i know... you think she's nuts cuz WHO WOULDN'T WANNA MARRY ME!!!
I asked her... i just said what i was thinking "it should be a mutual agreement and still be a surprise..." and I asked when she would want to/be ready...
basically, she said "i would probably say at least a year... maybe a year from this summer... just so we had time to settle into a house and not have too much change at once... but, with that said... if you proposed today i'd obviously say yes, i just wouldn't want to get married for awhile..."
which, while i don't fluently speak female, i'm conversational and took it like...
"if i had to do it, i'd do it in a year so we could settle in... but you don't need to worry, or feel insecure, i'd obviously say yes whenever because I'm ready..."
should I do it in January???
I feel like I gotta... hahaha, I really want to do it in Disney, and I'm not going to book another Disney trip in the summer, nor am I gonna wanna wait a full year to do it the following January if i did the half marathon again... so...
(and Nibbs, you are helpful, but also kind of a spaz so it makes it somewhat counterproductive...

juuuuuuuuuuuust teasing you