Fingerprinting going away at gate?

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New Member
Three of my observations about the biometrics:
1.) I have seen someone use a ticket that was used by someone else the previous day, no problem.

2.) I personally have used different fingers at different times just to see if it will let me in, and it does.

3.) I have seen someone have trouble getting in so the CM reaches across and places thier thumb over the light and the gate allows the person in.

Either it does nothing but deter ticket sharing through fear, or it is a very low quality system.


Well-Known Member
They aren't going to go away, but to say that the guests aren't bothered by it/don't have trouble using the system is absolutely ridiculous. Disney just isn't ever going to be able to find a system that can both protect their profit and make the guests happy though, so this is pretty much what you're going to be stuck with.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind it, even though it does slow things down a bit. I like not having to do the whole hand stamp thing.


Active Member
I'm not surprised if this will happen.

While I think it was a little simpler, they never really used them or they weren't working.

I think they were also a lot more suseptible to dirt and grease (not saying the old scanners weren't, however) which interfered with it.


Fingerprints are used to identify criminals and since I'm not a criminal, it doesn't bother me. But since WDW *DOES NOT* collect fingerprints, why would anyone care? In fact, if you have ever had fingerprints done you would know that you can't just stick your finger in the scanner and have your prints taken. And even if they did print the *ONE* finger, it is pretty meaningless without the other four prints. You people watch too much CSI. Stop being paranoid

If you personally prefer not using the finger scanners, a photo ID can always override the use of biometrics. Just present the gate CM a photo ID and be admitted without using the scanner. Otherwise, you will have to use the finger scanners to get in.

The main complaint that people have is not getting into the park "Fast Enough" Calm down people.. It's vacation.. i promise you.. the park does not fly away if youre not in by a certain time.. It's people that complain like this that end up beating up people at the tea cups because they thought that they cut in line....

Repeat after me :Gooosefrabaaa


Well-Known Member
Fingerprints are used to identify criminals and since I'm not a criminal, it doesn't bother me. But since WDW *DOES NOT* collect fingerprints, why would anyone care? In fact, if you have ever had fingerprints done you would know that you can't just stick your finger in the scanner and have your prints taken. And even if they did print the *ONE* finger, it is pretty meaningless without the other four prints. You people watch too much CSI. Stop being paranoid

If you personally prefer not using the finger scanners, a photo ID can always override the use of biometrics. Just present the gate CM a photo ID and be admitted without using the scanner. Otherwise, you will have to use the finger scanners to get in.

The main complaint that people have is not getting into the park "Fast Enough" Calm down people.. It's vacation.. i promise you.. the park does not fly away if youre not in by a certain time.. It's people that complain like this that end up beating up people at the tea cups because they thought that they cut in line....

Repeat after me :Gooosefrabaaa

Make sure you've got your name on the ticket if you want to use your ID though.


Well-Known Member
The park does not fly away if you're not in by a certain time...


...Guess what? It reached capacity. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Your parents just happened to go on a day when the turnstiles were down last week. Sorry, biometrics are to ensure people don't transfer tickets and they will not be going away unless an equally reliable technology replaces it.


Well-Known Member
Ugh I hope this is true! I had a terrible experience last week in the park because of the botched finger print system.

We left MK at 6 to have dinner at Ohana, and we came back over for fireworks. When I tried to get back in the CM said my ticket didn't match up and they'd have to investigate it.

A few minutes later the CM comes over and had VOIDED my 7 day hopper w/no expire! I was only on day 2 of it! She said it was expired, and showed me dates I had apparently been in the parks. Too bad on those days, I was in pennsylvania! I was bawling my eyes out. They even told me I hadn't been in the park that morning, but I had pictures proving i had been.

They went back and checked my ticket again, and realized that they had typed in the wrong number & got someone else's expired ticket. They apologized and got me a new ticket, and said something must have been wrong w/the fingerprint thing to begin with. I was so mad, but it's Disney, so all is forgiven. Stupid system though...I swear it never works for me!


Well-Known Member
Magic Kingdom definitely uses the system the least, which shouldn't be too surprising when you consider that it is also the busiest of the 4 parks.


I need to get into the parks as fast as possible so Disney needs to have free parking so I don't have to wait in line to pay to park, they need to get rid of the security checks so i don't have to wait to have one pocket of my four pocket bag glanced in, they need to get rid of the ticket booths so I don't have to wait in line to buy tickets, get rid of the tickets so I don't have to show them, get rid of the turnstyles so I don't have to wait in line to go through them, and they need to get rid of all the others guests so I don't have to wait in line for anything, and get rid of the rides, shows, and eateries so there is nothing to wait in line for anyway! I'm on vacation dang it, I hate all the Lines, LINES, LINES, LINES!


New Member
Fingerprints are used to identify criminals and since I'm not a criminal, it doesn't bother me. But since WDW *DOES NOT* collect fingerprints, why would anyone care? In fact, if you have ever had fingerprints done you would know that you can't just stick your finger in the scanner and have your prints taken. And even if they did print the *ONE* finger, it is pretty meaningless without the other four prints. You people watch too much CSI. Stop being paranoid

If you personally prefer not using the finger scanners, a photo ID can always override the use of biometrics. Just present the gate CM a photo ID and be admitted without using the scanner. Otherwise, you will have to use the finger scanners to get in.

The main complaint that people have is not getting into the park "Fast Enough" Calm down people.. It's vacation.. i promise you.. the park does not fly away if youre not in by a certain time.. It's people that complain like this that end up beating up people at the tea cups because they thought that they cut in line....

Repeat after me :Gooosefrabaaa

I guess you let the government scare the hell out of you to give up your rights. Your forgetting our constitution and our liberty and all the people who died to give us the liberty we seem to forget about. They are rolling in their graves.

"Those who give up liberty for security deserve neither and lose both" - Ben Franklin

"First they came for the socialist, and I did not speak out because I was not socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionist, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me, and there was no one to speak for me"

FBI builds worlds largest database of biometrics to identify peoples' physical characteristics, a project that would give the government unprecedented abilities to identify individuals in the United States and abroad.


When using the biometrics at WDW your name is not put in to any computer (unless your a ap's) it all number's, no name is shown or documented except for the back of the ticket that you write in but, not in a computer. ATS does not keep purchases info expect for the location and location only it printed at.


we usually get 7-10 non expiring tickets when we go and sometimes get 2 trips out of them, but i dont understand why you couldnt sell/give away your tickets if they had a day left on them and you were going home. its not fraud to sell anything else used, like a car so what makes the difference about a ticket. and why would disney care, the days were paid for, it isnt like someone would be getting in for free. guess its fraud cause disney says so?
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