Florida Resident Disney Vloggers on YouTube

Elizabeth Swann

Premium Member
In the Parks
Ironically, I was going to search for this thread. Were the here with the ears people part of the “trespassed” group for giving tours? We noticed they haven’t put a video out since the beginning of October and although I do not have Facebook I stalked their page and didn’t notice a post since early October.
I heard he was. I am not sure if she was or not but they have gone quiet. They normally do that big thing for CM's too on Christmas Day


Well-Known Member
There is something going on currently with all these Vloggers. I’m starting to think that the time of Disney vloggers is really slowing and starting to drop.

Adam Hatten has resorted to flogging free H2O products and other tat on his website to bring in some money. Disney in detail is just a 40 year old woman who goes to magic kingdom and drinks coffee, not much else and it looks like people are wising up to it.

The trackers I have no time for. You only have to watch a few vlogs to see that they are happy to parade their kids for views but Jackson obviously struggles as he can be seen hitting himself in distress. My son does the same when he’s anxious or cannot regulate (our son has autism)

Dis Unlimited are done for. They could have got past these Pete scandal but John is unwilling to change course and I will give them several months before Craig jumps ship. Ryno will have to go and get a real job.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand those who seem to despise vloggers to the extent that they seemingly spend all their time hating them? I stopped watching the Trackers when they had the kids and their product no longer interested me. However the people on that site seemingly watch every Tracker video which pays the Trackers and then complain about how much money they make from viewers, just don't watch them and enjoy your own life instead of paying them :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
The Trackers getting annihilated as usual on tattlelife. This time they seem to be crucifying them over their lack of experience eating Indian food and continuing to attack their ability to bring their children up properly. Even claims that their children should be taken off them. Sadly the world we live in means when their kids start school, how long will it be before they're shown these posts attacking their parents. There's some vicious trolls out there that's for sure.
I’ve read that site almost just as a train wreck I can’t look away from, but what I don’t get is if you hate something or someone so much, why do you make it part of your life? I’ve never really watched these Tracker people. I have no ill feelings towards them. If I did, I certainly wouldn’t keep watching and commenting on them letting them consume any portion of my life.

I like Resort TV 1. There’s people on that site who hate them yet watch more of their stuff than I do.


Well-Known Member
I’ve read that site almost just as a train wreck I can’t look away from, but what I don’t get is if you hate something or someone so much, why do you make it part of your life? I’ve never really watched these Tracker people. I have no ill feelings towards them. If I did, I certainly wouldn’t keep watching and commenting on them letting them consume any portion of my life.

I like Resort TV 1. There’s people on that site who hate them yet watch more of their stuff than I do.

Some people just love to hate. The Michael Kay thread got ridiculous with the vitriol towards him and his brother. Which, I could understand up to a point, because they were some really obnoxious videos, but I just stopped watching them and moved on to other things. I'm not about the "hate watching" that some people do. I got too much other real life negative stuff going on in my life - I don't need to purposely add annoying YouTube vloggers to it LOL.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I don't understand those who seem to despise vloggers to the extent that they seemingly spend all their time hating them? I stopped watching the Trackers when they had the kids and their product no longer interested me. However the people on that site seemingly watch every Tracker video which pays the Trackers and then complain about how much money they make from viewers, just don't watch them and enjoy your own life instead of paying them :rolleyes:
Well thier behavior in the parks detracts from everyone's experience. For example on Friday Adam the Woo and The carpetbagger were blocking off the pet cemetery while they did silly stuff for content.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
Well thier behavior in the parks detracts from everyone's experience. For example on Friday Adam the Woo and The carpetbagger were blocking off the pet cemetery while they did silly stuff for content.
I’ve been to DL, WDW, and DLP more times than I can count and I’ve never had my experience affected by vloggers, I’ve seen Dave from fresh baked probably a half dozen times at DL and he’s always just off to the side talking to his camera, it’s never negatively affected our day.

I think you are exaggerating their impact. We’re bothered by strollers, scooters, large groups blocking walkways, phone lights on dark rides, etc every single trip but never vloggers, they wouldn’t make our top 100 list of annoying things at Disney parks.


Well-Known Member
I’ve been to DL, WDW, and DLP more times than I can count and I’ve never had my experience affected by vloggers, I’ve seen Dave from fresh baked probably a half dozen times at DL and he’s always just off to the side talking to his camera, it’s never negatively affected our day.

I think you are exaggerating their impact. We’re bothered by strollers, scooters, large groups blocking walkways, phone lights on dark rides, etc every single trip but never vloggers, they wouldn’t make our top 100 list of annoying things at Disney parks.
Same here….though I do use a scooter, so…sorry.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I’ve been to DL, WDW, and DLP more times than I can count and I’ve never had my experience affected by vloggers, I’ve seen Dave from fresh baked probably a half dozen times at DL and he’s always just off to the side talking to his camera, it’s never negatively affected our day.

I think you are exaggerating their impact. We’re bothered by strollers, scooters, large groups blocking walkways, phone lights on dark rides, etc every single trip but never vloggers, they wouldn’t make our top 100 list of annoying things at Disney parks.

They are just another annoyance, but them making themselves as such while profiting is galling. People are going to do despite what common manners would dictate, but outside of those raised in less urbanized areas or the South manners mean absolutely nothing to most these days.


Well-Known Member
They are just another annoyance, but them making themselves as such while profiting is galling. People are going to do despite what common manners would dictate, but outside of those raised in less urbanized areas or the South manners mean absolutely nothing to most these days.
Wow! I think they are annoying too but to generalize geographic groups who have more or less manners is ridiculous! Your statement in itself is extremely rude if not far worse. This is coming from a resident of a rural farm community.


Well-Known Member
Who the heck has time to hate watch? I don't even have time to like watch and am wayyyy behind movies, tv/streaming shows, youtube (mostly cooking/craft tutorials and reviews) some Disney related stuff but not much to be honest (again time/interest)

The people who admit to it in some threads on that gossip website LOL. Heck, there are actually people who pay for some of their Patreons so that they have "insider" info to report back to the group. I've never understood it myself. Why would I watch anything that I don't like - much less PAY to access their bonus content? Yet that's exactly what some of them do. I had to stop following most of those because there was just way too much negativity for me.


Well-Known Member
Who the heck has time to hate watch? I don't even have time to like watch and am wayyyy behind movies, tv/streaming shows, youtube (mostly cooking/craft tutorials and reviews) some Disney related stuff but not much to be honest (again time/interest)
It's bizarre but the Tracker thread on tattlelife has people posting minutes after a new Tracker video drops. It's not uncommon for them to be on page 40 of hate and vitriol within 3 days of a release. It's basically the same accusations over and over, Tim's stupid, Jenn's a lazy drunk, the kids aren't loved and thought of as income, they're functioning alcoholics, they're nasty people in real life, Tim's camera work shows he's got a neurological disorder which is sometimes followed by somebody saying "Hope it kills him".

There's people on that site freeze framing videos when they are near windows to see whether they can catch a reflection of the 'nanny' the Trackers hire in order to identify her. I assume they want to do this so they can bully her online and try to find any embarrassing social media content on her? The detail some go into about their vloggs is the type of investigating you get on the JFK assassination conspiracy, they really have way too much time on their hands and seemingly use it in a hateful way.

Colonel Angus

Active Member
There is something going on currently with all these Vloggers. I’m starting to think that the time of Disney vloggers is really slowing and starting to drop.

Adam Hatten has resorted to flogging free H2O products and other tat on his website to bring in some money. Disney in detail is just a 40 year old woman who goes to magic kingdom and drinks coffee, not much else and it looks like people are wising up to it.

The trackers I have no time for. You only have to watch a few vlogs to see that they are happy to parade their kids for views but Jackson obviously struggles as he can be seen hitting himself in distress. My son does the same when he’s anxious or cannot regulate (our son has autism)

Dis Unlimited are done for. They could have got past these Pete scandal but John is unwilling to change course and I will give them several months before Craig jumps ship. Ryno will have to go and get a real job.
I think a lot of people watched park vloggers during the pandemic because they were the few that were able to go while there were still restrictions and people got their vicarious living through those videos. In the last couple of years, I’ve seen a lot of saturation of that market. There are so many people starting up these channels, and doing the same things because let’s face it even though Disney World is big, there’s only so much you can do. Look at Allears and the silly games they play now just to keep producing content so the algorithm picks them up.

It was bound to happen. I started watching the trackers at a time when I gone through some crazy personal stuff and was at home for a month, and the idea of watching videos from the parks was very therapeutic. I watch a couple of channels sometimes currently because I have a trip coming up, but I think I have all the information that I need.

It amazes me how many of them are able to make a living by doing that and they have people who follow them who are so clueless. I think that’s part of the reason for some of the hate watching from some people. the bubble will burst. Disney may start cracking down on allowing “commercial filming.” or like I’ve suggested I think they should make people apply for a permit and pay for a permit to be able to do so because it is free marketing for them at the end of the day, but they really need to take a look and vet these people.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
I think a lot of people watched park vloggers during the pandemic because they were the few that were able to go while there were still restrictions and people got their vicarious living through those videos. In the last couple of years, I’ve seen a lot of saturation of that market. There are so many people starting up these channels, and doing the same things because let’s face it even though Disney World is big, there’s only so much you can do. Look at Allears and the silly games they play now just to keep producing content so the algorithm picks them up.

It was bound to happen. I started watching the trackers at a time when I gone through some crazy personal stuff and was at home for a month, and the idea of watching videos from the parks was very therapeutic. I watch a couple of channels sometimes currently because I have a trip coming up, but I think I have all the information that I need.

It amazes me how many of them are able to make a living by doing that and they have people who follow them who are so clueless. I think that’s part of the reason for some of the hate watching from some people. the bubble will burst. Disney may start cracking down on allowing “commercial filming.” or like I’ve suggested I think they should make people apply for a permit and pay for a permit to be able to do so because it is free marketing for them at the end of the day, but they really need to take a look and vet these people.
I always wonder how many Disney YouTubers actually make a living doing it, my guess is only a few dozen people nationwide make a full time living from it.

I watch several Disney vloggers, we only get to DL every few months and WDW every few years, the vloggers allow us to get a little Disney fix from home without the cringy Disney marketing attached to their own channels.


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of people really underestimate how much influence these vloggers have and how much money they make. The level of targeted engagement they provide is a marketing departments wet dream. I do think there is a pretty large gap between the haves and the have nots though. I mean how many vloggers do we need for the same coverage?

There are definitely particular dbag ones who I was confused as to why they have any presence at all until I discovered they got a lot of coverage on the hater site.

I am always amused how people on various park forums think that vloggers suck... except for the ones they watch of course. I just try to avoid the people who will blatantly disobey park rules or brag about being above other people.

I really have no respect for vloggers who put their kids in videos though. People should barely even know the Trackers have kids at all much less see them and know their names. There is no way I am ever putting a child on camera especially frequently when I know people like on the hater site exist. It's only a matter of time before some of these vlogger kids grow up and sue their parents for video profits.

Colonel Angus

Active Member
I always wonder how many Disney YouTubers actually make a living doing it, my guess is only a few dozen people nationwide make a full time living from it.

I watch several Disney vloggers, we only get to DL every few months and WDW every few years, the vloggers allow us to get a little Disney fix from home without the cringy Disney marketing attached to their own channels.
There are a lot more than just 2-3 years ago who make a full time living doing it.

I still watch a couple of them from time to time to get my fix but it’s a lot of recycled content, a lot of the same, and then the algorithm shows you 10 other vloggers covering the exact same new cupcake or construction scrim or whatever.

One that I find odd is Jojo’s world because he has 1.5 million subs and averages maybe 20k views per video. The trackers seem to average 7%-12% in views to subs every video which depending on their CPM and the fact they’ve maintained these numbers for several years, they probably make $300k a year or so. I’d imagine. I’d be surprised if Jojo pulled in $150k last year. At least he keeps his overhead low.


True Bayou Magic
Premium Member
I'm mostly curious how "influencing" any are compared to just creating content to keep Disney top of mind for viewers. For the most part people watching these videos are already Disney people who are looking for a "fix." Some influence what dishes I might try at a festival but I don't increase my budget because of anything a vlogger says. So I don't really understand well what "added value" they give Disney.

But I can see where many make a lot of money. The most popular ones have websites with other services and/or merch and/or Patreon pages. A few thousand here and there in different sized buckets, it adds up.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot more than just 2-3 years ago who make a full time living doing it.

I still watch a couple of them from time to time to get my fix but it’s a lot of recycled content, a lot of the same, and then the algorithm shows you 10 other vloggers covering the exact same new cupcake or construction scrim or whatever.

One that I find odd is Jojo’s world because he has 1.5 million subs and averages maybe 20k views per video. The trackers seem to average 7%-12% in views to subs every video which depending on their CPM and the fact they’ve maintained these numbers for several years, they probably make $300k a year or so. I’d imagine. I’d be surprised if Jojo pulled in $150k last year. At least he keeps his overhead low.
Wow I thought that jojo guy was one of the medium dbag vloggers I avoid who is most popular with the haters. The Trackers make a lot more than 300k per year.

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