Quoted for truth...this is the same flaccid argument made by fast passers....the capacity of the ride is a constant, always has been, always will be. No stupid 1.2 billion dollar project is going to make lines faster unless they spend that money on adding capacity to the ride vehicles...
None of this stuff will (or could) increase capacity on the attractions. But that ain't the goal, and anybody who reads Disney's stuff to say that the goal is to increase capacity is a...person who has made a mistake.
Of course, we all know that part of the goal is to get us to spend more. But another part of the goal, it seems to me, is to better utilize capacity. To wit, the first show of Flights of Wonder often has many available seats, as does the first show of the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular, even on days when the later shows are full and people are turned away. If you can convince people to rearrange their day to see the first show, you get more people in without performing the show any more often. Same thing with the Great Movie Ride early in the AM -- often cars are open, because everybody is running for TSMM. But if they already have their TSMM reservation, maybe the go to GMR first thing, utilizing capacity that would otherwise go unutilized. So it's not about increasing capacity, but using the capacity that exists. There are plenty of examples of this possibility around the parks.
Further, if you take a ride that runs at peak capacity all day -- let's say, Space Mountain -- and somehow get it so that the average time people wait in line for the ride drops by 20% (say 8-10 minutes), you've given all those people that much time to go do something else. So the goal isn't to get more people on the attraction, but to get the same number of people through the attraction with less average waiting in line. Theoretically, you could choose some attractions and drop the average wait to close to zero by not allowing stand-by at all -- you either use xpass or Fastpass, and nobody ever waits more than a couple minutes. I'm sure that isn't the plan, but decreasing average wait times is most certainly a goal.