Floridians: Go see DL, Boycott WDW

It's not that Cinderella Castle is bigger than the one at Disneyland's; it's better looking than Sleeping Beauty's castle too.

Cinderella Castle is one of the most recognizable and photographed icons/symbols in the world. When people see Cinderella Castle, they think of Disney and Disney's theme parks.

Now when it comes to Disneyland's castle, you're lucky if the person even know where it comes from (that's why people don't understand why the "castle changed" at the end of the film in Soarin')

I also have a STRONG emotional attatchment to Cinderella Castle; and that's mostly thanks to the Walt Disney Co. itself. It's the Castle that I saw on TV all the time while I was growing up. It's the Castle I saw in magazines and billboards and even in McDonald's.

Whenever I look at Cinderella Castle all those childhood memories come rushing back; just wanting to go to Walt Disney World in real life so I could tell everyone that I saw that castle in real life.

All I get when I look at Disneyland's castle are thoughts of "How small and plain it is."

I understand most of your points, but what I dont get is how you can be a disney fan and not feel ANY type of emotional positive connection to the castle that Walt built and actually walked through (that picture of him walking though the castle archcway is one of my favs). I personally also like CC better, but DL castle would mean nothing to me if it wasn't for Walt.

But we could go on and on, just wanted to put my 2 cents in!


New Member
I got my DL tix in the mail, this is the 1st time i purchased DL/WDW tix via disney's web site... they are made of paper... are these the real DL tix? or do i have to exchange em for plastic ones? or at DL do they not use plastic? or is the paper = plastic


-DL trip feb2-5 2007
(inspired by this thread)

DL and DLP only use paper tickets unless you have an annual pass. You should be able to use them immediately.


New Member
I also have a STRONG emotional attatchment to Cinderella Castle; and that's mostly thanks to the Walt Disney Co. itself. It's the Castle that I saw on TV all the time while I was growing up.

If you are referring to the castle in the Wonderful World of Disney and at the beginning of the movies (until potC Dead Man's Chest), that is Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle.


Well-Known Member
DL and DLP only use paper tickets unless you have an annual pass. You should be able to use them immediately.

Tokyo Disneyland also uses paper tickets. I bought a 3 day Park Hopper Ticket at Tokyo Disney Resort last year and it was paper. Anyone been to Hong Kong Disneyland to know if they use paper or plastic?


Active Member
If you are referring to the castle in the Wonderful World of Disney and at the beginning of the movies (until potC Dead Man's Chest), that is Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle.

Wow, the Walt Disney Co. used that castle two times in the media in the past decade.

Cinderella Castle was used too many times to count.

Either way, Walt Disney World is the place most people are thinking of when they see either castle.

Mansion Butler

Active Member
If you are referring to the castle in the Wonderful World of Disney and at the beginning of the movies (until potC Dead Man's Chest), that is Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle.

Yeah, it is. But, I do understand what he means. I didn't realize it wasn't Cinderella's castle, since I grew up in Florida. I didn't even realize that Disneyland had a castle. And when I found out it did, I figured it had the same one.

I litterally cried when I went to Disneyland and saw their castle. And then the state of disrepair everything else was in at that point made me feel even worse. I hated Disneyland the first time I went. I never wanted to go back. When my family made a trip in 2003 I resisted the whole way.

Ended up loving it.

I can also understand someone getting confused that Sleeping Beauty's castle is used for Beuna Vista. . .

Wow, the Walt Disney Co. used that castle two times in the media in the past decade.

Cinderella Castle was used too many times to count.

Either way, Walt Disney World is the place most people are thinking of when they see either castle.

I would question that all the way to the bank.


New Member
Another point - WDW is the only resort that screws their guests at Christmas time. I can go to Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, or Hong Kong Disneyland and enjoy amazing Christmas celebrations for nearly a month with my admittance.

While I love the Epcot offerings and the Osborne Lights, I think the MK is disgraceful offering an additional cost Christmas party when all the other resorts around the globe offer it for free!


Le Meh
Premium Member
Another point - WDW is the only resort that screws their guests at Christmas time. I can go to Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, or Hong Kong Disneyland and enjoy amazing Christmas celebrations for nearly a month with my admittance.

While I love the Epcot offerings and the Osborne Lights, I think the MK is disgraceful offering an additional cost Christmas party when all the other resorts around the globe offer it for free!

Language please. This is a family forum. :wave:


Naturally Grumpy
It's not that Cinderella Castle is bigger than the one at Disneyland's; it's better looking than Sleeping Beauty's castle too.

Cinderella Castle is one of the most recognizable and photographed icons/symbols in the world. When people see Cinderella Castle, they think of Disney and Disney's theme parks.

Now when it comes to Disneyland's castle, you're lucky if the person even know where it comes from (that's why people don't understand why the "castle changed" at the end of the film in Soarin')

I also have a STRONG emotional attatchment to Cinderella Castle; and that's mostly thanks to the Walt Disney Co. itself. It's the Castle that I saw on TV all the time while I was growing up. It's the Castle I saw in magazines and billboards and even in McDonald's.

Whenever I look at Cinderella Castle all those childhood memories come rushing back; just wanting to go to Walt Disney World in real life so I could tell everyone that I saw that castle in real life.

All I get when I look at Disneyland's castle are thoughts of "How small and plain it is."

It's not the size of the castle....it's the magic in it......
And while debating virtues of castles....DL Paris even has a dragon living it it...


Active Member
Another point - WDW is the only resort that screws their guests at Christmas time. I can go to Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, or Hong Kong Disneyland and enjoy amazing Christmas celebrations for nearly a month with my admittance.

Yea that's not true.

You choose whether or not you want to spend extra money to enjoy the Christmas offerings at Magic Kingdom park.

There are many times in December when Magic Kingdom park switches both the parade and fireworks to the ones that are shown at Mickey's Very Merry Christmas party during the day/night without having to pay extra.

The only thing that actually is a "party only" thing is the free hot cocoa and cookies.

BTW: Walt Disney World is the only Disney destination where most people are tourists; so ofcourse it has to be run differently.


Naturally Grumpy
Another point - WDW is the only resort that screws their guests at Christmas time. I can go to Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, or Hong Kong Disneyland and enjoy amazing Christmas celebrations for nearly a month with my admittance.

While I love the Epcot offerings and the Osborne Lights, I think the MK is disgraceful offering an additional cost Christmas party when all the other resorts around the globe offer it for free!

Yes, there is the MVMCP...but Santa, Christmas Parades, decorations and special performances are available to all, and you mention the Many Epcot offerings (Candelight, storytellers, archway, special Illuminations), Osborne Lights, Jingle Jungle, and the amazing decorations at many of the resorts...all free and none of which are offered at ANY other Disney Park....:eek:


Well-Known Member
BTW: Walt Disney World is the only Disney destination where most people are tourists; so ofcourse it has to be run differently.

I don't mean to pick on you DisneyYorkian, as I've seen this argument used by several folks on several boards when it comes to WDW. But you just happen to have used it here as well. :)

This argument has popped up repeatedly as a way to defend the inferior operation of WDW, particularly when it comes to park decorations, entertainment and overall attraction upkeep and operation.

(It came up a lot this past year during Halloween, when Disneyland debuted its splashy new HalloweenTime decor and offerings at the same time WDW hauled out a few tired old pumpkin decorations that looked they had been stolen from a Junior High Cafeteria back in the 1980's.)

That said, I've never quite understood that argument when it comes to Park decorations and entertainment. I completely understand the differences between WDW and the other four Disney Resorts around the world. On my last trip to Japan I stayed 6 glorious days in downtown Tokyo and 3 additional days at the nearby Tokyo Disney Resort. I can't imagine spending 6 days of vacation in downtown Orlando by any stretch of the imagination, so obviously there are huge differences between the type of city Orlando is and the type of city Paris or LA or Tokyo is. And yet I can easily imagine spending 6 fun days at WDW, with my only interaction with "Orlando" being the Starbucks at the airport.

But why should the guest demographic of WDW excuse the lesser quality WDW offers to its guests when it comes to decorations, seasonal events and overall park entertainment offerings? Is it that WDW's marketing department does such a great job of selling the place that the visitors are going to show up anyway, so why bother giving 100% when an 85% effort will be enough?

I've never understood why the "Disney World is full of out-of-towners so Disney doesn't have to work as hard to make the place nice" argument was a defendable practice. It seems like that would be something to be embarassed about, not something to drag out of the corner to prop up an argument on a message board. :confused:


Naturally Grumpy
While I can agree that WDW should not rest on it's laurels or stop upkeep, comparing the parks apples to apples is always difficult.

WDW = 4 major parks + 16 hotels + DVC
DL = 2 major parks + 3 hotels
Tokyo = 2 major parks + 2 hotels
Hong Kong = 1 major park + 2 hotels
Paris = 2 major parks (?) + 5 hotels

If you compare what is offered per site, WDW has much more than any of the other parks. Needs and opportunities are at least 3x as much as any other park, and the opportunity for a slip in any given area is at least 3x.

I'm willing to give a little grace room.


New Member
DLP has 7 hotels for the record :wave:

I don't have a problem with WDW per se. It's the MK that really annoys me.

It is the most popular park in the west, and yet they do the least to bring people in.

Upkeep is down, food offerings sub par compared to the other parks at WDW, entertainment decreases year on year, or relies mainly on synergy. They have the lesser versions of the park standards (except Splash Mountain). And then add to the fact that they have a number of upcharged events. Why can't they just stay open longer for all (or at least resort guests) more often instead???!!! I'd even pay a higher ticket price if need be. But to need a seperate ticket for all these events, it just feels like they are taking advantage of all the rubes going to the swamplands of Fla.

It frustrates me to see other MKs belittled because they are not in Florida. Mk is fun, yes. But it's no DL, DLP, or TDL.

I'll see you all in Epcot or DAK.


New Member
The MK is supposed to be the flag ship, the jewel in the crown. But the jewel is loose and slipping. And nobody here seems to care because they find the beauty of the crown makes it not matter.

I long for the days when lightbulbs were changed when they were at the estimated 80% of their life cycle so the show was not ruined. Those days are long gone. And the sad thing is, people are giving them a free pass to become sloppy because no body else does it.

Disney used to do things for quality sake. Sadly, it doesn't seem to matter to most of you anymore. And for that, I am very sad. :mad:

Mansion Butler

Active Member
So this thread is actually surprising me about something. When people mention rides at MK being inferior, they usually say Splash is the exception.

Now, while I'll agree with this, I don't think it's nearly as huge a difference as Thunder, and I can't believe that the consensus is that Thunder in California is the better ride.



Naturally Grumpy
DLP has 7 hotels for the record :wave:

I don't have a problem with WDW per se. It's the MK that really annoys me.

It is the most popular park in the west, and yet they do the least to bring people in.

Upkeep is down, food offerings sub par compared to the other parks at WDW, entertainment decreases year on year, or relies mainly on synergy. They have the lesser versions of the park standards (except Splash Mountain). And then add to the fact that they have a number of upcharged events. Why can't they just stay open longer for all (or at least resort guests) more often instead???!!! I'd even pay a higher ticket price if need be. But to need a seperate ticket for all these events, it just feels like they are taking advantage of all the rubes going to the swamplands of Fla.

It frustrates me to see other MKs belittled because they are not in Florida. Mk is fun, yes. But it's no DL, DLP, or TDL.

I'll see you all in Epcot or DAK.

What am I missing?
Disneyland Hotel
Hotel Cheyenne
New York
Santa Fe
Davy Crockett Ranch

And there are extra magic hours for all resort guests in mornings and evenings. The only extra charge events are MNSSHP, MVMCP and now Pirates and Princesses (18 days, 18 days and 13 days). Most MVMCP events are provided for all at no extra charge Christmas week. I went to WDW for many many years and never even knew of these special events (and never felt my experience was diminished).

I surely don't feel slighted for not participating in Night of Joy or Senior Night, but I think it's fine that those groups and others have their special time. Do I feel slighted for not having access to the sponsor lounges in Epcot? No I can't say I've ever felt slighted or delegated to second class status during a Disney vacation.

Is it wrong that they charge extra for Cirque or Adventurers Club? You have to pay for the shooting arcade.... It sure doesn't bother me.

As for jewel in the crown...WDW may be the largest, but why wouldn't DL California be the jewel? It pained me greatly the state that park was allowed to sink to before some enlightened management (sadly now lost) performed a miracle overhaul to bring it back. I don't disagree that the level of upkeep may not be what it was, that the shortage of CM's and possible reduced quality of CM's doesn't have an effect, but I sure don't let it ruin my visits.

I will agree with you if others belittle other parks in comparison...each has a wonderful charm and personality of it's own, and they should never try to be cookie cutter parks (imho...some do argue that)


New Member
What am I missing?
As for jewel in the crown...WDW may be the largest, but why wouldn't DL California be the jewel? It pained me greatly the state that park was allowed to sink to before some enlightened management (sadly now lost) performed a miracle overhaul to bring it back. I don't disagree that the level of upkeep may not be what it was, that the shortage of CM's and possible reduced quality of CM's doesn't have an effect, but I sure don't let it ruin my visits.

I will agree with you if others belittle other parks in comparison...each has a wonderful charm and personality of it's own, and they should never try to be cookie cutter parks (imho...some do argue that)

Agreed on many counts. I don't let it ruin my vacation - I really am sad my trip from earlier this month is over. We did have fun at the MK. But I run into a lot of people who have not experienced the magic outside of Florida, or who believe that the be all and end all is WDW. When the truth is, every single resort, inc.Hong Kong are very special.

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