fastpass.. for it or against it?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I don't see how it would price anyone out of a trip. The ticket price wouldn't change nor would the resort prices. FastPass would simply be an option, not something they were forced to pay for.

I won't get into the sour grapes folks who would complain about deluxe guests having a free FastPass. That discussion always turns into bashfest here.
Fast pass as an option only works on paper. In reality if one segment of park goers has access to fast pass it will be at the expense of those that don't thereby making it a necessity. Right now the options that Disney has on their tickets (Park hoping and water parks) are truly options. Neither are a necessity to enjoy the parks. Fastpass on the other hand is a necessity if it is available. If I suddenly need to spend an extra $125 for my family to enjoy a day trip to WDW I won't be going. Either have it for everyone or don't have it at all.


Well-Known Member
...Fastpass on the other hand is a necessity if it is available....

Eh, the parks operated for a long time without it. And I would love to see the numbers, which I'm sure they have, on the ratio of guests who actually use the FastPass system.

In my limited personal experience most of the people I talk to have no idea what it is. In my opinion Disney should plus it, promote it and profit from it.

I love the Disney magic, but a business doesn't run on dreams.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Eh, the parks operated for a long time without it. And I would love to see the numbers, which I'm sure they have, on the ratio of guests who actually use the FastPass system.

In my limited personal experience most of the people I talk to have no idea what it is. In my opinion Disney should plus it, promote it and profit from it.

I love the Disney magic, but a business doesn't run on dreams.
I have been both before and after fast pass and I prefer with it. I remember the days when you were absolutely thrilled that the line for Space Mountain was only an hour and I do not want to go back to those days. I have also been to US on a day trip without the fast pass and I will never do that again. If late passes were rejected the current system would border of flawless. If a guest does not know about fast pass than IMHO that is there problem.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Ive staid on site at Uni every year since 2003, and dont recall it ever not being available and free, though yes it was originally a card system like FP, though that was when everyone could use it.


Well-Known Member
If a guest can't afford a FastPass then in my opinion, that is their problem.
Interesting stance.

I think, from a corporate stand point and from someone who worked with FP when is first started on Safari, that having it as a pay option is a short term revenue with potentially negative long term consquences.

Disney wants all your money but they also want you to come back so they can get all your money again.

Let's say that FP is now a $100 per family option and the average family spends $2000 on a vacation.

Family A gets the option and has a great time and plan to come back the next year. Disney will get $4200 over the next two years from this family. Family B does not get the option to save money and spends $2000 but decides that Disney is not worth the hassle. Disney gets $2000 from them over the next two years.

If there is no FP option and it is free for everyone then Disney stands to have two families returning for a total income of $8000 as opposed to the initial return of $100 from Family A.

Just the way I see their reasoning with absolutely no facts. :lol:


New Member
Eh, the parks operated for a long time without it. And I would love to see the numbers, which I'm sure they have, on the ratio of guests who actually use the FastPass system.

In my limited personal experience most of the people I talk to have no idea what it is. In my opinion Disney should plus it, promote it and profit from it.

I love the Disney magic, but a business doesn't run on dreams.

They opperated for a long time without it but it took way longer to do each part, I remeber waiting 70 min for Small World and the rest of FL. Realisticaly you couldn't do one park in one day before FP, it would take at least 2 days to do each park.


Active Member
We love fast pass. We dont arrive at the opening bell, and still benefit from it. I remember long lines prior to fast pass being instituted, i don't think you can blame long lines on the fast pass system. I would bet that many of the people that complain about FP, still use it and don't go to the stand by line on principle.


Well-Known Member
I really don't think people will stop going to WDW if FastPass becomes a pay option.

It's simply not that big an issue with the average guest.


Well-Known Member
They opperated for a long time without it but it took way longer to do each part, I remeber waiting 70 min for Small World and the rest of FL. Realisticaly you couldn't do one park in one day before FP, it would take at least 2 days to do each park.

Well there are two ways to look at that as well. If you're on a ride you're not spending money.

Scenario A- The faster people get on and off a ride, the more time they have to spend money on shopping and dining.

Scenario B- The less rides people go on, the more time they have to spend money on shopping and dining.

My proposal is to keep the FastPass system in place, get people on and off rides as quickly as possible, and generate revenue from the system itself.

I wouldn't even object to a 5%-10% increase in deluxe rates to offset costs for the free FastPass perk.


Well-Known Member
The phase 4 closings happened for a bit in April, you went in February. It's a slow month besides President's Day weekend and so there wern't that many people there.

Ok, maybe I am not saying things clearly, or correctly. Just forget for a moment that I went in February, and consider this. Below is a picture from the news section of this site from April 8th, which experienced a phase 2 closure (I looked for a waiting time list for the previous day's phase 4 but couldn't find it). Consider the longest wait listed is 90 minutes (Pans Flight).

Now from my experience 15 years ago, wait times of 120 minutes+ were normal, and phase closings were not (from my understanding).

Is it due to FastPass that today we have shorter wait times with larger crowds, or something else? Keeping in mind that no additional big rides have been added since then in the MK, how is it that today line waits seem more controlled than before?



New Member
Just returned from a 7 day trip. :cry: I think that they need to revamp FP, when all the tickets sell out by 11am, there is a problem. Especially when the park is open until 10PM. And alot of people with FP are already gone. One example on Wed afternoon the single rider line was 45 min, the FP line was almost to innoventions, and the stand by line was 120 min with nobody on it. I think that they should ration the FP so you cannot get a FP for more than 2-3 from the current time, so there are FPs available for most of the day.
I also would make FP only available to resort guests and Annual Passholders.


Well-Known Member
hey all!.. first time poster, big time disney fan. Im 20 years old and ive been going with my family twice a year since i was born "sometimes 3 times".. and something that has really bothered me over the past few years is fastpass.. i assume that alot of the people on this board are not first time disney goers, and arent waiting at the gates for the parks to open in the morning. I know my family isnt. We usually go at around 8 because weve been there and done that before. BTW u enjoy the parks much better this way :) Anyways!, something that i think is unfair is how fastpass can sell out wayyy earlier in the day than when i would get there at 8pm.. its not fair how u can get a 11pm fastpass during the day and me and other people are stuck for a 80 min wait while you cut the ENTIRE line and we have to wait longer.. Things like 120 minute waits were never seen before fastpass. Thats because while u wait for a bunch of people to go derectly to the loading area your standing there for longer.. i feel that a 80 min wait would be a 40 minute wait which is, cmon people NOT SO BAD.. my family is a season pass holder and im shelling out extra dough to wait the extreme times? not right.. maybe season pass holders should get some kind of fastpass deal?.. what your opinion on the subject? for it or against it?.. well thanks for reading my little rant here, i look forward to contributing on the forums!
Not sure exactly how much you pay for your ticket which makes you think that you should have extra privilages? I don't know if you know how much we pay for tickets in the UK in comparison and I am not 100% sure either but all I know is I am paying £240 for a 2 week pass, which with the current exchange rate is $350(and the pound is very weak at the moment, last year this would be closer to $500). Regardless of what tickets people buy everyone should get the same, its just fairer that way. And with regards to fastpass it's great, it enables us to get on all the rides we want regardless of crowds the majority of the time, we spend less time waiting in line and have more time to relax. If you get there at 8pm you cant expect to get fastpasses, fastpasses should not be restricted so that people can wander in at 8pm and do whatever they like. If you want a fastpass get there soon after opening its as simple as that.


New Member
Fastpass is definitely good for the people who are disney park experts.(You know who you are). I mean come on, I always think what I want to accomplish at one park for one whole day, and fastpass lets you do everything in the park in one day!

I dont think you want to take this wonderful idea away from people like us because we benefit from this a lot!:)


Well-Known Member
I love FP and since I only go once every couple of years it ensures I get to do everything I want. I does require some insider knowledge and planning, which aids people who do their research. People who know what their doing know the second they get to each park set a bee line to get FPs for Soarin or SM or TSM. then plan your day around the time your next FP is available. I love the whole planning aspect but that just me.


Just there last week and saw 50 min waits on Peter and Jungle Cruise. We didn't wait those waits of course, because we rode them 3 or 4 times each with no wait due to going at the right times or using fast pass. Fast Pass is awesome! I cannot believe how many people still think you're "cutting" the line when you go in the FP line... :veryconfu


New Member
Wow ... There's nothing like being rude to a new poster who came in and *gasp* had the nerve to speak about his (her?) opinion.

What is wrong with you people? *EVERYONE* is entitled to their opinion, whether you agree with it or not.

I've noticed the some regular posters who shall remain nameless, wait for someone to say something they disagree with - then they POUNCE!

Evidently, it's part of a game they like to play. When I expressed an opinion on one thread, a poster couldn't come up with anything more original than making fun of my name. :p:p:p

Oh, and I agree with you on the FastPass issue.

Uh, oh! I just noticed that this is an older thread - I'll get flamed by the regulars for being late to the party and adding my 2 cents.

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