Fingerprinting going away at gate?

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Account Suspended
the fingerprint thing was such a stupid idea that just creates more lines and headaches for people. It gets people in a bad mood before they set foot in the park which is bad because than people wont spend as much on merchandise and such. So I hope they get rid of this ill fated gimmick.


Well-Known Member
I don't really have a problem with the finger scanners. It just seems kind of pointless, though, since whenever it doesn't work they let me in anyway.

Hand stamps are way cooler anyhow. The only thing better than riding Mr. Toad's was riding Mr. Toad's with a glowing image on the back of your hand.


Well-Known Member
and why would disney care, the days were paid for, it isnt like someone would be getting in for free. guess its fraud cause disney says so?

Why would Disney care: Because if they can get someone else to pay full price, why wouldn't they want that? Plus, with no way of knowing how many days are on tickets (or even if you can get IN the parks), Disney hopes to cut down on the vendors setting up tents in the strip mall parking lots and selling used tickets. Because when people who buy those tickets come to the Disney gates and can't get in, do you think they turn around and leave? Nope. They storm Guest Relations with shouts of "What do you MEAN my tickets aren't valid?!?!????" The more Disney can discourage these unscrupulous ticket sellers from even trying it, the better off Disney will be.

And it's not just fraud "because Disney says so". It is actually against Florida state law to buy or sell partially-used theme park tickets. (And yes, Disney had a hand in getting that passed into law)



Well-Known Member
That's why wear my lucky tin foil hat when I use the finger scanner...

Why is a fingerprint any different than your credit card number, address, phone number, email, and the fact that your face shows up probably dozens of times a day on security cameras?

This isn't the government. It is a private company doing what it feels is required to protect it's profits.

If you feel that your rights are being violated and feel that this is instrusive then don't go and communicate your concern with guest relations.


I guess you let the government scare the hell out of you to give up your rights. Your forgetting our constitution and our liberty and all the people who died to give us the liberty we seem to forget about. They are rolling in their graves.

"Those who give up liberty for security deserve neither and lose both" - Ben Franklin

"First they came for the socialist, and I did not speak out because I was not socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionist, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me, and there was no one to speak for me"

FBI builds worlds largest database of biometrics to identify peoples' physical characteristics, a project that would give the government unprecedented abilities to identify individuals in the United States and abroad.
Get real :hammer:and get a life


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
I guess you let the government scare the hell out of you to give up your rights. Your forgetting our constitution and our liberty and all the people who died to give us the liberty we seem to forget about. They are rolling in their graves.

"Those who give up liberty for security deserve neither and lose both" - Ben Franklin

"First they came for the socialist, and I did not speak out because I was not socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionist, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me, and there was no one to speak for me"

FBI builds worlds largest database of biometrics to identify peoples' physical characteristics, a project that would give the government unprecedented abilities to identify individuals in the United States and abroad.
on principle, I agree. Especially if we were talking about the KGB... rrrr Homeland Security, but this is a Disney message board, in which we're talking about Disney, and there's a benefit in this being a private company doing it- if you don't want it done, you can opt out by showing ID (which unlike biometrics, aren't recorded or kept on file), which is what I do. Or even better, you as the consumer hold the balance of power in your wallet ;)


Well-Known Member
on principle, I agree. Especially if we were talking about the KGB... rrrr Homeland Security, but this is a Disney message board, in which we're talking about Disney, and there's a benefit in this being a private company doing it- if you don't want it done, you can opt out by showing ID (which unlike biometrics, aren't recorded or kept on file), which is what I do. Or even better, you as the consumer hold the balance of power in your wallet
Exactly. This is not the government or even a private company providing a necessary service.

Paranoia is fun, but using a little common sense when it comes to privacy concerns goes a long way...


we usually get 7-10 non expiring tickets when we go and sometimes get 2 trips out of them, but i dont understand why you couldnt sell/give away your tickets if they had a day left on them and you were going home. its not fraud to sell anything else used, like a car so what makes the difference about a ticket. and why would disney care, the days were paid for, it isnt like someone would be getting in for free. guess its fraud cause disney says so?
Correct,,a paid ticket should get a "body" into the's the can-of-worms....what if other purchases were made user-specific? can name other commodities yourself...scary!
It is a good concept but a huge time waster...Some people just dont seem to get it right and your waiting forever for the person in front of you to get through and put their finger in correctly....There always has to be that 1 person...:brick:
Correct,,a paid ticket should get a "body" into the's the can-of-worms....what if other purchases were made user-specific? can name other commodities yourself...scary!

No, not really correct...when you buy a used car, that asset becomes are not "taking" anything from the car company that originally built it...

However, if you use someone else's ticket, you are essentially "taking" from Disney without having are using their transportation systems, riding their rides (which causes wear & tear), using the restrooms, etc...but you haven't actually paid an admission fee to cover the costs of that "extra use", which is essentially what it is...


Active Member
I guess you let the government scare the hell out of you to give up your rights. Your forgetting our constitution and our liberty and all the people who died to give us the liberty we seem to forget about. They are rolling in their graves.

"Those who give up liberty for security deserve neither and lose both" - Ben Franklin

"First they came for the socialist, and I did not speak out because I was not socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionist, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me, and there was no one to speak for me"

FBI builds worlds largest database of biometrics to identify peoples' physical characteristics, a project that would give the government unprecedented abilities to identify individuals in the United States and abroad.

Why create a new name just to post this? Why not use your regular wdwmagic name?


Well-Known Member
Do you know what the government does to people who quote Benjamin Franklin?




Well-Known Member
My mother in law could not get the thing to work. It would never read her fingers. It was the funniest thing.


Or how about you take a civics class and learn what the US really stands for, which is entirely opposite of your hateful response :)

Have you ever served in the armed service if not DO NOT PREACH TO ME I gave 8 years to good OL USA and Damn PROUD OF IT I PROTECTED YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES FOR EIGHT YEARS AND CONTINUE TO DO IT TODAY .
DONT TELL ME WHAT THE US STANDS FOR !!! PICK UP A CONTRACT AND SIGN UP WITH THE ARMED SERVICES and SEE WHAT THE US MEANS before your slam others , Put your life on the line to serve your country and provide the blanket of FREEDOM YOU SO MUCH ENJOY!!!


Well-Known Member
I absolutely support the issues concerning privacy and Disney potentially having "fingerprints" on file. However, it is my understanding that the way the biometric scanners work, "fingerprints" are not actually collected. There are many identifiable points on your fingerprints that are recorded and then put through an algorithm and this data is recorded. The next time you use your ticket, it identifies those points again, and matches it up with whats on file to see if its close enough to be a match. If it is, then the turnstyles open and that's it.

At no point does Disney ever have an image of your fingerprint. In fact, there is simply no way to take the data they have on file for each guest and "re-create" a fingerprint based on it. That's just not how the system works. There's really not much they could do with that data exect make sure that it is tied to your park ticket.



Well-Known Member
Or how about you take a civics class and learn what the US really stands for, which is entirely opposite of your hateful response :)

You mean like the freedom to say what he just did??:shrug:

Disney is a private company, and the parks are on private property. Let's stop the nonsense of trying to turn this into a political discussion and comparing it to the current event you may or may not agree with, one and all.

If any of you want to have a politcal debate...PM me and I would be happy to put my History and International Affairs degrees up against whatever you have and show you that you are wrong...whichever side of the fence you are on. ;)


Wow...I mean, wow...


1. The technology used cannot identify you other than matching you to a ticket...therefore, no privacy concerns.

2. Used tickets are a problem as expired ones are sold to unsuspecting customers, so best the solution is to make tickets non-transferable, which also has the benefit of increasing Disney's profit margin, as unused days become paid for but not used services (like the booming gift card business). In order to make tickets non-transferable a system is needed to check the patron-ticket match. All of this is a DETERRENT, not a hard and fast fullproof anti-fraud and non-transferable gestapo. So if they occasionally turn the machines off to accomodate large crowds, or deal with technical problems, that does not make the system pointless. A deterrent based system is used to deter people from breaking the rules, not stop it completely. Like security checks. Someone is less likely to bring in a gun, if they know it might be found at a checkpoint, even though the bag checks are not thorough, which would take huge amounts of time. It's a DETERRENT system.

3. Sometimes people have trouble with the scanners and it slows the line down for a minute. People will wait in line for a ride for an hour or more sometimes, but complain when the person in front of them has to put their finger on the scanner more than once. Sheesh. I go to the World alot and I find the turnstyle lines move rather quickly. Try going to Disneyland in the afternoons when they close all the entry gates but one or two and the lines are backed up to the ticketbooths in the esplanade. And they don't use scanners!
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