Figment is Now A Fail...


Well-Known Member
Just watched the original on YouTube this morning. I had tears coming from my eyes throughout. Why did I have to be born the year this wonderful ride closed?
You may be happy to learn that this figure still exists.

Oh, that's the Figment from the finale in the new ride which stands underneath the creepy moon!
Speaking of Figment animatronics that still exist, here's a little known fact about one: the Figment from the "Some Happy Songs" scene can still be seen at Hollywood Studios at One Man's Dream. I was so excited when I saw it there!

Brad Bishop

Well-Known Member
Oh, that's the Figment from the finale in the new ride which stands underneath the creepy moon!
Speaking of Figment animatronics that still exist, here's a little known fact about one: the Figment from the "Some Happy Songs" scene can still be seen at Hollywood Studios at One Man's Dream. I was so excited when I saw it there!

Didn't they close One Man's Dream for the updating of DHS?

Brad Bishop

Well-Known Member
I seem to remember someone mentioning this before... that would be a shame. I could spend hours in there. I love all the history that was in there!

A bit off topic but: My favorite part of One Man's Dream was the models. I'm just captivated by them. Someone built these models, with incredible detail, to show, "Yep - this is what we're going to do, but full scale!"

Just the imagine, detail to work, vision, and, ultimately, engineering that goes into all of it is amazing and probably one of the reasons WDW has always held a special place for me.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Oh, that's the Figment from the finale in the new ride which stands underneath the creepy moon!

Not exactly....

The original 'hitchhiking astronaut Figment' animatronic I was referring to in my earlier post does still exist, but it is not the one seen in the current Attraction.
That one featured in the final scene next to the 'creepy moon' is a reproduction I beleive.

None of the AAs that were featured in the Orignal JII Attraction were re-used in the 2002 / current version re-do that I am aware of.
The original Figment AAs were removed during the gutting of the ride space in 1998 and several are in private collectors hands.
A few others are sitting on a shelf at Disney's storage warehouse in Kissimee.

I have a photos of the original Astro-Figment unit at someone's place in my well as a few of the figures tossed on a shelf at the Kissimee warehouse.
Just might have to dig those out to share.......

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Well-Known Member
Journey always has a special place in my heart because I've been a huge Figment fan. I have the unique perspective of experiencing the original ride, but not really being able to remember it since I was only 3 the first time I rode it. I don't remember Dreamfinder, but for some reason Figment really did capture my attention and imagination. I had about a 10 year gap between my first trip and my next trip which I believe was in 1997. Again I didn't remember Dreamfinder (I believe that in 97 the original ride was still running) but I was delighted to see my old pal Figment. When I went back after that in 2000 and saw that Figment was gone I was devastated, but relieved to hear from a cast member that he would be returning.

As for his current incarnation, I am glad he's back. I see how people can find him annoying and portrayed as a nuisance. I tend to overlook it because for some strange reason I have such a strong emotional bond to the character. I cant say what it was about Figment that drew me to him at such a young age, but whatever that is needs to return to the ride. I always associated Figment with Epcot and would love to see more of him whether it be in an update of this ride or as a park mascot of sorts. I just would hate for him to go away completely.


Well-Known Member
Journey always has a special place in my heart because I've been a huge Figment fan. I have the unique perspective of experiencing the original ride, but not really being able to remember it since I was only 3 the first time I rode it. I don't remember Dreamfinder, but for some reason Figment really did capture my attention and imagination. I had about a 10 year gap between my first trip and my next trip which I believe was in 1997. Again I didn't remember Dreamfinder (I believe that in 97 the original ride was still running) but I was delighted to see my old pal Figment. When I went back after that in 2000 and saw that Figment was gone I was devastated, but relieved to hear from a cast member that he would be returning.

As for his current incarnation, I am glad he's back. I see how people can find him annoying and portrayed as a nuisance. I tend to overlook it because for some strange reason I have such a strong emotional bond to the character. I cant say what it was about Figment that drew me to him at such a young age, but whatever that is needs to return to the ride. I always associated Figment with Epcot and would love to see more of him whether it be in an update of this ride or as a park mascot of sorts. I just would hate for him to go away completely.
I believe you, but, I do have a problem with understanding how you cannot remember the character the not only sang the theme song... 'One little spark', but also introduced Figment to everyone as well as being in just about every scene that Figment was. That's what I call focus. ;):)


Well-Known Member
So it was a rainy day in Epcot... I hadn't rode Journey into Imagination in a while. I got in the line, and of course, it was 5 minutes long. When I got in the cart, my jaw dropped. The ride has no Disney feel to it, and no one on this earth will say the animation is decent. This either needs a refurb, more focused on Figment, and not that heartless scientist. Also the moon ending gave me nightmares... :eek: This ride needs to go.

New to these fourms are you


Well-Known Member
I believe you, but, I do have a problem with understanding how you cannot remember the character the not only sang the theme song... 'One little spark', but also introduced Figment to everyone as well as being in just about every scene that Figment was. That's what I call focus. ;):)

I can. I was 3. Do you remember every detail of everything you ever did when you were 3?


Well-Known Member
I can. I was 3. Do you remember every detail of everything you ever did when you were 3?
Didn't you say that you went again 10 years later in 1997? You would have been 13 then, and yes it do remember stuff that happened when I was 13. Dreamfinder was still there in 97, I believe. I wasn't speaking about when you were 3.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Photos of the still-existing Original Attraction animatronic Figment figures I was talking about promised.

This photo -
The original 'hitchhiking Astronaut Figment' figure enjoying 'retirement'.
This used to be seen to your right just before you entered the memorable 'what about' transitional tunnel.
Figment moved his arm in a hitchhiking gesture hoping to snag a ride from Guests motoring by while also moving his head and eyelids.
This figure inspired a lot of merchandise and marketing artwork back in the day.

Photo below-
Figment animatronic figures from the Original Attraction in storage at Disney's large warehouse in Kissimmee.
The entire building is a treasure trove of old Attraction vehicles and memorabilia.
This snapshot is from a few years ago...not sure if these are still stored there.

Figures shown -
Figment from the 'Dream Port' scene ( holding shovel ).
This figure used to be located to you right as you approached Dreamfinder painting on a huge mural...just before you entered the Realm of Art (aka ' the White Room' ) .
The figure was shown in the setting wearing a rainbow apron ( missing in this photo ) and moved in a way to appear as though he was shoveling colored flowers into large paint containers.

In the background are various seated figures, one sculpted with legs, one without.
The 'legged' one may possibly be one of the five duplicates made for the revolving Show scene of Dreamfinders flying machine.
It may also just be the seated figure that once used to move his hands in front of a candle in the spooky area of the 'Literature' section spelling out 'shadow' with a lighting effect.
Hard to know for sure as I cannot see their faces / arm sculpts.
The 'leg less' one I have not been able to identify yet.

I know of several Original figures that still exist, and they are either in storage within Disney's possession or owned privately by a few lucky folks.

I have seen all of the full bodied figures used in the Original Attraction elsewhere since its closure except for two - 'Artist Figment' ( holding his pot of rainbows, dressed in beret and bow from the 'Realm of Art' scene) and the 'Finale Figment' (with his trademark red and yellow shirt which appeared in the final scene).
I have not seen a trace of them or know of their whereabouts currently.
Hope they are both still around.
Most of the other Figment figures that appeared in the Original survived and I have collected some photographs of.

The complicated cable-controlled puppets used to create the finale footage film also still exist, but are in very rough condition ( have photos of those remains, as well....)
A few of the original hand held puppets used to greet Guests when Dreamfinder was about are also still around, a couple in private collections.

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Well-Known Member
Photos of the still-existing Original Attraction animatronic Figment figures I was talking about promised.

This photo -
The original 'hitchhiking Astronaut Figment' figure enjoying 'retirement'.
This used to be seen to your right just before you entered the memorable 'what about' transitional tunnel.
Figment moved his arm in a hitchhiking gesture hoping to snag a ride from Guests motoring by while also moving his head and eyelids.
This figure inspired a lot of merchandise and marketing artwork back in the day.

Photo below-
Figment animatronic figures from the Original Attraction in storage at Disney's large warehouse in Kissimmee.
The entire building is a treasure trove of old Attraction vehicles and memorabilia.
This snapshot is from a few years ago...not sure if these are still stored there.

Figures shown -
Figment from the 'Dream Port' scene ( holding shovel ).
This figure used to be located to you right as you approached Dreamfinder painting on a huge mural...just before you entered the Realm of Art (aka ' the White Room' ) .
The figure was shown in the setting wearing a rainbow apron ( missing in this photo ) and moved in a way to appear as though he was shoveling colored flowers into large paint containers.

In the background are various seated figures, one sculpted with legs, one without.
The 'legged' one may possibly be one of the five duplicates made for the revolving Show scene of Dreamfinders flying machine.
It may also just be the seated figure that once used to move his hands in front of a candle in the spooky area of the 'Literature' section spelling out 'shadow' with a lighting effect.
Hard to know for sure as I cannot see their faces / arm sculpts.
The 'leg less' one I have not been able to identify yet.

I know of several Original figures that still exist, and they are either in storage within Disney's possession or owned privately by a few lucky folks.

I have seen all of the full bodied figures used in the Original Attraction elsewhere since its closure except for two - 'Artist Figment' ( holding his pot of rainbows, dressed in beret and bow from the 'Realm of Art' scene) and the 'Finale Figment' (with his trademark red and yellow shirt which appeared in the final scene).
I have not seen a trace of them or know of their whereabouts currently.
Hope they are both still around.
Most of the other Figment figures that appeared in the Original survived and I have collected some photographs of.

The complicated cable-controlled puppets used to create the finale footage film also still exist, but are in very rough condition ( have photos of those remains, as well....)
A few of the original hand held puppets used to greet Guests when Dreamfinder was about are also still around, a couple in private collections.


Do you happen to know about these? I've seen these photos on google and according to this link.. they were from the Finale sequence of different figments in his Imagination....But I find that to be inacurate as those versions had more of a puppet like appearance rather than AA versions....

The one's shown in the Movies above are "Supposedly" The one's from above..


Well-Known Member
This ride needs the "Tiki Room" re-makeover and go back to the original. Dreamfinder and Figment are just wonderful together. I find myself not wanting to ride the current version no matter how much I adore Figment.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Do you happen to know about these? I've seen these photos on google and according to this link.. they were from the Finale sequence of different figments in his Imagination....But I find that to be inacurate as those versions had more of a puppet like appearance rather than AA versions....

The one's shown in the Movies above are "Supposedly" The one's from above..

I can confirm that yes, those figures pictured above are the remains of the cable controlled mechanical puppets used for the finales filmed segments.
They are not Animatronic figures but were made to closely resemble them appearance wise for continuity purposes.

Several were built as you can see from the photo collection you linked to.
This was to ensure that 'Figment' could perform all the different actions required in the filmed sequences.
The more complicated the movements, the more complex a puppet was built.

For example -
Scenes requiring full bodied figures ( Dancer, Pirate, Cowboy, etc ) required specially built mechanical cable operated puppets.
These were performed by hand from out of camera sight by a team of several puppeteers pulling on cable controls to move the various animations.

The close ups / half bodied scenes ( Scientist, Sailor, Weightlifter, etc ) used simpler hand puppets with cable controlled arm and eye movements.
These typically had a puppeteers hand inside the head moving the mouth, while another puppeteer(s) operated the other movements.

A LOT of work went into making those puppets for the finale films.
Really wish they survived in better condition, as they were really cool creations.

Fun fact for those interested -

The Orignal 'Journey Into Imagination' filmed finale sequences of Figment imagining himself in different roles was intended to be fully animated by Feature Animation using traditional cel animation.
The reason it was not was because at the time these sequences needed to go into production, Animation was in over their heads working on the original 'Tron' film.
Despite the films association with being one of the first to use computer generated animation, most of the film was traditionally animated using cels.

With Feature Animation buried in the massive work load for 'Tron', they were not able to take on the animation wanted for the finale scenes in the Attraction.
So another option had to be sought out, and puppets stepped in the enable the sequences to be filmed and finished in time to open the ride through experience in March of 83'.

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Well-Known Member
Do you happen to know about these? I've seen these photos on google and according to this link.. they were from the Finale sequence of different figments in his Imagination....But I find that to be inacurate as those versions had more of a puppet like appearance rather than AA versions....

The one's shown in the Movies above are "Supposedly" The one's from above..
Figment looks so creepy


Well-Known Member
If Imagination ever gotten a fourth incarnation. It would be the first Walt Disney World attraction to use the trackless ride system. And after reading the first Figment comics and planning on getting Figment 2 in the future. Maybe it can include two new character Capri and Spark the Cat from "Figment 2".

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