in Disney.. I'm just a different person, I guess, but my DH and I were together for freaking EVER when we got engaged, and it wasn't exactly a surprise. I was desperate to get engaged so I could show off how much of a couple we were.

If she's not ready to plan a wedding, there's no real rush. We were engaged for 2 1/2 years. We took our sweet time, but we were just happy to be "official". I just don't get her line of thought about moving in first... If you're taking that big step, why not get engaged too? Then again, we didn't move in together until after we were married, but we're apparently really old fashioned in that regard. We also didn't take trips together either, because we both lived at home, and the parentals would never have gone for that...:rolleyes: but I digress ...

Will moving in together change how your relationship works? Would either of you back out if you find living with the other to be unsufferable? And for the love of pete DON'T buy a house until you actually have a real commitment. Entangling your finances like that is a sticky sticky situation.. one my cousin is dealing with right now... her BF and her bought a house together, and now they're breaking up, and her credit is in the toilet because of it. If you want to move in together, RENT!! Or at least commit yourself to that person with a ring, because as soon as you buy property together, you're bound to that person anyways. It might as well be in a romantic way.

If she just wants the romantic engagement that just happens to be next summer, then I say wait. I didn't get the proposal I wanted, and I'm still jealous of other people who got nice romantic ones. Do whatever it takes to make her happy... or you'll regret it.

I'm rambling, and terribly old fashioned about these kinds of things...

*Steps off soapbox*


New Member
All this engagement talk and all I can focus on is the marathon aspect of the story.

AWESOME JOE! One mile to FOUR miles!? Great job!


New Member
Joe -

My thoughts on the whole engagement thing:

I just don't understand why she wouldn't want to get engaged in Disney.. I'm just a different person, I guess, but my DH and I were together for freaking EVER when we got engaged, and it wasn't exactly a surprise. I was desperate to get engaged so I could show off how much of a couple we were.

If she's not ready to plan a wedding, there's no real rush. We were engaged for 2 1/2 years. We took our sweet time, but we were just happy to be "official". I just don't get her line of thought about moving in first... If you're taking that big step, why not get engaged too? Then again, we didn't move in together until after we were married, but we're apparently really old fashioned in that regard. We also didn't take trips together either, because we both lived at home, and the parentals would never have gone for that...:rolleyes: but I digress ...

Will moving in together change how your relationship works? Would either of you back out if you find living with the other to be unsufferable? And for the love of pete DON'T buy a house until you actually have a real commitment. Entangling your finances like that is a sticky sticky situation.. one my cousin is dealing with right now... her BF and her bought a house together, and now they're breaking up, and her credit is in the toilet because of it. If you want to move in together, RENT!! Or at least commit yourself to that person with a ring, because as soon as you buy property together, you're bound to that person anyways. It might as well be in a romantic way.

If she just wants the romantic engagement that just happens to be next summer, then I say wait. I didn't get the proposal I wanted, and I'm still jealous of other people who got nice romantic ones. Do whatever it takes to make her happy... or you'll regret it.

I'm rambling, and terribly old fashioned about these kinds of things...

*Steps off soapbox*

Thanks Bunny, honestly I really appreciate it!

The thing is, I might have made it sound wrong... it's not like she doesn't want to get engaged and wants to wait until Summer... also, there is absolutely 0% chance of us moving in together, breaking up... any of that...

We've been together 7 years, its absurd... and we both know its been forever... we rented together for a month when she was going to go to grad school, but moved back home because she decided she'd rather work... but that month was awesome... and we both were annoyed because we just had a great time and were so happy...

trust me, relationship wise it has nothing to do with any of that...

I know her thinking, basically it's

1) we're going to buy a house in January, it's going to be expensive, the down payment is going to be expensive, and we're all of a sudden going to have bills and a mortgage and all this jazz... she doesn't want me worrying about coming up with the money to buy a ring and so if it were here; she'd want to financially get her feet grounded before buying that...

but I've devoted a seperate savings to the ring, and don't even consider it as my money at all when we talk about the house, the mortgage, the down payment... it's lost money already with its intent in line (i don't have it all saved, but I constantly budget out my life 12 months ahead so I know what I can and cannot afford at all times...)

so... she just wants us to settle in financially, not like emotionally or relationshipally... :lookaroun

also... i don't think Summer is her ideal time to for a proposal or has any planned out thought in her head... she'll want something romantic, which i would do in Disney, and want to be surprised... which she will be...

I told my buddy who is proposing about what she said and he said "I think she didn't want to sound like she absolutely wants to get engaged right now, and understands the financial burden and just wants you to feel like she isn't going to rush you to put up that kind of money.... but she definitely gave you the green light; which you already had because both of you clearly are ready..."

so... I think all will be well...

I hope...

All this engagement talk and all I can focus on is the marathon aspect of the story.

AWESOME JOE! One mile to FOUR miles!? Great job!

hahahahhaha thanks Luke!

It was brutal, I have shin splints, so stamina wise I always knew I had like 3 miles in me... but also that I've only been working out for 2.5 months, still have like 20 pounds to lose... and so 3 miles might be a stretch... but all I needed was to be able to get past my shin splints...

well i finally just ran through it until it eventually faded away... and then just kept going "half a mile more" at a time... at 4 miles i nearly passed out though, hahahahahah


Well-Known Member
ohhhhhhhhh quit your whining... it's just the dentist... :lookaroun


(obviously saying that because I'm the biggest dentist baby of them all!!!)

For me, it's not "just the dentist". I absolutely HATE dentists/doctors. And today I have to get 2 cavities filled (and there may be a problem with my wisdom teeth).:(


New Member
For me, it's not "just the dentist". I absolutely HATE dentists/doctors. And today I have to get 2 cavities filled (and there may be a problem with my wisdom teeth).:(

first of all... no one hates the dentist more than me... TRUST ME...

I can't explain it... hence I didn't get a cleaning for three years and I'm in the situation I'm in now... you don't want to be in my situation Jo... trust me again...

if I told you everything going on with me, you'd have nightmares... I almost needed an on the spot root canal the other day... and I have another tooth that might need one... as well as three of my four canine teeth have cavities right on the gumline... meaning they have to numb the nerve by shooting the nerve... which I got on monday for my "near root canal" and honestly, worse pain i ever felt in my life...

trust me, get it done... take care of them... don't end up like me!!!!

(but I do totally feel for you, i HATE the dentist...)


New Member
hahahahhaha thanks Luke!

It was brutal, I have shin splints, so stamina wise I always knew I had like 3 miles in me... but also that I've only been working out for 2.5 months, still have like 20 pounds to lose... and so 3 miles might be a stretch... but all I needed was to be able to get past my shin splints...

well i finally just ran through it until it eventually faded away... and then just kept going "half a mile more" at a time... at 4 miles i nearly passed out though, hahahahahah

Ohhh, shin splints are NO FUN. Don't run through them to the point where you make them worse though! :lol:

I know what you mean by that "half a mile more" thing. I was running a few months ago at the gym and I just didn't want to stop, and at the end (when the gym closed at midnight) I realized that I'd run SEVEN MILES :eek:

Most I've ever run in my life. I felt AWESOME.


Well-Known Member
i totally agree with the last part there... entirely...

i was thinking about it last night like... "am i being naive, insensitive, or just flatout selfish because i so desperately wanna do it in Disney I'm not considering anything else..."

Which is why I wanted to ask her and see how she felt about it… at least have an understanding… and honestly… I think she will be ready, obviously I know her and know what she’s thinking so I can judge what she said better… and truly I think… I mean now if I just shut up about it entirely… we’re talking NINE MONTHS… that’s a long time… so… time will pass… and we’ll be older, nine months is practically a year… I fear she would be expecting me to do it in Disney… except… she knows we’re going to Disney so I can run the race (BY THE WAY NIBBS… I ran four miles Tuesday night!!!!! I was stuck at 1… I ran FOUR!!!)

So… I think, I’m going to try to cool down thinking about it… just let the next 6 months play out… and then revisit it then… and… I don’t think January will be too early from what she said, and I agree… I don’t think “too much is changing” either… and I’ll throw that into my little spiel when I propose…

By the way… my buddy proposing soon wants to do a scavenger hunt ending at a him sitting on a bench in a park with a lake… and he said “should I dress in a huge box like I’m the prize???”

I was like… goooood god no… hahahahahaha

Sorry sweetie...I had to go to work.


Yes, I think it's a good idea to wait for a few months and the re-evaluate the situation. A lot can happen in that amount of you never might be the right thing, it might not. Never know.

And I would pay to see you dressed as a giant box proposing to Allie! :lol:


New Member
Ohhh, shin splints are NO FUN. Don't run through them to the point where you make them worse though! :lol:

I know what you mean by that "half a mile more" thing. I was running a few months ago at the gym and I just didn't want to stop, and at the end (when the gym closed at midnight) I realized that I'd run SEVEN MILES :eek:

Most I've ever run in my life. I felt AWESOME.

ohhhh yeah it's an awesome feeling isn't it?

in my pre-college days I was like that (well not that intense, 7 miles... that's awesome)... but... I'd go out for a run and run 5 miles without even a second though...

in college, I bet I ran in total over the four years about 2.3 miles... cumulative... hahahaha, actually, I probably moved a total of 2.3 miles cumulative in 4 years... i was soooooo lazy...

but yeah, afterwards its just like "man... i'm great!" hahaha

Sorry sweetie...I had to go to work.


Yes, I think it's a good idea to wait for a few months and the re-evaluate the situation. A lot can happen in that amount of you never might be the right thing, it might not. Never know.

And I would pay to see you dressed as a giant box proposing to Allie! :lol:


that would be priceless...


Well-Known Member
Oh...Joe, like I said though...she did give you the green now I can see where she's coming from more with the info you just provided.

I say go for it. (Or at least re-evaluate again a few months before you decide to go through with it.)


Well-Known Member
ohhhh yeah it's an awesome feeling isn't it?

in my pre-college days I was like that (well not that intense, 7 miles... that's awesome)... but... I'd go out for a run and run 5 miles without even a second though...

in college, I bet I ran in total over the four years about 2.3 miles... cumulative... hahahaha, actually, I probably moved a total of 2.3 miles cumulative in 4 years... i was soooooo lazy...

but yeah, afterwards its just like "man... i'm great!" hahaha


that would be priceless...
I feel like death after I run. Which is why I don't do it. :lol:

But I'm really proud of you for doing it! :D I walked (briskly) for 45 minutes last night.


New Member
oh and why didn't anyone ever tell me that Kohls is the greatest store of allllllll time??????????????

I had never stepped in one until my lunch break today...

Going to that wedding saturday and while I have plenty of nice shirts to wear with my suit, I wanted to see if they had anything i might want... i didn't find anything for the wedding... but I did buy 4 wicked wicked nice dress shirts... all 90% off... got them for $20 total... and then an awesome pair of pants for $15 marked down from $55...

and I was in there for like 45 minutes like "awwww man... i gotta get back to work..."

(everyday my sexuality shifts a little more and more to the otherside... i'm pretty sure of it...)


Well-Known Member
oh and why didn't anyone ever tell me that Kohls is the greatest store of allllllll time??????????????

I had never stepped in one until my lunch break today...

Going to that wedding saturday and while I have plenty of nice shirts to wear with my suit, I wanted to see if they had anything i might want... i didn't find anything for the wedding... but I did buy 4 wicked wicked nice dress shirts... all 90% off... got them for $20 total... and then an awesome pair of pants for $15 marked down from $55...

and I was in there for like 45 minutes like "awwww man... i gotta get back to work..."

(everyday my sexuality shifts a little more and more to the otherside... i'm pretty sure of it...)

I don't shop at Kohls very often b/c there isn't one extremely near me. (The closest is like 20 minutes away at least.) It is a nice store though. And it's even better b/c my best friend works there (for the time being) and gets me employee discounts on top of things too. :D

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