Free dining


Well-Known Member
The only thing I despise more than the DDP are "free dining" periods where the rubes get swindled into thinking they are gettin a deal and unneccesarily crowd the parks and restaurants.

If I can't have my dream of the DDP being eliminated, please let "free dining" cease to exist.
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It is next to impossible to get into your favorite restaurants during free dining, unless you make your ADR's 6 months in advance. As a DVC member, I sometimes feel ripped off when I see people eating my dinner for free, when I can't even get into the place. But I must admit, I did enjoy the DDP when I used it several years ago (and had to pay for it).

I suspect with Potter coming to town, Disney will again have the free DDP again this year to keep people on property. And congrats to those who get in on the deal.
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Well-Known Member
The only thing I despise more than the DDP are "free dining" periods where the rubes get swindled into thinking they are gettin a deal and unneccesarily crowd the parks and restaurants.

If I can't have my dream of the DDP being eliminated, please let "free dining" cease to exist.

They ARE getting a deal... it's called FREE dining! You pay regular rates on the rooms but you are still getting free dining. A discount is a discount!

For a family of four staying in a value resort... free dining is way better than a room only discount. Now that changes as you move up to moderate and deluxe. But for those staying in a value it's usually a better deal!

Why does everyone who hates free dining have to post in all the free dining threads? If you don't like free dining stay out of the threads! People are just coming to this board looking for some news and they get told off for looking for a discount! Geez!

*steps off soapbox*
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Well-Known Member
The only thing I despise more than the DDP are "free dining" periods where the rubes get swindled into thinking they are gettin a deal and unneccesarily crowd the parks and restaurants.

If I can't have my dream of the DDP being eliminated, please let "free dining" cease to exist.

Thank you for letting me know that I am a "rube". Otherwise, how in the world would I ever have known that I am getting swindled? I mean, now that I think about it, you are totally right! Me taking advantage of an offer presented by Disney does "unneccesarily crowd the parks and restaurants". Well, now that I am aware of this horrible, awful scam I will totally stay home and you can have the parks all to yourself. :fork:
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New Member
Original Poster
I go to Disney a minimum of 3-4 times a year. The DVC program is no good for me. Glad it works for others but for my frequent visits, it is not worth it. The free dining is a benefit for they offer that i look for. I plan my trips and just made reservations with no problems for my trip is September. I called ahead of time and was told on what day to start making the reservations. I went online and made each reservation I needed on a day by day basis. Had to call 6 days in a row to make each reservation. When I have missed a reservation in the past, i just called just about on a daily basis to check availability. For those of you who dont like the free dining. Like someone said, keep your opinions to yourself. No one wants to hear them....
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Well-Known Member
DW and I have never had a problem getting ADRs during free dining. We purposely wait for the free dining period because we would not be able to go if they didn't offer it. Free dining save us a little over $500. Sorry for all of you that hate it, but it helps my wallet feel better with the free dining!!!
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Well-Known Member
Why does everyone who hates free dining have to post in all the free dining threads? If you don't like free dining stay out of the threads! People are just coming to this board looking for some news and they get told off for looking for a discount! Geez

In my opinion, for the two cents its worth, it depends on the context of the discussion. For trip-planning purposes (and generally posted in trip-planning forums), such as seeking information on the deal or how to book it, it generally is inappropriate (if not rude) to post solely to condemn the Disney Dining Plan/Free Dining, unless you also have something useful to contribute to the discussion (ie., it might be alright to say "I think its a bad idea personally, but Free Dining appears to be your best deal").

However, if we are instead discussing effects of the Disney Dining Plan/Free Dining (perhaps in News and Rumors, for instance), such as how it keeps people on property, but also overwhelms the priority seating system resulting in restaurants full of free diners while cash-paying walk-up customers are turned away, then such critical comments are both appropriate and pertinent to the discussion.

Indeed, this thread was originally posted in News & Rumors, where I might expect to find discussion on the pros and cons of the promotion, or else I personally wouldn't have felt it appropriate to enter (well, agree with) an opinion. On a "trip planning" board (or even Restaurants & Dining), I'd generally withhold comment, if I even saw the thread at all.

Of course, if the moderators see things differently, I humbly stand corrected.
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Well-Known Member
In my opinion, for the two cents its worth, it depends on the context of the discussion. For trip-planning purposes (and generally posted in trip-planning forums), such as seeking information on the deal or how to book it, it generally is inappropriate (if not rude) to post solely to condemn the Disney Dining Plan/Free Dining, unless you also have something useful to contribute to the discussion (ie., it might be alright to say "I think its a bad idea personally, but Free Dining appears to be your best deal").

However, if we are instead discussing effects of the Disney Dining Plan/Free Dining (perhaps in News and Rumors, for instance), such as how it keeps people on property, but also overwhelms the priority seating system resulting in restaurants full of free diners while cash-paying walk-up customers are turned away, then such critical comments are both appropriate and pertinent to the discussion.

Indeed, this thread was originally posted in News & Rumors, where I might expect to find discussion on the pros and cons of the promotion, or else I personally wouldn't have felt it appropriate to enter (well, agree with) an opinion. On a "trip planning" board (or even Restaurants & Dining), I'd generally withhold comment, if I even saw the thread at all.

Of course, if the moderators see things differently, I humbly stand corrected.

Yes, if you feel feel the need to explain your displeasure with the DDP or the free dining offer in a discussion forum... fine, we're all entitled to our opinion. I however feel there is no need for these posts on the various threads that are out there asking for information on the upcoming possibility of the free dining discount!
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Well-Known Member
They ARE getting a deal... it's called FREE dining! You pay regular rates on the rooms but you are still getting free dining. A discount is a discount!

For a family of four staying in a value resort... free dining is way better than a room only discount. Now that changes as you move up to moderate and deluxe. But for those staying in a value it's usually a better deal!

Why does everyone who hates free dining have to post in all the free dining threads? If you don't like free dining stay out of the threads! People are just coming to this board looking for some news and they get told off for looking for a discount! Geez!

*steps off soapbox*

You're entitled to believe you're getting a discount, and in pure dollars I'm certain you believe you are. But you are also getting poorer quality food and service, and a more crowded atmosphere. In addition to all of that, you're contributing to the commoditization of what was once a fairly unique product. And by participating you assist in degrading the experience for all of us.

So hey, thanks. Glad you saved some money. Since it's a decision that's all about helping you, I don't feel partcularly bad expressing my strong preference for what would help me.
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
You're entitled to believe you're getting a discount, and in pure dollars I'm certain you believe you are. But you are also getting poorer quality food and service, and a more crowded atmosphere. In addition to all of that, you're contributing to the commoditization of what was once a fairly unique product. And by participating you assist in degrading the experience for all of us.

So hey, thanks. Glad you saved some money. Since it's a decision that's all about helping you, I don't feel partcularly bad expressing my strong preference for what would help me.
So you're upset because it's all about her when it should be all about you? :brick:
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I'm not sure why some people have a "hate on" for Free dining!?? Our family goes every year on this promotion since it saves us far more money than a room promotion and we get to enjoy great food at restaurants we would never be able to afford without the free dining.

We have been to WDW a couple times before the free dining, and enjoyed the trip but I don't think I'd be able to go every year if free dining wasn't offered as it saves our family of 3 $500 (or more) per trip for the food we are eating.... and that would probably only account for quick service meals as the cost of the table service would be even greater. When we've gone and paid for food, we usually ate quick srvice and only made a couple table service reservations -as went one trip and ate off property more - with free dining we usually never leave property now -- isn't that what Disney also wants??!!

I think this is one of the best promos Disney runs and is a great way for any family to make their vacation affordable to WDW.

As I mentioned, we have been going down every year for free dining since it started and have noticed that the crowds are greater than when it first started in 2005 - so that means the promo is working... isn't that what Disney wants?? Also, I don't think the crowds are unbearable, they are very manageable and a lot less than other peak times - July & December. We went early October once and found it was even busier than August/Sept, so no it isn't that bad.

If you don't like going at that time due to restaurants being busy then go at a different time of year.:brick:

Finally I don't buy the fact that the service and food it worse - we have eaten at WDW before and after the dining plan was introduced and I think things way have changed a little but not enough to make me concerned - things never stay the same at WDW. What has free dining have to do with service?? I've been to restaurants that aren't busy and received less service than at a busy restaurant - maybe it has more to do with the CM than free dining. Any food changes may be to cut a bit of cost - last time I check the world was in a recession - maybe we should blame the recession on free dining too.
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New Member
Could anyone give me concrete information why they think free dining information is coming out Monday or Tuesday? I am a Disney Visa member and am planning a trip at the beginning of July. We already have our ADR's planned and booked.
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Well-Known Member
Could anyone give me concrete information why they think free dining information is coming out Monday or Tuesday? I am a Disney Visa member and am planning a trip at the beginning of July. We already have our ADR's planned and booked.

Historically, I believe they have typically announced free dinining at the end of March/beginning of April. I know that last year we booked our fall trip on the very first day that the free dining offer was made availalbe to the general public and that date was Monday 3/30/09.

Also, I believe that the current round of rebates and offers end today, the 27th. So the hope is that Disney is going to bring out the next offer.

Fingers crossed. :)
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Could anyone give me concrete information why they think free dining information is coming out Monday or Tuesday? I am a Disney Visa member and am planning a trip at the beginning of July. We already have our ADR's planned and booked.
The announcement of free dining for the mid-August to early October period has traditionally been announced around the beginning of April. First to Disney Visa cardholders and then a few days later expanded to the general public.

Won't help you for July though. :shrug:
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Yes, traditionally Disney has offered Free Dining at this time each year, but again it is only for travel in late August to end of September. Maybe early Oct too - I think last year Disney extaeded the offer into the early part of Oct - depends upon how busy they may be already.

We have already booked fo this year on free dining & made reservations (YES!!!)- used a bounce back offer when we were there last year. We have booked the free dining offer in advance for the past 3 years - again we used the bounce back offer while at the resort - must be booked before you leave.

If I go by the dates on the bounce back offer they had the window that you could book from 8/15/10 to 9/30/10. Not sure if that will be the same if they open the offer up to the general public.
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Well-Known Member
You're entitled to believe you're getting a discount, and in pure dollars I'm certain you believe you are. But you are also getting poorer quality food and service, and a more crowded atmosphere. In addition to all of that, you're contributing to the commoditization of what was once a fairly unique product. And by participating you assist in degrading the experience for all of us.

So hey, thanks. Glad you saved some money. Since it's a decision that's all about helping you, I don't feel partcularly bad expressing my strong preference for what would help me.

Well first... Hello and welcome to WDWMagic... I see you're new around here!

I don't even know how to respond to this... I'm not even sure what you're saying.

A discount is still a discount... even if you are paying rack rates on rooms. I was making a statement about people highjacking threads about free dining and turning them into a bash fest when people are only looking for some info (which is why they come to this site).

Where was the post all about me? I'm confused... can you clarify?

And for what it's worth... I've been during free dining and during other times of the year. I much prefer September over other months. In fact I've had better service and food during September than March (for example).

I guess you can make the same argument about any discount Disney offers during the year (whether it be free dining, room discounts, ticket upgrades, etc.). They all contribute to a more "crowded atmosphere" and "to the commoditization of what was once a fairly unique product". So, we should all do our part to keep Disney unique and uncrowded and not take advantage of any offer that is put on the table for us. :rolleyes:

Seriously dude!?! :shrug:
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Last rumor I heard was Visa card holders on Monday and general public on Thursday.

I can't believe the hatred on a DISNEY board. Pretty unreal.:veryconfu
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