fastpass.. for it or against it?


God bless the "Ignore" button.
Yup, 'cause that's gonna make them use both load areas for stand by guests and Fastpass guests at BTMRR right? Some attractions that have Fastpass are very poorly organized and Single Rider lines are far more efficient and practical anyway. TT single rider is a walk on while stand by and Faspass guts actually have to wait to board.

Continuously loading, theater and higher capacity attractions should not have Fastpass at all. HM thankfully does not anymore, but if TDL can run Jungle Cruise with 40 minute waits when attractions like Pooh's Hunny Hunt and Monsters Inc actually have 3 and 4 hour waits, there's no excuse for why MK's JC should have 35 min waits when the park is not busy and Splash has a 20 min wait. JC's Fastpass line is quite slow actually and you can easily wait just as long for it as the stand-by line.

I've seen only a few attractions at WDW that actually handle Fastpass well without completely screwing up the ride's capacity in general.
In order to steer away from the general negativity of this thread, I will ignore the issues on which we disagree and say this: You are so right about the Single Rider lines. Those things are the best! I rarely wait more than 5-10 minutes in those lines!


Well-Known Member
We love Fast Pass.

We visit annually during, usually, a very busy season due to kids schedules. Before FastPass we tied ourselves in lines for a VERY LONG TIME, despite planning. Now, working the system, we build FastPass in and really enjoy our day much more.

I HAVE waited 60-90 minutes on Splash and Space. I once waited 60 minutes for Malstrom. All before FastPass. For us it has been a real blessing.

The real down side is if you are a first time visitor on a busy day and don't understand how to work the system, you will have a miserable time in lines...much more so than before FastPass. So the system really rewards the more knowledgable visitor. I don't know if that is good or bad for the general public, but it is very good for ME. It allows me a virtual guarantee to be able to see 3-4 E-tickets in any park with minimal waiting on a fairly busy day. I don't mind waits on the other stuff, but as much as I love Space Mountain I will never wait 90 minutes for it or any other attraction in my life again. At 50years young I have better things to do with my time.

Until of course the next sooooper cool E-ticket opens and I can't skip it. But since Disney is apparently on a "E-Ticket Strike" these days I may be too old when they finally decide to build another one anyway.

Long way of saying that for us....FastPass Rocks.


Active Member
My opinion

The Fastpass seems to be one of the better ideas that Disney has come up with over the past few years.
Having been to both Disneyland and Disney World quite a few times during peak seasons, I have to say the Fastpass is a big help for easing line congestion.
The point of single rider lines is well taken. People can actually get on a ride much faster as a single rider than they normally can with a fastpass. It's a cheat tactic but it works.
When you argue the fastpass, ask yourself this question; would you rather stand in line in hot, humid weather and miss other rides, parades, and other events waiting for one ride, or would you rather have a fastpass and go on the ride in about a quarter of the time?
Personally, I would rather have a fastpass.
Before I forget, the other thing you can do is go to the park early (as in right as it opens) or stay until they close. If you do that, you can catch the good rides with almost no wait times.
When I was there about 8 months ago, my daughter and I managed to ride Splash Mountain 3 times in a row with about a 5 minute wait in between. This was within the last 45 minutes of the park being open.


Well-Known Member
The one and only thing wrong with the FP system is that it shouldn't be offered at omnimover attractions.

Spot on. I think Buzz is the worst for this.

On another FP related note, in Epcot i once overheard a family who were leaving because they had done every attraction that had FP, and refused to do anything without it!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Wow ... There's nothing like being rude to a new poster who came in and *gasp* had the nerve to speak about his (her?) opinion.

What is wrong with you people? *EVERYONE* is entitled to their opinion, whether you agree with it or not.

I happen to be a local, and frequently don't get the parks until the later afternoon. We work, and have kids in school. Which means on days when we do choose to head out, we have only a couple of hours max to do attractions. I'm sure you out-of-towners are jealous of that, but if you don't like it, move here like I did. Problem solved.

Perhaps you aren't considering the fact that the OP probably has a job to go to, which means 8pm may be the earliest feasible time to hit the parks. When the lines are long, it means you just don't have time to ride things if you go, especially if FPs are all gone.

I personally think FP is a waste, and if you don't like my opinion, oh well - I'm still as entitled as you are to share it.

Good for you, however Id hazard a guess that given the OPs moniker and nature of the initial post that he was fishing. As a result the majority of the original replies were formed to respond in the appropriate manner.

But I feel your pain.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I'll chip in...

Comparing pre-FP lines with current ones is misleading, crowds were generally smaller then too.

The people who get FPs aren't saving themselves a wait, they're saving themselves a wait in line in front of you. If they want to ride and there are no FPs, then they get in line ahead of you and since most rides load a specific number of guests per hour, you'll still wait roughly as long. Obviously there will be people who choose not to ride, so the wait might be somewhat shorter, but not by much.

A Disney vacation isn't like other vacations, to get the most out of it you have to plan ahead and know how things work there. I'm always sorry for first-timers who didn't do any research before going and, while they might have a fun time, they don't get as much out of their vacation as they could have. Knowing about FPs, ADRs, EMH, where the parks are and how they're laid out, where the different rides are, what the differences are between Counter Service and Table Service are and how the various Dining Plans work are all bits of information people should know as much about as possible before going to get the most out of their vacations.

It isn't going to work perfectly for each individual... If you park hop, read the time range of FPs being issued before getting them, if they're for a time you'll be in another park, don't bother. If you don't want to arrive at or before the park opens, plan which rides you want to try to get FPs at and check which have still got FPs available. Work around what your plan is and you can still enjoy the park.

The overall system is geared to benefit the guest who arrives early and stays all day in the park, which is as far as I can tell the vast majority of guests.

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
We only began using the Fast Pass in the last few years and then, we tend to only use it on: Test Track, Buzz Lightyear, Space Mountain and Toy Story Mania. We also believe in getting to the parks everyday at opening. We do not return to our room anytime during the day unless we are finished for the day. :) Whatever works for you...go for it!


New Member
Honestly, I can deal with FP almost everywhere else, but they really need to remove it from pan... for the low of god, why do they leave it on pan?!! it didn't need it before FP... Now that it has FP, you need a FP for the FP line!

Really, dump it... It didn't work on Mansion, and it doesn't work on Pan..

Single Rider doesn't work on all rides.. we had someone just the other day trying to squeeze into our row on Snow white.. first off, there wasn't space.. Secondly, certain rides are set up to be a 'personal' experience..... Pooh, Snow White, Pan, etc.... how un-comfortable would it be to ride in the same car with a stranger on TTA?

For the record, it doesn't bother me if someone takes an empty row on one of these 'personal' rides.. but, to squeeze in on 'my' row is not acceptable...

sorry if I'm in the minority.. just ranting a bit here..

People are just dumb.


New Member
Can someone please exlpain to me what genius in Disney managment decided to put FP in Buzz. All it does in Buzz is cause a huge line. It is an omnimover attraction which is constantly moving. If you took away FP from Buzz it would cut the wait time down more than half.


Well-Known Member
i am 100% FOR the fastpass.
i'm from PA and a college student so i don't get to go to disney world very often. i've only been there 5 times throughout my life.
when i go...i have to make the greatest effort to fit EVERYTHING in. that requires some help from fastpass when it comes to waiting in line.

grabbing a fastpass and heading to another attraction is the only way that some of us less fortunate ones who don't get to go once a year and/or more can experience as much as possible

if you think its not fair to stroll in around 8pm and they be out of fastpasses then you should wake up early and get to the parks to get them like the rest of us. i dont have the leisure of spending time just lounging by the pool because i dont know when my next disney trip might be and i've gotta make the most of it. and without fastpasses that is not possible

ALSO (excessive ranting) buzz lightyear rarely has a grossly large wait time so who cares if they have a fastpass? and toy story mania always has a wait time exceeding 90+ minutes. how else to cut time than fastpass?

but i agree than any "show" should not have a fastpass. that is just dumb.


New Member
i am 100% FOR the fastpass.
i'm from PA and a college student so i don't get to go to disney world very often. i've only been there 5 times throughout my life.
when i go...i have to make the greatest effort to fit EVERYTHING in. that requires some help from fastpass when it comes to waiting in line.

grabbing a fastpass and heading to another attraction is the only way that some of us less fortunate ones who don't get to go once a year and/or more can experience as much as possible

if you think its not fair to stroll in around 8pm and they be out of fastpasses then you should wake up early and get to the parks to get them like the rest of us. i dont have the leisure of spending time just lounging by the pool because i dont know when my next disney trip might be and i've gotta make the most of it. and without fastpasses that is not possible

ALSO (excessive ranting) buzz lightyear rarely has a grossly large wait time so who cares if they have a fastpass? and toy story mania always has a wait time exceeding 90+ minutes. how else to cut time than fastpass?

but i agree than any "show" should not have a fastpass. that is just dumb.

Everytime I am there Buzz has atleast a 60 minute wait and it is because of FP. Dont get me wrong I love FP just not on Omnimover atrractions. Take away FP from Buzz and that 60 min wait is easily reduced to 20.

As for TSM it is not an Omnimover and I belive that it does need FP.


Well-Known Member
i retract my statement then because when i was there in march buzz didn't have above a 10 minute wait the entire time we were there.
but it wasn't a busy season so that must be the reason.

TSMM definitely needs a FP
but removing one from Buzz doesn't matter to me so if the people vote against it then i stand with the masses. DOWN WITH BUZZ FP! :lol:


New Member
i retract my statement then because when i was there in march buzz didn't have above a 10 minute wait the entire time we were there.
but it wasn't a busy season so that must be the reason.

TSMM definitely needs a FP
but removing one from Buzz doesn't matter to me so if the people vote against it then i stand with the masses. DOWN WITH BUZZ FP! :lol:

Yea TSM needs it and I always go during peak season :brick:. HM used to have FP but they stoped it.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Everytime I am there Buzz has atleast a 60 minute wait and it is because of FP. Dont get me wrong I love FP just not on Omnimover atrractions. Take away FP from Buzz and that 60 min wait is easily reduced to 20.

As for TSM it is not an Omnimover and I belive that it does need FP.
Did you ever think that that 60 minute wait is due to the number of people riding it? Buzz is an attraction like ToT, TSM, and KS in that people head there the second the park opens. If an attraction can handle 1000 guests an hour and 2000 people show up at park opening to ride it you instantly have a 60 minute wait. Sure FP will increase the stand by wait especially toward the end of the day but a 300% increase is simply wild speculation on your part and has no basis in fact whatsoever. FP is needed on an attraction like Buzz for one simple reason. It is a popular attraction. Most people have a Mendoza line as to how long they will wait for an attraction. Once that line is crossed they will bypass the attraction and have a negative experience. FP helps to eliminate this by offering a guest another option.

Indy needs FP because the show regularly fills to capacity during peak season.


New Member
Did you ever think that that 60 minute wait is due to the number of people riding it? Buzz is an attraction like ToT, TSM, and KS in that people head there the second the park opens. If an attraction can handle 1000 guests an hour and 2000 people show up at park opening to ride it you instantly have a 60 minute wait. Sure FP will increase the stand by wait especially toward the end of the day but a 300% increase is simply wild speculation on your part and has no basis in fact whatsoever. FP is needed on an attraction like Buzz for one simple reason. It is a popular attraction. Most people have a Mendoza line as to how long they will wait for an attraction. Once that line is crossed they will bypass the attraction and have a negative experience. FP helps to eliminate this by offering a guest another option.

Indy needs FP because the show regularly fills to capacity during peak season.

I belive it is FP that causes back up of the lines at Buzz. I counted once and they let 100 people (give or take a few) from the FP line go through before the stand by line moved, they might have let 25 people from the stand buy line through and switched back to the FP. Yes I actually did count the people that went buy.


New Member
Also if it works so well in Buzz why is Buzz SRS the only omnimover attration that still offers FP. Why not bring it back to HM, or bring it to The Living Seas, or SSE?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I belive it is FP that causes back up of the lines at Buzz. I counted once and they let 100 people (give or take a few) from the FP line go through before the stand by line moved, they might have let 25 people from the stand buy line through and switched back to the FP. Yes I actually did count the people that went buy.
And what time of the day was it? I'll bet it was later in the day. If it was this is not the fault of FB but the fault of the rules not being enforced as designed. The system works just fine when guests return within the 1 hour window but when Disney's lax enforcement of this became public knowledge and you started seeing hordes of people using expired fast passes the later day standby times began to inflate.

Also if it works so well in Buzz why is Buzz SRS the only omnimover attration that still offers FP. Why not bring it back to HM, or bring it to The Living Seas, or SSE?
Because Buzz it the most popular Omnimover. Also, if I am not mistaken, Nemo and HM have greater guest per hour capacities.


Well-Known Member
Anyways!, something that i think is unfair is how fastpass can sell out wayyy earlier in the day than when i would get there at 8pm.

I somewhat agree. Personally I think they should have phased availability...maybe only go as far as three hours ahead...and reopen based on the length of the wait. Make people work for it!

its not fair how u can get a 11pm fastpass during the day and me and other people are stuck for a 80 min wait while you cut the ENTIRE line and we have to wait longer..

Technically, the people with FPs have waited longer than you did...the only difference is they were able to do other things while waiting. If I get a Toy Story Mania FP at 10:00am in the morning, the odds are my return time is going to be after 5pm. If you arrive at the standby line and wait 90 minutes, that's still less than the 7 hours I had to wait.

Things like 120 minute waits were never seen before fastpass. Thats because while u wait for a bunch of people to go derectly to the loading area your standing there for longer.. i feel that a 80 min wait would be a 40 minute wait which is, cmon people NOT SO BAD.. my family is a season pass holder and im shelling out extra dough to wait the extreme times? not right.. maybe season pass holders should get some kind of fastpass deal?.. what your opinion on the subject? for it or against it?.. well thanks for reading my little rant here, i look forward to contributing on the forums!

I don't understand...FPs are free. You aren't paying for anything except admission.


I love Fastpass! No system is perfect, but it doesn't bother me to rush to Soarin' at the beginning of the day, get my Fastpass and then enjoy the rest of the day. If I can avoid waiting in any line for more than 30 minutes then I think it works great. What the Fastpass does it "reward" those people who plan accordingly, as someone who (unfortunately) goes about every two years I like the idea of knowing that I will be able to see and do more things because of the Fastpass system.:)


Well-Known Member
First time users may be slightly dissapointed as it may not be quite as magical as advertised, but I would say that I am definitely for it.

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