FastPass+ Most Certainly Not Coming Back As It Was

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Waters Back Side

Well-Known Member
Now it doesbt but as I understand this new system there will be call it ‘priority standby’ paid and regular standby which will be ‘free’ but unavailable if priority standby line too long

If this is announced as rumored, standby pass is completely free. It costs nothing.

The FP replacement as I understood it was the lightning pass (which allows front of line or close to front of line access at a certain time and Lightning pass + which of purchased allowed immediate access on to a ride.

Standby pass, not that i am hoping this becomes confirmed., would be the only free option.
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Waters Back Side

Well-Known Member
For me a standby system no matter the reason or intentions potentially raises the amount of walking two fold. That's just what I want to do dragging kids around or going with an elderly person. Walk all the way to the attraction, get a time, walk away, then walk all the way back.

The only thing standby system ie come back is good for is a couple or smaller younger parties(but not kids) that can move fast and are allowed to go on other rides in between the standby. For any larger groups, kids or elderly, forget it, just more walking just the same waiting, but waiting somewhere else.

I myself was under the impression that standby pass once activated, can be selected anywhere in the park. Meaning if Space Mountains stand by line was closed and standby pass was activated, you can get a standby pass anywhere in the park. So it would not involve more walking back and forth. You simply get a standby pass and wait on other normal stand by lines or do other things until you walk to Space Mountain when it's your time to wait. But it shouldnt involve walking to space Mountain, then getting a standby pass for it, leaving to go elsewhere and then walking back later

If I'm wrong here, then I also misunderstood.


Well-Known Member
Anyone want to register official predictions, for bragging rights if they come true later? Something like a fill-in-the-blank for:

Date an announcement is made:

What form the new FP system takes:

How the new system fares over the next year:

How the new system fares over the next three years:

Or feel free to change it if you want to be more specific or add a prediction.

Mine are:

Date an announcement is made: A tough call between this Friday and next Friday, but I'm going to go with next Friday. I'm going to make a bonus prediction and say they come from Chapek who is wearing pastels at the time to look like a 'softer' personality.

What form the new FP system takes:
I think it will basically be what was outlined on the TouringPlans website, with the addition of 3 free 'wishes' (daily) to soften the blow. The 'wishes' will not be 3 free FastPasses but will either be FastPass credits that can be used towards purchasing a FastPass, or, alternately, include 1-2 free FastPasses and the other wish/es will be a free snack in the parks or some such thing.

How the new system fares over the next year:
This is a bold prediction and I may eat these words, but I'm going bold here! I say it's gone after 9 months to 2 years tops. I know people say there is never a straw that breaks people's backs when it comes to Disney, but I am saying I think they're wrong. This (helped along by inflation, which will be steadily rising during this time) is the 'straw'. That and maybe shareholders... I think the ironic thing is that the aim of this program is probably to reduce attendance somewhat for smaller, higher paying crowds, but if attendance actually dips even in single digits, I see shareholders freaking out.


Park History nut
Premium Member
I myself was under the impression that standby pass once activated, can be selected anywhere in the park. Meaning if Space Mountains stand by line was closed and standby pass was activated, you can get a standby pass anywhere in the park. So it would not involve more walking back and forth. You simply get a standby pass and wait on other normal stand by lines or do other things until you walk to Space Mountain when it's your time to wait. But it shouldnt involve walking to space Mountain, then getting a standby pass for it, leaving to go elsewhere and then walking back later

If I'm wrong here, then I also misunderstood.
Correct. Crush at WDSP is currently under standby pass. Press this button on the app and assuming you have tickets linked to the app, voila. No walking needed.



Well-Known Member
There were plans already in the works before the pandemic to start charging for FastPass and extra Fastpasses. The fact that things have run relatively well at Disney without FP may have delayed this plan from returning anytime soon. However, I can say that Universal screwed things up royally during the pandemic by overselling its Express passes and jamming up the park and shutting down rides for regular park goers. Quick cash grab screwed lots of passholders. That's why I didn't renew.


Well-Known Member
Anyone want to register official predictions, for bragging rights if they come true later? Something like a fill-in-the-blank for:

Date an announcement is made:

What form the new FP system takes:

How the new system fares over the next year:

How the new system fares over the next three years:

Or feel free to change it if you want to be more specific or add a prediction.
Date an announcement is made: Already made mine (8/2) and it did not pan out. :(

What form the new FP system takes: A hybrid of paid and free.

How the new system fares over the next year: It will be a great money maker for WDW over the busy times of the year and not so much over the slow.

How the new system fares over the next three years: See #3.

Waters Back Side

Well-Known Member
Date an announcement is made: 8/25. For no reason at all other then just a guess.

What form the new FP system takes: 1 free headliner and 1 non headliner for resort guests, paid and costly otherwise. Perhaps tiered for resort guests...3, 2,1. The free offers can be optionally booked in advance as well.

How the new system fares over the next year: . Profitable for Disney, but a lot of problems with the system and a lot of kinks along the way that they will have to iron out. Long lines will still exist and cause more debate.

How the new system fares over the next three years: it will grow on a lot of Disney regulars over that time, and others will dislike it. My guess is it completely takes over as a standalone app and system and MDE sooner then later is discontinued.
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Well-Known Member
The difference between APs and this is that Disney and Passholders were basically in alignment. Passholders wanted to pay to be in the park a lot, Disney wants them to pay and be in the park a lot. Just not large numbers of them showing up on the busiest days. But many Passholders don’t want to be there on those days either.

With this, I think guest desires and Disney’s desires are diametrically opposed. Guests want to ride their favorites, multiple times, at the perfect time, without waits. Disney wants guests to only ride things once, no-rerides so that more individual guests can ride. Disney wants to distribute guests to areas and times that are underutilized. Guests don’t want to be redistributed to something they don’t like or times that are inconvenient.

There are a lot more friction points. And the underlying problem, if your park has 40,000 visitors a day, and 25,000 would consider not being able to ride the premier attraction that day as a disaster, but your premier attraction only can seat 15,000...

Anyway predictions... this Friday or next Friday announcement for new bookings available starting September 1st. 30 days in advance of the 50th events.

Similar to Paris and Shanghai, but with higher price points and more attractions subject to standby queues. Mostly “day of” but people can buy early access. Resort Guests will get a good discount discount on the early access fee. And only minimally or not at all for the cost of the line skips.

Maybe one free wish, but from a limited list, not RoTR, SDMT, FOP, Ratatouille (originally). Disney can’t have everyone picking the same thing. Maybe a lottery, where you give 3 options and you get 1. And it’s unwrapped like a present on the app.

Times for shows will be free, reservable.

Disney will not have a good read on where the demand / pressure points in the system are. Or how many people will participate at certain price points. But we all will think they should have been completely obvious. Disney will have too much faith that X will happen, and completely miss that guests will do Y instead. Despite being caught flat-footed in some way Disney will declare it a complete success.


Well-Known Member
Date an announcement is made: August 18, 2021...I figured I needed to get this prediction in right quick...

What form the new FP system takes: Paid FP only, possibly with some free FPs during a transition period. Definitely not permanent free FPs with hotel stays, for example. Some paid FPs in the form of microtransactions (i.e., "Want to skip the line for Peter Pan right now?") but most bought as part of a package (one good FP and two not-so-good ones).

How the new system fares over the next year: Successful from a financial standpoint. Many fans dislike it but are shouted down because "DiSneY iS A BiZZneSs!"

How the new system fares over the next three years: Same as above. Generates substantial revenues and is viewed as successful at WDC HQ. Most guests don't like it, but many gladly pay for it, thus feeding the beast. Online debates center on whether it has made lines worse or better. Capacity remains the real issue.


Well-Known Member
Date an announcement is made: August 18, 2021...I figured I needed to get this prediction in right quick...

What form the new FP system takes: Paid FP only, possibly with some free FPs during a transition period. Definitely not permanent free FPs with hotel stays, for example. Some paid FPs in the form of microtransactions (i.e., "Want to skip the line for Peter Pan right now?") but most bought as part of a package (one good FP and two not-so-good ones).

How the new system fares over the next year: Successful from a financial standpoint. Many fans dislike it but are shouted down because "DiSneY iS A BiZZneSs!"

How the new system fares over the next three years: Same as above. Generates substantial revenues and is viewed as successful at WDC HQ. Most guests don't like it, but many gladly pay for it, thus feeding the beast. Online debates center on whether it has made lines worse or better. Capacity remains the real issue.
I’d say this is the most accurate one yet.


Active Member
Date an announcement is made: Aug 18-20

What form the new FP system takes: fully integrated into Genie with 3 free wishes per day, which can be a mix of FP+, character meet and greets, preferred viewing for shows/fireworks etc... The option to pay for additional wishes. I do suspect however there may be a random element to the wishes you get (so the powers that be can better disperse crowds)... so you can wish for a FP+ from a certain type of rides (coasters for example), you can wish for a princess character meet and greet (and you'll get a random princess) etc...

How the new system fares over the next year: . I second a lot of problems with the system and a lot of kinks along the way that they will have to iron out. Long lines will still exist and cause more debate.

How the new system fares over the next three years: won't matter how it fares - it will stay because Disney has invested a bunch of money into it.


Well-Known Member
Date an announcement is made: Aug 18-20

What form the new FP system takes: fully integrated into Genie with 3 free wishes per day, which can be a mix of FP+, character meet and greets, preferred viewing for shows/fireworks etc... The option to pay for additional wishes. I do suspect however there may be a random element to the wishes you get (so the powers that be can better disperse crowds)... so you can wish for a FP+ from a certain type of rides (coasters for example), you can wish for a princess character meet and greet (and you'll get a random princess) etc...

How the new system fares over the next year: . I second a lot of problems with the system and a lot of kinks along the way that they will have to iron out. Long lines will still exist and cause more debate.

How the new system fares over the next three years: won't matter how it fares - it will stay because Disney has invested a bunch of money into it.

If this is true then that will be the only thing I use Genie for on our trips.


Well-Known Member
Date an announcement is made: Aug 18-20

What form the new FP system takes: fully integrated into Genie with 3 free wishes per day, which can be a mix of FP+, character meet and greets, preferred viewing for shows/fireworks etc... The option to pay for additional wishes. I do suspect however there may be a random element to the wishes you get (so the powers that be can better disperse crowds)... so you can wish for a FP+ from a certain type of rides (coasters for example), you can wish for a princess character meet and greet (and you'll get a random princess) etc...

How the new system fares over the next year: . I second a lot of problems with the system and a lot of kinks along the way that they will have to iron out. Long lines will still exist and cause more debate.

How the new system fares over the next three years: won't matter how it fares - it will stay because Disney has invested a bunch of money into it.

This sounds like how they want it to work, just not sure how effective it will be, but if they pull it off it theoretically could make visiting the parks more pleasant - with guiding people to things with shorter what's, etc. .... I do think if you want to do all the rides and experiences you want it will often take extra $ to accomplish

So like if you want to do Mine Train, and Space, and Bug Thunder it might find you a Standby Pass for one, and then offer you a paid FP (lighting pass or whatever they call it) for the others.

But if you are more open and just give more open ended goals (thrill rides, or princesses or family attractions) it will be able to work out a fairly effective guide. (With a lot of bugs along the way of course)

Waters Back Side

Well-Known Member
Date an announcement is made: Aug 18-20

What form the new FP system takes: fully integrated into Genie with 3 free wishes per day, which can be a mix of FP+, character meet and greets, preferred viewing for shows/fireworks etc... The option to pay for additional wishes. I do suspect however there may be a random element to the wishes you get (so the powers that be can better disperse crowds)... so you can wish for a FP+ from a certain type of rides (coasters for example), you can wish for a princess character meet and greet (and you'll get a random princess) etc...

How the new system fares over the next year: . I second a lot of problems with the system and a lot of kinks along the way that they will have to iron out. Long lines will still exist and cause more debate.

How the new system fares over the next three years: won't matter how it fares - it will stay because Disney has invested a bunch of money into it.

I think this might be spot on! Caveat being like the old FP system, with the 3 wishes you are limited to one headliner obviously.

I see some scenarios where I might use a wish for a Meet and Greet or eat a couple that could be used for rides to get a good spot for fireworks.

I think guests will pay a ton of money on additional fast passes after the allotted wishes. Completely opposite from those who think they will not offer any free because nobody would buy them for the less desirable attractions. I know for sure if I got the choice to use a wish in Epcot on one of FEA, Soarin or TT, that I would drop a good amount of money to to go on another one of those 3. For a party of 5 like my family I'd pay upwards of $175...comes to 35 a head. People LOOK to spend money at Disney wjen there are options.

That 175 will be gone in 5 minutes if it's a paid only option and I would no longer go to WDW during the busier weeks because if I dont pay to play I'll be standing in long lines the entire trip/day. Just my 2 cents.
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