Feb. 21st Star Wars land preview on ABC


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
I am very happy that Disney decided to make this huge expansion in Hollywood Studios as opposed to re-theming the entire Tomorrowland around Star Wars like Disneyland did... It was very annoying and exhausting seeing Star Wars literally EVERYwhere in Tomorrowland during my trip a few days ago.

Space Star Wars Mountain.. Star Tours.. 10-Minute-Star-Wars-Advertisement-Film-Collage-Thing.. Star Wars gift shops.. Star Wars Launch Bay.. Honestly, Buzz Lightyear (Which is a lot better than the MK version) is the ONLY thing keeping Disneyland's Tomorrowland from being called Star Wars Land as it is right now! Oh.. And "Marvel Headquarters" is in there too but whatever.

So I am quite happy that Disney World is keeping Star Wars tucked in Hollywood Studios. Woop Woop.

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
I Captured the King of the Leprechauns (1959) - promoted Darby 'O Gill and thhe Little People

Operation Undersea (1954) - promoted 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea with behind-the-scenes clips

The Liberty Story (1957) - promoted both Johnny Tremaine and the planned Liberty Street for Disneyland (never built)

Disneyland 10th Anniversary (1965) - here's what's coming for the next 4 years

Disneyland '61 (1961) - What you can do in the park as of now

Kodak presents Disneyland '59 (1959) - openings of Matterhorn, Submarine Voyage and Monorail

Backstage Party (1961) - wrap party for Babes in Toyland

All About Magic (1957) - ended with promo for Cinderella re-release

One Hour in Wonderland (1950) - Disney's first TV program, promoting Alice in Wonderland

4th Anniversary Show (1957) - promoted new Zorro series and Rainbow Road to Oz movie (never made)

A Progress Report / Nature's Half-Acre (1955) - we're still building Disneyland

....Need more examples? I got lots of DVD boxes to read from! :D

You missed the plans Walt talked about in 'Our Friend The Atom' - where he mentioned plans for a 'nuclear exhibit' in Disneyland. (An actual working reactor IIRC). (I'm going to watch this again soon).

Count me on board as far as the concept of the Star Wars land special. I remember enjoying the Epcot Center specials on TV when they opened something new - to show us WHAT THEY JUST BUILT and are READY TO OPEN.

Looking back at all the Walt plans that made it to TV before ground is broken, it's important to remember that with the exception of the Disneyland USA broadcast (could be wrong on this), everything was part of the anthology show - they needed content every week. The Epcot Center specials could have been part of the current (as in the 1980s) anthology series (don't remember).

But I believe a network TV special (even one that's showing instead of some show that possibly even isn't worth watching) should be showing Complete Attractions Ready To Open, not blue sky stuff. Again, this is about the stock price.


Well-Known Member
No, Some of us are complaining because Disney is creating a false narrative that 'The Home of Star Wars' is ALREADY ready to receive guests. Disney is running ads now 'The Home Of Star Wars' - The naive visitors who have NOT done extensive research is going to be seriously disappointed and subsequently angry when they find that DHS has LESS SW than it did a year ago (SWW cut, Yes it was weekends only during May/June) but there were roaming characters, The 501'st trooping and SW personalitites along with a lot of random SW experiences.

Now we have ST 2.0, Launch Bay (overpriced underthemed store), M&G and a Fireworks Show with SW music, And 'Seasons of The Force' which consists mainly of banners hanging everywhere.

lol...you mean those same naive visitors who ask "What time is the 3 o'clock parade?" and proudly proclaim they are visiting "Walt Disney World Park" when they are standing in the Magic Kingdom. And those same ones who couldn't understand classic Fast Pass was just a free attraction reservation system?

These people will always and forever be that small % of guests who have no idea what is actually going on in WDW and think they can just wing it.

If anything, an expanded show will possibly SAVE these people you mention form themselves. You can get a lot more information in a 30 (or 60) minute show then you can in a 30 second spot. Im' sure this will be full of renderings, models, "will be's" and "Coming Soon's" about the new lands. I wouldn't shed a single tear for the family that says "Honey, lets hop on the first flight and go ride all these great rides they are talking about!"

Of course they are going to pimp the SW attractions they have now, as thin as we know they are. But they ARE a business and need to entice people to continue to visit. But I don't think they are going to green screen Harrison Ford into a pixel perfect rendering of whatever new attraction they are planning and have him saying "This is soo cool, you gotta check this out right now!!!!"

Honestly, get over it. Its a TV show/ad designed at the 99% of the population who does not come here or go to D23 or even step foot in a WDW park in the last 2 years. Yes, the same population that most likely didn't even know about Star Wars weekends, let along get soooo angry that they are gone.

Don't watch it, it wasn't designed for you.

And lastly.....I'm sorry, but I don't have a shred of care for people who don't do ANY research before a WDW trip. There is no single destination on earth that has more blogs, message boards, podcasts and online reviews dedicated to it as much as WDW. If you are willing to plop down the money it costs and never fire up your computer to find out ANYTHING about the place, then all i can say is ....duhhhhhhhh you deserve it.


Well-Known Member
This is the kind of thing which makes me puke, Disney is touting something which does not even EXIST yet and even by the MOST optimistic estimates will not open till at LEAST 2019 and at DL at that!, Home of Star Wars indeed.

They are already showing television commercials about "Star Wars experiences" based on the little Launch bay and other fluff, so I'm not surprised whatsoever. I can't recall if it was a DL or WDW (likely WDW as I never see DL ads) but there is a full-on only-featuring Star Wars ad already out there for the parks.


Well-Known Member
They are already showing television commercials about "Star Wars experiences" based on the little Launch bay and other fluff, so I'm not surprised whatsoever. I can't recall if it was a DL or WDW (likely WDW as I never see DL ads) but there is a full-on only-featuring Star Wars ad already out there for the parks.

And Lucky Charms is really healthy for your kids so load them up with it every morning. Its an advertisement. They still need people to visit. Try are not going to say "Hey everybody, stay away for a few years while we get this together."

SW is still red hot and they still have SW related content in the park. Why not promote it?


Well-Known Member
And Lucky Charms is really healthy for your kids so load them up with it every morning. Its an advertisement. They still need people to visit. Try are not going to say "Hey everybody, stay away for a few years while we get this together."

SW is still red hot and they still have SW related content in the park. Why not promote it?

You don't need to ask that question - you know why. Because it's so meager - it's relying on trickery and low-information folks.

Disney shouldn't need to do that to promote the flagship resort and most famous collection of theme parks on the planet. It's pathetic and desperate.


Well-Known Member
I have no illusions regarding what the intent of the televised 'announcement' is. I think I can say with some confidence that after it airs, we in the online community will not have learned anything new (other than an official name, probably).

However, I would STILL be annoyed if it turns out to be a 60 second bit at the end of an hour long special. If it was a 5-10 min segment restating what we already know, terrific.


Well-Known Member
And I just watched the commercial.
You don't need to ask that question - you know why. Because it's so meager - it's relying on trickery and low-information folks.

Disney shouldn't need to do that to promote the flagship resort and most famous collection of theme parks on the planet. It's pathetic and desperate.

Is this the commercial you are referring to?

if so...what is the trickery???

they are not showing or promoting anything that s false or not there. And as a matter of fact they are promoting some new things that some guests (Myself included) have not experienced yet.

Launch Bay: See SW props and SW M&Gs
M&G: Cool..I'd love to met Chewwie.....Yes he is there
All new Jedi Training Academy.
Fireworks? At the Studios?
Storm Troopers walking around?
and Star tours is still there.

Show me where they oversold anything?? (and don't say the kid being a X wing pilot b/c that is clearly a device to show how children imaginations work)

Yes, WE all know that there is going to be a whole new land coming. But thats a few years away. There is still enough SW things there for a casual guest to enjoy.

So you are telling me that after WDW spent billions buying the SW IP, that they should NOT promote what they have now b/c its cheap and desperate??? During the height of the IP's recent success??? Man, I really hope your not in control of my marketing department one day.

And YEs...they are relying on the casual, low information folks. But they make up most of the guests in any given day. This commercial is designed to play out exactly like this "Hey, wow, WDW has these cool SW things now. You know, little johnny is really into it now that the movies came out. Maybe we should consider booking a trip. Its been a while and I think little johnny would love seeing those characters now that the movies are popular again."
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Mike S

Well-Known Member
It's really unfair to judge how Star Wars Land will turn out based on a glorified Meet and Greet/Gift Shop.
Thankfully Chewie was only 10 minutes when I was there. Probably the only M&G I've ever went into a park really wanting to do lol.


Resident Curmudgeon
It's really unfair to judge how Star Wars Land will turn out based on a glorified Meet and Greet/Gift Shop.

I'll grant you that. If SW is SO important than I would expect a full court press on it's preview center simply because it's supposedly important to the future of the company not something done on the cheap as the Launch Bay was. I would have expected the sets in use to at least equal those at the SW Celebration not pale in comparison to them.


Well-Known Member
Launch Bay: See SW props and SW M&Gs
M&G: Cool..I'd love to met Chewwie.....Yes he is there
All new Jedi Training Academy.
Fireworks? At the Studios?
Storm Troopers walking around?
and Star tours is still there.

You know, you could have stretched that out further if you added R2-themed popcorn buckets, LOL.

Show me where they oversold anything?? (and don't say the kid being a X wing pilot b/c that is clearly a device to show how children imaginations work)

Actually, yes, that was the part that was most confusing - because nothing whatsoever comes even close to that in the parks, no attraction even attempts to replicate it in even a rudimentary way (if we had an X-wing spinner, I'd see your point).

How a "child's imagination works"? Come on - that desperate? A kid can imagine himself in an X-wing in his back yard just as well...

Yes, WE all know that there is going to be a whole new land coming. But thats a few years away. There is still enough SW things there for a casual guest to enjoy.

The general public is already increasingly well aware, and will continue to be. The new additions made front page news at many mainstream media outlets, and Disney is about to have a television special that tells all about it. It's designed to be confusing.

So you are telling me that after WDW spent billions buying the SW IP, that they should NOT promote what they have now b/c its cheap and desperate??? During the height of the IP's recent success??? Man, I really hope your not in control of my marketing department one day.

Yes, it's cheap and desperate, flimsy and below WDW to have to do so. You can disagree, that's fine. You seem to disagree rather vehemently, though - which I find rather curious for such a newbie to these boards.


Well-Known Member
You know, you could have stretched that out further if you added R2-themed popcorn buckets, LOL.

Actually, yes, that was the part that was most confusing - because nothing whatsoever comes even close to that in the parks, no attraction even attempts to replicate it in even a rudimentary way (if we had an X-wing spinner, I'd see your point).

How a "child's imagination works"? Come on - that desperate? A kid can imagine himself in an X-wing in his back yard just as well...

The general public is already increasingly well aware, and will continue to be. The new additions made front page news at many mainstream media outlets, and Disney is about to have a television special that tells all about it. It's designed to be confusing.

Yes, it's cheap and desperate, flimsy and below WDW to have to do so. You can disagree, that's fine. You seem to disagree rather vehemently, though - which I find rather curious for such a newbie to these boards.

lol...so my tenure should limit my opinion? sorry, I'll go sit at the children table
(I may be new'ish here, but I'm far from a WDW rookie)

yea, I am disagreeing vehemently, because i'm finding strange that you feel this 30 second spot is the root of everything wrong with the current state of the IP in the parks?

Again.. nothing that i mentioned in that list (and your addition of the R2 buckets) does not exist in the park...correct? So again, how is it misleading? I just broke down the items they show in the parks in that spot.

Yes...that is how a child's imagination works...illustrated for the purpose of the ad—they are setting the spot up to appeal to kids who are pretending to be the next Luke Skywalker and their parents who know it.

Let me break the ad down for you:
Kid is pretending to be a X wing pilot—its in her head, she engrossed in Star Wars.
Mother is clearly asking her is she is coming inside soon (i.e NOT on a ride at WDW)
Cut to shot of father pushing her in a red wagon made up with cardboard to resemble a fighter.

At this point we established that the child is engrossed in the SW universe and her family helps her live out her imagination.
Voice over appealing to a family who enjoys the SW IP

Cut to family walking around park and enjoying the IP elements and experiences that actually exist.

VO: Join us where SW lives.


1. Is there anywhere else a family can experience SW?
2. Again, is there anything shot "In Park" in there that was an exaggeration or lie?
3. Is it really that confusing? Especially if you are telling me that the majority of the public is soo well aware (via front page news and mainstream outlets) of the IP presence in the parks.

I'm really just having a hard time seeing how this marketing is like having a snake in your boot. What did you want them to do...nothing?

Its not cheap and desperate. Especially compared to other advertising of kids flying through breakfast cereal or getting super powers by drinking a juice box.


Well-Known Member
No, Some of us are complaining because Disney is creating a false narrative that 'The Home of Star Wars' is ALREADY ready to receive guests. Disney is running ads now 'The Home Of Star Wars' - The naive visitors who have NOT done extensive research is going to be seriously disappointed and subsequently angry when they find that DHS has LESS SW than it did a year ago (SWW cut, Yes it was weekends only during May/June) but there were roaming characters, The 501'st trooping and SW personalitites along with a lot of random SW experiences.

Now we have ST 2.0, Launch Bay (overpriced underthemed store), M&G and a Fireworks Show with SW music, And 'Seasons of The Force' which consists mainly of banners hanging everywhere.

How are "naive visitors" going to know there is "LESS SW" than there was a year ago? By definition if they were there last year then they will know what they are getting into. A truly naive visitor will only see what is there now and take it for what it is and not obcess over and compare it to what was there last year.


Well-Known Member
yea, I am disagreeing vehemently, because i'm finding strange that you feel this 30 second spot is the root of everything wrong with the current state of the IP in the parks?

Given the fact that your hyperbole is so out of control (I never said anything about the "root of everything wrong" - my goodness!) I'll just nod and smile, LOL. I made a simple statement that you are blowing so far out of proportion, and are getting so emotional about, that it's really not productive to continue.

I stand by my statement that it's premature for Disney to hype up Star Wars content at WDW. I'd almost give Disneyland a pass because that light-speed version of Space Mountain is so sweet, and they have actually made an effort, but the recycled content at WDW along with a new, poorly received walk-through that is largely empty (I mean come on, they had to fill a room with Disney Infinity console games? LOL) is really pathetic for them to already be crowing about.

You are free to disagree.


Well-Known Member
Oh man! They're getting Ford to host this?! Crap. I can't stand Harrison Ford. He's a great actor, but a bitter and ungrateful old fart too.

Well, yes, I will be watching this TV special as my family will really want to, but at least I can record it and skip to the good stuff.


Well-Known Member
This is going to be a 2 hour special on Disneyland's 60th anniversary, including a little history of the park in general and a tour of Walt Disney's apartment over the Main Street Firehouse. Star Wars announcement or not, I'll be watching.

No kidding. Plus it will have Elton John singing Circle Of Life on his red piano in front of the Castle, the fabulous Los Angeles Philharmonic performing Fantasia, and a gaggle of pretty young things than no one over 30 has ever heard of but who will be doing what pretty young things do at Disneyland when national TV cameras turn on.

Plus a behind-the-scenes look at how they pull off World of Color and Paint The Night.

And then... Han Solo himself, Harrison Ford, will appear on the show to reveal what Star Wars Land will look like when it opens at Disneyland (and presumably DHS)?!?

Yeah, for the first time in years I am making a date with my TV to sit and watch this show. I can't risk just DVR'ing it, I will need to watch it live.
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Well-Known Member
But I believe a network TV special (even one that's showing instead of some show that possibly even isn't worth watching) should be showing Complete Attractions Ready To Open, not blue sky stuff. Again, this is about the stock price.

In April, 1965 Walt Disney went on national TV, in color, and showed the audience plans for his upcoming Haunted Mansion attraction. The Haunted Mansion had no plans to open in 1965 or 1966, and in fact didn't open until August, 1969 over four years after this show aired.

Walt couldn't even remember what the thing was going to be called. "Haunted Mansion and Supernatural" doesn't really have a ring to it. Perhaps the prop man on the set shouldn't have given Walt that glass of bourbon he asked for before the cameras began rolling. :cool:

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