Fastpass+, a solution to "overwhelmingly negative" responses from families


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One thing I would like to see is lockers that function as charging stations near certain attractions. They missed an opportunity to do this at Kali.


Well-Known Member
Universal 100% blows away WDW when it comes to having a relaxing vacation.

For 30-40% less than one of Disney's Deluxe Resorts, stay onsite at one of Universal's 3 lovely deluxe hotels. Sleep in, completely tour a park in the late morning & afternoon, return for a late afternoon dip & nap, and then head out for some evening excitement, all without leaving the grounds. Try doing that while staying at a Disney Resort and expect to stand in line for at least 2 hours at Soarin', Test Track, TSM, etc. That's the beauty of Universal's (nearly) unlimited fast pass system. It completely changes the way your approach your vacation. You actually treat your vacation like a vacation!

I know WDW is substantially larger than Universal, but throughout this discussion I have been wondering why Universal's mostly unlimited fast pass does not cause the same issues that WDW's scheduled FPs do. Is it just due to the amount of people or is some form of that the way to go? It seems to us that we have been waiting in longer FP lines since they started enforcing the times. Previously we would wait until there was either no FP line or a really short and then ride, now we try to go in the middle to avoid the mad dashes at the beginning and ending of the window, but the line still seems longer.


Well-Known Member
I know WDW is substantially larger than Universal, but throughout this discussion I have been wondering why Universal's mostly unlimited fast pass does not cause the same issues that WDW's scheduled FPs do. Is it just due to the amount of people or is some form of that the way to go? It seems to us that we have been waiting in longer FP lines since they started enforcing the times. Previously we would wait until there was either no FP line or a really short and then ride, now we try to go in the middle to avoid the mad dashes at the beginning and ending of the window, but the line still seems longer.
It’s all a numbers game. The 3 Deluxe Resorts at Universal have a combined 2,400 rooms. WDW has over 30,000. Furthermore, the Universal hotels don’t have the same occupancy rates as WDW. Then if you look at the attraction count, Epcot, DHS, and DAK simply don’t have that many attractions. (MK has a ton.) All told, Universal has the ride capacity to offer all of its relatively few onsite guests unlimited FP and still devote the majority of ride capacity to guests in the Standby lines.

At WDW, all guests (onsite or offsite) have access to FP and more than half of ride capacity is devoted to FP (for those attractions with FP). That means there are a lot of people “skipping” to the front of the line at WDW, resulting in long Standby lines.

At Universal, only a few super headliner attractions get longer than 60 minutes most days, and usually only during the peak part of the day. At WDW, certain attractions have 120+ minute waits even on slow days.


Well-Known Member
This also assumes that the wait times are even remotely accurate and arent being manipulated by the cast members who hand out the flik cards by holding them an extra 5-10 minutes to artificially inflate the line.

It happens all the time.

I have noticed this especially in the late evenings near park closing. The wait times are almost always inflated.


Well-Known Member
It’s all a numbers game. The 3 Deluxe Resorts at Universal have a combined 2,400 rooms. WDW has over 30,000. Furthermore, the Universal hotels don’t have the same occupancy rates as WDW. Then if you look at the attraction count, Epcot, DHS, and DAK simply don’t have that many attractions. (MK has a ton.) All told, Universal has the ride capacity to offer all of its relatively few onsite guests unlimited FP and still devote the majority of ride capacity to guests in the Standby lines.

At WDW, all guests (onsite or offsite) have access to FP and more than half of ride capacity is devoted to FP (for those attractions with FP). That means there are a lot of people “skipping” to the front of the line at WDW, resulting in long Standby lines.

At Universal, only a few super headliner attractions get longer than 60 minutes most days, and usually only during the peak part of the day. At WDW, certain attractions have 120+ minute waits even on slow days.

Actually, on slow days they very rarely get 2+ hours, even on TSM.


Premium Member
Just another hassle?

If you want to use it.. they've already said there will be non-phone options available to. How easy/difficult they will be to access is unknown at this point.

I mean you can use your phone to make ADR reservations today.. and people aren't complaining about their phone dying because they must use their phone for ADRs. Because people are opt'ing to use the interface that suits them best.

Virtual Toad

Well-Known Member
If you want to use it.. they've already said there will be non-phone options available to. How easy/difficult they will be to access is unknown at this point.

I mean you can use your phone to make ADR reservations today.. and people aren't complaining about their phone dying because they must use their phone for ADRs. Because people are opt'ing to use the interface that suits them best.

True enough... I hope the non-phone option will be simple and easy, because managing a smartphone while managing my vacation *on* a smartphone while making sure I don't lose my reading glasses so I can see what's on the smartphone sure sounds like a lot of work to me. :)


Well-Known Member
I've never had battery trouble with my iPhone in the parks, even when I'm checking the lines app on a fairly regular basis and snapping the occasional pic. But I don't sit around texting and whathaveyou, either. Maybe other people use their phones a lot more in the parks than I do.


Premium Member
True enough... I hope the non-phone option will be simple and easy, because managing a smartphone while managing my vacation *on* a smartphone while making sure I don't lose my reading glasses so I can see what's on the smartphone sure sounds like a lot of work to me. :)

I can say after trying to use the Lines app in DLR on my last trip.. it was not possible for me to use my 4s all day long.. heck.. by mid afternoon it was dying. In theory, if Disney gets the wifi sorted, that should be much better (wifi is less power hungry than 3g/4g).. but I'm not holding my breath at all. I think of it like the airport...
you setup your schedule before you goto the airport.. and you have it memorized, printed, or whatever..
the airport has kiosks around you can use if you need them (maps, status, display boards, etc)
and the airlines have mobile apps you can use too...

People gravitate to what is comfortable for them.

The charging lockers in DLR were interesting.. but far from perfect. not well marked, and a tad confusing on how to renew a charging period. But the concept has potential.. especially if Disney were to offer it as a convenience instead of charging.. but another one I won't hold my breath for :D


Well-Known Member
Oh, my gosh, it's Buried20KLeague!! :D

If you are the right age, you'll remember a game show on MTV called Remote Control. Ken Ober, the show's host, had hung up pics of real cool game show hosts in his "basement." Guys like Bob Barker. If I had a planning center in my garage, I'd hang up a picture of Len Testa. He's my Bob Barker. (I was extremely good at Remote Control. Jeopardy, no. But I ruled at Remote Control.)
Adam Sandler, Collin Quinn, Denis Leary, Kari Wurher -- I used to love that show. Best game show category ever was "Brady Physics"


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Ever heard of 'good things come to those that wait...'?

Never waited for a concert? for tickets?

Someday when you actually create something yourself or work hard at it.. you'll learn to appreciate something for the amount of effort it took to get there or complete it.. not just be fixated on 'that must have been boring..' because it took awhile.

......Good things come to those who wait huh?

The same good things would come to me if I use fastpass... and not have to wait in the first place :)


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Ugh our generation!!! When I went with my friends senoir year of high school, first day they went on all the "cool" rides at DHS while i did muppets, star tours and GMR a bunch of times, but when we went to MK i dragged them onto every AA attraction I could! They hated them... even CBJ and COP, sigh. and American Idol... yikes.... Whats the matter with kids today?

I know. /:

But luckily I'm finding some awesome Disney fans close to my state in the cruises!!

Amazingly they're all red head girls... So I'm definitely all good with that.. >->


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Harry Potter does not have an express pass line.

I like the new fast pass plus because there are only two outcomes to implementing it I see. Either the system collapses(hopeful but not likely) or it is changed to a pay/resort price system. Disney will figure out soon enough that people like me(suckers) will pay for a "premium" experience. How many people will be upset with paying for fast pass either by what resort you are at or by an additional charge.

I meant that dragon challenge ride


Well-Known Member
I don't own a smart phone so I have no apps at all. I didn't own a cell phone till maybe 2 years ago. Ironically I've been using computers since the early 80's and would be considered up the power user scale but I just don't like cell phones for various reasons.

BTW you do know your smart phone is a GPS tracking unit that the government can listen in at will any time they want??? Say the wrong thing as a joke and you'll be on the no fly list in a heart beat and that's the least of the smart phones problems.

Yes, they can track you if they choose to (with a court order), but they won't since there are millions of cell users in the country and they don't have time to worry about you in particular. I can shout to the top of my lungs about a terrorist plot on my cell and the government will not even know about it. They don't/can't listen to every conversation on the planet. Besides it being illegal to do so. Yes, I know the government "does what it wants" but you know as well as I do that they aren't listening in on cell phones.


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