February 2016 Disney World ticket price increases and new tiered 1 day tickets


Well-Known Member
Back when their food was worth eating.. yeah.. the restaurants on property were a huge part of the vacation. Now.... no thanks

No kidding. If/when I go back the only things I will really look forward to in terms of standard park food is the fish and chips in the UK and the burger at Sci Fi.

And a small gripe, but would it really kill them to bring back the nice plastic goblet for the Citrus Swirl instead of the dixie cup they put them in now?


Well-Known Member
No kidding. If/when I go back the only things I will really look forward to in terms of standard park food is the fish and chips in the UK and the burger at Sci Fi.

And a small gripe, but would it really kill them to bring back the nice plastic goblet for the Citrus Swirl instead of the dixie cup they put them in now?

Loved the burger I had at Sci Fi!

We honestly haven't eaten at too many TS restaurants.
San Angel Inn (multiple times)
Tutto Italia
Tony's Town Square
Sci Fi

I know that list ruins any street cred I could have had, but we usually aren't in the parks for a full day.

Now my wife has been to many, many more as her family visited often on vacation.
I had never been until moving down here in 2010.


Well-Known Member
You all realize what is going to happen, right? They will announce what dates are "Value Season" and everyone will go, making it incredibly crowded and suddenly the same date will become "Peak Season" from then on. :banghead:
Making it necessary to raise the Value Season to the current price of a Peak Season ticket.
Which will necessitate a raise in the price of the current Peak Season ticket in order to accomplish the goal of leveling out the crowds.
Which will result in the "new" Value season becoming more crowded which, of course, will necessitate a corresponding raise in ticket prices to the "new" Peak Season rates and a raise in the "new new" Peak Season prices which will................... Oh never mind!!!
You get the picture.
In order to accomplish the stated goal of leveling out attendance over the year, Disney will be constantly raising the bar on the tiers until they reach that point where they finally bleed the cash cow to death and attendance plummets.
The end..............


Well-Known Member
In order to accomplish the stated goal of leveling out attendance over the year, Disney will be constantly raising the bar on the tiers until they reach that point where they finally bleed the cash cow to death and attendance plummets.

In order to keep crowds at a manageable level, Disney needs to build more parks, NOT more resorts. That's the only thing that's going to make a difference.

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